        // The Page_Load event handler on this User Control is used to
        // obtain a DataReader of link information from the Links
        // table, and then databind the results to a templated DataList
        // server control.  It uses the Nairc.KPWPortal.LinkDB()
        // data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
        protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set the link image type
            if (IsEditable)
                linkImage = "~/images/edit.gif";
                linkImage = "~/images/navlink.gif";

            // Obtain links information from the Links table
            // and bind to the list control
            IDesktopModulesFacade facade = new DesktopModulesFacade();
            myDataList.DataSource = facade.Links(ModuleId);

            // Ensure that only users in role may add links
            if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(ModuleConfiguration.AuthorizedEditRoles))
                EditButton.Text = "ÐÂÔöÁ´½Ó";
                EditButton.NavigateUrl = "~/DesktopModules/EditLinks.aspx?mid=" + ModuleId.ToString();
        // The Page_Load event handler on this User Control is used to
        // obtain a DataReader of link information from the Links
        // table, and then databind the results to a templated DataList
        // server control.  It uses the Nairc.KPWPortal.LinkDB()
        // data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
        protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set the link image type
            if (IsEditable)
                linkImage = "~/images/edit.gif";
                linkImage = "~/images/navlink.gif";

            // Obtain links information from the Links table
            // and bind to the datalist control
            IDesktopModulesFacade facade = new DesktopModulesFacade();
            myDataList.DataSource = facade.Links(ModuleId);
 public void LinksTest()
     //IList<PortalLink> Links(int moduleId)
     DesktopModulesFacade facade = new DesktopModulesFacade();