Exemple #1
        public void TestStore()
            //      .fontheight      = c8
            //      .attributes      = 0
            //           .italic     = false
            //           .strikout   = false
            //           .macoutlined= false
            //           .macshadowed= false
            //      .colorpalette    = 7fff
            //      .boldweight      = 190
            //      .supersubscript  = 0
            //      .underline       = 0
            //      .family          = 0
            //      .charset         = 0
            //      .namelength      = 5
            //      .fontname        = Arial

            FontRecord record = new FontRecord();
            record.FontHeight = ((short)0xc8);
            record.FontName = ("Arial");

            byte[] recordBytes = record.Serialize();
            TestcaseRecordInputStream.ConfirmRecordEncoding(0x31, data, recordBytes);
Exemple #2
        public void TestCloneOnto()
            FontRecord base1 = new FontRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(0x31, data));

            FontRecord other = new FontRecord();

            byte[] recordBytes = other.Serialize();
            Assert.AreEqual(recordBytes.Length - 4, data.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(data[i], recordBytes[i + 4], "At offset " + i);
Exemple #3
  * Clones all the font style information from another
  *  FontRecord, onto this one. This
  *  will then hold all the same font style options.
 public void CloneStyleFrom(FontRecord source)
     field_1_font_height         = source.field_1_font_height;
     field_2_attributes          = source.field_2_attributes;
     field_3_color_palette_index = source.field_3_color_palette_index;
     field_4_bold_weight         = source.field_4_bold_weight;
     field_5_base_sub_script     = source.field_5_base_sub_script;
     field_6_underline           = source.field_6_underline;
     field_7_family     = source.field_7_family;
     field_8_charset    = source.field_8_charset;
     field_9_zero       = source.field_9_zero;
     field_11_font_name = source.field_11_font_name;
Exemple #4
  * Does this FontRecord have all the same font
  *  properties as the supplied FontRecord?
  * Note that {@link #equals(Object)} will check
  *  for exact objects, while this will check
  *  for exact contents, because normally the
  *  font record's position makes a big
  *  difference too.
 public bool SameProperties(FontRecord other)
         (field_1_font_height == other.field_1_font_height &&
          field_2_attributes == other.field_2_attributes &&
          field_3_color_palette_index == other.field_3_color_palette_index &&
          field_4_bold_weight == other.field_4_bold_weight &&
          field_5_base_sub_script == other.field_5_base_sub_script &&
          field_6_underline == other.field_6_underline &&
          field_7_family == other.field_7_family &&
          field_8_charset == other.field_8_charset &&
          field_9_zero == other.field_9_zero &&
Exemple #5
        public void TestLoad()

            FontRecord record = new FontRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(0x31, data));
            Assert.AreEqual(0xc8, record.FontHeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00, record.Attributes);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x7fff, record.ColorPaletteIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x190, record.BoldWeight);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00, record.SuperSubScript);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00, record.Underline);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00, record.Family);
            Assert.AreEqual(0x00, record.Charset);
            Assert.AreEqual("Arial", record.FontName);

            Assert.AreEqual(21 + 4, record.RecordSize);
 * Retrieves the index of the given font
        public int GetFontIndex(FontRecord font)
            for (int i = 0; i <= numfonts; i++)
                FontRecord thisFont =
                    (FontRecord)records[(records.Fontpos - (numfonts - 1)) + i];
                if (thisFont == font)
                    // There is no 4!
                    if (i > 3)
                        return (i + 1);
                    return i;
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not find that font!");
  * Removes the given font record from the
  *  file's list. This will make all 
  *  subsequent font indicies drop by one,
  *  so you'll need to update those yourself!
 public void RemoveFontRecord(FontRecord rec)
     records.Remove(rec); // this updates FontPos for us
         * Creates a Font record with the following magic values: 
         * fontheight           = 0xc8
         * attributes           = 0x0
         * color palette index  = 0x7fff
         * bold weight          = 0x190
         * Font Name Length     = 5 
         * Font Name            = Arial 
         * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FontRecord
         * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
         * @return record containing a FontRecord

        private static Record CreateFont()
            FontRecord retval = new FontRecord();

            return retval;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HSSFFont"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 /// <param name="rec">The record.</param>
 public HSSFFont(short index, FontRecord rec)
     font = rec;
     this.index = index;
Exemple #10
 * Does this FontRecord have all the same font
 *  properties as the supplied FontRecord?
 * Note that {@link #equals(Object)} will check
 *  for exact objects, while this will check
 *  for exact contents, because normally the
 *  font record's position makes a big
 *  difference too.  
        public bool SameProperties(FontRecord other)
            field_1_font_height == other.field_1_font_height &&
            field_2_attributes == other.field_2_attributes &&
            field_3_color_palette_index == other.field_3_color_palette_index &&
            field_4_bold_weight == other.field_4_bold_weight &&
            field_5_base_sub_script == other.field_5_base_sub_script &&
            field_6_underline == other.field_6_underline &&
            field_7_family == other.field_7_family &&
            field_8_charset == other.field_8_charset &&
            field_9_zero == other.field_9_zero &&
Exemple #11
  * Clones all the font style information from another
  *  FontRecord, onto this one. This 
  *  will then hold all the same font style options.
 public void CloneStyleFrom(FontRecord source)
     field_1_font_height = source.field_1_font_height;
     field_2_attributes = source.field_2_attributes;
     field_3_color_palette_index = source.field_3_color_palette_index;
     field_4_bold_weight = source.field_4_bold_weight;
     field_5_base_sub_script = source.field_5_base_sub_script;
     field_6_underline = source.field_6_underline;
     field_7_family = source.field_7_family;
     field_8_charset = source.field_8_charset;
     field_9_zero = source.field_9_zero;
     field_11_font_name = source.field_11_font_name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes through the Workbook, optimising the fonts by
        /// removing duplicate ones.
        /// For now, only works on fonts used in HSSFCellStyle
        /// and HSSFRichTextString. Any other font uses
        /// (eg charts, pictures) may well end up broken!
        /// This can be a slow operation, especially if you have
        /// lots of cells, cell styles or rich text strings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workbook">The workbook in which to optimise the fonts</param>
        public static void OptimiseFonts(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
            // Where each font has ended up, and if we need to
            //  delete the record for it. Start off with no change
            short[] newPos =
                new short[workbook.Workbook.NumberOfFontRecords + 1];
            bool[] zapRecords = new bool[newPos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                newPos[i] = (short)i;
                zapRecords[i] = false;

            // Get each font record, so we can do deletes
            //  without Getting confused
            FontRecord[] frecs = new FontRecord[newPos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // There is no 4!
                if (i == 4) continue;

                frecs[i] = workbook.Workbook.GetFontRecordAt(i);

            // Loop over each font, seeing if it is the same
            //  as an earlier one. If it is, point users of the
            //  later duplicate copy to the earlier one, and 
            //  mark the later one as needing deleting
            // Note - don't change built in fonts (those before 5)
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // Check this one for being a duplicate
                //  of an earlier one
                int earlierDuplicate = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < i && earlierDuplicate == -1; j++)
                    if (j == 4) continue;

                    FontRecord frCheck = workbook.Workbook.GetFontRecordAt(j);
                    if (frCheck.SameProperties(frecs[i]))
                        earlierDuplicate = j;

                // If we got a duplicate, mark it as such
                if (earlierDuplicate != -1)
                    newPos[i] = (short)earlierDuplicate;
                    zapRecords[i] = true;

            // Update the new positions based on
            //  deletes that have occurred between
            //  the start and them
            // Only need to worry about user fonts
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                // Find the number deleted to that
                //  point, and adjust
                short preDeletePos = newPos[i];
                short newPosition = preDeletePos;
                for (int j = 0; j < preDeletePos; j++)
                    if (zapRecords[j]) newPosition--;

                // Update the new position
                newPos[i] = newPosition;

            // Zap the un-needed user font records
            for (int i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                if (zapRecords[i])

            // Tell HSSFWorkbook that it needs to
            //  re-start its HSSFFontCache

            // Update the cell styles to point at the 
            //  new locations of the fonts
            for (int i = 0; i < workbook.Workbook.NumExFormats; i++)
                ExtendedFormatRecord xfr = workbook.Workbook.GetExFormatAt(i);
                xfr.FontIndex = (

            // Update the rich text strings to point at
            //  the new locations of the fonts
            // Remember that one underlying unicode string
            //  may be shared by multiple RichTextStrings!
            ArrayList doneUnicodeStrings = new ArrayList();
            for (int sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < workbook.NumberOfSheets; sheetNum++)
                HSSFSheet s = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetNum);
                IEnumerator rIt = s.GetRowEnumerator();
                while (rIt.MoveNext())
                    HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rIt.Current;
                    IEnumerator cIt = row.GetCellEnumerator();
                    while (cIt.MoveNext())
                        HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)cIt.Current;
                        if (cell.CellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING)
                            HSSFRichTextString rtr = cell.RichStringCellValue;
                            UnicodeString u = rtr.RawUnicodeString;

                            // Have we done this string already?
                            if (!doneUnicodeStrings.Contains(u))
                                // Update for each new position
                                for (short i = 5; i < newPos.Length; i++)
                                    if (i != newPos[i])
                                        u.SwapFontUse(i, newPos[i]);

                                // Mark as done
Exemple #13
         * Creates a Font record with the following magic values: 
         * fontheight           = 0xc8
         * attributes           = 0x0
         * color palette index  = 0x7fff
         * bold weight          = 0x190
         * Font Name Length     = 5 
         * Font Name            = Arial 
         * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.FontRecord
         * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.record.Record
         * @return record containing a FontRecord

        protected Record CreateFont()
            FontRecord retval = new FontRecord();

            return retval;
Exemple #14
        public void TestSameProperties()
            FontRecord f1 = new FontRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(0x31, data));
            FontRecord f2 = new FontRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(0x31, data));


            f2.FontName = ("Arial2");
            f2.FontName = ("Arial");

            f2.FontHeight = ((short)11);
            f2.FontHeight = ((short)0xc8);
Exemple #15
        public void TestEmptyName_bug47250()
            byte[] emptyNameData = HexRead.ReadFromString(
                    "C8 00 00 00 FF 7F 90 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
                    + "00" // zero length
                    + "00" // unicode options byte

            RecordInputStream in1 = TestcaseRecordInputStream.Create(SID, emptyNameData);
            FontRecord fr = new FontRecord(in1);
            if (in1.Available() == 1)
                throw new AssertionException("Identified bug 47250");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, in1.Available());

            Assert.AreEqual(0, fr.FontName.Length);
            byte[] recordBytes = fr.Serialize();
            TestcaseRecordInputStream.ConfirmRecordEncoding(SID, emptyNameData, recordBytes);