Exemple #1
        public static void BulkSave(IEnumerable <OsobaES> osoby)
            var result = _esClient.IndexMany <OsobaES>(osoby);

            if (result.Errors)
                var a = result.DebugInformation;
                Util.Consts.Logger.Error($"Error when bulkSaving osoby to ES: {a}");
        public static void LoadData()
            var nodes = new List <Uri> {
                new Uri("http://*****:*****@"C:\cities_canada-usa.csv"))
                if (!reader.EndOfStream)

                var documents = new List <City>();
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                    var values = line.Split(';');

                    //0 - id

                    //1 - name

                    //3 - alt_name

                    //4 - lat

                    //5 - lon

                    //8 - country_code
                    documents.Add(new City
                        Id       = int.Parse(values[0]),
                        Name     = values[1],
                        AltName  = values[3],
                        Country  = values[8],
                        Location = new Location(double.Parse(values[4]), double.Parse(values[5])),
                        FullText = string.Concat(values[1], ", ", values[8])

                var result = client.IndexMany(documents, "city");
        /// <summary>
        /// returns true if some error ocurred
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dotace"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool BulkSave(List <Dotace> dotace)
            foreach (var d in dotace)
                // fill in sums

            var result = _esClient.IndexMany <Dotace>(dotace);

            if (result.Errors)
                var a = result.DebugInformation;
                Util.Consts.Logger.Error($"Error when bulkSaving dotace to ES: {a}");

Exemple #4
        protected static void GenerateAndIndex(ElasticClient client, string indexName, int numMessages, int bufferSize)
            // refresh = false is default on elasticsearch's side.
            var bulkParms = new SimpleBulkParameters() { Refresh = false };

            var msgGenerator = new MessageGenerator();
            var tasks = new List<Task>();
            var partitionedMessages = msgGenerator.Generate(numMessages).Partition(bufferSize);
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref NumSent, 0);
            foreach (var messages in partitionedMessages)
                var t = client.IndexMany(messages, indexName, bulkParms);

                Interlocked.Add(ref NumSent, bufferSize);
                if (NumSent % 10000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sent {0:0,0} messages to {1}", NumSent, indexName);
Exemple #5
        private IBulkResponse IndexNews(IEnumerable <NewsArticle> newsArticles)
            if (newsArticles == null || !newsArticles.Any())

            // Connecting to Elasticsearch
            string protocol = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Protocol", "http");
            string host     = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Host", "elastic.local");
            string port     = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Port", "9200");

            var node     = new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}", protocol, host, port));
            var settings = new Nest.ConnectionSettings(node);
            var client   = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings);

            // Reindexing items
            var indexName = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.ArticlesIndex", "articles-index");

            var indexerResponse = client.IndexMany(newsArticles, indexName);

        public ActionResult ReIndexAll()
            var documents = db.DocumentModels.ToList();

            var uriString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SEARCHBOX_URL"];
            var searchBoxUri = new Uri(uriString);

            var settings = new ConnectionSettings(searchBoxUri);

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

            // delete index if exists at startup
            if (client.IndexExists(indexName).Exists)

            // Create a new "sample" index with default settings
            //client.CreateIndex("sample", new IndexSettings());
            ICreateIndexRequest iCreateIndexReq = new CreateIndexRequest(indexName);
            iCreateIndexReq.IndexSettings = new IndexSettings();
            iCreateIndexReq.IndexSettings.NumberOfReplicas = 10;


            var resCreate = client.CreateIndex(indexName, s => s.AddMapping<DocumentModel>(f => f.MapFromAttributes()).NumberOfReplicas(1).NumberOfShards(10));

            // Index all documents

            ViewBag.Message = "Reindexing all database is complete!";

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        private void IndexProds(ElasticClient client,DateTime? benchDate,Func<IQueryable<ProductEntity>,YintaiHangzhouContext,IQueryable<ProductEntity>> whereCondition)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
            int successCount = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.Products.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition!=null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);

                var prods = from p in linq
                            join s in db.Stores on p.Store_Id equals s.Id
                            join b in db.Brands on p.Brand_Id equals b.Id
                            join t in db.Tags on p.Tag_Id equals t.Id
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id
                                            && r.SourceType == 1
                                            select new ESResource()
                                                Domain = r.Domain,
                                                Name = r.Name,
                                                SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                                IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                                Type = r.Type,
                                                Width = r.Width,
                                                Height = r.Height
                            let specials = from psp in db.SpecialTopicProductRelations
                                            where psp.Product_Id == p.Id 
                                            join sp in db.SpecialTopics on psp.SpecialTopic_Id equals sp.Id
                                            select new ESSpecialTopic
                                                Id = sp.Id,
                                                Name = sp.Name,
                                                Description = sp.Description
                            let promotions = from ppr in db.Promotion2Product
                                             where ppr.ProdId == p.Id
                                             join pro in db.Promotions on ppr.ProId equals pro.Id
                                             select new ESPromotion { 
                                                Id = pro.Id,
                                                Name = pro.Name,
                                                Description = pro.Description,
                                                CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                                                StartDate = pro.StartDate,
                                                EndDate = pro.EndDate,
                                                Status = pro.Status
                            let section = (from section in db.Sections
                                           where section.BrandId == p.Brand_Id && section.StoreId == p.Store_Id
                                          select new ESSection(){
                                              ContactPerson = section.ContactPerson,
                                               ContactPhone = section.ContactPhone,
                                                Id = section.Id,
                                                 Location = section.Location,
                                                  Name = section.Name,
                                                   Status = section.Status

                            select new ESProduct()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                                Price = p.Price,
                                RecommendedReason = p.RecommendedReason,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                CreateUserId = p.CreatedUser,
                                SortOrder = p.SortOrder,
                                Tag = new ESTag()
                                    Id = t.Id,
                                    Name = t.Name,
                                    Description = t.Description
                                Store = new ESStore()
                                    Id = s.Id,
                                    Name = s.Name,
                                    Description = s.Description,
                                    Address = s.Location,
                                    Location = new Location
                                        Lon = s.Longitude,
                                        Lat = s.Latitude
                                    GpsAlt = s.GpsAlt,
                                    GpsLat = s.GpsLat,
                                    GpsLng = s.GpsLng,
                                    Tel = s.Tel
                                Brand = new ESBrand()
                                    Id = b.Id,
                                    Name = b.Name,
                                    Description = b.Description,
                                    EngName = b.EnglishName
                                Resource = resource,
                                SpecialTopic = specials,
                                Promotion = promotions,
                                Is4Sale = p.Is4Sale ?? false,
                                UnitPrice = p.UnitPrice,
                                FavoriteCount = p.FavoriteCount,
                                InvolvedCount = p.InvolvedCount,
                                ShareCount = p.ShareCount,
                                RecommendUserId = p.RecommendUser,
                                UpcCode = p.SkuCode
                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} products in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

        private void IndexUser(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Users
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            let resource = from r in db.Resources
                                           where r.SourceId == p.Id && r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.CustomerPortrait
                                           select new ESResource()
                                               Domain = r.Domain,
                                               Name = r.Name,
                                               SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                               IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                               Type = r.Type,
                                               Width = r.Width,
                                               Height = r.Height
                            select new ESUser()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                Thumnail = resource.FirstOrDefault(),
                                Nickie = p.Nickname,
                                Level = p.UserLevel


                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} users in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

        private void IndexStorePromotion(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = db.StorePromotions.Where(r=> r.CreateDate >= benchDate || r.UpdateDate >= benchDate)
                                    (o,i)=>new {S=o,R = i});

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var linq = from l in prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.S.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList()
                               select new ESStorePromotion().FromEntity<ESStorePromotion>(l.S, s => { 
                                    s.ExchangeRule = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l.R.Select(r=>new {
                                        rangeto = r.RangeTo,
                                        ratio = r.Ratio
                    var result = client.IndexMany(linq);
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} store promotions in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Exemple #10
        private void IndexPros(ElasticClient client, DateTime? benchDate, Func<IQueryable<PromotionEntity>, YintaiHangzhouContext, IQueryable<PromotionEntity>> whereCondition)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.Promotions.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition != null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);

                var prods = from p in linq
                            join s in db.Stores on p.Store_Id equals s.Id
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                           where r.SourceId == p.Id
                                           && r.SourceType == 2
                                           select new ESResource() { 
                                             Domain = r.Domain,
                                             Name = r.Name,
                                             SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                             IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                             Type = r.Type,
                                             Width = r.Width,
                                             Height = r.Height
                            select new ESPromotion()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                                StartDate = p.StartDate,
                                EndDate = p.EndDate,
                                FavoriteCount = p.FavoriteCount,
                                IsTop = p.IsTop,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                CreateUserId = p.CreatedUser,
                                Store = new ESStore()
                                    Id = s.Id,
                                    Name = s.Name,
                                    Description = s.Description,
                                    Address = s.Location,
                                    Location = new Location
                                        Lon = s.Longitude,
                                        Lat = s.Latitude
                                    GpsAlt = s.GpsAlt,
                                    GpsLat = s.GpsLat,
                                    GpsLng = s.GpsLng,
                                    Tel = s.Tel
                                Resource = resource,
                                ShowInList = p.IsMain.HasValue ? p.IsMain.Value : true,
                                PublicCode = p.PublicProCode,
                                InvolvedCount = p.InvolvedCount,
                                IsProdBindable = p.IsProdBindable ?? false,
                                LikeCount = p.LikeCount,
                                PublicationLimit = p.PublicationLimit ?? -1,
                                ShareCount = p.ShareCount

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach(var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}",item.Id));
                    } else

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} promotions in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related promotions ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                    (p,db) => {
                        return p.Where(prod => (from pro in db.Promotions
                                             from ppr in db.Promotion2Product
                                             where ppr.ProId == pro.Id
                                             && (pro.CreatedDate >= benchDate || pro.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                             && ppr.ProdId == prod.Id
                                             select ppr.ProdId).Any());
Exemple #11
        private void IndexBrand(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Brands
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESBrand()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                Group = p.Group

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} brands in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
             //update related source if any affected
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related brands ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                    (p, db) =>
                        return p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Brands
                                                where (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                                && r.Id == prod.Brand_Id
                                                select r.Id).Any());
Exemple #12
        private void IndexSpecialTopic(ElasticClient client, DateTime? benchDate, Func<IQueryable<SpecialTopicEntity>, YintaiHangzhouContext, IQueryable<SpecialTopicEntity>> whereCondition)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.SpecialTopics.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition != null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);

                var prods = from p in linq
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id
                                            && r.SourceType == 9
                                            select new ESResource()
                                                Domain = r.Domain,
                                                Name = r.Name,
                                                SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                                IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                                Type = r.Type,
                                                Width = r.Width,
                                                Height = r.Height
                            select new ESSpecialTopic()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                                CreateUser = p.CreatedUser,
                                Resource = resource,
                                Type = p.Type,
                                TargetValue =  p.TargetValue

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} special topics in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related specialtopic ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                    (p, db) =>
                        return p.Where(prod => (from pro in db.SpecialTopics
                                                from ppr in db.SpecialTopicProductRelations
                                                where ppr.SpecialTopic_Id == pro.Id
                                                && (pro.CreatedDate >= benchDate || pro.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                                && ppr.Product_Id == prod.Id
                                                select ppr.Product_Id).Any());
Exemple #13
        private void IndexTag(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Tags
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESTag()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                Description = p.Description,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                SortOrder = p.SortOrder


                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} tags in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Exemple #14
        private void IndexStore(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from s in db.Stores
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == s.Id
                                            && r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.StoreLogo
                                            select new ESResource()
                                                Domain = r.Domain,
                                                Name = r.Name,
                                                SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                                IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                                Type = r.Type,
                                                Width = r.Width,
                                                Height = r.Height
                            where (s.CreatedDate >= benchDate || s.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESStore()
                                Id = s.Id,
                                Name = s.Name,
                                Description = s.Description,
                                Address = s.Location,
                                Location = new Location
                                    Lon = s.Longitude,
                                    Lat = s.Latitude
                                GpsAlt = s.GpsAlt,
                                GpsLat = s.GpsLat,
                                GpsLng = s.GpsLng,
                                Tel = s.Tel,
                                Status = s.Status,
                                Resource = resource


                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} stores in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Exemple #15
        private void IndexBanner(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Banners
                            join pro in db.Promotions on p.SourceId equals pro.Id
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                && p.SourceType == 2
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id
                                            && r.SourceType == 11
                                            select new ESResource()
                                                Domain = r.Domain,
                                                Name = r.Name,
                                                SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                                IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                                Type = r.Type,
                                                Width = r.Width,
                                                Height = r.Height
                            select new ESBanner()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                SortOrder = p.SortOrder,
                                CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                SourceType = p.SourceType,
                                Promotion = new ESPromotion()
                                    Id = pro.Id
                                Resource = resource

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} banners in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Exemple #16
        private void IndexHotwork(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
           int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var words = from p in db.HotWords
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select p;
                var prods = from p in words.ToList()
                            select new ESHotword()
                                Id = p.Id,
                                SortOrder = p.SortOrder,
                                Status = p.Status,
                                Type = p.Type,
                                Word = p.Type==1?p.Word:JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(p.Word).name,
                                BrandId = p.Type==1?0:JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(p.Word).id

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} hotwords in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));

Exemple #17
        private void IndexResource(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int cursor = 0;
            int size = JobConfig.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            int successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from r in db.Resources
                            where (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESResource()
                                Id = r.Id,
                                Status= r.Status,
                                Domain = r.Domain,
                                Name = r.Name,
                                SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                                IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                                Type = r.Type,
                                Width = r.Width,
                                Height = r.Height,
                                SourceId = r.SourceId,
                                SourceType = r.SourceType


                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;

            log.Info(string.Format("{0} resources in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            //update related source if any affected
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related resources ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                    (p, db) =>
                        return p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                                where r.SourceId == prod.Id
                                                && (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                                && r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Product
                                                select r.Id).Any());
                //index related promotions
                log.Info("index promotions affected by related resources ");
                IndexPros(client, null,
                    (p, db) =>
                        return p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                                where r.SourceId == prod.Id
                                                && (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                                && r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Promotion
                                                select r.Id).Any());
                //index related specialtopics
                log.Info("index specialtopics affected by related resources ");
                IndexSpecialTopic(client, null,
                    (p, db) =>
                        return p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                                where r.SourceId == prod.Id
                                                && (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                                && r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.SpecialTopic
                                                select r.Id).Any());
Exemple #18
        public void Run(string indexName, int port, int numMessages, int bufferSize)
            var bulkParms = new SimpleBulkParameters() { Refresh = false };

            var settings = new ConnectionSettings("localhost", port)

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings, new ThriftConnection(settings));

            Connect(client, settings);

            IList<Message> msgBuffer = new List<Message>(bufferSize);

            var msgGenerator = new MessageGenerator();

            foreach (var msg in msgGenerator.Generate(numMessages))

                // Flush buffer once max size reached
                if (msgBuffer.Count >= bufferSize)
                    client.IndexMany(msgBuffer, indexName, bulkParms);

                    Interlocked.Add(ref NumSent, bufferSize);

                    // Output how many messages sent so far
                    if (NumSent % 10000 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sent {0:0,0} messages over Thrift", NumSent);
        public ActionResult ReIndexAll()
            var documents = db.Documents.ToList();

            var uriString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SEARCHBOX_URL"];
            var searchBoxUri = new Uri(uriString);

            var settings = new ConnectionSettings(searchBoxUri);

            var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

            // delete index if exists at startup
            if (client.IndexExists("sample").Exists)

            // Create a new "sample" index with default settings
            client.CreateIndex("sample", new IndexSettings());

            // Index all documents

            ViewBag.Message = "Reindexing all database is complete!";

            return RedirectToAction("Index");