public MapModMenu(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool[] showExtras, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > customNPCs, Dictionary <string, string> npcNames) : base(x, y, width, height, false) { = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\map"); Vector2 topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen( * Game1.pixelZoom, 180 * Game1.pixelZoom, 0, 0); this.mapX = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.X; this.mapY = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.Y; this.okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); this.upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.upArrow.bounds.X + Game1.pixelZoom * 3, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, 6 * Game1.pixelZoom, 10 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBarRunner = new Rectangle(this.scrollBar.bounds.X, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, this.scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - Game1.tileSize * 2 - this.upArrow.bounds.Height - Game1.pixelZoom * 2); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { this.optionSlots.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5 / 4 + Game1.pixelZoom + i * ((height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7), width - Game1.tileSize / 2, (height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7 + Game1.pixelZoom), string.Concat(i))); } tooltipButton1 = new MapModButton("在地点提示上方", 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); tooltipButton2 = new MapModButton("在地点提示下方", 2, -1, -1, -1, -1); tooltipButton3 = new MapModButton("左下角显示", 3, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton1 = new MapModButton("总是显示居民", 4, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton2 = new MapModButton("显示已经和玩家交谈过的居民", 5, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton3 = new MapModButton("隐藏已经和玩家交谈过的居民", 6, -1, -1, -1, -1); //this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Menu Key:")); //this.options.Add(new MapModInputListener("Change menu key", 37, this.optionSlots[0].bounds.Width, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("NPC Map Locations Mod Version")); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("名称提示位置:")); this.options.Add(tooltipButton1); this.options.Add(tooltipButton2); this.options.Add(tooltipButton3); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("专注设置:")); this.options.Add(immersionButton1); this.options.Add(immersionButton2); this.options.Add(immersionButton3); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("只显示玩家所在位置的居民", 39, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("只显示指定好感度范围的居民", 41, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("最低好感度", 0, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("最高好感度", 1, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("扩展设置:")); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("显示隐藏居民", 48, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("标记有日常任务或者过生日的居民", 42, -1, -1)); // Custom NPCs if (customNPCs != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, int> > entry in customNPCs) { if (MapModMain.customNpcId > 0) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Show " + entry.Key, 42 + MapModMain.customNpcId, -1, -1)); } } } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("显示旅行货车", 40, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("包含/排除居民:")); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Abigail"], 7, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Alex"], 8, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Caroline"], 9, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Clint"], 10, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Demetrius"], 11, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Elliott"], 12, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Emily"], 13, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Evelyn"], 14, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["George"], 15, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Gus"], 16, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Haley"], 17, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Harvey"], 18, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Jas"], 19, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Jodi"], 20, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[3]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Kent"], 21, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Leah"], 22, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Lewis"], 23, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Linus"], 24, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[1]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Marlon"], 38, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Marnie"], 25, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Maru"], 26, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Pam"], 27, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Penny"], 28, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Pierre"], 29, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Robin"], 30, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sam"], 31, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[0]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sandy"], 36, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sebastian"], 32, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Shane"], 33, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Vincent"], 34, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Willy"], 35, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[2]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Wizard"], 37, -1, -1)); } }
public ModMenu( Dictionary <string, bool> conditionalNpcs, ModCustomizations customizations ) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (1000 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 1000 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { var topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen(ModMain.Map.Bounds.Width * Game1.pixelZoom, 180 * Game1.pixelZoom, 0, 0); mapX = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.X; mapY = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.Y; okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width - Game1.tileSize * 2, yPositionOnScreen + height - 7 * Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), Game1.pixelZoom); downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + height - Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), Game1.pixelZoom); scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(upArrow.bounds.X + Game1.pixelZoom * 3, upArrow.bounds.Y + upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, 6 * Game1.pixelZoom, 10 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), Game1.pixelZoom); scrollBarRunner = new Rectangle(scrollBar.bounds.X, upArrow.bounds.Y + upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - Game1.tileSize * 2 - upArrow.bounds.Height - Game1.pixelZoom * 2); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { optionSlots.Add(new ClickableComponent( new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5 / 4 + Game1.pixelZoom + i * ((height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7), width - Game1.tileSize / 2, (height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7 + Game1.pixelZoom), string.Concat(i))); } // Translate labels and initialize buttons to handle button press string minimapLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("minimap.label"); string immersionLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("immersion.label"); string villagersLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("villagers.label"); immersionButton1 = new MapModButton("immersion.option1", 4, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton2 = new MapModButton("immersion.option2", 5, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton3 = new MapModButton("immersion.option3", 6, -1, -1, -1, -1); //this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Menu Key:")); //this.options.Add(new MapModInputListener("Change menu key", 37, this.optionSlots[0].bounds.Width, -1, -1)); options.Add(new OptionsElement("NPC Map Locations")); var widths = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { widths.Add(75 + i * 15); } var heights = new List <int>(); for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { heights.Add(45 + j * 15); } var percentages = new List <int>(); for (var k = 0; k < 11; k++) { percentages.Add(50 + k * 5); } options.Add(new OptionsElement(minimapLabel)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("minimap.option1", 54, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new ModPlusMinus("minimap.plusMinus1", 55, widths)); options.Add(new ModPlusMinus("minimap.plusMinus2", 56, heights)); //options.Add(new ModPlusMinus("minimap.plusMinus3", 57, percentages)); options.Add(new OptionsElement(immersionLabel)); options.Add(immersionButton1); options.Add(immersionButton2); options.Add(immersionButton3); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option4", 49, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option5", 50, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider1", 0, -1, -1, 0, 12)); options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider2", 1, -1, -1, 0, 12)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option1", 51, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option2", 52, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option3", 53, -1, -1, customizations)); options.Add(new OptionsElement(villagersLabel)); // Villagers + up to 10 custom NPCs var orderedNames = customizations.Names.Keys.ToList(); orderedNames.Sort(); var idx = 7; foreach (var name in orderedNames) { if (conditionalNpcs.ContainsKey(name)) { if (conditionalNpcs[name]) { options.Add(new ModCheckbox(name, idx++, -1, -1, customizations)); } else { idx++; } } else { options.Add(new ModCheckbox(name, idx++, -1, -1, customizations)); } } }
public ModMenu( Dictionary <string, NpcMarker> npcMarkers, Dictionary <string, bool> conditionalNpcs ) : base(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - (1000 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.viewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, 1000 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, true) { this.npcMarkers = npcMarkers; var topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen(ModMain.Map.Bounds.Width * Game1.pixelZoom, 180 * Game1.pixelZoom, 0, 0); mapX = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.X; mapY = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.Y; // Most of this mess is straight from the game code just... just give it space okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width - Game1.tileSize * 2, yPositionOnScreen + height - 7 * Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), Game1.pixelZoom); downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + height - Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), Game1.pixelZoom); scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(upArrow.bounds.X + Game1.pixelZoom * 3, upArrow.bounds.Y + upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, 6 * Game1.pixelZoom, 10 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), Game1.pixelZoom); scrollBarRunner = new Rectangle(scrollBar.bounds.X, upArrow.bounds.Y + upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - Game1.tileSize * 2 - upArrow.bounds.Height - Game1.pixelZoom * 2); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { optionSlots.Add(new ClickableComponent( new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize / 4, yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5 / 4 + Game1.pixelZoom + i * ((height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7), width - Game1.tileSize / 2, (height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7 + Game1.pixelZoom), string.Concat(i))); } options.Add(new OptionsElement("NPC Map Locations")); var widths = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { widths.Add(75 + i * 15); } var heights = new List <int>(); for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { heights.Add(45 + j * 15); } string minimapLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("minimap.label"); options.Add(new OptionsElement(minimapLabel)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("minimap.option1", 0, -1, -1)); options.Add(new ModPlusMinus("minimap.plusMinus1", 1, widths)); options.Add(new ModPlusMinus("minimap.plusMinus2", 2, heights)); // Translate labels and initialize buttons to handle button press string immersionLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("immersion.label"); options.Add(new OptionsElement(immersionLabel)); immersionButton1 = new MapModButton("immersion.option1", 3, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton2 = new MapModButton("immersion.option2", 4, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton3 = new MapModButton("immersion.option3", 5, -1, -1, -1, -1); options.Add(immersionButton1); options.Add(immersionButton2); options.Add(immersionButton3); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option4", 6, -1, -1)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option5", 7, -1, -1)); options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider1", 8, -1, -1, 0, 12)); options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider2", 9, -1, -1, 0, 12)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option1", 10, -1, -1)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option2", 11, -1, -1)); options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option3", 12, -1, -1)); string villagersLabel = ModMain.Helper.Translation.Get("villagers.label"); options.Add(new OptionsElement(villagersLabel)); var orderedMarkers = npcMarkers.ToList() .Where(x => x.Value.Sprite != null && x.Value.Type == Character.Villager) .OrderBy(x => x.Value.DisplayName); var idx = 13; foreach (var npcMarker in orderedMarkers) { if (conditionalNpcs.ContainsKey(npcMarker.Key)) { if (conditionalNpcs[npcMarker.Key]) { options.Add(new ModCheckbox(npcMarker.Value.DisplayName, idx++, -1, -1, orderedMarkers)); } else { idx++; } } else { options.Add(new ModCheckbox(npcMarker.Value.DisplayName, idx++, -1, -1, orderedMarkers)); } } }
public ModMenu(int x, int y, int width, int height, Dictionary <string, bool> secondaryNPCs, Dictionary <string, object> customNPCs, Dictionary <string, string> npcNames, Dictionary <string, int> markerCrop) : base(x, y, width, height, false) { = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\map"); Vector2 topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen( * Game1.pixelZoom, 180 * Game1.pixelZoom, 0, 0); this.mapX = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.X; this.mapY = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.Y; this.okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); this.upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.upArrow.bounds.X + Game1.pixelZoom * 3, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, 6 * Game1.pixelZoom, 10 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBarRunner = new Rectangle(this.scrollBar.bounds.X, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, this.scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - Game1.tileSize * 2 - this.upArrow.bounds.Height - Game1.pixelZoom * 2); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { this.optionSlots.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5 / 4 + Game1.pixelZoom + i * ((height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7), width - Game1.tileSize / 2, (height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7 + Game1.pixelZoom), string.Concat(i))); } // Translate labels and initialize buttons to handle button press string immersionLabel = ModMain.modHelper.Translation.Get("immersion.label"); string extraLabel = ModMain.modHelper.Translation.Get("extra.label"); string villagersLabel = ModMain.modHelper.Translation.Get("villagers.label"); immersionButton1 = new MapModButton("immersion.option1", 4, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton2 = new MapModButton("immersion.option2", 5, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton3 = new MapModButton("immersion.option3", 6, -1, -1, -1, -1); //this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Menu Key:")); //this.options.Add(new MapModInputListener("Change menu key", 37, this.optionSlots[0].bounds.Width, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("NPC Map Locations")); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement(immersionLabel)); this.options.Add(immersionButton1); this.options.Add(immersionButton2); this.options.Add(immersionButton3); this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option4", 44, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox("immersion.option5", 45, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider1", 0, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("immersion.slider2", 1, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement(extraLabel)); this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option1", 46, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option2", 47, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox("extra.option3", 48, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement(villagersLabel)); // Custom NPCs if (customNPCs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < customNPCs.Count; i++) { this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox(customNPCs.Keys.ElementAt(i), 39 + i, -1, -1, npcNames, markerCrop, customNPCs)); } } // Villagers var orderedNames = npcNames.Keys.ToList(); orderedNames.Sort(); int idx = 7; foreach (var name in orderedNames) { if (secondaryNPCs.Keys.Contains(name)) { if (secondaryNPCs[name]) { this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox(name, idx++, -1, -1, npcNames, markerCrop, customNPCs)); } else { idx++; continue; } } else { this.options.Add(new ModCheckbox(name, idx++, -1, -1, npcNames, markerCrop, customNPCs)); } } }
public MapModMenu(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool[] showExtras, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > customNPCs, Dictionary <string, string> npcNames) : base(x, y, width, height, false) { = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\map"); Vector2 topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen( * Game1.pixelZoom, 180 * Game1.pixelZoom, 0, 0); this.mapX = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.X; this.mapY = (int)topLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen.Y; this.okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); this.upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - Game1.tileSize, 11 * Game1.pixelZoom, 12 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(this.upArrow.bounds.X + Game1.pixelZoom * 3, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, 6 * Game1.pixelZoom, 10 * Game1.pixelZoom), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), (float)Game1.pixelZoom); this.scrollBarRunner = new Rectangle(this.scrollBar.bounds.X, this.upArrow.bounds.Y + this.upArrow.bounds.Height + Game1.pixelZoom, this.scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - Game1.tileSize * 2 - this.upArrow.bounds.Height - Game1.pixelZoom * 2); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { this.optionSlots.Add(new ClickableComponent(new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize / 4, this.yPositionOnScreen + Game1.tileSize * 5 / 4 + Game1.pixelZoom + i * ((height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7), width - Game1.tileSize / 2, (height - Game1.tileSize * 2) / 7 + Game1.pixelZoom), string.Concat(i))); } tooltipButton1 = new MapModButton("Above Location Tooltip", 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); tooltipButton2 = new MapModButton("Below Location Tooltip", 2, -1, -1, -1, -1); tooltipButton3 = new MapModButton("Bottom-left Corner", 3, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton1 = new MapModButton("Always Show Villagers", 4, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton2 = new MapModButton("Show Villagers Player Has Talked To", 5, -1, -1, -1, -1); immersionButton3 = new MapModButton("Hide Villagers Player Has Talked To", 6, -1, -1, -1, -1); //this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Menu Key:")); //this.options.Add(new MapModInputListener("Change menu key", 37, this.optionSlots[0].bounds.Width, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("NPC Map Locations Mod Version")); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Names Tooltip Placement:")); this.options.Add(tooltipButton1); this.options.Add(tooltipButton2); this.options.Add(tooltipButton3); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Immersion Settings:")); this.options.Add(immersionButton1); this.options.Add(immersionButton2); this.options.Add(immersionButton3); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Only Show Villagers in Player's Location", 39, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Only Show Villagers Within Specified Heart Level", 41, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("Minimum Heart Level", 0, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModSlider("Maximum Heart Level", 1, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Extra Settings:")); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Show Hidden Villagers", 48, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Mark Villagers With Daily Quest or Birthday", 42, -1, -1)); // Custom NPCs if (customNPCs != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, int> > entry in customNPCs) { if (MapModMain.customNpcId > 0) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Show " + entry.Key, 42 + MapModMain.customNpcId, -1, -1)); } } } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox("Show Traveling Merchant", 40, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new OptionsElement("Include/Exclude Villagers:")); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Abigail"], 7, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Alex"], 8, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Caroline"], 9, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Clint"], 10, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Demetrius"], 11, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Elliott"], 12, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Emily"], 13, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Evelyn"], 14, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["George"], 15, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Gus"], 16, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Haley"], 17, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Harvey"], 18, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Jas"], 19, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Jodi"], 20, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[3]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Kent"], 21, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Leah"], 22, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Lewis"], 23, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Linus"], 24, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[1]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Marlon"], 38, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Marnie"], 25, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Maru"], 26, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Pam"], 27, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Penny"], 28, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Pierre"], 29, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Robin"], 30, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sam"], 31, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[0]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sandy"], 36, -1, -1)); } this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Sebastian"], 32, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Shane"], 33, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Vincent"], 34, -1, -1)); this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Willy"], 35, -1, -1)); if (showExtras[2]) { this.options.Add(new MapModCheckbox(npcNames["Wizard"], 37, -1, -1)); } }