/* * INTERSECTIONS: (BCurve,LCurve) * - lcurve is required non-degenerated * * NOTES: - Curves are maximally reduced in AuxIntersectBL * - Self/intersecting Bezier is NOT a reduction * from bezier */ public static bool AuxIntersectBL(DegenD degen, LCurve lrs, ListInfoInters linters) { // IMPORTANT (TODO): // such intersection is NOT VALID for computation of ray's parity if (linters == null) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(degen,lrs)", "Null argument"); } if (lrs.IsDegen) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(degen,lrs)", null); } if (lrs is SegD) { return(Inters.AuxIntersectBB(degen, lrs as SegD, null, null, linters)); } LineD line = new LineD(lrs); Param param; VecD pnt; if (!degen.Cp.Project(line, out param, out pnt)) { return(false); } if (degen.Cp.Dist(pnt) < MConsts.EPS_DEC) { if (lrs.IsEvaluableStrict(param)) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(Param.Degen, param, pnt, false); linters.Add(inters); } } return(true); }
public bool Intersect(ListInfoInters linters) { bool res = true; for (int pozA = 0; pozA < this.NumKnot - 1; pozA++) { BCurve curveA = this.CurveByPoz(pozA); if (curveA != null) { Knot knA = this.KnotByPoz(pozA); InfoInters inters; if (curveA.IsSelfInters(out inters)) { inters.ParamToCParam(knA, null); linters.Add(inters); } bool isDegenA = curveA.IsDegen; for (int pozB = pozA + 1; pozB < this.NumKnot; pozB++) { BCurve curveB = this.CurveByPoz(pozB); if (curveB != null) { bool isDegenB = curveB.IsDegen; if (isDegenA || isDegenB) { bool areConjAB, areConjBA; if ((!this.AreConjByPozPoz(pozA, pozB, out areConjAB)) || (!this.AreConjByPozPoz(pozB, pozA, out areConjBA))) { res = false; continue; } if (areConjAB || areConjBA) { continue; } } InfoConnect icAB, icBA; if ((!this.InfoConnectByPozPoz(pozA, pozB, out icAB)) || (!this.InfoConnectByPozPoz(pozB, pozA, out icBA))) { res = false; continue; } int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; Knot knB = this.KnotByPoz(pozB); Inters.IntersectBB(curveA, curveB, icAB, icBA, linters); linters.ParamToCParam(knA, knB, numIntersBefore); } } } } return(res); }
public bool Intersect(Contour cont, ListInfoInters linters) { Contour contA = this; Contour contB = cont; if (contA == contB) { return(this.Intersect(linters)); } BoxD bboxContA = contA.BBox; BoxD bboxContB = contB.BBox; if (!bboxContA.HasInters(bboxContB)) { return(true); } for (int pozA = 0; pozA < contA.NumKnot; pozA++) { Knot knA = contA.KnotByPoz(pozA); BCurve curveA = contA.CurveByPoz(pozA); if (curveA != null) { BoxD bboxCurveA = curveA.BBox; if (bboxCurveA.HasInters(bboxContB)) { for (int pozB = 0; pozB < contB.NumKnot; pozB++) { BCurve curveB = contB.CurveByPoz(pozB); if (curveB != null) { int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; Inters.IntersectBB(curveA, curveB, null, null, linters); Knot knB = contB.KnotByPoz(pozB); linters.ParamToCParam(knA, knB, numIntersBefore); } } } } } contA = null; contB = null; return(true); }
public static bool AuxIntersectBL(SegD seg, LCurve lrs, ListInfoInters linters) { // segment is irreducable !!! if (linters == null) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(seg,lrs)", "Null argument"); } if (lrs.IsDegen) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(seg,lrs)", null); } InfoInters inters; if (!Inters.IntersectLL(seg, lrs, out inters)) { return(false); } if (inters != null) { linters.Add(inters); } return(true); }
public static bool AuxIntersectBB(SegD segA, SegD segB, InfoConnect icAB, InfoConnect icBA, ListInfoInters linters) { bool connectAB = ((icAB != null) && (icAB.IsConnect)); bool connectBA = ((icBA != null) && (icBA.IsConnect)); bool connect = connectAB || connectBA; InfoInters inters; if (!Inters.IntersectLL(segA, segB, out inters)) { return(false); } if (inters != null) { if ((!connect) || ((connect) && (inters.Dim == InfoInters.TypeDim.Dim1))) { linters.Add(inters); } } return(true); }
/* * INTERSECT: (LCurve, LCurve) * - both curves are supposed to be NON-DEGENERATED */ public static bool IntersectLL(LCurve lrsA, LCurve lrsB, out InfoInters inters) { inters = null; if ((lrsA.IsDegen) || (lrsB.IsDegen)) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "IntersectLL(lrs,lrs)", null); } VecD a0 = lrsA.Start; VecD a1 = lrsA.End; VecD b0 = lrsB.Start; VecD b1 = lrsB.End; VecD dirA = lrsA.DirTang; VecD dirB = lrsB.DirTang; double det = dirA.Cross(dirB); // lrsA and lrsB are not parallel if (Math.Abs(det) > MConsts.EPS_DEC) { double lenA = (a1 - a0).Norm; double lenB = (b1 - b0).Norm; VecD diff = b0 - a0; Param parA = (diff.Cross(dirB)) / (det * lenA); Param parB = (diff.Cross(dirA)) / (det * lenB); if (lrsA.IsEvaluableStrict(parA) && lrsB.IsEvaluableStrict(parB)) { VecD pnt = 0.5 * (lrsA.Evaluate(parA) + lrsB.Evaluate(parB)); inters = new IntersD0(parA, parB, pnt, false); } return(true); } // lrsA and lrsB are parallel LineD lineB = new LineD(lrsB); Param paramBInvA0, paramBInvA1; VecD pntProjA0, pntProjA1; a0.Project(lineB, out paramBInvA0, out pntProjA0); a1.Project(lineB, out paramBInvA1, out pntProjA1); double distA0 = a0.Dist(pntProjA0); double distA1 = a1.Dist(pntProjA1); if ((distA0 < MConsts.EPS_DEC) || (distA1 < MConsts.EPS_DEC)) { // lrsA and lrsB are colinear Param.TypeParam typeA0 = lrsB.ParamClassify(paramBInvA0); Param.TypeParam typeA1 = lrsB.ParamClassify(paramBInvA1); int mult = (int)typeA0 * (int)typeA1; if (mult == 4) { return(true); } else if (mult == 1) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "IntersectLL(lrs,lrs)", null); // lrsA is degenerated //return false; } else if (mult == 2) { if ((typeA0 == Param.TypeParam.Start) && (typeA1 == Param.TypeParam.Before)) { inters = new IntersD0(0, 0, a0, false); } if ((typeA0 == Param.TypeParam.Before) && (typeA1 == Param.TypeParam.Start)) { inters = new IntersD0(1, 0, a1, false); } if ((typeA0 == Param.TypeParam.End) && (typeA1 == Param.TypeParam.After)) { inters = new IntersD0(0, 1, a0, false); } if ((typeA0 == Param.TypeParam.After) && (typeA1 == Param.TypeParam.End)) { inters = new IntersD0(1, 1, a1, false); } return(true); } else if (mult <= 0) { return(Inters.RefineIntersLLD1(lrsA, lrsB, out inters)); } } return(true); }
public static bool AuxIntersectBL(Bez2D bez, LCurve lrs, ListInfoInters linters) { // bezier is irreducable !!! if (linters == null) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(bez,lrs)", "Null argument"); } if (lrs.IsDegen) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(bez,lrs)", null); } Param parM; if (bez.IsSelfInters(out parM)) { if (parM.Val < 0) { Bez2D bezRev = bez.Reversed as Bez2D; int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; if (!Inters.AuxIntersectBL(bezRev, lrs, linters)) { return(false); } linters.ParamReverse(1, 0, numIntersBefore); return(true); } SegD support = bez.SupportFlat(); InfoInters intersSup; if (!Inters.IntersectLL(support, lrs, out intersSup)) { return(false); } if (intersSup == null) { return(true); } /* * convert parameters from support to Bezier */ // invalidate in case of D1 intersection if (intersSup.Dim == InfoInters.TypeDim.Dim1) { (intersSup as IntersD1).ParamInvalidateBezSI(); linters.Add(intersSup); return(true); } // write as 1 or 2 intersections with different parameters // in case of D0 intersections InfoInters[] intersBez; if (!bez.IntersFromSupport(intersSup, 0, out intersBez)) { return(false); } for (int iIntersBez = 0; iIntersBez < intersBez.Length; iIntersBez++) { linters.Add(intersBez[iIntersBez]); } return(true); } // bezier is NOT self/intersecting VecD[] cfLrs, cfBez; lrs.PowerCoeff(out cfLrs); bez.PowerCoeff(out cfBez); VecD norm = lrs.DirNorm; VecD tang = lrs.DirTang; double[] roots; int numRootBez; Equation.RootsReal(cfBez[2].Dot(norm), cfBez[1].Dot(norm), (cfBez[0] - cfLrs[0]).Dot(norm), out numRootBez, out roots); if (numRootBez == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { // bezier is irreducable,=> only D0 intersections are possible throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBL(bez,lrs)", null); //return false; } for (int iRoot = 0; iRoot < numRootBez; iRoot++) { Param parBez = roots[iRoot]; if (bez.IsEvaluableStrict(parBez)) { Param parLrs = Equation.Evaluate(parBez.Val, cfBez[2].Dot(tang), cfBez[1].Dot(tang), (cfBez[0] - cfLrs[0]).Dot(tang)) / (cfLrs[1].Dot(tang)); if (lrs.IsEvaluableStrict(parLrs)) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parBez, parLrs, 0.5 * (lrs.Evaluate(parLrs.Val) + bez.Evaluate(parBez.Val)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } } return(true); }
public static bool IntersectBB(BCurve curveA, BCurve curveB, InfoConnect icAB, InfoConnect icBA, ListInfoInters linters) { BoxD bboxA = curveA.BBox; BoxD bboxB = curveB.BBox; if (!bboxA.HasInters(bboxB)) { return(true); } int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; bool connectAB = (icAB != null) && (icAB.IsConnect); bool connectBA = (icBA != null) && (icBA.IsConnect); bool toReverseByConnection = (connectBA) && (!connectAB); if (toReverseByConnection) { if (!Inters.IntersectBB(curveB, curveA, icBA, icAB, linters)) { return(false); } linters.ParamSwap(numIntersBefore); return(false); } BCurve redA = curveA.Reduced; BCurve redB = curveB.Reduced; bool toReverseByComplexity = (redA.BComplexity > redB.BComplexity); object[] pars = { redA, redB, icAB, icBA, linters }; if (toReverseByComplexity) { // TODO: check !!! // TODO: what happens with connection info ??? pars[0] = redB.Reversed; pars[1] = redA.Reversed; } Type[] types = { pars[0].GetType(), pars[1].GetType(), typeof(InfoConnect), typeof(InfoConnect), typeof(ListInfoInters) }; MethodInfo infoMethod = typeof(Inters).GetMethod("AuxIntersectBB", types); bool res; try { res = (bool)infoMethod.Invoke(null, pars); } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException TIException) { throw TIException.InnerException; } if (toReverseByComplexity) { linters.ParamReverse(1, 0, numIntersBefore); linters.ParamReverse(1, 1, numIntersBefore); linters.ParamSwap(numIntersBefore); } if ((object)redA != (object)curveA) { linters.ParamFromReduced(curveA, 0, numIntersBefore); } if ((object)redB != (object)curveB) { linters.ParamFromReduced(curveB, 1, numIntersBefore); } // clean-up end-point intersections linters.CleanEndPointInters(connectAB, connectBA, numIntersBefore); return(res); }
public static bool AuxIntersectBB(Bez2D bezA, Bez2D bezB, InfoConnect icAB, InfoConnect icBA, ListInfoInters linters) { // bezA and bezB are irreducable !!! bool connectAB = ((icAB != null) && (icAB.IsConnect)); bool connectBA = ((icBA != null) && (icBA.IsConnect)); if ((connectBA) && (!connectAB)) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); } bool connect = connectAB || connectBA; Param parM; bool isSelfIntersA = bezA.IsSelfInters(out parM); bool isSelfIntersB = bezB.IsSelfInters(out parM); if (isSelfIntersA || isSelfIntersB) { BCurve curveA = bezA; if (isSelfIntersA) { curveA = bezA.SupportFlat(); } BCurve curveB = bezB; if (isSelfIntersB) { curveB = bezB.SupportFlat(); } int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; Inters.IntersectBB(curveA, curveB, null, null, linters); /* * CLEAN END-POINT if the curve does not return to it */ if ((connectAB) && (!connectBA)) { bool coversA1 = false; bool coversB0 = false; if (isSelfIntersA) { coversA1 = bezA.CoversEndPoint(false); } if (isSelfIntersB) { coversB0 = bezB.CoversEndPoint(true); } if ((!coversA1) && (!coversB0)) { linters.CleanEndPointBezSI(bezA.End, numIntersBefore); } } linters.ParamInvalidateBezSI(numIntersBefore); return(true); } // test for 1-dimensional intersection of supports bool isB0OnA, isB2OnA; Param paramAInvB0, paramAInvB2; if (!bezB.Cp(0).InverseOn(bezA, out isB0OnA, out paramAInvB0)) { return(false); } if (!bezB.Cp(2).InverseOn(bezA, out isB2OnA, out paramAInvB2)) { return(false); } if ((isB0OnA) && (isB2OnA)) { bool areCoincide = true; Param par; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { // evaluate bezB at paramaters 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and check // whether the points lie on bezA [-Infinity,Infinity] VecD pnt = bezB.Evaluate(0.25 * i); if (!pnt.InverseOn(bezA, out areCoincide, out par)) { return(false); } if (!areCoincide) { break; } } if (areCoincide) { Param.TypeParam typeB0 = bezA.ParamClassify(paramAInvB0); Param.TypeParam typeB2 = bezA.ParamClassify(paramAInvB2); int mult = (int)typeB0 * (int)typeB2; if (mult == 4) { return(true); // no intersections } else if (mult == 1) { // bezB is degenerated throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } else if (mult == 2) { // 0-dimentional connection at the end point if ((typeB0 == Param.TypeParam.Start) && (typeB2 == Param.TypeParam.Before)) { if (connect) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(0, 0, bezB.Start, false); linters.Add(inters); return(true); } if ((typeB0 == Param.TypeParam.Before) && (typeB2 == Param.TypeParam.Start)) { if (connect) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(1, 0, bezB.End, false); linters.Add(inters); return(true); } if ((typeB0 == Param.TypeParam.End) && (typeB2 == Param.TypeParam.After)) { if (!connect) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(0, 1, bezB.Start, false); linters.Add(inters); return(true); } return(true); } if ((typeB0 == Param.TypeParam.After) && (typeB2 == Param.TypeParam.End)) { if (connect) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(1, 1, bezB.End, false); linters.Add(inters); return(true); } } else if (mult <= 0) { InfoInters inters; Inters.RefineIntersBBD1(bezA, bezB, out inters); linters.Add(inters); return(true); } throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } } /* * INTERSECTION IS 0-DIMENTIONAL AT MOST */ VecD[] cfA, cfB; bezA.PowerCoeff(out cfA); bezB.PowerCoeff(out cfB); Param parA, parB; int numRootB; double[] rootsB; double kappa = cfA[2].Cross(cfA[1]); // bezA and bezB are non-degenerated and consequent if (connectAB) { if (bezA.End != bezB.Start) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (connectBA) { // both ends are connected if (bezA.Start != bezB.End) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (icAB.IsTangent || icBA.IsTangent) { // tangent connection - no additional intersections return(true); } double crossA2B2 = cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]); double[] cfEqn = { kappa *(kappa + 2 * crossA2B2 + cfA[1].Cross(cfB[2])), -crossA2B2 * (2 * kappa + crossA2B2), crossA2B2 *crossA2B2 }; Equation.RootsReal(cfEqn[2], cfEqn[1], cfEqn[0], out numRootB, out rootsB); if (numRootB == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (rootsB != null) { for (int iRoot = 0; iRoot < numRootB; iRoot++) { parB = rootsB[iRoot]; if (bezB.IsEvaluableStrict(parB)) { parA = 1.0 + parB.Val * (cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * parB.Val + cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1])) / kappa; if (bezA.IsEvaluableStrict(parA) /*&& (parA!=1.)*/) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parA, parB, 0.5 * (bezA.Evaluate(parA) + bezB.Evaluate(parB)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } } } return(true); } // consequent Bezier with one connection if (icAB.IsTangent) { // tangent connection - at most 2 additional intersections double[] cfEqn = { kappa *(kappa - cfB[2].Cross(cfB[1])), 2 * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * kappa, cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) }; Equation.RootsReal(cfEqn[2], cfEqn[1], cfEqn[0], out numRootB, out rootsB); if (numRootB == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (rootsB != null) { for (int iRoot = 0; iRoot < numRootB; iRoot++) { parB = rootsB[iRoot]; if (bezB.IsEvaluableStrict(parB)) { parA = 1 + parB.Val * (cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * parB.Val + cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1])) / kappa; if (bezA.IsEvaluableStrict(parA) /*&&(parA!=1)*/) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parA, parB, 0.5 * (bezA.Evaluate(parA) + bezB.Evaluate(parB)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } } } return(true); } else { // non-tangent connection - at most 3 additional intersections double[] cfEqn = { kappa *(2 * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1]) + cfA[1].Cross(cfB[1])), cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1]) * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1]) + kappa * (2 * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) + cfA[1].Cross(cfB[2])), 2 * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1]), cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) }; Equation.RootsReal(cfEqn[3], cfEqn[2], cfEqn[1], cfEqn[0], out numRootB, out rootsB); if (numRootB == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (rootsB != null) { for (int iRoot = 0; iRoot < numRootB; iRoot++) { parB = rootsB[iRoot]; if (bezB.IsEvaluableStrict(parB)) { parA = 1 + parB.Val * (cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) * parB + cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1])) / kappa; if (bezA.IsEvaluableStrict(parA) /*&&(parA!=1)*/) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parA, parB, 0.5 * (bezA.Evaluate(parA) + bezB.Evaluate(parB)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } } } return(true); } } // bezA and bezB are non-degenerated, non-consequent curves bool isSwappedAB = false; if (Math.Abs(cfA[2].Cross(cfA[1])) < Math.Abs(cfB[2].Cross(cfB[1]))) { kappa = cfB[2].Cross(cfB[1]); isSwappedAB = true; VecD tmp; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp = cfA[i]; cfA[i] = cfB[i]; cfB[i] = tmp; } } double[] e = { cfA[2].Cross(cfB[0] - cfA[0]), cfA[2].Cross(cfB[1]), cfA[2].Cross(cfB[2]) }; double[] f = { (cfB[0] - cfA[0]).Cross(cfA[1]), cfB[1].Cross(cfA[1]), cfB[2].Cross(cfA[1]) }; Equation.RootsReal(e[2] * e[2], 2 * e[2] * e[1], e[1] * e[1] + 2 * e[2] * e[0] - kappa * f[2], 2 * e[1] * e[0] - kappa * f[1], e[0] * e[0] - kappa * f[0], out numRootB, out rootsB); if (numRootB == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(bez,bez)", null); //return false; } if (rootsB != null) { for (int iRoot = 0; iRoot < numRootB; iRoot++) { parB = rootsB[iRoot]; parA = Equation.Evaluate(parB.Val, e[2], e[1], e[0]) / kappa; if (isSwappedAB) { Param parTmp; parTmp = parA; parA = parB; parB = parTmp; } if (bezA.IsEvaluableStrict(parA) && bezB.IsEvaluableStrict(parB)) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parA, parB, 0.5 * (bezA.Evaluate(parA) + bezB.Evaluate(parB)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } } return(true); }
public static bool AuxIntersectBB(SegD seg, Bez2D bez, InfoConnect icAB, InfoConnect icBA, ListInfoInters linters) { // both seg & bez are irreducable !!! if (linters == null) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(seg,bez)", "Null argument"); } bool connectAB = ((icAB != null) && (icAB.IsConnect)); bool connectBA = ((icBA != null) && (icBA.IsConnect)); if ((connectBA) && (!connectAB)) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(seg,bez)", null); //return false; } bool connect = connectAB || connectBA; if (!connect) { int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; if (!Inters.AuxIntersectBL(bez, seg, linters)) { return(false); } linters.ParamSwap(numIntersBefore); return(true); } // bez and seg are connected, => connectAB=true Param parM; if (bez.IsSelfInters(out parM)) { if (connectBA) // both ends are connected { // parM!=Infinity - otherwise the seg is degenerated double valM = parM.Val; IntersD1 inters; if (valM > 1) { inters = new IntersD1(0, 1, 1, 1 / (2 * valM - 1), seg, true); } else { inters = new IntersD1(0, 1, 1, (2 * valM) / (2 * valM - 1), seg, true); } linters.Add(inters); return(true); } if (icAB.IsTangent) { return(true); // no additional intersections } else { SegD segSupp = bez.SupportFlat(); InfoInters inters; if (!Inters.IntersectLL(seg, segSupp, out inters)) { return(false); } if (inters == null) { return(true); } inters.ParamInvalidateBezSI(); int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; linters.Add(inters); /* * CLEAN END-POINT if the Bezier does not return to it */ bool coversBezStart = bez.CoversEndPoint(true); if (!coversBezStart) { linters.CleanEndPointBezSI(bez.Start, numIntersBefore); } return(true); } } // bezier is NOT self-intersecting if (connectBA) { return(true); // no additional intersections } if (icAB.IsTangent) { return(true); // no additional intersections } // seg & bez are connected and not-tangent,=> // at most one additional point of intersection VecD[] cfSeg, cfBez; seg.PowerCoeff(out cfSeg); bez.PowerCoeff(out cfBez); VecD tang = (seg as LCurve).DirTang; VecD norm = (seg as LCurve).DirNorm; // connected but not-tangent: one double[] rootsBez; int numRootBez; Equation.RootsReal(cfBez[2].Dot(norm), cfBez[1].Dot(norm), out numRootBez, out rootsBez); if (numRootBez == Equation.NumRootInfinite) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "AuxIntersectBB(seg,bez)", null); //return false; } if (rootsBez == null) { return(true); } Param parBez = rootsBez[0]; if (bez.IsEvaluableStrict(parBez)) { double valBez = parBez.Val; Param parSeg = 1 + valBez * (cfBez[2].Dot(tang) * valBez + cfBez[1].Dot(tang)) / cfSeg[1].Dot(tang); if (seg.IsEvaluableStrict(parSeg)) // ??? && (parSeg!=1) { IntersD0 inters = new IntersD0(parSeg, parBez, 0.5 * (seg.Evaluate(parSeg) + bez.Evaluate(parBez)), false); linters.Add(inters); } } return(true); }
public static bool RefineIntersLLD1(LCurve lrsA, LCurve lrsB, out InfoInters inters) { inters = null; if ((lrsA is SegD) && (lrsB is SegD)) { BCurve curveA = lrsA as BCurve; BCurve curveB = lrsB as BCurve; return(Inters.RefineIntersBBD1(curveA, curveB, out inters)); } if (lrsA.LComplexity > lrsB.LComplexity) { bool res = Inters.RefineIntersLLD1(lrsB, lrsA, out inters); if (inters != null) { inters.ParamSwap(); } return(res); } VecD a0 = lrsA.Start; VecD a1 = lrsA.End; VecD b0 = lrsB.Start; VecD b1 = lrsB.End; Param paramBInvA0, paramBInvA1; bool isOn; if ((!a0.InverseOn(lrsB, out isOn, out paramBInvA0)) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } if ((!a1.InverseOn(lrsB, out isOn, out paramBInvA1)) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } Param paramAInvB0, paramAInvB1; if ((!b0.InverseOn(lrsA, out isOn, out paramAInvB0)) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } if ((!b1.InverseOn(lrsA, out isOn, out paramAInvB1)) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } bool areCoDirected = (paramBInvA1.Val >= paramBInvA0.Val); if (!areCoDirected) { if (lrsA is LineD) { if (lrsB is LineD) { paramAInvB0 = (areCoDirected)? -Param.Infinity: Param.Infinity; paramAInvB1 = (areCoDirected)? Param.Infinity: -Param.Infinity; inters = new IntersD1(paramAInvB0, -Param.Infinity, paramAInvB1, Param.Infinity, lrsB, false); return(true); } if (lrsB is RayD) { paramAInvB1 = (areCoDirected)? Param.Infinity: -Param.Infinity; inters = new IntersD1(paramAInvB0, 0, paramAInvB1, Param.Infinity, lrsB, false); return(true); } if (lrsB is SegD) { inters = new IntersD1(paramAInvB0, 0, paramAInvB1, 1, lrsB, false); return(true); } } if (lrsA is RayD) { if (lrsB is RayD) { if (areCoDirected) { if (paramAInvB0 > 0) { inters = new IntersD1(paramAInvB0, 0, Param.Infinity, Param.Infinity, lrsB, false); return(true); } else { inters = new IntersD1(0, paramBInvA0, Param.Infinity, Param.Infinity, lrsA, false); return(true); } } else { if (paramAInvB0 > 0) { inters = new IntersD1(0, paramBInvA0, paramAInvB0, 0, new SegD(a0, b0), false); return(true); } } } if (lrsB is SegD) { // intersection is known to have dimension D1 !!! if ((paramBInvA0 >= 1) || (paramBInvA0 <= 0)) { inters = new IntersD1(paramAInvB0, 0, paramAInvB1, 1, new SegD(b0, b1), false); return(true); } if ((0 < paramBInvA0) && (paramBInvA1 < 1)) { if (areCoDirected) { inters = new IntersD1(0, paramBInvA0, paramAInvB1, 1, new SegD(a0, b1), false); return(true); } else { inters = new IntersD1(0, paramBInvA0, paramAInvB0, 0, new SegD(a0, b0), false); return(true); } } } } } throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "RefineIntersLLD1", null); //return false; }
/* * REFINE INTERSECTION D1 */ public static bool RefineIntersBBD1(BCurve curveA, BCurve curveB, out InfoInters inters) { /* * ASSUMPTIONS: * - curveA & curveB are MAXIMALLY REDUCED * - intersection is KNOWN to have dimension D1 * - does not work in case of SI beziers * => OR: both curveA & curveB are SEGMENTS * OR: both curveA & curveB are BEZIER */ inters = null; InfoInters selfinters; if (curveA.IsSelfInters(out selfinters) || curveB.IsSelfInters(out selfinters)) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "RefineIntersBBD1", null); //return false; } VecD a0 = curveA.Start; VecD a1 = curveA.End; Param paramBInvA0, paramBInvA1; bool isOn; if (!a0.InverseOn(curveB, out isOn, out paramBInvA0) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } if (!a1.InverseOn(curveB, out isOn, out paramBInvA1) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } paramBInvA0.Round(0, 1); paramBInvA1.Round(0, 1); bool areCoDirected = (paramBInvA1 >= paramBInvA0); if (!areCoDirected) { BCurve revB = curveB.Reversed as BCurve; if (!Inters.RefineIntersBBD1(curveA, revB, out inters)) { return(false); } if (inters != null) { inters.ParamReverse(1, 1); } return(true); } VecD b0 = curveB.Start; VecD b1 = curveB.End; Param paramAInvB0, paramAInvB1; if (!b0.InverseOn(curveA, out isOn, out paramAInvB0) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } if (!b1.InverseOn(curveA, out isOn, out paramAInvB1) || (!isOn)) { return(false); } paramAInvB0.Round(0, 1); paramAInvB1.Round(0, 1); Param paramInA = null, paramInB = null, paramOutA = null, paramOutB = null; VecD pntIn = null, pntOut = null; if (paramBInvA0 <= 0) // before or start { paramInA = paramAInvB0; paramInB = 0; pntIn = b0; } else if (paramBInvA0 < 1) // inner { paramInA = 0; paramInB = paramBInvA0; pntIn = a0; } if ((paramBInvA1 >= 0) && (paramBInvA1 <= 1)) // inner or end { paramOutA = 1; paramOutB = paramBInvA1; pntOut = a1; } else if (paramBInvA1 > 1) // after { paramOutA = paramAInvB1; paramOutB = 1; pntOut = b1; } if ((pntIn == null) || (pntOut == null)) { throw new ExceptionGMath("Intersect", "RefineIntersBBD1", null); //return false; } Curve curveInters = curveA.SubCurve(paramInA, paramOutA); inters = new IntersD1(paramInA, paramInB, paramOutA, paramOutB, curveInters, false); return(true); }
public bool RayParity(RayD ray, CParam parStartRay, out MConsts.TypeParity typeParity) { /* * ASSUMPTIONS * INPUT: * - (parStartRay==null) is the ray does not start at * the contour * RETURN VALUE; * - (false) in case of real failure; * (true)+(typeParity==Undef) in unclear cases * */ typeParity = MConsts.TypeParity.Undef; ListInfoInters linters = new ListInfoInters(); bool isStartIntersFound = false; for (int pozKnot = 0; pozKnot < this.NumKnot; pozKnot++) { BCurve curve = this.CurveByPoz(pozKnot); if (curve != null) { Knot knot = this.KnotByPoz(pozKnot); int numIntersBefore = linters.Count; if (!Inters.IntersectBL(curve, ray, linters)) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(false); } int numIntersAfter = linters.Count; if (numIntersAfter != numIntersBefore) { InfoInters inters; if ((curve.IsDegen) || (curve.IsSelfInters(out inters))) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } } bool isRayStartOnCurve = ((parStartRay != null) && (parStartRay.IndKnot == knot.IndexKnot)); for (int iInters = numIntersBefore; iInters < numIntersAfter; iInters++) { InfoInters inters = linters[iInters] as InfoInters; if (inters.Dim == InfoInters.TypeDim.Dim1) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } IntersD0 intersD0 = inters as IntersD0; double parValCurve = intersD0.Ipi.Par(0).Val; double parValRay = intersD0.Ipi.Par(1).Val; if (Math.Abs(parValRay) < MConsts.EPS_DEC) { if ((!isRayStartOnCurve) || (isRayStartOnCurve && isStartIntersFound)) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } isStartIntersFound = true; } if ((Math.Abs(parValCurve) < MConsts.EPS_DEC_WEAK) || (Math.Abs(1.0 - parValCurve) < MConsts.EPS_DEC_WEAK)) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } VecD dirTangCurve = curve.DirTang(parValCurve); VecD dirTangRay = (ray as LCurve).DirTang; if ((dirTangCurve == null) || (dirTangRay == null)) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } if (Math.Abs(dirTangRay.Cross(dirTangCurve)) < MConsts.EPS_DEC_WEAK) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } } if ((isRayStartOnCurve) && (!isStartIntersFound)) { linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); } } } int numIntersAll = (isStartIntersFound)? linters.Count - 1: linters.Count; typeParity = (numIntersAll % 2 == 0)? MConsts.TypeParity.Even: MConsts.TypeParity.Odd; linters.ClearDestroy(); return(true); }