public void Buffer() { Coordinate[] c = new Coordinate[36]; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { c[i] = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() + 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90); } MultiPoint mps = new MultiPoint(c); byte[] vals = mps.ToBinary(); WkbReader wkb = new WkbReader(); IGeometry g = wkb.Read(vals); MultiPoint mpsCheck = g as MultiPoint; if (mpsCheck != null) { Assert.AreEqual(mps.Buffer(200).Area, mpsCheck.Buffer(200).Area); } else { Assert.Fail("The test failed because the MpsCheck was null."); } }
[Test] //produto inexistente public void BuscarProdutoTest_ProdInexistente() { if (_produtoRepository.BuscarProduto(_produtoTeste.User) != null) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void GetHtmlAsyncPromises() { bool p1resolved = false; bool p2resolved = false; var promise1 = CQ.CreateFromUrlAsync(urls[0].Key) .Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((resp) => { Assert.IsTrue(resp.Dom.Find(urls[0].Value).Length > 0, "I found an expected content container - if MS changed their web site this could fail."); p1resolved = true; })); var promise2 = CQ.CreateFromUrlAsync(urls[1].Key).Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((resp) => { Assert.IsTrue(resp.Dom.Find(urls[1].Value).Length > 0, "I found an expected content container - if CNN changed their web site this could fail."); p2resolved = true; })); bool complete = false; CQ.WhenAll(promise1, promise2).Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((response) => { Assert.IsTrue(p1resolved, "Promise 1 is resolved"); Assert.IsTrue(p2resolved, "Promise 1 is resolved"); complete = true; }), new Action(() => { Assert.Fail("The web requests were rejected."); })); // if we don't do this the test will exit before finishing CQ.WaitForAsyncEvents(10000); Assert.IsTrue(complete); }
public void Projection_write_speed_without_unit_of_work() { var eventsRead = 0; var projector1 = Projector.Create <IEvent>(e => { using (var db = ReadModelDbContext()) { db.Set <ProductInventory>().Add(new ProductInventory { ProductName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), QuantityInStock = Any.Int(1, 5), QuantityReserved = 0 }); db.SaveChanges(); eventsRead++; } }).Named(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ":projector1"); using (var catchup = new ReadModelCatchup( eventStoreDbContext: () => EventStoreDbContext(), readModelDbContext: () => ReadModelDbContext(), startAtEventId: startAtEventId, projectors: projector1)) { catchup.Run(); } Console.WriteLine(new { eventsRead }); // TODO: (Write_speed_without_unit_of_work) write test Assert.Fail("Test not written yet."); }
[Test] //inativar produto de outro usuário public void InativaProdutoTest_Outro() { _produtoTeste.Ativo = true; _produtoTeste.Quantity = 1; _produtoRepository.AtualizarProduto(_produtoTeste.User, _produtoTeste.Id, _produtoTeste); if (_produtoTeste.Ativo) { var teste = _produtoRepository.InativaProduto(_produtoTeste.Id, _produtoTeste.Id); if (teste != null) { if (teste.Ativo != _produtoTeste.Ativo) { Assert.Fail(); } } } else { var teste = _produtoRepository.InativaProduto(_produtoTeste.Id, _produtoTeste.Id); if (teste != null) { Assert.Fail(); } } }
[Test] //alterar endereco cadastrado no usuário public void AtualizarEnderecoTest() { try { var alterar = _enderecoRepository.BuscarEndereco(_enderecoTeste.Id); alterar.Rua = "Nova Rua"; var alterado = _enderecoRepository.AtualizarEndereco(_enderecoTeste.User, _enderecoTeste.Id, alterar); if (alterado == null) { Assert.Fail(); } else { if (alterar.Rua != alterado.Rua) { Assert.Fail(); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } }
public void GenerateForMembers_compiles_expressions_that_are_not_MemberExpressions() { var node = new Node { Id = "1", Nodes = new[] { new Node { Id = "1.1" }, new Node { Id = "1.2" } } }; Formatter <Node> .RegisterForAllMembers(); Console.WriteLine(node.ToLogString()); Formatter <Node> .GenerateForMembers( di => di.Id, di => di.Nodes.Select(n => n.Id).ToLogString()); Assert.That( node.ToLogString(), Is.StringContaining("Nodes = { }")); // TODO (GenerateForMembers_compiles_expressions_that_are_not_MemberExpressions) write test Assert.Fail("Test not written yet."); }
public virtual void TestGetProperty() { var culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var obj = NewTestObject <Object1>(); obj.GetPropertyByName("Prop1"); obj.GetPropertyByName("Bar"); obj.GetPropertyById("Prop1"); obj.GetPropertyById("Prop2"); try { obj.GetPropertyById("Bar"); Assert.Fail("Shouldn't get to here!"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual("Assert.Fail failed. No Property with Id 'Bar'", e.Message); } try { obj.GetPropertyByName("Prop4"); Assert.Fail("Shouldn't get to here!"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.AreEqual("Assert.Fail failed. No Property named 'Prop4'", e.Message); } } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture; } }
public void AddForm_Test() { try { List <QuestionDTO> q = new List <QuestionDTO>(); List <AnswerDTO> a = new List <AnswerDTO>(); a.Add(new AnswerDTO { Answer = "a", AnswerID = 20 }); q.Add(new QuestionDTO { QuestionID = 1, Question = "why?", Answers = a }); FormDetailDTO f = new FormDetailDTO() { Id = 4, Username = "******", Deadline = "3", Category = "category1", Title = "Title1", State = "open", NrVotes = 100, Questions = q }; _formLogic.AddForm(f); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } Assert.Fail(); }
public bool waitForVisibilityOfElementUntillTimeout(By lookupBy, double timeout) { bool bln = false; WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout)); try { WebElement ele = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(lookupBy));//sunil bln = true; } catch (Exception ex) { try { TakeScreenShot(); Assert.Fail(lookupBy + " is not visible for " + timeout + " seconds." + " with message :" + ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex1) { Assert.Fail("Failed to take screenshot: " + ex1.ToString()); } } return(bln); }
public void GetHtmlAsyncPromises() { bool p1resolved = false; bool p2resolved = false; var promise1 = CQ.CreateFromUrlAsync("") .Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((resp) => { Assert.IsTrue(resp.Dom.Find(".hpMst_Stage").Length == 1, "I found an expected content container - if MS changed their web site this could fail."); p1resolved = true; })); var promise2 = CQ.CreateFromUrlAsync("").Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((resp) => { Assert.IsTrue(resp.Dom.Find("#cnn_hdr").Length == 1, "I found an expected content container - if CNN changed their web site this could fail."); p2resolved = true; })); bool complete = false; CQ.WhenAll(promise1, promise2).Then(new Action <ICsqWebResponse>((response) => { Assert.IsTrue(p1resolved, "Promise 1 is resolved"); Assert.IsTrue(p2resolved, "Promise 1 is resolved"); complete = true; }), new Action(() => { Assert.Fail("The web requests were rejected."); })); // if we don't do this the test will exit before finishing CQ.WaitForAsyncEvents(10000); Assert.IsTrue(complete); }
private static void GetTwoUsers(AccountUnitOfWork unit, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null) { var result = unit.RegisterUserAsync(new TelimenaUser(caller + "*****@*****.**", caller + "Jim Beam"), "P@ssword", TelimenaRoles.Developer).GetAwaiter() .GetResult(); if (!result.Item1.Succeeded) { var msg = result.Item1.Errors?.FirstOrDefault(); if (msg != null && !msg.Contains("is already taken.")) { Assert.Fail($"Failed to register user. Error: {result.Item1.Errors?.FirstOrDefault()}"); } } unit.Complete(); result = unit.RegisterUserAsync(new TelimenaUser(caller + "*****@*****.**", caller + "Jack Daniels"), "P@ssword", TelimenaRoles.Developer).GetAwaiter() .GetResult(); if (!result.Item1.Succeeded) { var msg = result.Item1.Errors?.FirstOrDefault(); if (msg != null && !msg.Contains("is already taken.")) { Assert.Fail($"Failed to register user. Error: {result.Item1.Errors?.FirstOrDefault()}"); } } unit.Complete(); }
public void TestGetCo2() { var url = "https://localhost:5001/measurements?deviceEUI=0004A30B00219CAC"; try { var myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); var response = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { if (response.) { Console.Write(string.Format("{0} Available", url)); } } else { Assert.Warn(string.Format("{0} Returned, but with status: {1}", url, response.StatusDescription)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(string.Format("{0} unavailable: {1}", url, ex.Message)); Assert.Fail(); } using (var client = new HttpClient()) { String URL = "https://localhost:5001/CO2"; var response = client.GetStringAsync(URL); Assert.IsTrue(Int16.Parse(response.Result) < 5000 && Int16.Parse(response.Result) > 410); } }
public void MultiLine() { Formatter.TextFormatter = new MultiLineTextFormatter(); WriteSomething(); // TODO (SingleLineTextFormatter) write test Assert.Fail("Test not written yet."); }
public void Rules_within_a_ValidationPlan_can_use_APM_signatures_and_run_synchronously() { var hasAwesomeTag = Validate.Async <string>( setup: url => { var request = new ApmOperation <string, string>(s => Task <string> .Factory.StartNew(() => "<div>" + s + "</div>")); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <string>(); Task <string> .Factory .FromAsync(request.BeginInvoke, request.EndInvoke, url, state: null) .ContinueWith( t => tcs.Complete(t, () => t.Result)); return(tcs.Task); }, validate: html => html.As("page").Contains("<awesome>")) .WithErrorMessage("{page} is missing the <awesome> tag!"); var plan = new ValidationPlan <string> { isValidHttpUrl, hasAwesomeTag.When(isValidHttpUrl) }; var result = plan.Execute(""); Console.WriteLine(result); // TODO: (Rules_within_a_ValidationPlan_can_use_APM_signatures_and_run_synchronously) Assert.Fail("Test not written"); }
internal void ValidateAddcertifications() { //Validate the certification is added sucessfully try { ExcelLibHelper.PopulateInCollection(ConstantHelpers.TestDataPath, "FieldValues"); String expectedValue = ExcelLibHelper.ReadData(3, "Certificate"); //Get the table list IList <IWebElement> Trows = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//form/div[5]/div[1]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr")); //Get the row count in table var rows = Trows.Count; for (var i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { ExtentionHelpers.TurnOnWait(driver); string actualValue = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//form/div[5]/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody[" + i + "]/tr/td[1]")).Text; //Check if expected value is equal to actual value if (expectedValue == actualValue) { SaveScreenShotClass save = new SaveScreenShotClass(); string img = save.SaveScreenshot(driver, "certification added"); } } } catch (Exception) { Assert.Fail(); } ExtentionHelpers.TurnOnWait(driver); }
public void CadastroEnderecoTest() { Endereco novo = new Endereco(); novo.Bairro = "Vila Paiva"; novo.Cep = "02075040"; novo.Cidade = "São Paulo"; novo.Uf = "SP"; novo.User = _enderecoTeste.User; novo.NomeEndereco = "Teste unitário"; novo.Numero = 396; novo.Rua = "Manuel de Almeida"; try { if (novo != null) { _enderecoRepository.CadastroEndereco(novo); } var teste = _enderecoRepository.BuscarEnderecoPorNome(novo.NomeEndereco).FirstOrDefault(); if (teste == null) { Assert.Fail(); } else { _enderecoRepository.RemoverEndereco(teste.Id); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } }
//validate deletion internal void ValidateDeleteLanguage() { try { String expectedValue1 = ExcelLibHelper.ReadData(3, "Language"); //get the table list IList <IWebElement> Tablerows = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//form/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr")); for (int i = 1; i <= Tablerows.Count; i++) { string actualvalue1 = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div/table/tbody[" + i + "]/tr/td[1]")).Text; //check if expected value is not equal to actual value if (expectedValue1 != actualvalue1) { SaveScreenShotClass save = new SaveScreenShotClass(); string img = save.SaveScreenshot(driver, "LanguageDeleted"); Console.WriteLine("deleted Successfully"); } } } catch (Exception) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void Errors_during_catchup_result_in_retries() { var consequenter = Consequenter.Create <Order.CreditCardCharged>(e => { }) .UseServiceBusForDurability(new ServiceBusSettings { ConnectionString = "this will never work" }); var errors = new List <EventHandlingError>(); var aggregateId = Any.Guid(); Events.Write(1, i => new Order.CreditCardCharged { AggregateId = aggregateId }); using (Domain.Configuration.Global.EventBus.Errors.Subscribe(errors.Add)) using (var catchup = CreateReadModelCatchup <CommandSchedulerDbContext>(consequenter)) { catchup.Run(); errors.Should().Contain(e => e.AggregateId == aggregateId && e.Exception.ToString().Contains("excelsior!")); } // TODO (Errors_during_catchup_result_in_retries) this would require a slightly different catchup mechanism or a way to retry events found in the EventHandlingErrors table Assert.Fail("Test not written yet."); }
public void MultipolygonToByteArray() { var rnd = new Random(); var pg = new Polygon[50]; for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var center = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() * 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90); var coord = new Coordinate[36]; for (var ii = 0; ii < 36; ii++) { coord[ii] = new Coordinate(center.X + Math.Cos((ii * 10) * Math.PI / 10), center.Y + (ii * 10) * Math.PI / 10); } coord[35] = new Coordinate(coord[0].X, coord[0].Y); pg[i] = new Polygon(coord); } var mpg = new MultiPolygon(pg); var vals = mpg.ToBinary(); var wkr = new WkbReader(); var g = wkr.Read(vals); var mpgcheck = g as MultiPolygon; if (mpgcheck != null) { for (var ii = 0; ii < mpg.Coordinates.Count; ii++) { Assert.AreEqual(mpg.Coordinates[ii].X, mpgcheck.Coordinates[ii].X); Assert.AreEqual(mpg.Coordinates[ii].Y, mpgcheck.Coordinates[ii].Y); } } else { Assert.Fail("The test failed bc the check mpgcheck was null."); } }
public void UpdateInUse() { SvnSandBox sbox = new SvnSandBox(this); Uri CollabReposUri = sbox.CreateRepository(SandBoxRepository.MergeScenario); string dir = sbox.Wc; Client.CheckOut(new SvnUriTarget(new Uri(CollabReposUri, "trunk"), 1), dir); using (File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(dir, "index.html"))) using (new Implementation.SvnFsOperationRetryOverride(0)) { SvnSystemException se = null; try { Client.Update(Path.Combine(dir, "index.html")); Assert.Fail("Should have failed"); } catch (SvnWorkingCopyException e) { Assert.That(e.Message, Does.StartWith("Failed to run the WC DB")); se = e.GetCause <SvnSystemException>(); } Assert.That(se, Is.Not.Null, "Have system exception"); Assert.That(se.Message, Does.Contain("Can't move")); } }
public void MultiLsToByteArray() { var rnd = new Random(); var ls = new LineString[40]; for (var ii = 0; ii < 40; ii++) { var coord = new Coordinate[36]; for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { coord[i] = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() * 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90); } ls[ii] = new LineString(coord); } var mls = new MultiLineString(ls); var vals = mls.ToBinary(); var wkr = new WkbReader(); var g = wkr.Read(vals); var mlscheck = g as MultiLineString; if (mlscheck != null) { for (var ii = 0; ii < mls.Coordinates.Count; ii++) { Assert.AreEqual(mls.Coordinates[ii].X, mlscheck.Coordinates[ii].X); Assert.AreEqual(mls.Coordinates[ii].Y, mlscheck.Coordinates[ii].Y); } } else { Assert.Fail("The test failed bc the check multilinestring was null."); } }
public void Init() { var console = new ConsoleControl(); //typeof(MainWindow).GetProperty("Console")?.SetValue(null, console); App.Console = console; File.Create(Filename1).Close(); switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) { case PlatformID.Win32NT: _filename2 = Filename2Win; break; case PlatformID.MacOSX: case PlatformID.Unix: _filename2 = Filename2Unix; break; default: Assert.Fail($"Why the f**k are you running this on {Enum.GetName(typeof(PlatformID), Environment.OSVersion.Platform)}?"); break; } }
public void MultiPointToByteArray() { var c = new Coordinate[36]; var rnd = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { c[i] = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() + 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90); } var mps = new MultiPoint(c); var vals = mps.ToBinary(); var wkb = new WkbReader(); var g = wkb.Read(vals); var mpsCheck = g as MultiPoint; if (mpsCheck != null) { for (var ii = 0; ii < mps.Coordinates.Count; ii++) { Assert.AreEqual(mps.Coordinates[ii].X, mpsCheck.Coordinates[ii].X); Assert.AreEqual(mps.Coordinates[ii].Y, mpsCheck.Coordinates[ii].Y); } } else { Assert.Fail("The test failed because the MpsCheck was null."); } }
[Test] //produto existente public void BuscarProdutoTest() { if (_produtoRepository.BuscarProduto(_produtoTeste.Id) == null) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void LsToByteArray() { var coords = new Coordinate[36]; var rnd = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { coords[i] = new Coordinate((rnd.NextDouble() * 360) - 180, (rnd.NextDouble() * 180) - 90); } var ls = new LineString(coords); var vals = ls.ToBinary(); var wkr = new WkbReader(); var g = wkr.Read(vals); var lscheck = g as LineString; if (lscheck != null) { for (var i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(ls.Coordinates[i].X, lscheck.Coordinates[i].X); Assert.AreEqual(ls.Coordinates[i].Y, lscheck.Coordinates[i].Y); } Assert.AreEqual(ls.Length, lscheck.Length); Assert.AreEqual(ls.Envelope.Height, lscheck.Envelope.Height); Assert.AreEqual(ls.Envelope.Width, lscheck.Envelope.Width); } else { Assert.Fail("The test failed bc the check lscheck was null."); } }
[Test] //buscar por usuário inexistente public void BuscarProdutosPorUsuarioTest_UserInexistente() { if (_produtoRepository.BuscarProdutosPorUsuario(_produtoTeste.Id) == null) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void TestGoogleDriveV3(string fileName) { Console.WriteLine("Some text here"); // arrange //var test = new GoogleDriveApi(); // act List <string> file = getFileNames(); if (file.Count == 0) { Assert.Fail("Something wrong on google disk"); } // assert bool equal = false; foreach (var f in file) { NUnit.Framework.TestContext.WriteLine(f);; if (f == fileName) { equal = true; } } Assert.IsTrue(equal == true); }
public IEnumerator TestAssetReferenceTMethod() { yield return(ValidateTestDependency()); PreInstall(); Container.BindAsync <GameObject>() .FromAssetReferenceT(addressablePrefabReference) .AsCached(); PostInstall(); AddressableInject <GameObject> asyncPrefab = Container.Resolve <AddressableInject <GameObject> >(); int frameCounter = 0; while (!asyncPrefab.HasResult && !asyncPrefab.IsFaulted) { frameCounter++; if (frameCounter > 10000) { Assert.Fail(); } yield return(null); } Addressables.Release(asyncPrefab.AssetReferenceHandle); Assert.Pass(); }
public void WhenAUserAttemptsToOrderAnItemWithAQuantityOfZeroThrowInvalidOrderException() { var shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(); shoppingCart.Items.Add(new ShoppingCartItem { ItemId = Guid.NewGuid(), Quantity = 0 }); var customerId = Guid.NewGuid(); var expectedOrderId = Guid.NewGuid(); Mock.Arrange(() => _orderDataService.Save(Arg.IsAny <Order>())) .Returns(expectedOrderId) .OccursNever(); // Act try { _orderService.PlaceOrder(customerId, shoppingCart); } catch { // Assert Mock.Assert(_orderDataService); Assert.Pass(); } Assert.Fail(); }