private void btnRecruit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (numCount.Value > 0) { if (frmGame.World.Faction[frmGame.Player].Money - frmGame.World.Unit[unitCard.UnitID].Price * (int)numCount.Value >= 0) { if (Notice.Show( frmGame.World.Unit[unitCard.UnitID].Description + Environment.NewLine + "___________" + Environment.NewLine + "Recruit this " + lblPrice.Text + "?", frmGame.World.Unit[unitCard.UnitID].Name, "Recruitment") == DialogResult.Yes) { frmGame.RecruitUnit(frmGame.Player, unitCard.UnitID, (int)numCount.Value); numCount.Value = 0; SelectUnit(unitCard.UnitID); lblMoney.Text = frmGame.World.Faction[frmGame.Player].Money + " gold"; } } } }
public void Add(string msg, string title, string imageSound) { NoticeIcon icn = new NoticeIcon(imageSound); Tip.SetToolTip(icn, title); icn.Click += delegate { Notice.Show(msg, title, imageSound); RemoveNotice(icn); }; icn.Disposed += delegate { base.Controls.Remove(icn); ArrangeNotices(); }; base.Controls.Add(icn); ArrangeNotices(); }
private void PopulateList() { try { string[,] ss = new string[500, 500]; int rows = 0, cols = 0; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { string[] sheet = wc.DownloadString("").Split('\n'); rows = sheet.Length; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { string[] col = sheet[i].Split('\t'); for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; j++) { ss[i, j] = col[j]; } if (col.Length > cols) { cols = col.Length; } } } maps = 0; for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++) { if (ss[i, 0] != string.Empty) { MapListItem mli = new MapListItem(ss[i, 0], ss[i, 1], ss[i, 2], ss[i, 3], ss[i, 4]); mli.Width = pnlMaps.Width - 30; mli.Location = new Point(0, maps * mli.Height + maps); mli.Click += mli_Click; if (Directory.Exists(NarivianClass.MapsDirectory + mli.MapInternalName)) { mli.Installed = true; XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load(NarivianClass.MapsDirectory + mli.MapInternalName + "\\World.XML"); string version = xml.SelectSingleNode("World/MapVersion").InnerText; if (VersionChecker.CompareVersions(version, mli.MapVersion) >= 0) { mli.UpToDate = true; } else { mli.UpToDate = false; } } else { mli.Installed = false; mli.UpToDate = false; } pnlMaps.Controls.Add(mli); maps += 1; } } } catch { Notice.Show("Cannot access maps database\n\nPlease check your internet connection", "Error", "GameVersion"); } }
public static void CheckVersion(bool silent = false) { new Thread((ThreadStart) delegate { try { string[,] ss = new string[500, 500]; int rows = 0, cols = 0; bool ok = false; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { string[] sheet = wc.DownloadString("").Split('\n'); rows = sheet.Length; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { string[] col = sheet[i].Split('\t'); for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; j++) { ss[i, j] = col[j]; } if (col.Length > cols) { cols = col.Length; } } } for (int i = 0; i <= rows; i++) { if (ss[i, 0] == Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name) { string ver = ss[i, 1]; string link = ss[i, 2]; ok = true; if (CompareVersions(Application.ProductVersion.ToString(), ver) < 0) { ShowUpdateDialog(ver, link); Log.WriteLine("INFO: New version availabile (" + ver + ") at " + link); } else if (!silent) { Notice.Show("Congratulations, you have the latest version!\n\nUpdate not necessary", "No update avalabile!", "GameVersion"); } } } if (ok == false) { if (silent == false) { ShowErrorDialog(new Exception()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (silent == false) { ShowErrorDialog(ex); } } }).Start(); }
private void base_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Cursor = CustomCursor.Load("Default.CUR"); string body = World.Building[BuildingID].Description + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; if (BuildingID != 0) { body += "Maintenance: " + World.Building[BuildingID].Maintenance; if (World.Building[BuildingID].Income != 0) { body += Environment.NewLine + "Income: " + World.Building[BuildingID].Income; } if (World.Building[BuildingID].AttackBonus != 0) { body += Environment.NewLine + "Attack Bonus: " + World.Building[BuildingID].AttackBonus; } if (World.Building[BuildingID].DefenceBonus != 0) { body += Environment.NewLine + "Defence Bonus: " + World.Building[BuildingID].DefenceBonus; } if (World.Building[BuildingID].RecruitmentBonus != 0) { body += Environment.NewLine + "Recruitment Bonus: " + World.Building[BuildingID].RecruitmentBonus; } if (World.Building[BuildingID].ReligionInfluence != 0) { body += Environment.NewLine + "Religion Influence: " + World.Building[BuildingID].ReligionInfluence; } } else { if (World.Region[RegionID].Type == RegionType.Capital) { body += "Income: " + World.BaseRegionIncome * 2; } else { body += "Income: " + World.BaseRegionIncome; } } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Notice.Show(body, BuildingName, "Buildings\\" + BuildingName); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (BuildingID != 0) { if (Notice.Show( "Do you want to demolish this building?", BuildingName, "Buildings\\" + BuildingName) == DialogResult.Yes) { MessageBox.Show("Inca nu se pot sterge cladirile decat din meniu sau din consola cu 'region removebuilding <regId> <buildingId>'"); } else { Notice.Show("You cannot demolish this building!", BuildingName, "Buildings\\" + BuildingName); } } } }