public void TestCachedFind_Last() { var snapshot = TestBlockchain.GetStore().GetSnapshot(); var storages = snapshot.Storages; var cache = new CloneCache <StorageKey, StorageItem>(storages); storages.DeleteWhere((k, v) => k.ScriptHash == UInt160.Zero); storages.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01 }, ScriptHash = UInt160.Zero }, new StorageItem() { IsConstant = false, Value = new byte[] { } } ); storages.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x01 }, ScriptHash = UInt160.Zero }, new StorageItem() { IsConstant = false, Value = new byte[] { } } ); cache.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x02 }, ScriptHash = UInt160.Zero }, new StorageItem() { IsConstant = false, Value = new byte[] { } } ); cache.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02 }, ScriptHash = UInt160.Zero }, new StorageItem() { IsConstant = false, Value = new byte[] { } } ); CollectionAssert.AreEqual( cache.Find(new byte[21]).Select(u => u.Key.Key[1]).ToArray(), new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02 } ); storages.DeleteWhere((k, v) => k.ScriptHash == UInt160.Zero); }
public void TestCachedFind_Last() { var snapshot = TestBlockchain.GetTestSnapshot(); var storages = snapshot.CreateSnapshot(); var cache = new ClonedCache(storages); storages.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01 }, Id = 0 }, new StorageItem() { Value = new byte[] { } } ); storages.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x01 }, Id = 0 }, new StorageItem() { Value = new byte[] { } } ); cache.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x02 }, Id = 0 }, new StorageItem() { Value = new byte[] { } } ); cache.Add ( new StorageKey() { Key = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02 }, Id = 0 }, new StorageItem() { Value = new byte[] { } } ); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(cache.Find(new byte[5]).Select(u => u.Key.Key[1]).ToArray(), new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02 } ); }
public void TestSetup() { // protect against external changes on TimeProvider TimeProvider.ResetToDefault(); NeoSystem TheNeoSystem = TestBlockchain.InitializeMockNeoSystem(); // Create a MemoryPool with capacity of 100 _unit = new MemoryPool(TheNeoSystem, 100); // Verify capacity equals the amount specified _unit.Capacity.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(100); _unit.VerifiedCount.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(0); _unit.UnVerifiedCount.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(0); _unit.Count.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(0); }
public void TestSetup() { TestBlockchain.InitializeMockNeoSystem(); Store = TestBlockchain.GetStore(); }
public void ConsensusService_Primary_Sends_PrepareRequest_After_OnStart() { TestProbe subscriber = CreateTestProbe(); var mockWallet = new Mock <Wallet>(); mockWallet.Setup(p => p.GetAccount(It.IsAny <UInt160>())).Returns <UInt160>(p => new TestWalletAccount(p)); ConsensusContext context = new ConsensusContext(mockWallet.Object, TestBlockchain.GetStore()); int timeIndex = 0; var timeValues = new[] { //new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc), // For tests here new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc), // For receiving block new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, (int)Blockchain.SecondsPerBlock, DateTimeKind.Utc), // For Initialize new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc), // unused new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc) // unused }; //TimeProvider.Current.UtcNow.ToTimestamp().Should().Be(4244941711); //1968-06-01 00:00:15 Console.WriteLine($"time 0: {timeValues[0].ToString()} 1: {timeValues[1].ToString()} 2: {timeValues[2].ToString()} 3: {timeValues[3].ToString()}"); var timeMock = new Mock <TimeProvider>(); timeMock.SetupGet(tp => tp.UtcNow).Returns(() => timeValues[timeIndex]) .Callback(() => timeIndex++); //new DateTime(1968, 06, 01, 0, 0, 15, DateTimeKind.Utc)); TimeProvider.Current = timeMock.Object; //public void Log(string message, LogLevel level) // TODO: create ILogPlugin for Tests /* * mockConsensusContext.Setup(mr => mr.Log(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<LogLevel>())) * .Callback((string message, LogLevel level) => { * Console.WriteLine($"CONSENSUS LOG: {message}"); * } * ); */ // Creating proposed block Header header = new Header(); TestUtils.SetupHeaderWithValues(header, UInt256.Zero, out UInt256 merkRootVal, out UInt160 val160, out uint timestampVal, out uint indexVal, out Witness scriptVal); header.Size.Should().Be(101); Console.WriteLine($"header {header} hash {header.Hash} timstamp {timestampVal}"); timestampVal.Should().Be(4244941696); //1968-06-01 00:00:00 // check basic ConsensusContext //mockConsensusContext.Object.block_received_time.ToTimestamp().Should().Be(4244941697); //1968-06-01 00:00:01 // ============================================================================ // creating ConsensusService actor // ============================================================================ TestActorRef <ConsensusService> actorConsensus = ActorOfAsTestActorRef <ConsensusService>( Akka.Actor.Props.Create(() => (ConsensusService)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(ConsensusService), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new object[] { subscriber, subscriber, context }, null)) ); Console.WriteLine("will trigger OnPersistCompleted!"); actorConsensus.Tell(new Blockchain.PersistCompleted { Block = new Block { Version = header.Version, PrevHash = header.PrevHash, MerkleRoot = header.MerkleRoot, Timestamp = header.Timestamp, Index = header.Index, NextConsensus = header.NextConsensus } }); // OnPersist will not launch timer, we need OnStart Console.WriteLine("will start consensus!"); actorConsensus.Tell(new ConsensusService.Start { IgnoreRecoveryLogs = true }); Console.WriteLine("OnTimer should expire!"); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for subscriber message!"); // Timer should expire in one second (block_received_time at :01, initialized at :02) var answer = subscriber.ExpectMsg <LocalNode.SendDirectly>(); Console.WriteLine($"MESSAGE 1: {answer}"); //var answer2 = subscriber.ExpectMsg<LocalNode.SendDirectly>(); // expects to fail! // ============================================================================ // finalize ConsensusService actor // ============================================================================ //Thread.Sleep(4000); Sys.Stop(actorConsensus); TimeProvider.ResetToDefault(); Assert.AreEqual(1, 1); }
public void TestSetup() { TestBlockchain.InitializeMockNeoSystem(); }
public void FeeIsMultiSigContract() { var store = TestBlockchain.GetStore(); var walletA = GenerateTestWallet(); var walletB = GenerateTestWallet(); var snapshot = store.GetSnapshot(); using (var unlockA = walletA.Unlock("123")) using (var unlockB = walletB.Unlock("123")) { var a = walletA.CreateAccount(); var b = walletB.CreateAccount(); var multiSignContract = Contract.CreateMultiSigContract(2, new ECPoint[] { a.GetKey().PublicKey, b.GetKey().PublicKey }); walletA.CreateAccount(multiSignContract, a.GetKey()); var acc = walletB.CreateAccount(multiSignContract, b.GetKey()); // Fake balance var key = NativeContract.GAS.CreateStorageKey(20, acc.ScriptHash); var entry = snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(key, () => new StorageItem { Value = new Nep5AccountState().ToByteArray() }); entry.Value = new Nep5AccountState() { Balance = 10000 * NativeContract.GAS.Factor } .ToByteArray(); // Make transaction var tx = walletA.MakeTransaction(new TransferOutput[] { new TransferOutput() { AssetId = NativeContract.GAS.Hash, ScriptHash = acc.ScriptHash, Value = new BigDecimal(1, 8) } }, acc.ScriptHash); Assert.IsNotNull(tx); // Sign var data = new ContractParametersContext(tx); Assert.IsTrue(walletA.Sign(data)); Assert.IsTrue(walletB.Sign(data)); Assert.IsTrue(data.Completed); tx.Witnesses = data.GetWitnesses(); // Fast check Assert.IsTrue(tx.VerifyWitnesses(snapshot, tx.NetworkFee)); // Check long verificationGas = 0; foreach (var witness in tx.Witnesses) { using (ApplicationEngine engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Verification, tx, snapshot, tx.NetworkFee, false)) { engine.LoadScript(witness.VerificationScript); engine.LoadScript(witness.InvocationScript); Assert.AreEqual(VMState.HALT, engine.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.ResultStack.Count); Assert.IsTrue(engine.ResultStack.Pop().GetBoolean()); verificationGas += engine.GasConsumed; } } var sizeGas = tx.Size * NativeContract.Policy.GetFeePerByte(snapshot); Assert.AreEqual(tx.NetworkFee, verificationGas + sizeGas); } }
public void TestSetup() { uut = new Transaction(); store = TestBlockchain.GetStore(); }
public void System_Runtime_GetInvocationCounter() { var snapshot = TestBlockchain.GetStore().GetSnapshot(); var contracts = (TestDataCache <UInt160, ContractState>)snapshot.Contracts; // Call System.Runtime.GetInvocationCounter syscall var script = new ScriptBuilder(); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_GetInvocationCounter); // Init A,B,C contracts // First two drops is for drop method and arguments var contractA = new ContractState() { Script = new byte[] { (byte)OpCode.DROP, (byte)OpCode.DROP }.Concat(script.ToArray()).ToArray() }; var contractB = new ContractState() { Script = new byte[] { (byte)OpCode.DROP, (byte)OpCode.DROP, (byte)OpCode.NOP }.Concat(script.ToArray()).ToArray() }; var contractC = new ContractState() { Script = new byte[] { (byte)OpCode.DROP, (byte)OpCode.DROP, (byte)OpCode.NOP, (byte)OpCode.NOP }.Concat(script.ToArray()).ToArray() }; contracts.DeleteWhere((a, b) => a.ToArray().SequenceEqual(contractA.ScriptHash.ToArray())); contracts.DeleteWhere((a, b) => a.ToArray().SequenceEqual(contractB.ScriptHash.ToArray())); contracts.DeleteWhere((a, b) => a.ToArray().SequenceEqual(contractC.ScriptHash.ToArray())); contracts.Add(contractA.ScriptHash, contractA); contracts.Add(contractB.ScriptHash, contractB); contracts.Add(contractC.ScriptHash, contractC); // Call A,B,B,C script = new ScriptBuilder(); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Contract_Call, contractA.ScriptHash.ToArray(), "dummyMain", 0); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Contract_Call, contractB.ScriptHash.ToArray(), "dummyMain", 0); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Contract_Call, contractB.ScriptHash.ToArray(), "dummyMain", 0); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Contract_Call, contractC.ScriptHash.ToArray(), "dummyMain", 0); // Execute var engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, snapshot, 0, true); engine.LoadScript(script.ToArray()); Assert.AreEqual(engine.Execute(), VMState.HALT); // Check the results CollectionAssert.AreEqual ( engine.ResultStack.Select(u => (int)((VM.Types.Integer)u).GetBigInteger()).ToArray(), new int[] { 1, /* A */ 1, /* B */ 2, /* B */ 1 /* C */ } ); }
public void Setup() { neoSystem = TestBlockchain.InitializeMockNeoSystem(); }
public void Runtime_GetNotifications_Test() { UInt160 scriptHash2; var snapshot = TestBlockchain.GetStore().GetSnapshot(); using (var script = new ScriptBuilder()) { // Drop arguments script.Emit(VM.OpCode.TOALTSTACK); script.Emit(VM.OpCode.DROP); script.Emit(VM.OpCode.FROMALTSTACK); // Notify method script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_Notify); // Add return script.EmitPush(true); // Mock contract scriptHash2 = script.ToArray().ToScriptHash(); snapshot.Contracts.Delete(scriptHash2); snapshot.Contracts.Add(scriptHash2, new Ledger.ContractState() { Script = script.ToArray(), Manifest = ContractManifest.CreateDefault(scriptHash2), }); } // Wrong length using (var engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, snapshot, 0, true)) using (var script = new ScriptBuilder()) { // Retrive script.EmitPush(1); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_GetNotifications); // Execute engine.LoadScript(script.ToArray()); Assert.AreEqual(VMState.FAULT, engine.Execute()); } // All test using (var engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, snapshot, 0, true)) using (var script = new ScriptBuilder()) { // Notification 1 -> 13 script.EmitPush(13); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_Notify); // Call script script.EmitAppCall(scriptHash2, "test"); // Drop return script.Emit(OpCode.DROP); // Receive all notifications script.EmitPush(UInt160.Zero.ToArray()); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_GetNotifications); // Execute engine.LoadScript(script.ToArray()); var currentScriptHash = engine.EntryScriptHash; Assert.AreEqual(VMState.HALT, engine.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.ResultStack.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, engine.Notifications.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(engine.ResultStack.Peek(), typeof(VM.Types.Array)); var array = (VM.Types.Array)engine.ResultStack.Pop(); // Check syscall result AssertNotification(array[1], scriptHash2, "test"); AssertNotification(array[0], currentScriptHash, 13); // Check notifications Assert.AreEqual(scriptHash2, engine.Notifications[1].ScriptHash); Assert.AreEqual("test", engine.Notifications[1].State.GetString()); Assert.AreEqual(currentScriptHash, engine.Notifications[0].ScriptHash); Assert.AreEqual(13, engine.Notifications[0].State.GetBigInteger()); } // Script notifications using (var engine = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, snapshot, 0, true)) using (var script = new ScriptBuilder()) { // Notification 1 -> 13 script.EmitPush(13); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_Notify); // Call script script.EmitAppCall(scriptHash2, "test"); // Drop return script.Emit(OpCode.DROP); // Receive all notifications script.EmitPush(scriptHash2.ToArray()); script.EmitSysCall(InteropService.System_Runtime_GetNotifications); // Execute engine.LoadScript(script.ToArray()); var currentScriptHash = engine.EntryScriptHash; Assert.AreEqual(VMState.HALT, engine.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.ResultStack.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, engine.Notifications.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(engine.ResultStack.Peek(), typeof(VM.Types.Array)); var array = (VM.Types.Array)engine.ResultStack.Pop(); // Check syscall result AssertNotification(array[0], scriptHash2, "test"); // Check notifications Assert.AreEqual(scriptHash2, engine.Notifications[1].ScriptHash); Assert.AreEqual("test", engine.Notifications[1].State.GetString()); Assert.AreEqual(currentScriptHash, engine.Notifications[0].ScriptHash); Assert.AreEqual(13, engine.Notifications[0].State.GetBigInteger()); } // Clean storage snapshot.Contracts.Delete(scriptHash2); }
public static void SetupTestBlockchain(UInt256 assetId) { Blockchain testBlockchain = new TestBlockchain(assetId); Blockchain.RegisterBlockchain(testBlockchain); }
public static void TestSetup(TestContext ctx) { testBlockchain = TestBlockchain.InitializeMockNeoSystem(); }
private void setupTestBlockchain(UInt256 assetId) { Blockchain testBlockchain = new TestBlockchain(assetId); Blockchain.RegisterBlockchain(testBlockchain); }