Exemple #1
        public void TestBias()
            double input = 0.3;
            double inpToOutWeight = 0.4;
            double biasToOutWeight = 0.5;

            var sigmoid = new SigmoidFunction();
            var nw = new Network(sigmoid, false);

            var inputNode = new Input(input);
            var bias = new Bias();
            var outputNode = new Perceptron(sigmoid, "Output");
            Connection.Create(inpToOutWeight, inputNode, outputNode);
            Connection.Create(biasToOutWeight, bias, outputNode);

            nw.Nodes = new Node[][] {
                new Node[] { inputNode },
                new Node[] { outputNode }

            var nwOut = nw.Nodes[1][0].Output;

            // = Sig(inpToOut.Output + biasToOut.Output)
            // = Sig((inpToOut.Weight * inpToOut.GetInput()) + (biasToOutWeight * 1))
            // = Sig((inpToOut.Weight * inputNode.Output) + (biasToOutWeight))
            // = Sig((this.weight * this.input) + (biasToOutWeight))
            var expOut = sigmoid.Calculate((inpToOutWeight * input) + biasToOutWeight);

            Assert.AreEqual(nwOut, expOut);
Exemple #2
        public void TestConnection()
            double weight = 2;
            double input = 5;
            var inp = new Input(input);
            var outp = new Perceptron(new SigmoidFunction(), "Output");
            var wc = Connection.Create(weight, inp, outp);

            Assert.AreEqual(wc.Output, weight * input);
            Assert.AreEqual(inp.GetOutgoingConnections()[0], outp.GetIncommingConnections()[0]);
Exemple #3
        public void TestDelConnection()
            var inp = new Input(5);
            var outp = new Perceptron(new SigmoidFunction());

            var beforeConnect = outp.Output;

            var con = Connection.Create(1, inp, outp);

            var afterConnect = outp.Output;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(beforeConnect, afterConnect);


            Assert.AreEqual(beforeConnect, outp.Output);
Exemple #4
        public void FillNetwork(int nrInputs, int nrOutputs, params int[] hiddenLayerHeights)
            //Creation of outputs is similar to creating hidden layers
            var nonInputLayers = hiddenLayerHeights.ToList();

            //Init array
            Nodes = new Node[nonInputLayers.Count + 1][];

            Nodes[0] = CreateInputs(nrInputs).ToArray();

            //Hidden & out
            for(int layerIndex = 1; layerIndex <= nonInputLayers.Count; layerIndex++) {
                int height = nonInputLayers[layerIndex - 1];

                var curLayer = new List<Perceptron>(height);
                for(int percNr = 0; percNr < height; percNr++) {
                    //Create perceptron
                    string name = layerIndex == Nodes.Length - 1 ? $"Output {percNr}" : $"Hidden #{layerIndex - 1}.{percNr}";
                    var newPerceptron = new Perceptron(TransferFunction, name);

                    //Create input connections
                    foreach(var inp in Nodes[layerIndex - 1]) {
                        double weight = 0;
                        if(layerIndex - 1 == 0) { //Input --> 1st hidden
                            weight = MathHelper.GuassianRandom(Math.Sqrt(1.0 / 3.0), 0);
                        Connection.Create(weight, inp, newPerceptron);

                    if(Bias != null) {
                        Connection.Create(0.5, Bias, newPerceptron);

                Nodes[layerIndex] = curLayer.ToArray();
Exemple #5
        public void TestPerceptronCaching()
            double local1 = -10;
            double local2 = -5;

            var in1 = new Input(local1, "Input1");
            var in2 = new Input(local2, "Input2");
            var p = new Perceptron(new SigmoidFunction());

            Connection.Create(0.5, in1, p);
            Connection.Create(1, in2, p);

            Assert.IsTrue(p.Output < 0.1);

            in1.Value = 10;
            in2.Value = 5;

            Assert.IsTrue(p.Output < 0.1);


            Assert.IsFalse(p.Output < 0.1);
Exemple #6
        public void TestNetworkOutput()
            var rand = new Random();
            double input = (double)(rand.NextDouble());
            double weight = (double)(rand.NextDouble());

            var sigmoid = new SigmoidFunction();
            var nw = new Network(sigmoid, false);

            var inputNode = new Input(input);
            var outputNode = new Perceptron(sigmoid, "Output");
            Connection.Create(weight, inputNode, outputNode);

            nw.Nodes = new Node[][] {
                new Node[] { inputNode },
                new Node[] { outputNode }

            var nwOut = nw.CurOutput()[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(outputNode.Output, nwOut);

            var expOut = sigmoid.Calculate(input * weight);

            Assert.AreEqual(nwOut, expOut);
Exemple #7
        public void TestGetInputResult()
            var rand = new Random();
            double input = (double)(rand.NextDouble() * 100 + 1);
            double weight = (double)(rand.NextDouble() * 2);

            var sigmoid = new SigmoidFunction();
            var nw = new Network(sigmoid, false);

            var inputNode = new Input(input);
            var outputNode = new Perceptron(sigmoid, "Output");
            Connection.Create(weight, inputNode, outputNode);

            nw.Nodes = new Node[][] {
                new Node[] { inputNode },
                new Node[] { outputNode }

            var nwOut = nw.GetInputResult(input)[0];

            // = Sig(inpToOut.Output)
            // = Sig(inpToOut.Weight * inpToOut.GetInput())
            // = Sig(inpToOut.Weight * inputNode.Output)
            // = Sig(this.weight * this.input)
            var expOut = sigmoid.Calculate(weight * input);

            Assert.AreEqual(nwOut, expOut);