public ProcessBaseVm(AdminLevel a, ProcessDetails s, ICalcIndicators c)
     r = new ProcessRepository();
     this.model = r.GetById(s.Id);
     adminLevel = a;
     calc = c;
 public ProcessBaseVm(AdminLevel a, int typeId, ICalcIndicators c)
     adminLevel = a;
     r = new ProcessRepository();
     model = r.Create(typeId);
     model.AdminLevelId = adminLevel.Id;
     calc = c;
 private void lnkProcess_ClickOverride()
     ReportRepository repo = new ReportRepository();
     opts.EntityType = Model.IndicatorEntityType.Process;
     opts.AvailableIndicators = repo.GetProcessIndicators();
     ProcessRepository typeRepo = new ProcessRepository();
     var types = typeRepo.GetProcessTypes().Select(t => t.TypeName).ToList();
     ProcessBase saes = typeRepo.Create(9);
     opts.FormTypes = types.OrderBy(t => t).ToList();
     OnSwitchStep(new IndStepIndicators(opts));
        private void ProcessTypeView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DesignMode)
                repo = new ProcessRepository();

                lvIndicators.SetObjects(model.Indicators.Values.Where(i => i.IsEditable));
                if (model.Id == 0)
                    pnlName.Visible = true;
                bsProcessType.DataSource = model;
        private void SplittingSaes_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!DesignMode)

                ProcessRepository repo = new ProcessRepository();

                if (options.SplitType == SplittingType.Split)
                    var saes = repo.GetAllForAdminLevel(options.Source.Id).Where(i => i.TypeId == (int)StaticProcessType.SAEs);

                    foreach (var s in saes)
                        var sae = repo.GetById(s.Id);
                        var index = tblNewUnits.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle { SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize });
                        var chooser = new SaeMatcher(sae, options.SplitDestinations.Select(d => d.Unit).ToList(), options.Source);
                        chooser.Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 10, 5);
                        tblNewUnits.Controls.Add(chooser, 0, index);
                else if (options.SplitType == SplittingType.SplitCombine)
                    foreach (var source in options.MergeSources)
                        var saes = repo.GetAllForAdminLevel(source.Id).Where(i => i.TypeId == (int)StaticProcessType.SAEs);

                        foreach (var s in saes)
                            var sae = repo.GetById(s.Id);
                            var index = tblNewUnits.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle { SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize });
                            List<AdminLevel> dests = new List<AdminLevel> { source, options.MergeDestination };
                            var chooser = new SaeMatcher(sae, dests, options.Source);
                            chooser.Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 10, 5);
                            tblNewUnits.Controls.Add(chooser, 0, index);

                if (matchers.Count() == 0)
Exemple #6
        public void CreateIndicatorOptionUpdateForm()
            string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AutomatedListsSavePath"];

            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Indicator Id"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Type Id"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Type Name"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Form Name"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Indicator Name"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Indicator Option ID"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Indicator Option"));
            table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Weighted Ranking"));
            ReportRepository repo = new ReportRepository();
            List<ReportIndicator> indicators = repo.GetDiseaseDistroIndicators();
            foreach (var cmpc in indicators)
                foreach (var cat in cmpc.Children)
                    AddOptions(table, cat.Children.Where(x => x.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Dropdown), cat.Name, IndicatorEntityType.DiseaseDistribution);
            indicators = repo.GetSurveyIndicators();
            foreach (var cmpc in indicators)
                foreach (var cat in cmpc.Children)
                    AddOptions(table, cat.Children.Where(x => x.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Dropdown), cat.Name, IndicatorEntityType.Survey);
            indicators = repo.GetIntvIndicators();
            foreach (var cmpc in indicators)
                foreach (var cat in cmpc.Children)
                    AddOptions(table, cat.Children.Where(x => x.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Dropdown), cat.Name, IndicatorEntityType.Intervention);
            indicators = repo.GetProcessIndicators();
            foreach (var cmpc in indicators)
                foreach (var cat in cmpc.Children)
                    AddOptions(table, cat.Children.Where(x => x.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Dropdown), cat.Name, IndicatorEntityType.Process);

            ProcessRepository prepo = new ProcessRepository();
            ProcessBase saes = prepo.Create(9);
            foreach (var i in saes.ProcessType.Indicators)
                indicators.Add(ReportRepository.CreateReportIndicator(saes.ProcessType.Id, i));
            AddOptions(table, indicators.Where(x => x.DataTypeId == (int)IndicatorDataType.Dropdown), saes.ProcessType.TypeName, IndicatorEntityType.Process);

            using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage())
                ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
                ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(table, true);
                File.WriteAllBytes(path + string.Format("IndicatorDropdownWeightedRules_{0}.xlsx", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")), pck.GetAsByteArray());
        private List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> GetFormTypes(DataRow dr)
            var result = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["Type ID"].ToString()))
                var entityType = (IndicatorEntityType)Convert.ToInt32(dr["Type ID"]);

                switch (entityType)
                    case IndicatorEntityType.DiseaseDistribution:
                        DiseaseRepository typeRepo = new DiseaseRepository();
                        result = typeRepo.GetSelectedDiseases().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.DisplayName, d.Id)).ToList();
                    case IndicatorEntityType.Intervention:
                        IntvRepository intv = new IntvRepository();
                        result = intv.GetAllTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.IntvTypeName, d.Id)).ToList();
                    case IndicatorEntityType.Survey:
                        SurveyRepository sRepo = new SurveyRepository();
                        result = sRepo.GetSurveyTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.SurveyTypeName, d.Id)).ToList();
                    case IndicatorEntityType.Process:
                        ProcessRepository pRepo = new ProcessRepository();
                        result = pRepo.GetProcessTypes().Select(d => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(d.TypeName, d.Id)).ToList();
            return result;
 void importerWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
         int userId = ApplicationData.Instance.GetUserId();
         Nada.UI.View.Wizard.SplitDistro.WorkerPayload payload = (Nada.UI.View.Wizard.SplitDistro.WorkerPayload)e.Argument;
         ImportResult result = payload.Importer.UpdateData(payload.FileName, userId, payload.Forms);
         if (result.WasSuccess)
             ProcessRepository repo = new ProcessRepository();
             repo.Save(result.Forms.Cast<ProcessBase>().ToList(), userId);
         e.Result = result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger log = new Logger();
         log.Error("Error updating process forms during split. SplitProcesses:importerWorker_DoWork. ", ex);
        public List<ReportIndicator> GetProcessIndicators()
            List<ReportIndicator> indicators = new List<ReportIndicator>();
            ProcessRepository repo = new ProcessRepository();
            var types = repo.GetProcessTypes();
            var pc = new ReportIndicator { Name = TranslationLookup.GetValue("PcNtds"), IsCategory = true };
            var cm = new ReportIndicator { Name = TranslationLookup.GetValue("OtherNtds"), IsCategory = true };
            types.RemoveAll(t => t.TypeName == TranslationLookup.GetValue("SAEs"));
            foreach (var t in types.Where(i => i.DiseaseType == TranslationLookup.GetValue("PC")).OrderBy(t => t.TypeName))
                var cat = new ReportIndicator { Name = t.TypeName, IsCategory = true };
                var instance = repo.Create(t.Id);
                foreach (var i in instance.ProcessType.Indicators)
                    cat.Children.Add(CreateReportIndicator(t.Id, i, t.TypeName, t.DisplayNameKey));
                cat.Children = cat.Children.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();
            foreach (var t in types.Where(i => i.DiseaseType == TranslationLookup.GetValue("CM")).OrderBy(t => t.TypeName))
                var cat = new ReportIndicator { Name = t.TypeName, IsCategory = true };
                var instance = repo.Create(t.Id);
                foreach (var i in instance.ProcessType.Indicators)
                    cat.Children.Add(CreateReportIndicator(t.Id, i, t.TypeName, t.DisplayNameKey));
                cat.Children = cat.Children.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();

            // SAEs
            ProcessBase saes = repo.Create(9);
            var saeCat = new ReportIndicator { Name = saes.ProcessType.TypeName, IsCategory = true };
            foreach (var i in saes.ProcessType.Indicators)
                saeCat.Children.Add(CreateReportIndicator(saes.ProcessType.Id, i, saes.ProcessType.TypeName, saes.ProcessType.DisplayNameKey));
            saeCat.Children = saeCat.Children.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();

            return indicators;
Exemple #10
 //Worksheet 10: SAEs
 //list all in which Oncho was chosen from "Which parasitic/bacterial infections did the patient have" indicator
 //all SAE indicators
 //add an additional calculated field: "Duration between dates of treatment and appearance of symptoms" = TBD
 private void Add10(excel.Worksheet xlsWorksheet, excel.Range rng, List<AdminLevel> districts, DateTime start, DateTime end, int month)
     ReportOptions options = new ReportOptions { MonthYearStarts = month, StartDate = start, EndDate = end, IsCountryAggregation = false, IsByLevelAggregation = false, IsAllLocations = true, IsNoAggregation = true };
     ProcessRepository repo = new ProcessRepository();
     ProcessType p = repo.GetProcessType((int)StaticProcessType.SAEs);
     ProcessReportGenerator gen = new ProcessReportGenerator();
     ReportResult result = RunReport(xlsWorksheet, p.Indicators, options, gen, (int)StaticProcessType.SAEs);
     int headerCol = 1;
     foreach (DataColumn col in result.DataTableResults.Columns)
         xlsWorksheet.Cells[1, headerCol] = col.ColumnName.Replace(" - " + p.TypeName, "");
     int rowId = 2;
     foreach (DataRow dr in result.DataTableResults.Rows)
         if (dr[TranslationLookup.GetValue("SAEWhichparasitichave", "SAEWhichparasitichave") + " - " + p.TypeName].ToString().Contains(TranslationLookup.GetValue("SaeOncho", "SaeOncho")))
             int colId = 1;
             foreach (DataColumn col in result.DataTableResults.Columns)
                 xlsWorksheet.Cells[rowId, colId] = dr[col];