public string GetCategoryUrl(GroupCategoryData groupCategoryInfo, int tabid, String categorylangauge = "")
            // if diabled return a javascript void
            if (groupCategoryInfo.disabled)

            //set a default url
            var url = "";

            // get friendly url if possible
            if (groupCategoryInfo.categoryname != "")
                var tab = CBO.FillObject <DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabInfo>(DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.Instance().GetTab(tabid));
                if (tab != null)
                    var newBaseName = groupCategoryInfo.seoname;
                    newBaseName = Utils.UrlFriendly(newBaseName);
                    var ctrl = Utils.RequestParam(HttpContext.Current, "ctrl");
                    if (ctrl != "")
                        ctrl = "&ctrl=" + ctrl;
                    var language = categorylangauge;
                    if (language == "")
                        language = Utils.GetCurrentCulture();
                    if (StoreSettings.Current.GetBool(StoreSettingKeys.friendlyurlids))
                        url = DotNetNuke.Services.Url.FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlProvider.Instance().FriendlyUrl(tab, "~/Default.aspx?TabId=" + tab.TabID.ToString("") + "&catref=" + Utils.UrlFriendly(groupCategoryInfo.categoryrefGUIDKey) + ctrl + "&language=" + language);
                        // check if we are calling from BO with a ctrl param
                        url = DotNetNuke.Services.Url.FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlProvider.Instance().FriendlyUrl(tab, "~/Default.aspx?TabId=" + tab.TabID.ToString("") + "&catid=" + groupCategoryInfo.categoryid.ToString("") + ctrl + "&language=" + language, newBaseName + ".aspx");

                    url = url.Replace("[catid]/", "");     // remove the injection token from the url, if still there. (Should be removed redirected to new page)
        private String BuildTreePropertyList(String rtnList, int level, int parentid, string groupref, int tabid, int displaylevels = 50, String identClass = "nbrightbuy_catmenu", String styleClass = "", String activeClass = "active")
            if (level > displaylevels) return rtnList; // stop infinate loop

            // header
            if (level == 0)
                rtnList += "<ul class='" + identClass + " " + styleClass + "'>";
                rtnList += "<ul>";

            var activeCat = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategory(_currentCatId);
            if (activeCat == null) activeCat = new GroupCategoryData();
            var depth = 0;
            var levelList = _catGrpCtrl.GetGrpCategories(parentid, ""); // force this to always categories
            foreach (GroupCategoryData grpcat in levelList)
                if (grpcat.isvisible)
                    // update cat info
                    grpcat.url = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategoryUrl(grpcat, tabid);
                    grpcat.depth = level; //make base 1, to pick up the

                    var openClass = "";
                    if (activeCat.Parents.Contains(grpcat.categoryid) || grpcat.categoryid == _currentCatId) openClass = " open ";

                    if (_currentCatId == grpcat.categoryid)
                        rtnList += "<li class='" + activeClass + openClass + "'>";
                        if (openClass == "")
                            rtnList += "<li>";
                            rtnList += "<li class='" + openClass + "'>";

                    if (_razorTemplateName.Count > grpcat.depth) depth = grpcat.depth;
                    rtnList += NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRender(_razorTemplateName[depth], -1, "", grpcat, _controlPath, _theme, _lang, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    rtnList = BuildTreeCatList(rtnList, level + 1, grpcat.categoryid, groupref, tabid, displaylevels);

                    rtnList += "</li>";


            rtnList += "</ul>";

            return rtnList;
        private void PageLoad()
            var catid = 0;
                if (Utils.IsNumeric(_catid)) catid = Convert.ToInt32(_catid);

                #region "Get default category into list for displaying header and footer templates on product (breadcrumb)"

                // if we have a product displaying, get the deault category for the category
            var obj = new GroupCategoryData();
            if (Utils.IsNumeric(_entryid))
                if (catid == 0)
                    catid = _catGrpCtrl.GetDefaultCatId(Convert.ToInt32(_entryid));
                if (catid != 0) obj = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategory(catid);
            var catl = new List<object> {obj};

            if (Utils.IsNumeric(catid) && ModSettings.Get("injectseo") == "True")
                var eid = Utils.RequestQueryStringParam(Context, "eid");
                var objSEOCat = ModCtrl.GetData(Convert.ToInt32(catid), "CATEGORYLANG", Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                if (objSEOCat != null && eid == "")  // we may have a detail page and listonly module, in which can we need the product detail as page title
                    //Page Title
                    var seoname = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                    if (seoname == "") seoname = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");

                    var newBaseTitle = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtseopagetitle");
                    if (newBaseTitle == "") newBaseTitle = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                    if (newBaseTitle == "") newBaseTitle = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");
                    if (newBaseTitle != "") BasePage.Title = BasePage.Title + " > " + newBaseTitle;
                    //Page KeyWords
                    var newBaseKeyWords = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtmetakeywords");
                    if (newBaseKeyWords != "") BasePage.KeyWords = newBaseKeyWords;
                    //Page Description
                    var newBaseDescription = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtmetadescription");
                    if (newBaseDescription == "") newBaseDescription = objSEOCat.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtcategorydesc");
                    if (newBaseDescription != "") BasePage.Description = newBaseDescription;



                #region "Data Repeater"

                if (_templD.Trim() != "") // if we don;t have a template, don't do anything
                    var menutype = ModSettings.Get("ddlmenutype").ToLower();

                    #region "Drill Down"

                    if (menutype == "drilldown")

                        var l = _catGrpCtrl.GetVisibleCategoriesWithUrl(catid, TabId);
                        if (l.Count == 0 && (ModSettings.Get("alwaysshow") == "True"))
                            // if we have no categories, it could be the end of branch or product view, so load the root menu
                            var catid2 = 0;
                            _catid = ModSettings.Get("defaultcatid");
                            if (Utils.IsNumeric(_catid)) catid2 = Convert.ToInt32(_catid);
                            l = _catGrpCtrl.GetVisibleCategoriesWithUrl(catid2, TabId);
                        rpData.DataSource = l;


                    #region "treeview"

                    if (menutype == "treeview")
                        var catidtree = 0;
                        if (Utils.IsNumeric(ModSettings.Get("defaultcatid"))) catidtree = Convert.ToInt32(ModSettings.Get("defaultcatid"));

                        var cachekey = "CatMenu*" + ModuleId.ToString("") + "*" + catid + "*" + catidtree.ToString() + "*" + Utils.GetCurrentCulture();
                        var strOut = (String) NBrightBuyUtils.GetModCache(cachekey);
                        if (strOut == null)

                            rpData.Visible = false;
                            var catBuiler = new CatMenuBuilder(_templD, ModSettings, catid, DebugMode);
                            strOut = catBuiler.GetTreeCatList(50, catidtree, Convert.ToInt32(_tabid), ModSettings.Get("treeidentclass"), ModSettings.Get("treerootclass"));

                            // if debug , output the html used.
                            if (StoreSettings.Current.DebugModeFileOut) Utils.SaveFile(PortalSettings.HomeDirectoryMapPath + "debug_treemenu.html", strOut);
                            NBrightBuyUtils.SetModCache(ModuleId,cachekey, strOut);
                        var l = new Literal {Text = strOut};


                    #region "Accordian"

                    if (menutype == "accordian")



                    #region "megamenu"

                    if (menutype == "megamenu")



                // display header
                rpDataH.DataSource = catl;

                // display footer
                rpDataF.DataSource = catl;

        private List <GroupCategoryData> GetGrpCatListFromDatabase(String lang = "")
            // this process seems to be creating an error on DB connection after the cache is release.
            //[TODO: re-write this code to stop DB conection failure. For now Module level caching has been increased to 2 days to stop this processing re-running]

            var          objCtrl    = new NBrightBuyController();
            const string strOrderBy = " order by [XMLData].value('(genxml/hidden/recordsortorder)[1]','decimal(10,2)') ";
            var          grpcatList = new List <GroupCategoryData>();

            var l   = objCtrl.GetList(_portalId, -1, "CATEGORY", "", strOrderBy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lg  = objCtrl.GetList(_portalId, -1, "CATEGORYLANG", "and NB1.lang = '" + lang + "'", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lx  = objCtrl.GetList(_portalId, -1, "CATCASCADE", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lx2 = objCtrl.GetList(_portalId, -1, "CATXREF", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");

            foreach (var i in l)
                var grpcat = new GroupCategoryData();
                grpcat.categoryid      = i.ItemID;
                grpcat.recordsortorder = i.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/hidden/recordsortorder");
                grpcat.imageurl        = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/imageurl");
                grpcat.categoryref     = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                grpcat.propertyref     = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/propertyref");
                grpcat.archived        = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkarchived");
                grpcat.ishidden        = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkishidden");
                grpcat.disabled        = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkdisable");
                grpcat.grouptyperef    = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlgrouptype");
                grpcat.attributecode   = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlattrcode");
                grpcat.parentcatid     = i.ParentItemId;
                grpcat.entrycount      = GetEntryCount(lx, grpcat.categoryid);
                if (GroupsDictionary.ContainsKey(grpcat.grouptyperef))
                    grpcat.groupname = GroupsDictionary[grpcat.grouptyperef];

                // get the language data
                var langItem = GetLangData(lg, grpcat.categoryid);
                if (langItem != null)
                    grpcat.categoryname = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");
                    grpcat.categorydesc = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategorydesc");
                    grpcat.seoname      = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                    if (grpcat.seoname == "")
                        grpcat.seoname = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");
                    grpcat.metadescription    = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtmetadescription");
                    grpcat.metakeywords       = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtmetakeywords");
                    grpcat.seopagetitle       = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtseopagetitle");
                    grpcat.message            = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/edt/message");
                    grpcat.categoryrefGUIDKey = langItem.GUIDKey;

                //get parents
                var p = GetParentList(l, grpcat.categoryid);
                foreach (var pi in p)


            // we don;t have the depth number at this point, so use recussive call to calc it.
            CalcCategoryDepthList(grpcatList, 0, 0);

        private String BuildTreeCatList(String rtnList, int level, int parentid, string groupref, int tabid, int displaylevels = 50, String identClass = "nbrightbuy_catmenu", String styleClass = "", String activeClass = "active")
            if (level > displaylevels)
                return(rtnList);                       // stop infinate loop
            // header
            if (level == 0)
                rtnList += "<ul class='" + identClass + " " + styleClass + "'>";
                rtnList += "<ul>";

            var activeCat = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategory(_currentCatId);

            if (activeCat == null)
                activeCat = new GroupCategoryData();
            var depth     = 0;
            var levelList = _catGrpCtrl.GetGrpCategories(parentid, "cat"); // force this to always categories

            foreach (GroupCategoryData grpcat in levelList)
                if (grpcat.isvisible)
                    // update cat info
                    grpcat.url   = _catGrpCtrl.GetCategoryUrl(grpcat, tabid);
                    grpcat.depth = level; //make base 1, to pick up the

                    var openClass = "";
                    if (activeCat.Parents.Contains(grpcat.categoryid) || grpcat.categoryid == _currentCatId)
                        openClass = " open ";

                    if (_currentCatId == grpcat.categoryid)
                        rtnList += "<li class='" + activeClass + openClass + "'>";
                        if (openClass == "")
                            rtnList += "<li>";
                            rtnList += "<li class='" + openClass + "'>";

                    if (_templateBody.Count > grpcat.depth)
                        depth = grpcat.depth;
                    rtnList += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(grpcat, _templateBody[depth], "", "XMLData", "", StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    rtnList = BuildTreeCatList(rtnList, level + 1, grpcat.categoryid, groupref, tabid, displaylevels);

                    rtnList += "</li>";

            rtnList += "</ul>";

        private List<GroupCategoryData> GetGrpCatListFromDatabase(String lang = "")
            // this process seems to be creating an error on DB connection after the cache is release.
            //[TODO: re-write this code to stop DB conection failure. For now Module level caching has been increased to 2 days to stop this processing re-running]

            var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
            const string strOrderBy = " order by [XMLData].value('(genxml/hidden/recordsortorder)[1]','decimal(10,2)') ";
            var grpcatList = new List<GroupCategoryData>();

            var l = objCtrl.GetList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "CATEGORY", "", strOrderBy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lg = objCtrl.GetList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "CATEGORYLANG", "and NB1.lang = '" + lang + "'", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lx = objCtrl.GetList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "CATCASCADE", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            var lx2 = objCtrl.GetList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "CATXREF", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
            foreach (var i in l)
                var grpcat = new GroupCategoryData();
                grpcat.categoryid = i.ItemID;
                grpcat.recordsortorder = i.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/hidden/recordsortorder");
                grpcat.imageurl = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/imageurl");
                grpcat.categoryref = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                grpcat.propertyref = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/propertyref");
                grpcat.archived = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkarchived");
                grpcat.ishidden = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkishidden");
                grpcat.disabled = i.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkdisable");
                grpcat.grouptyperef = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/ddlgrouptype");
                grpcat.parentcatid = i.ParentItemId;
                grpcat.entrycount = GetEntryCount(lx, grpcat.categoryid);
                if (GroupsDictionary.ContainsKey(grpcat.grouptyperef)) grpcat.groupname = GroupsDictionary[grpcat.grouptyperef];

                // get the language data
                var langItem =  GetLangData(lg,grpcat.categoryid);
                if (langItem != null)
                    grpcat.categoryname = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");
                    grpcat.categorydesc = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategorydesc");
                    grpcat.seoname = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                    if (grpcat.seoname == "") grpcat.seoname = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");
                    grpcat.metadescription = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtmetadescription");
                    grpcat.metakeywords = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtmetakeywords");
                    grpcat.seopagetitle = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtseopagetitle");
                    grpcat.message = langItem.GetXmlProperty("genxml/edt/message");
                    grpcat.categoryrefGUIDKey = langItem.GUIDKey;

                //get parents
                var p = GetParentList(l,grpcat.categoryid);
                foreach (var pi in p)


            // we don;t have the depth number at this point, so use recussive call to calc it.
            CalcCategoryDepthList(grpcatList, 0, 0);

            return grpcatList;
        public string GetCategoryUrl(GroupCategoryData groupCategoryInfo, int tabid)
            // if diabled return a javascript void
            if (groupCategoryInfo.disabled) return "javascript:void(0)";

            //set a default url
            var url = "";

            // get friendly url if possible
                if (groupCategoryInfo.categoryname != "")
                    var tab = CBO.FillObject<DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabInfo>(DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.Instance().GetTab(tabid));
                    if (tab != null)
                        var newBaseName = groupCategoryInfo.seoname;
                        newBaseName = Utils.UrlFriendly(newBaseName);
                        var ctrl = Utils.RequestParam(HttpContext.Current, "ctrl");
                        if (ctrl != "") ctrl = "&ctrl=" + ctrl;
                        if (StoreSettings.Current.GetBool(StoreSettingKeys.friendlyurlids))
                            url = DotNetNuke.Services.Url.FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlProvider.Instance().FriendlyUrl(tab, "~/Default.aspx?TabId=" + tab.TabID.ToString("") + "&catref=" + Utils.UrlFriendly(groupCategoryInfo.categoryrefGUIDKey) + ctrl + "&language=" + Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                            // check if we are calling from BO with a ctrl param
                            url = DotNetNuke.Services.Url.FriendlyUrl.FriendlyUrlProvider.Instance().FriendlyUrl(tab, "~/Default.aspx?TabId=" + tab.TabID.ToString("") + "&catid=" + groupCategoryInfo.categoryid.ToString("") + ctrl + "&language=" + Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), newBaseName + ".aspx");

                        url = url.Replace("[catid]/", ""); // remove the injection token from the url, if still there. (Should be removed redirected to new page)

            return url;