public void CacheUser (UserInfo user) { ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this); ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit(); editor.PutString (UserInfo.NAME, user.Name); editor.PutString (UserInfo.SESSIONID, user.SessionId); // TODO add the rest editor.Apply(); }
public async static void SendLogoutRequest (UserInfo user) { Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string> (); dict.Add (sessionIdHeaderKey, user.SessionId); await Delete (BASE, LOGOUT, dict); }
async void HandleLoginClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { emailInput.ClearFocus (); passwordInput.ClearFocus (); HideKeyboard (); if (!isLoginInProgess) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (emailInput.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (passwordInput.Text)) { // bad input } else { isLoginInProgess = true; LoginRequest loginRequest = new LoginRequest { Email = emailInput.Text, Password = passwordInput.Text }; loaderView.ShowAnimation (); LoginResponse response = await Networking.SendLoginRequest (loginRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (response.SessionId)) { DialogUtils.CreateDialog (activity, "Oops!", "Failed to log in with these credentials."); } else { UserInfo user = new UserInfo { Name = response.Name, Email =, SessionId = response.SessionId }; LoginState.ActiveUser = user; activity.CacheUser (user); List<ParkingLotInfo> parkingLotInfoList = await Networking.SendParkingLotsRequest (); if (parkingLotInfoList != null) { LoginState.ActiveUser.AccessInfo.AddRange (parkingLotInfoList); } else { // TODO handle failing in life } activity.Finish (); } isLoginInProgess = false; loaderView.StopAnimating (); } } }