Exemple #1
        //Sales by week will generate a HTML formatted report int the form of a string.
        // We will use the NSADatabase Class to retrieve the Data.
        // The Table will be in the following format
        // ┌───────────────────────────┐
        // |      Sales By Day         |
        // ├───────────────────────────┤
        // |Store - #                  |
        // ├───────────────────────────|
        // │Day  │Date│Num Orders│Sales│
        // ├─────┼────┼──────────┼─────┤
        // └─────┴────┴──────────┴─────┘
        private string SalesByDay()
            //Stringbuilder for creating the Query to use to get the sales data.
            StringBuilder ByDayQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //for readability the query is built via multiple appends rather than a single one.
            ByDayQuery.Append("SELECT storeid, month(O.timeplaced) as Month, day(O.timeplaced) as Day, ");
            ByDayQuery.Append("WEEKDAY(O.timeplaced) as DayOfWeek, DATE_FORMAT(O.timeplaced, '%m/%d/%Y') as Date, ");
            ByDayQuery.Append("sum(O.total) as Sales, count(orderid) as Orders, refunded ");
            ByDayQuery.Append("FROM Orders O WHERE O.refunded = 0 AND storeid IN (");

            //loop over all the stations in the list execpt for the last one adding them
            //to the set of numbers for the in clause
            for (int i = 0; i < (Stores.Count - 1); i++) // Loop through List with for

            //adding the last store to the In clause
            ByDayQuery.Append(Stores[(Stores.Count - 1)].ToString());

            //add the end of the query
            ByDayQuery.Append(") GROUP BY storeid , Day;");

            //StringBuilder object.
            StringBuilder ByDayReport = new StringBuilder();

            //Create and Open the Database Connection.
            NSADatabase DBConnection = new NSADatabase("localhost", "nsa-database", "root", "", 1);

            //Create Data reader object using the built query with the database object.
            MySqlDataReader ByDayData = DBConnection.CustomQuery(ByDayQuery.ToString());

            //Append the top portion of the report again done in multiple appends for readability.
            ByDayReport.Append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"><html><head><title>NSASALES - By Day</title></head>");
            ByDayReport.Append("<body><table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"Sales By Day\" w>");
            ByDayReport.Append("<thead><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\">Sales By Day</th></thead>");

            //There is not a store it < 0
            int storeid = -1;

            //Read the data and Build the HTML File.
            while (ByDayData.Read())
                //if we hit a new store we need to enter the store Id and header lines.
                if (storeid != (int)ByDayData["storeid"])
                    storeid = (int)ByDayData["storeid"];
                    ByDayReport.Append("<tr><th align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">Store: ");
                    ByDayReport.Append("<tr><th>Date</th><th>Day</th><th>Orders per Day</th><th>Sales in Dollars per Day</th></tr>");

                //Add the weeks data row to the report.
                ByDayReport.Append("<tr><td align=\"center\">");
                ByDayReport.Append(string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", ByDayData["Date"]));
                ByDayReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByDayReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByDayReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByDayReport.Append(String.Format("{0:C}", ByDayData["Sales"]));

            //add the closing tags for the report.

            //must remember to close the reader

            //Close the connection

            //return the built report to the calling function.
Exemple #2
        //Sales by week will generate a HTML formatted report int the form of a string.
        // We will use the NSADatabase Class to retrieve the Data.
        // The Table will be in the following format
        // ┌──────────────────────────┐
        // |      Sales By WeeK       |
        // ├──────────────────────────┤
        // |Store - #                 |
        // ├──────────────────────────|
        // │Week│Date│Num Orders│Sales│
        // ├────┼────┼──────────┼─────┤
        // └────┴────┴──────────┴─────┘
        private string SalesByWeek()
            //Stringbuilder for creating the Query to use to get the sales data.
            StringBuilder ByWeekQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //for readability the query is built via multiple appends rather than a single one.
            ByWeekQuery.Append("SELECT storeid, weekofyear(O.timeplaced) as Week, ");
            ByWeekQuery.Append("STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(CONCAT( DATE_FORMAT(O.timeplaced,'%Y'), ");
            ByWeekQuery.Append("weekofyear(O.timeplaced) ),' Monday'), '%X%V %W') as WeekDate, ");
            ByWeekQuery.Append("sum(O.total) as Sales, sum(O.tax) as SalesTax, count(orderid) as Orders, refunded ");
            ByWeekQuery.Append("FROM orders O WHERE O.refunded = 0 AND storeid IN (");

            //loop over all the stations in the list execpt for the last one adding them
            //to the set of numbers for the in clause
            for (int i = 0; i < (Stores.Count - 1); i++)   // Loop through List with for

            //adding the last store to the In clause
            ByWeekQuery.Append(Stores[(Stores.Count - 1)].ToString());

            //add the end of the query
            ByWeekQuery.Append(") GROUP BY storeid , Week, refunded;");

            //StringBuilder object.
            StringBuilder ByWeekReport = new StringBuilder();

            if (!nsadb.Connected())

            //Create Data reader object using the built query with the database object.
            MySqlDataReader ByWeekData = nsadb.CustomQuery(ByWeekQuery.ToString());

            //Append the top portion of the report again done in multiple appends for readability.
            ByWeekReport.Append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"><html><head><title>NSASALES - By Week</title></head>");
            ByWeekReport.Append("<body><table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" summary=\"Sales By Week\" w>");
            ByWeekReport.Append("<thead><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\">Sales By Week</th></thead>");

            int storeid = 0;

            //Read the data and Build the HTML File.
            while (ByWeekData.Read())
                //if we hit a new store we need to enter the store Id and header lines.
                if (storeid != (int)ByWeekData["storeid"])
                    storeid = (int)ByWeekData["storeid"];
                    ByWeekReport.Append("<tr><th align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">Store: ");
                    ByWeekReport.Append("<tr><th>Week</th><th>Date</th><th>Orders per Week</th><th>Sales in dollars Per Week</th></tr>");

                //Add the weeks data row to the report.
                ByWeekReport.Append("<tr><td align=\"center\">");
                ByWeekReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByWeekReport.Append(string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", ByWeekData["WeekDate"]));
                ByWeekReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByWeekReport.Append("</td><td align=\"center\">");
                ByWeekReport.Append(String.Format("{0:C}", ByWeekData["Sales"]));

            //add the closing tags for the report.

            //must remember to close the reader

            //Close the connection

            //return the built report to the calling function.