Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A wrapper for the interop function that is safe within Orleans.
        /// The task factory forces the new thread to be on the NonOrleansThreadScheduler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="ots_priv"></param>
        /// <param name="pub_piece"></param>
        private async Task GeneratePubPiece(long start, long end, byte[] ots_priv, byte[] pub)
            var taskFactory = new TaskFactory(CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, TaskContinuationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Current);

            await taskFactory.StartNew(() =>
                LmsDllLoader.GenPubPiece(start, end, _h, _m, ots_priv, _lmots.GetP(), _lmots.GetN(), _lmots.GetW(), pub);
Exemple #2
        // Computes Kc as described in rfc 8554
        public BitString Algorithm4b(BitString sig, BitString msg, BitString pubType, BitString I, BitString q)
            // 1. If the signature is not at least four bytes long, return INVALID.
            if (sig.BitLength < 32)

            // 2. Parse sigtype, C, and y from the signature as follows:
            // a. sigtype = strTou32(first 4 bytes of signature)
            var sigType = sig.MSBSubstring(0, 32);

            // b. If sigtype is not equal to pubtype, return INVALID.
            if (!pubType.Equals(sigType))

            // c. Set n and p according to the pubtype and Table 1; if the signature is not exactly 4 + n * (p + 1)
            //    bytes long, return INVALID.
            var p = LmotsModeMapping.GetPFromCode(sigType);
            var n = LmotsModeMapping.GetNFromCode(sigType);

            if (sig.BitLength != (4 + (n * (p + 1))) * 8)

            // d. C = next n bytes of signature
            var C = sig.MSBSubstring(32, n * 8);

            // e. y[0] = next n bytes of signature
            //    y[1] = next n bytes of signature
            //    ...
            //    y[p - 1] = next n bytes of signature
            var y = sig.MSBSubstring((n * 8) + 32, p * n * 8);

            // 3. Compute the string Kc as described in rfc 8554
            var Q = _sha256.HashMessage(I
            var cksmQ  = CheckSum(Q);
            var QcksmQ = Q.ConcatenateBits(cksmQ);

            var z = LmsDllLoader.GenZ(_p, _n, _w, y.ToBytes(), QcksmQ.ToBytes(), I.ToBytes(), q.ToBytes());

            var concatenated = I.ConcatenateBits(q).ConcatenateBits(D_PBLC);

            concatenated = concatenated.ConcatenateBits(new BitString(z));

            var Kc = _sha256.HashMessage(concatenated).Digest;

            // 4. Return Kc.
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds tree from pub and also the public key as a BitString
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pub">A bunch of last 32 bytes of public keys</param>
        /// <returns>LMS public key</returns>
        private BitString GenerateLmsPublicKey(byte[] pub)
            var tree = LmsDllLoader.BuildTreeWithPub(_h, _m, _I.ToBytes(), pub, _lmots.GetP(), _lmots.GetN(), _lmots.GetW());

            _tree = new LmsTree(_h, _m, tree);

            var publicKey = _typecode.ConcatenateBits(_lmotsTypecode)

Exemple #4
        // Uses algorithm described in Appendix A of rfc 8554
        public BitString GenerateLmotsPrivateKey(BitString q, BitString I, BitString seed = null)
            if (_isRandom)
                var rand = _entropyProvider.GetEntropy(_n * 8 * _p);

                var priv = LmsDllLoader.GenPrivLmots(_n, _p, q.ToBytes(), I.ToBytes(), seed.ToBytes(), _typecode.ToBytes());

                return(new BitString(priv));
Exemple #5
        // To generate the randomized value C, we will adapt algorithm A, by using the I value of the LMS tree,
        // the q value to be the LMS index, and the i value to be 65533
        // Algorithm A:
        // x_q[i] = H(I || u32str(q) || u16str(i) || u8str(0xff) || SEED).
        public BitString GenerateLmotsSignature(BitString msg, BitString privateKey, BitString seed = null)
            if (_isRandom)
                var C = _entropyProvider.GetEntropy(_n * 8);

                var sig = LmsDllLoader.GenSigLmotsNonDeterministic(_n, _p, _w, _ls, msg.ToBytes().Length, privateKey.ToBytes(), C.ToBytes(), msg.ToBytes());

                return(new BitString(sig));
                var sig = LmsDllLoader.GenSigLmots(_n, _p, _w, _ls, msg.ToBytes().Length, privateKey.ToBytes(), seed.ToBytes(), msg.ToBytes());

                return(new BitString(sig));
Exemple #6
        public BitString GenerateLmsSignature(BitString msg, LmsPrivateKey privateKey)
            // 0. Use pub to generate tree if it is not null
            if (privateKey.Pub != null)
                var tree = LmsDllLoader.BuildTreeWithPub(_h, _m, _I.ToBytes(), privateKey.Pub, _lmots.GetP(), _lmots.GetN(), _lmots.GetW());

                _tree = new LmsTree(_h, _m, tree);

            // 1. Generate ots with next available leaf (in private key)
            var q = privateKey.Q;

            if (q * ((_lmots.GetN() * _lmots.GetP()) + 24) >= privateKey.OTS_PRIV.Length)
            var lmots_signature = _lmots.GenerateLmotsSignature(msg, new BitString(privateKey.GetLmotsPrivateKeyQ(q)), SEED);

            // 2. Increment q in private key to ensure no reusablility of key
            // privateKey.UpdateQ();
            // currently done in hss

            // 3. Determine path[]
            var path         = new BitString("");
            int currentIndex = (1 << _h) + q;

            for (int i = 0; i < _h; i++)
                path          = path.ConcatenateBits(_tree.GetSibling(currentIndex));
                currentIndex /= 2;

            // 4. u32str(q) || lmots_signature || u32str(type) || path[0] || path[1] || path[2] || ... || path[h - 1]
            return(new BitString(q, 32)
Exemple #7
 public byte[] GenerateLmotsPublicKey(BitString privateKey)
     return(LmsDllLoader.GenPubLmots(_n, _p, _w, privateKey.ToBytes()));
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapper function for interop call to create OTS_PRIV
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>OTS_PRIV as a byte array</returns>
 private byte[] GenerateOtsPriv()
     return(LmsDllLoader.GenOtsPrivLms(_h, _I.ToBytes(), SEED.ToBytes(), _lmots.GetN(), _lmots.GetP(), _lmotsTypecode.ToBytes()));