/// <summary>Writes a handle to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the handle to.</param> /// <param name="handleInfo">The handle to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteHandle(CsWriter csWriter, HandleInfo handleInfo) { var handleType = handleInfo.Dispatchable ? "UIntPtr" : "ulong"; var nullValue = handleInfo.Dispatchable ? "UIntPtr.Zero" : "0"; csWriter.WriteLine($"public struct {handleInfo.Name}"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { // fields csWriter.WriteLine($"public readonly {handleType} Handle;"); // accessors csWriter.WriteLine($"public bool IsNull => Handle == {nullValue};"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static {handleInfo.Name} Null => new({nullValue});"); // public methods csWriter.WriteLine($"public {handleInfo.Name}({handleType} handle)"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { csWriter.WriteLine("Handle = handle;"); }); csWriter.WriteLine($"public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is {handleInfo.Name} handle && this == handle;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public override int GetHashCode() => Handle.GetHashCode();"); // operators csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator ==({handleInfo.Name} left, {handleInfo.Name} right) => left.Handle == right.Handle;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator !=({handleInfo.Name} left, {handleInfo.Name} right) => left.Handle != right.Handle;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator ==({handleInfo.Name} left, {handleType} right) => left.Handle == right;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator !=({handleInfo.Name} left, {handleType} right) => left.Handle != right;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator ==({handleType} left, {handleInfo.Name} right) => left == right.Handle;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static bool operator !=({handleType} left, {handleInfo.Name} right) => left != right.Handle;"); }); }
/// <summary>Writes interop delegates to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the delegates to.</param> /// <param name="commandInfo">The delegates to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteDelegates(CsWriter csWriter, CommandInfo commandInfo) { if (commandInfo.Alias != null) // aliases don't need delegates as they call the aliased method, not a delegate { return; } var overloads = Utilities.GenerateAllOverloads(commandInfo); for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Count; i++) { var overload = overloads[i]; csWriter.WriteLine($"private unsafe delegate {overload.ReturnType} {overload.DelegateDisplayName}_{i}({string.Join(", ", overload.Parameters.Select(parameterInfo => parameterInfo.ToString()))});"); } }
/// <summary>Writes an enum to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the handle to.</param> /// <param name="enumInfo">The enum to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteEnum(CsWriter csWriter, EnumInfo enumInfo) { if (enumInfo.Type == EnumType.Bitmask) { csWriter.WriteLine($"[Flags]"); } csWriter.WriteLine($"public enum {enumInfo.Name}{((enumInfo.BitWidth == 64) ? " : long" : "")}"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var enumValue in enumInfo.Values.Distinct(new EnumFieldInfoDisplayNameEqualityComparer())) { csWriter.WriteLine(enumValue.ToString()); } }); }
/// <summary>Writes pointer and delegate fields to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the fields to.</param> /// <param name="commandInfo">The fields to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteFields(CsWriter csWriter, CommandInfo commandInfo) { if (commandInfo.Alias != null) // aliases don't have pointer or delegates { return; } // field containing function pointer csWriter.WriteLine($"private static IntPtr {commandInfo.PointerDisplayName};"); // fields for each overload delegate var overloads = Utilities.GenerateAllOverloads(commandInfo); for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Count; i++) { csWriter.WriteLine($"private static {commandInfo.DelegateDisplayName}_{i} {commandInfo.DisplayName}_{i};"); } }
/// <summary>Writes a field to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the field to.</param> /// <param name="fieldInfo">The field to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> /// <param name="constantInfos">The constants to use when resolving array lengths for fields.</param> private static void WriteField(CsWriter csWriter, FieldInfo fieldInfo, List <ConstantInfo> constantInfos) { if (fieldInfo.ElementCount == null) { csWriter.WriteLine($"public {fieldInfo.Type} {fieldInfo.DisplayName};"); } else { int.TryParse(fieldInfo.ElementCount, out var numericArrayLength); if (fieldInfo.ElementCount.Contains("][")) // check if the field is an array of arrays, if so then set the array length to be that of a single dimensional one { numericArrayLength = fieldInfo.ElementCount.Split("][").Select(arrayDimension => int.Parse(arrayDimension)).Aggregate(1, (x, y) => x * y); } // check if the type is allowed in a fixed array var fixedArrayTypes = new[] { "sbyte", "byte", "short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "long", "ulong", "bool", "char", "float", "double" }; if (fixedArrayTypes.Contains(fieldInfo.Type.Name)) { var arrayLength = numericArrayLength.ToString(); if (numericArrayLength == 0) // if it's a constant (instead of a number), prefix it as such { arrayLength = $"(int)VK.{Utilities.PrettifyConsantName(fieldInfo.ElementCount)}"; } csWriter.WriteLine($"public fixed {fieldInfo.Type} {fieldInfo.DisplayName}[{arrayLength}];"); } // if it isn't, then create a separate field for each element else { // if the array length is a Vulkan constant, resolve it to a numeric value if (numericArrayLength == 0) { numericArrayLength = int.Parse(constantInfos.Single(constantInfo => constantInfo.Name == fieldInfo.ElementCount).DisplayValue); } for (int i = 0; i < numericArrayLength; i++) { csWriter.WriteLine($"public {fieldInfo.Type} {fieldInfo.DisplayName}_{i};"); } } } }
/// <summary>Generates the C# file containing the Vulkan enums.</summary> /// <param name="handleInfos">The handles to generate.</param> /// <param name="file">The handles file.</param> private static void GenerateHandlesFile(List <HandleInfo> handleInfos, string file) { using (var streamWriter = File.CreateText(file)) { var csWriter = new CsWriter(streamWriter); csWriter.WriteHeader(); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteUsing("System"); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteLine($"namespace Vulkan"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var handleInfo in handleInfos) { WriteHandle(csWriter, handleInfo); } }); } }
/// <summary>Generates the C# file containing the Vulkan structures.</summary> /// <param name="structureInfos">The structures to generate.</param> /// <param name="constantInfos">The constants to use when resolving array lengths for fields.</param> /// <param name="file">The structures file.</param> private static void GenerateStructuresFile(List <StructureInfo> structureInfos, List <ConstantInfo> constantInfos, string file) { using (var streamWriter = File.CreateText(file)) { var csWriter = new CsWriter(streamWriter); csWriter.WriteHeader(); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteUsing("System"); csWriter.WriteUsing("System.Runtime.InteropServices"); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteLine($"namespace Vulkan"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var structureInfo in structureInfos.Where(structureInfo => structureInfo.Fields.Count > 0)) { WriteStructure(csWriter, structureInfo, constantInfos); } }); } }
/// <summary>Writes methods to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the methods to.</param> /// <param name="commandInfo">The methods to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> /// <param name="commandInfos">The methods to use when resolving method aliasing.</param> private static void WriteMethods(CsWriter csWriter, CommandInfo commandInfo, List <CommandInfo> commandInfos) { var overloads = Utilities.GenerateAllOverloads(commandInfo); for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Count; i++) { var overload = overloads[i]; var parametersString = string.Join(", ", overload.Parameters.Select(parameterInfo => parameterInfo.ToString())); // if the method is an alias, just call that instead of marshalling if (overload.Alias != null) { var aliasedParameterNames = string.Join(", ", overload.Parameters.Select(parameterInfo => $"{parameterInfo.Modifier.GetAttribute<UnderlyingTypeAttribute>()?.UnderlyingType}{parameterInfo.DisplayName}")); var aliasedCommand = commandInfos.Single(cInfo => cInfo.Name == overload.Alias); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static unsafe {aliasedCommand.ReturnType} {overload.DisplayName}({parametersString}) => {overload.AliasDisplayName}({aliasedParameterNames});"); continue; } // create method var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", overload.Parameters.Select(parameterInfo => $"{parameterInfo.Modifier.GetAttribute<UnderlyingTypeAttribute>()?.UnderlyingType}{parameterInfo.DisplayName}")); csWriter.WriteLine($"public static unsafe {overload.ReturnType} {overload.DisplayName}({parametersString}) => {overload.DisplayName}_{i}({parameterNames});"); } }
/********* ** Private Methods *********/ /// <summary>Generates the C# file containing the Vulkan constants and commands.</summary> /// <param name="constantInfos">The constants to generate.</param> /// <param name="commandInfos">The commands to generate.</param> /// <param name="file">The VK file.</param> private static void GenerateVKFile(List <ConstantInfo> constantInfos, List <CommandInfo> commandInfos, string file) { using (var streamWriter = File.CreateText(file)) { var csWriter = new CsWriter(streamWriter); csWriter.WriteHeader(); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteUsing("System"); csWriter.WriteUsing("System.Runtime.InteropServices"); csWriter.WriteLine(); csWriter.WriteLine($"namespace Vulkan"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { csWriter.WriteLine($"public static class VK"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { // create constants foreach (var constantInfo in constantInfos) { WriteConstant(csWriter, constantInfo); } // create delegates foreach (var commandInfo in commandInfos) { WriteDelegates(csWriter, commandInfo); } // create fields csWriter.WriteLine("private static readonly OSVulkanLibraryBase VulkanLibrary;"); foreach (var commandInfo in commandInfos) { WriteFields(csWriter, commandInfo); } // create class initialiser to retrieve the function pointers csWriter.WriteLine("static VK()"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { csWriter.WriteLine("VulkanLibrary = OSVulkanLibraryBase.CreateOSVulkanLibrary();"); csWriter.WriteLine("InitialiseRequiredMethods();"); }); // create methods void PopulateDelegateOverloads(CsWriter csWriter, CommandInfo commandInfo) { var overloads = Utilities.GenerateAllOverloads(commandInfo); for (int i = 0; i < overloads.Count; i++) { csWriter.WriteLine($"{commandInfo.DisplayName}_{i} = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<{commandInfo.DelegateDisplayName}_{i}>({commandInfo.PointerDisplayName});"); } } var requiredMethods = new[] { "vkCreateInstance", "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties", "vkGetInstanceProcAddr" }; csWriter.WriteLine("private static void InitialiseRequiredMethods()"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var commandInfo in commandInfos.Where(commandInfo => requiredMethods.Contains(commandInfo.Name))) { csWriter.WriteLine($"{commandInfo.PointerDisplayName} = VulkanLibrary.GetFunctionPointer(\"{commandInfo.Name}\");"); PopulateDelegateOverloads(csWriter, commandInfo); } }); csWriter.WriteLine("public static void InitialiseInstanceMethods(VkInstance instance)"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var commandInfo in commandInfos.Where(commandInfo => !requiredMethods.Contains(commandInfo.Name))) { if (commandInfo.Alias != null) // aliases don't have delegates { continue; } csWriter.WriteLine($"{commandInfo.PointerDisplayName} = GetInstancePrecedureAddress(instance, \"{commandInfo.Name}\");"); csWriter.WriteLine($"if ({commandInfo.PointerDisplayName} != IntPtr.Zero)"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => PopulateDelegateOverloads(csWriter, commandInfo)); } }); foreach (var commandInfo in commandInfos) { WriteMethods(csWriter, commandInfo, commandInfos); } }); }); } }
/// <summary>Writes a structure to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the structure to.</param> /// <param name="structureInfo">The structure to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> /// <param name="constantInfos">The constants to use when resolving array lengths for fields.</param> private static void WriteStructure(CsWriter csWriter, StructureInfo structureInfo, List <ConstantInfo> constantInfos) { if (structureInfo.IsUnion) { csWriter.WriteLine("[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]"); } csWriter.WriteLine($"public unsafe struct {structureInfo.DisplayName}"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { // fields foreach (var fieldInfo in structureInfo.Fields) { if (structureInfo.IsUnion) { csWriter.WriteLine("[FieldOffset(0)]"); } WriteField(csWriter, fieldInfo, constantInfos); } var structuresWithConstructors = new[] { "VkOffset2D", "VkOffset3D", "VkExtent2D", "VkExtent3D", "VkRect2D", "VkComponentMapping", "VkImageSubresource", "VkImageSubresourceLayers", "VkImageSubresourceRange", "VkClearDepthStencilValue", "VkClearColorValue" }; // properties if (structureInfo.DisplayName.StartsWith("VkOffset") || structureInfo.DisplayName.StartsWith("VkExtent")) { csWriter.WriteLine($"public static {structureInfo.DisplayName} Zero => new();"); } else if (structureInfo.DisplayName == "VkComponentMapping") { csWriter.WriteLine("public static VkComponentMapping Identity => new(VkComponentSwizzle.Identity, VkComponentSwizzle.Identity, VkComponentSwizzle.Identity, VkComponentSwizzle.Identity);"); } // constructors if (structuresWithConstructors.Contains(structureInfo.DisplayName)) { // special constructors if (structureInfo.DisplayName == "VkClearColorValue") { var parameterTypes = new[] { "float", "int", "uint" }; foreach (var parameterType in parameterTypes) { csWriter.WriteLine($"public VkClearColorValue({parameterType} r, {parameterType} g, {parameterType} b, {parameterType} a)"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { var fieldName = parameterType.FirstToUpper() + "32"; csWriter.WriteLine($"{fieldName}[0] = r;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"{fieldName}[1] = g;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"{fieldName}[2] = b;"); csWriter.WriteLine($"{fieldName}[3] = a;"); }); } } // auto generated constructor else { var parametersString = string.Join(", ", structureInfo.Fields.Select(fieldInfo => $"{fieldInfo.Type} {fieldInfo.DisplayName.FirstToLower()}")); csWriter.WriteLine($"public {structureInfo.DisplayName}({parametersString})"); csWriter.WriteScope(() => { foreach (var fieldInfo in structureInfo.Fields) { csWriter.WriteLine($"{fieldInfo.DisplayName} = {fieldInfo.DisplayName.FirstToLower()};"); } }); } } // operators if (structureInfo.DisplayName == "VkClearValue") { csWriter.WriteLine("public static implicit operator VkClearValue(VkClearColorValue colour) => new() { Color = colour };"); csWriter.WriteLine("public static implicit operator VkClearValue(VkClearDepthStencilValue depthStencil) => new() { DepthStencil = depthStencil };"); } }); }
/// <summary>Writes a function pointer delegate to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the delegate to.</param> /// <param name="delegateInfo">The delegate to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteDelegate(CsWriter csWriter, DelegateInfo delegateInfo) => csWriter.WriteLine($"public unsafe delegate {delegateInfo.ReturnType} {delegateInfo.DisplayName}({string.Join(", ", delegateInfo.Parameters.Select(parameterInfo => parameterInfo.ToString()))});");
/// <summary>Writes a constant to a <see cref="CsWriter"/>.</summary> /// <param name="csWriter">The <see cref="CsWriter"/> to write the constant to.</param> /// <param name="constantInfo">The constant to write to <paramref name="csWriter"/>.</param> private static void WriteConstant(CsWriter csWriter, ConstantInfo constantInfo) => csWriter.WriteLine($"public const {constantInfo.DisplayType} {constantInfo.DisplayName} = {constantInfo.DisplayValue};");