Exemple #1
        static EventLoop()
            Instance = new EventLoop();
            Instance.connectedToNetwork = false;

            Instance.eventQueueIncoming = new EventQueue();
            Instance.eventQueueOutgoing = new EventQueueCollection();

            Instance.addressBook = new AddressBook();
            Instance.timeoutManager = new TimeoutManager();
            // Register the event which should be triggered when the connection times out (i.e. a permanent failure, not one that we can resolve in a reasonable time)
            // Just remove the address from the addressbook, this will trigger the process that will properly disconnect the device from the network for us
            Instance.timeoutManager.ConnectionTimedOutEvent +=
                (string targetAddress) => Instance.addressBook.Remove(targetAddress);
            Instance.timeoutManager.FutureTimedOutEvent +=
                (string targetAddress, Guid futureIdentifier) => Instance.addressBook.Remove(targetAddress);

            Instance.eventQueueProcessor = new EventQueueProcessor(Instance.eventQueueIncoming, Instance.eventQueueOutgoing, Instance.timeoutManager);
            // Register callback for the incoming and outgoing messages event queue
            Instance.eventQueueIncoming.eventEnqueuedCallback += Instance.eventQueueProcessor.EventQueueIncoming_EventEnqueuedCallback;
            Instance.eventQueueOutgoing.eventEnqueuedCallback += Instance.eventQueueProcessor.EventQueueOutgoing_EventEnqueuedCallback;
            // Monitor all dequeued messages for the outgoing queue. When a message is dequeued, it is successfully sent.
            // If it is a remote method invocation, make sure we get a reply within the desired time.
            Instance.eventQueueOutgoing.eventDequeuedCallback +=
                (string targetAddress, NetworkObject networkObject, int due) =>
                    if (networkObject.GetType() == typeof(NetworkRemoteMethodInvocation))
                        Instance.timeoutManager.AddPendingFuture(targetAddress, ((NetworkRemoteMethodInvocation)networkObject).futureReference, due);

            Instance.discoveryManager = new DiscoveryManager(Instance.addressBook, Instance.eventQueueOutgoing);

            // Register callback for receiving objects from the network
            PeerConnector.Instance.networkObjectReceivedCallback +=
                (string sender, NetworkObject networkObject) =>
                    // If this is a new peer (or a previousy disconnected one), add him to the addressbook
                    if (!Instance.addressBook.Contains(sender))

                    if (networkObject.GetType() == typeof(NetworkMethodReturnValue))
                        if (!Instance.timeoutManager.IsPendingFuture(sender, ((NetworkMethodReturnValue)networkObject).futureReference))
                            // The future associated with the return value has already been ruined. The return value is sadly too late (past its due time).
                            // We should just ignore it, because our application is not expecting it anymore.
                            Instance.timeoutManager.RemovePendingFuture(sender, ((NetworkMethodReturnValue)networkObject).futureReference);

                    Instance.eventQueueIncoming.Enqueue(sender, networkObject);
 public virtual void UponReceiptBy(EventLoop eventLoop, string senderAddress)
 public override void UponReceiptBy(EventLoop eventLoop, string senderAddress)
 public override void UponReceiptBy(EventLoop eventLoop, string senderAddress)