internal async Task onConnectionException(InConnection inc, Exception e) { Logger.exception(e, Logging.Level.Error, $"Handling {inc}"); if (inc.IsHandled == false) { await inc.SetResult(new ConnectResultBase(this, ConnectResultEnum.Failed) { FailedReason = $"exception: {e.GetType()}: {e.Message}" }); } }
public virtual Task HandleConnection(InConnection connection) { if (connection is InConnectionTcp tcp) { return(this.HandleTcpConnection(tcp)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("cannot handle this type of connection."); } }
public async Task HandleInConnection(InConnection inc, IConnectionHandler outAdapter) { try { if (outAdapter == null) { warning($"'{inc.InAdapter.Name}' {inc} -> (no out adapter)"); return; } onConnectionBegin(inc, outAdapter); int redirectCount = 0; while (true) { inc.RunningHandler = outAdapter; if (outAdapter is IConnectionHandler2 ich2) { await ich2.HandleConnection(inc).CAF(); } else if (inc is InConnectionTcp tcp) { await outAdapter.HandleTcpConnection(tcp).CAF(); } else { throw new Exception($"'{outAdapter.Name}' cannot handle this type of connection."); } if (inc.IsHandled || !inc.IsRedirected) { break; } if (++redirectCount >= 10) { error($"'{inc.InAdapter.Name}' {inc} too many redirects, last redirect: {outAdapter.Name}"); return; } var nextAdapter = inc.Redirected?.Adapter as IConnectionHandler; if (nextAdapter == null) { warning($"'{inc.InAdapter.Name}' {inc} was redirected by '{outAdapter.Name}'" + $" to '{inc.Redirected}' which can not be found."); return; } outAdapter = nextAdapter; if (LoggingLevel <= Logging.Level.None) { debug($"'{inc.InAdapter.Name}' {inc} was redirected to '{inc.Redirected}'"); } inc.Redirected = null; } } catch (Exception e) { await onConnectionException(inc, e).CAF(); } finally { await onConnectionEnd(inc).CAF(); } }
protected Task HandleIncommingConnection(InConnection inConnection, AdapterRef outRef) { if (rdns?.Adapter is DnsInAdapter dnsIn) { try { dnsIn.HandleRdns(inConnection); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.exception(e, Logging.Level.Error, "rdns handling"); } } return(Controller.HandleInConnection(inConnection, outRef.Adapter as IConnectionHandler)); }
public Task HandleInConnection(InConnection inConnection) { if (inConnection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inConnection)); } if (inConnection.InAdapter is IInAdapter ina) { return(HandleInConnection(inConnection, [email protected] as IConnectionHandler)); } else { throw new ArgumentException($"InConnection.InAdapter({inConnection.InAdapter}) does not implement IInAdapter."); } }
public Task HandleConnection(InConnection connection) { if (connection is InConnectionDns dns) { return(ResolveName(dns)); } else if (connection is InConnectionTcp) { throw new NotSupportedException("This is just a dns client and cannot handle regular connection."); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public Task HandleConnection(InConnection connection) { if (connection is InConnectionTcp tcp) { return(HandleTcpConnection(tcp)); } else if (connection is InConnectionDns dns) { return(HandleDnsConnection(dns)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("cannot handle this type of connection"); } }
private void onConnectionBegin(InConnection inc, IAdapter outAdapter) { if (LoggingLevel <= Logging.Level.None) { debug($"'{inc.InAdapter.Name}' {inc} -> '{outAdapter.Name}'"); } try { lock (InConnectionsLock) { inc.InAdapter.GetAdapter().CreatedConnections++; _totalHandledConnections++; InConnections.Add(inc.Id, inc); NewConnection?.Invoke(inc); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.exception(e, Logging.Level.Error, "event NewConnection"); } }
public Task HandleInConnection(InConnection inc, AdapterRef outAdapterRef) { if (outAdapterRef == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outAdapterRef)); } IConnectionHandler adapter = outAdapterRef.Adapter as IConnectionHandler; if (adapter == null) { if (LoggingLevel <= Logging.Level.Warning) { warning($"null out adapter reference ({outAdapterRef})"); } } return(HandleInConnection(inc, adapter)); }
public Task HandleInConnection(InConnection inc, string outAdapterName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outAdapterName)) { throw new ArgumentException("outAdapterName is null or empty"); } IConnectionHandler selectedAdapter = FindOutAdapter(outAdapterName); if (selectedAdapter == null) { if (LoggingLevel <= Logging.Level.Warning) { warning($"out adapter '{outAdapterName}' not found"); } } return(HandleInConnection(inc, selectedAdapter)); }
public void HandleRdns(InConnection x) { if (IPAddress.TryParse(x.Dest.Host, out var ip)) { string host = null; if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { host = cacheDns.QueryByIp((uint)ip.Address); } else if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { host = cacheDns.QueryByIp6(new Ip6(ip)); } if (host != null) { x.DestOriginalName = host; } } }
public override Task HandleConnection(InConnection connection) { if (connection is InConnectionDns dns) { if (redirect_dns != null) { dns.RedirectTo(redirect_dns); return(NaiveUtils.CompletedTask); } return(ResolveNameCore(dns)); } if (connection is InConnectionUdp udp) { var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); return(connection.SetResult(new ConnectResultUdp(this, ConnectResultEnum.OK) { UdpSocket = GetMyStreamFromSocket(socket) as IUdpSocket })); } return(base.HandleConnection(connection)); }
internal async Task onConnectionEnd(InConnection inc) { inc.RunningHandler = null; if (LoggingLevel <= Logging.Level.None) { debug($"{inc} End."); } await inc.Finish(); try { lock (InConnectionsLock) { if (inc.ConnectResult?.Result != ConnectResultEnum.OK) { _failedConnections++; } InConnections.Remove(inc.Id); EndConnection?.Invoke(inc); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.exception(e, Logging.Level.Error, "event EndConnection"); } }
public Task HandleConnection(InConnection connection) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (Handle(connection, out var redir)) { connection.RedirectTo(redir); } else { connection.RedirectTo(@default); } if (logging) { var ms = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; var dest = connection.GetDestStringWithOriginalName(); if (log_uri && connection.Url != null) { dest = connection.Url; }$"{connection.Redirected} <- {dest} - '{connection.InAdapter?.Name}' ({ms} ms)"); } return(AsyncHelper.CompletedTask); }
protected Task HandleIncommingConnection(InConnection inConnection) { return(HandleIncommingConnection(inConnection, @out)); }