Exemple #1
        protected virtual void ConfigureOptions()
            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            // Select Tests
            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));
            this.Add("testlist=", "File {PATH} containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                string testListFile = RequiredValue(v, "--testlist");

                var fullTestListPath = ExpandToFullPath(testListFile);

                if (!File.Exists(fullTestListPath))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to locate file: " + testListFile);
                        using (var rdr = new StreamReader(fullTestListPath))
                            while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                                var line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                                if (line[0] != '#')
                                    ((List <string>)TestList).Add(line);
                    catch (IOException)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to read file: " + testListFile);
            this.Add("where=", "Test selection {EXPRESSION} indicating what tests will be run. See description below.",
                     v => WhereClause = RequiredValue(v, "--where"));

            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => defaultTimeout = RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));

            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => randomSeed = RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));
            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater.",
                     v => numWorkers = RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));
            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);
            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.",
                     v => workDirectory = RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("err=", "File {PATH} to contain error output from the tests.",
                     v => ErrFile = RequiredValue(v, "--err"));

            this.Add("full", "Prints full report of all test results.",
                     v => Full = v != null);

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results.\nThis option may be repeated.",
                     v => resultOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"))));

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore = true;
                if (v != null)
                    ExploreOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(v));

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);
            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "All"));
            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

#if !NETCF
            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);
            this.Add("verbose|v", "Display additional information as the test runs.",
                     v => Verbose = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            this.Add("version|V", "Display the header and exit.",
                     v => ShowVersion = v != null);

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Environment.NewLine == "\r\n")
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/')
                { ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v); }
        protected virtual void ConfigureOptions(bool allowInputFile)
            InputFileRequired = allowInputFile;

            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            // Select Tests
            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));

            this.Add("testlist=", "File {PATH} containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                string testListFile = RequiredValue(v, "--testlist");

                var fullTestListPath = ExpandToFullPath(testListFile);

                if (!File.Exists(fullTestListPath))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to locate file: " + testListFile);
                        using (var str = new FileStream(fullTestListPath, FileMode.Open))
                            using (var rdr = new StreamReader(str))
                                while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                                    var line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line[0] != '#')
                                        ((List <string>)TestList).Add(line);
                    catch (IOException)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to read file: " + testListFile);

            this.Add("prefilter=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of test classes or namespaces to be loaded. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)PreFilters).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--prefilter"))));

            this.Add("where=", "Test selection {EXPRESSION} indicating what tests will be run. See description below.",
                     v => WhereClause = RequiredValue(v, "--where"));

            this.Add("params|p=", "Define a test parameter.",
                     v =>
                string parameters = RequiredValue(v, "--params");

                // This can be changed without breaking backwards compatibility with frameworks.
                foreach (string param in parameters.Split(new[] { ';' }))
                    int eq = param.IndexOf("=");
                    if (eq == -1 || eq == param.Length - 1)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid format for test parameter. Use NAME=VALUE.");
                        string name = param.Substring(0, eq);
                        string val  = param.Substring(eq + 1);

                        TestParameters[name] = val;
            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => DefaultTimeout = RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));
            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => RandomSeed = RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));

            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater.",
                     v => NumberOfTestWorkers = RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));

            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);

            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.",
                     v => workDirectory = RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("err=", "File {PATH} to contain error output from the tests.",
                     v => ErrFile = RequiredValue(v, "--err"));

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ResolveOutputSpecification(RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"), resultOutputSpecifications));

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore = true;
                ResolveOutputSpecification(v, ExploreOutputSpecifications);

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);

            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "Before", "After", "All"));

            this.Add("test-name-format=", "Non-standard naming pattern to use in generating test names.",
                     v => DefaultTestNamePattern = RequiredValue(v, "--test-name-format"));

            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            this.Add("version|V", "Display the header and exit.",
                     v => ShowVersion = v != null);

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (LooksLikeAnOption(v))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v);
                else if (InputFileRequired)
                    if (InputFile == null)
                        InputFile = v;
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Multiple file names are not allowed on the command-line.\n    Invalid entry: " + v);
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Do not provide a file name when running a self-executing test.\n    Invalid entry: " + v);
        private void ConfigureOptions()
            var parser = new OptionParser(s => ErrorMessages.Add(s));

            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(parser.RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));

            this.Add("testlist=", "File {PATH} containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                string testListFile = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--testlist");

                var fullTestListPath = ExpandToFullPath(testListFile);

                if (!File.Exists(fullTestListPath))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to locate file: " + testListFile);
                        using (var rdr = new StreamReader(fullTestListPath))
                            while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                                var line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line[0] != '#')
                                    ((List <string>)TestList).Add(line);
                    catch (IOException)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to read file: " + testListFile);

            this.Add("where=", "Test selection {EXPRESSION} indicating what tests will be run. See description below.",
                     v => WhereClause = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--where"));

            this.Add("params|p=", "Deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use --testparam instead.",
                     v =>
                const string deprecationWarning = "--params is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use --testparam instead.";

                if (!WarningMessages.Contains(deprecationWarning))

                string parameters = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--params");

                foreach (string param in parameters.Split(new[] { ';' }))
                    var valuePair = parser.RequiredKeyValue(param);
                    if (valuePair.HasValue)
                        TestParameters[valuePair.Value.Key] = valuePair.Value.Value;

            this.Add("testparam|tp=", "Followed by a key-value pair separated by an equals sign. Test code can access the value by name.",
                     v =>
                var valuePair = parser.RequiredKeyValue(parser.RequiredValue(v, "--testparam"));
                if (valuePair.HasValue)
                    TestParameters[valuePair.Value.Key] = valuePair.Value.Value;

            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => DefaultTimeout = parser.RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));

            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => RandomSeed = parser.RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));

            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater.",
                     v => NumberOfTestWorkers = parser.RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));

            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);

            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.",
                     v => workDirectory = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results.\nThis option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                var spec = parser.ResolveOutputSpecification(parser.RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"), resultOutputSpecifications, _fileSystem, CURRENT_DIRECTORY_ON_ENTRY);
                if (spec != null)

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore  = true;
                var spec = parser.ResolveOutputSpecification(v, ExploreOutputSpecifications, _fileSystem, CURRENT_DIRECTORY_ON_ENTRY);
                if (spec != null)

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);

            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, Before, After, BeforeAndAfter, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "Before", "After", "BeforeAndAfter", "All"));

            this.Add("test-name-format=", "Non-standard naming pattern to use in generating test names.",
                     v => DefaultTestNamePattern = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--test-name-format"));

            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages. TeamCity engine extension is required.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            this.Add("version|V", "Display the header and exit.",
                     v => ShowVersion = v != null);

            this.Add("encoding=", "Specifies the encoding to use for Console standard output, for example utf-8, ascii, unicode.",
                     v => ConsoleEncoding = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--encoding"));

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/')
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v);

            this.Add("config=", "{NAME} of a project configuration to load (e.g.: Debug).",
                     v => ActiveConfig = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--config"));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("configfile=", "{NAME} of configuration file to use for this run.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("configfile=", v => ConfigurationFile = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--configfile")));

            // Where to Run Tests
            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("process=", "{PROCESS} isolation for test assemblies.\nValues: InProcess, Separate, Multiple. If not specified, defaults to Separate for a single assembly or Multiple for more than one.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("process=", v =>
                ProcessModel = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--process", "Single", "InProcess", "Separate", "Multiple");
                // Change so it displays correctly even though it isn't absolutely needed
                if (ProcessModel.ToLower() == "single")
                    ProcessModel = "InProcess";

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("inprocess", "Synonym for --process:InProcess",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("inprocess", v => ProcessModel = "InProcess"));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("domain=", "{DOMAIN} isolation for test assemblies.\nValues: None, Single, Multiple. If not specified, defaults to Single for a single assembly or Multiple for more than one.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("domain=", v => DomainUsage = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--domain", "None", "Single", "Multiple")));

            // How to Run Tests
            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("framework=", "{FRAMEWORK} type/version to use for tests.\nExamples: mono, net-3.5, v4.0, 2.0, mono-4.0. If not specified, tests will run under the framework they are compiled with.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("framework=", v => Framework = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--framework")));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("x86", "Run tests in an x86 process on 64 bit systems",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("x86", v => RunAsX86 = v != null));

            this.Add("dispose-runners", "Dispose each test runner after it has finished running its tests.",
                     v => DisposeRunners = v != null);

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("shadowcopy", "Shadow copy test files",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("shadowcopy", v => ShadowCopyFiles = v != null));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("loaduserprofile", "Load user profile in test runner processes",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("loaduserprofile", v => LoadUserProfile = v != null));

            this.Add("skipnontestassemblies", "Skip any non-test assemblies specified, without error.",
                     v => SkipNonTestAssemblies = v != null);

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("agents=", "Specify the maximum {NUMBER} of test assembly agents to run at one time. If not specified, there is no limit.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("agents=", v => _maxAgents = parser.RequiredInt(v, "--agents")));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("debug", "Launch debugger to debug tests.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("debug", v => DebugTests = v != null));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("pause", "Pause before running to allow attaching a debugger.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("pause", v => PauseBeforeRun = v != null));

            this.Add("list-extensions", "List all extension points and the extensions for each.",
                     v => ListExtensions = v != null);

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("set-principal-policy=", "Set PrincipalPolicy for the test domain.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("set-principal-policy=", v => PrincipalPolicy = parser.RequiredValue(v, "--set-principal-policy", "UnauthenticatedPrincipal", "NoPrincipal", "WindowsPrincipal")));

            this.AddNetFxOnlyOption("debug-agent", "Launch debugger in nunit-agent when it starts.",
                                    NetFxOnlyOption("debug-agent", v => DebugAgent = v != null));
Exemple #4
        public ConsoleOptions(params string[] args)
            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            // Old Options no longer supported:
            //   fixture
            //   xmlConsole
            //   noshadow
            //   nothread
            //   nodots

            // Options to be added:
            //   teamcity
            //   workers

            // Select Tests
            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));

            this.Add("testlist=", "File {PATH} containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                string testListFile = RequiredValue(v, "--testlist");

                var fullTestListPath = ExpandToFullPath(testListFile);

                if (!File.Exists(fullTestListPath))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to locate file: " + testListFile);
                        using (var rdr = new StreamReader(fullTestListPath))
                            while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                                var line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                                if (line[0] != '#')
                                    ((List <string>)TestList).Add(line);
                    catch (IOException)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to read file: " + testListFile);

            this.Add("include=", "Test {CATEGORIES} to be included. May be a single category, a comma-separated list of categories or a category expression.",
                     v => Include = RequiredValue(v, "--include"));

            this.Add("exclude=", "Test {CATEGORIES} to be excluded. May be a single category, a comma-separated list of categories or a category expression.",
                     v => Exclude = RequiredValue(v, "--exclude"));

            this.Add("config=", "{NAME} of a project configuration to load (e.g.: Debug).",
                     v => ActiveConfig = RequiredValue(v, "--config"));

            // Where to Run Tests
            this.Add("process=", "{PROCESS} isolation for test assemblies.\nValues: Single, Separate, Multiple",
                     v => ProcessModel = RequiredValue(v, "--process", "Single", "Separate", "Multiple"));

            this.Add("domain=", "{DOMAIN} isolation for test assemblies.\nValues: None, Single, Multiple",
                     v => DomainUsage = RequiredValue(v, "--domain", "None", "Single", "Multiple"));

            // How to Run Tests
            this.Add("framework=", "{FRAMEWORK} type/version to use for tests.\nExamples: mono, net-3.5, v4.0, 2.0, mono-4.0",
                     v => Framework = RequiredValue(v, "--framework"));

            this.Add("x86", "Run tests in an x86 process on 64 bit systems",
                     v => RunAsX86 = v != null);

            this.Add("dispose-runners", "Dispose each test runner after it has finished running its tests.",
                     v => DisposeRunners = v != null);

            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => defaultTimeout = RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));

            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => randomSeed = RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));

            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests.",
                     v => numWorkers = RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));

            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);

            this.Add("pause", "Pause before run to allow debugging.",
                     v => PauseBeforeRun = v != null);

            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files.",
                     v => WorkDirectory = RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("err=", "File {PATH} to contain error output from the tests.",
                     v => ErrFile = RequiredValue(v, "--err"));

            this.Add("full", "Prints full report of all test results.",
                     v => Full = v != null);

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results.\nThis option may be repeated.",
                     v => resultOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"))));

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore = true;
                if (v != null)
                    ExploreOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(v));

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);

            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "All"));

            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);

            this.Add("verbose|v", "Display additional information as the test runs.",
                     v => Verbose = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/')
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v);

            if (args != null)
        protected virtual void ConfigureOptions()
            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            // Select Tests
            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));

            this.Add("testlist=", "File {PATH} containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated.",
                     v =>
                string testListFile = RequiredValue(v, "--testlist");

                var fullTestListPath = ExpandToFullPath(testListFile);

                if (!File.Exists(fullTestListPath))
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to locate file: " + testListFile);
                        using (var rdr = new StreamReader(fullTestListPath))
                            while (!rdr.EndOfStream)
                                var line = rdr.ReadLine().Trim();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line[0] != '#')
                                    ((List <string>)TestList).Add(line);
                    catch (IOException)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Unable to read file: " + testListFile);

            this.Add("where=", "Test selection {EXPRESSION} indicating what tests will be run. See description below.",
                     v => WhereClause = RequiredValue(v, "--where"));

            this.Add("params|p=", "Deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use --testparam instead.",
                     v =>
                const string deprecationWarning = "--params is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use --testparam instead.";

                if (!WarningMessages.Contains(deprecationWarning))

                string parameters = RequiredValue(v, "--params");

                foreach (string param in parameters.Split(new[] { ';' }))

            this.Add("testparam|tp=", "Followed by a key-value pair separated by an equals sign. Test code can access the value by name.",
                     v => ApplyTestParameter(RequiredValue(v, "--testparam")));

            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => DefaultTimeout = RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));

            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => RandomSeed = RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));

            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater.",
                     v => NumberOfTestWorkers = RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));

            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);

            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.",
                     v => workDirectory = RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results.\nThis option may be repeated.",
                     v => ResolveOutputSpecification(RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"), resultOutputSpecifications));

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore = true;
                ResolveOutputSpecification(v, ExploreOutputSpecifications);

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);

            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, Before, After, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "Before", "After", "All"));

            this.Add("test-name-format=", "Non-standard naming pattern to use in generating test names.",
                     v => DefaultTestNamePattern = RequiredValue(v, "--test-name-format"));

            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages. TeamCity engine extension is required.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            this.Add("version|V", "Display the header and exit.",
                     v => ShowVersion = v != null);

            this.Add("encoding=", "Specifies the encoding to use for Console standard output, for example utf-8, ascii, unicode.",
                     v => ConsoleEncoding = RequiredValue(v, "--encoding"));

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/')
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v);
        protected virtual void ConfigureOptions()
            // NOTE: The order in which patterns are added
            // determines the display order for the help.

            // Select Tests
            this.Add("test=", "Comma-separated list of {NAMES} of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated.",
                     v => ((List <string>)TestList).AddRange(TestNameParser.Parse(RequiredValue(v, "--test"))));

            AddTestListToOptions( );

            this.Add("where=", "Test selection {EXPRESSION} indicating what tests will be run. See description below.",
                     v => WhereClause = RequiredValue(v, "--where"));

            this.Add("params|p=", "Define a test parameter.",
                     v =>
                string parameters = RequiredValue(v, "--params");

                // This can be changed without breaking backwards compatibility with frameworks.
                foreach (string param in parameters.Split(new[] { ';' }))
                    int eq = param.IndexOf("=", StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
                    if (eq == -1 || eq == param.Length - 1)
                        ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid format for test parameter. Use NAME=VALUE.");
                        string name = param.Substring(0, eq);
                        string val  = param.Substring(eq + 1);

                        TestParameters[name] = val;

            this.Add("timeout=", "Set timeout for each test case in {MILLISECONDS}.",
                     v => defaultTimeout = RequiredInt(v, "--timeout"));

            this.Add("seed=", "Set the random {SEED} used to generate test cases.",
                     v => randomSeed = RequiredInt(v, "--seed"));

            this.Add("workers=", "Specify the {NUMBER} of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater.",
                     v => numWorkers = RequiredInt(v, "--workers"));

            this.Add("browser|b=", "Specify the {BROWSER} that you would like to use for your tests. If not specified, it defaults to Chrome",
                     v => browser = RequiredValue(v, "--browser", "chrome", "firefox", "ie", "edge", "safari"));

            this.Add("stoponerror", "Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error.",
                     v => StopOnError = v != null);

            this.Add("wait", "Wait for input before closing console window.",
                     v => WaitBeforeExit = v != null);

            // Output Control
            this.Add("work=", "{PATH} of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory.",
                     v => workDirectory = RequiredValue(v, "--work"));

            this.Add("output|out=", "File {PATH} to contain text output from the tests.",
                     v => OutFile = RequiredValue(v, "--output"));

            this.Add("err=", "File {PATH} to contain error output from the tests.",
                     v => ErrFile = RequiredValue(v, "--err"));

            this.Add("result=", "An output {SPEC} for saving the test results.\nThis option may be repeated.",
                     v => resultOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(RequiredValue(v, "--resultxml"))));

            this.Add("explore:", "Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output {SPEC} for saving the test info. This option may be repeated.", v =>
                Explore = true;
                if (v != null)
                    ExploreOutputSpecifications.Add(new OutputSpecification(v));

            this.Add("noresult", "Don't save any test results.",
                     v => noresult = v != null);

            this.Add("labels=", "Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off, On, Before, After, All",
                     v => DisplayTestLabels = RequiredValue(v, "--labels", "Off", "On", "Before", "After", "All"));

            this.Add("test-name-format=", "Non-standard naming pattern to use in generating test names.",
                     v => DefaultTestNamePattern = RequiredValue(v, "--test-name-format"));

            this.Add("trace=", "Set internal trace {LEVEL}.\nValues: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose (Debug)",
                     v => InternalTraceLevel = RequiredValue(v, "--trace", "Off", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug"));

            this.Add("teamcity", "Turns on use of TeamCity service messages. TeamCity engine extension is required.",
                     v => TeamCity = v != null);

            this.Add("noheader|noh", "Suppress display of program information at start of run.",
                     v => NoHeader = v != null);

            this.Add("nocolor|noc", "Displays console output without color.",
                     v => NoColor = v != null);

            this.Add("help|h", "Display this message and exit.",
                     v => ShowHelp = v != null);

            this.Add("version|V", "Display the header and exit.",
                     v => ShowVersion = v != null);

            this.Add("encoding=", "Specifies the encoding to use for Console standard output, for example utf-8, ascii, unicode.",
                     v => ConsoleEncoding = RequiredValue(v, "--encoding"));

            // Default
            this.Add("<>", v =>
                if (v.StartsWith("-") || v.StartsWith("/") && Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/')
                    ErrorMessages.Add("Invalid argument: " + v);