protected override void Seed(NerdDinner.Models.DinnersDbContext context)
            context.Dinners.Add(new Dinner
                Title        = "Cooking with E-Z Cheez",
                Address      = "1234 Main St",
                ContactPhone = "206-867-5309",
                Country      = "USA",
                Description  = "Cooking with the most versatile ingredient in your pantry",
                EventDate    = DateTime.Now.Date,
                HostedBy     = "J. Child",
                Latitude     = 4f,
                Longitude    = 5f

                new Dinner
                Title        = "\"The Room\" Viewing",
                Address      = "1234 Main St",
                ContactPhone = "206-867-5309",
                Country      = "USA",
                Description  = "Hard-core Wiseau fans come together to appreciate his genius",
                EventDate    = DateTime.Now.Date,
                HostedBy     = "Hey Mark",
                Latitude     = 45f,
                Longitude    = -92f
