/// <summary>
		/// Configures the TableGenerator by reading the value of <c>table</c>, 
		/// <c>column</c>, and <c>schema</c> from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
		/// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
		public virtual void Configure( IType type, IDictionary parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect )
			this.tableName = PropertiesHelper.GetString( Table, parms, "hibernate_unique_key" );
			this.columnName = PropertiesHelper.GetString( Column, parms, "next_hi" );
			string schemaName = ( string ) parms[ Schema ];
			if( schemaName != null && tableName.IndexOf( StringHelper.Dot ) < 0 )
				tableName = schemaName + "." + tableName;

			query = "select " + columnName + " from " + tableName;
			if( dialect.SupportsForUpdate )
				query += " for update";

			// build the sql string for the Update since it uses parameters
			Parameter setParam = new Parameter( columnName, new Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter whereParam = new Parameter( columnName, new Int32SqlType() );

			SqlStringBuilder builder = new SqlStringBuilder();
			builder.Add( "update " + tableName + " set " )
				.Add( columnName )
				.Add( " = " )
				.Add( setParam )
				.Add( " where " )
				.Add( columnName )
				.Add( " = " )
				.Add( whereParam );

			updateSql = builder.ToSqlString();

		void ISqlStringVisitor.Parameter(Parameter parameter)
			if (hasReturnParameter && !foundReturnParameter)
				foundReturnParameter = true;

			string name;

			if (queryIndexToNumberOfPreceedingParameters.Count == 0)
				// there's only one query... no need to worry about indexes of parameters of previous queries
				name = formatter.GetParameterName(parameter.OriginalPositionInQuery ?? parameterIndex);
				// multiple queries... in case the parameters were switched around (for SQL paging for instance) we need
				// to keep the number of preceeding parameters (in previous queries of the batch) into account
				if (parameter.OriginalPositionInQuery != null)
					name = formatter.GetParameterName(GetNumberOfPreceedingParameters() + parameter.OriginalPositionInQuery.Value);
					name = formatter.GetParameterName(parameterIndex);

		/// <summary>
		/// Generates an array of parameters for the given <see cref="SqlType">SqlTypes</see>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="count">The number of parameters to generate.</param>
		/// <returns>An array of <see cref="Parameter"/> objects</returns>
		public static Parameter[] GenerateParameters(int count)
			Parameter[] result = new Parameter[count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				result[i] = Placeholder;
			return result;
		public void EqualsLengthDiffType()
			Parameter x = new Parameter( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.AnsiStringSqlType(5) );
			ParameterLength y = new ParameterLength( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.AnsiStringSqlType(5) );
			// even though these contain the exact same values - they should not be 
			// equal because they are different types
			Assert.IsFalse( x.Equals(y) );
			Assert.IsFalse( y.Equals(x) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Generates an IDbDataParameter for the IDbCommand.  It does not add the IDbDataParameter to the IDbCommand's
		/// Parameter collection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="command">The IDbCommand to use to create the IDbDataParameter.</param>
		/// <param name="name">The name to set for IDbDataParameter.Name</param>
		/// <param name="parameter">The Parameter to convert to an IDbDataParameter.</param>
		/// <param name="dialect">The Dialect to use for Default lengths if needed.</param>
		/// <returns>An IDbDataParameter ready to be added to an IDbCommand.</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This adds logic to ensure that a DbType.Boolean parameter is not created since
		/// ODP.NET doesn't support it.
		/// </remarks>
		protected override System.Data.IDbDataParameter GenerateParameter(IDbCommand command, string name, Parameter parameter, NHibernate.Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			// if the parameter coming in contains a boolean then we need to convert it 
			// to another type since ODP.NET doesn't support DbType.Boolean
			if( parameter.SqlType.DbType==DbType.Boolean )
				parameter = new Parameter( parameter.Name, NHibernateUtil.Int16.SqlType ) ;
			return base.GenerateParameter( command, name, parameter, dialect );
		public void EqualsPrecisionDiffType()
			Parameter x = new Parameter( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.DecimalSqlType( 20, 4 ) );
			ParameterPrecisionScale y = new ParameterPrecisionScale( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.DecimalSqlType( 20, 4 ) );
			// even though these contain the exact same values - they should not be 
			// equal because they are different types
			Assert.IsFalse( x.Equals(y) );
			Assert.IsFalse( y.Equals(x) );
		protected void CompareSqlStrings(SqlString actualSqlString, string expectedString, int expectedNumOfParameters) 
			Parameter[] actualParameters = new Parameter[expectedNumOfParameters];
			int numOfParameters = 0;

			GetParameters(actualSqlString, ref actualParameters, ref numOfParameters);
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, actualSqlString.ToString(), "SqlString.ToString()");
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumOfParameters, numOfParameters, "Num of Parameters");

		private static Parameter[ ] GenerateValueParameters( string prefix, SqlType sqlType, int count )
			Parameter[ ] parameters = new Parameter[count];

			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				string parameterName = StringHelper.Suffix( prefix, StringHelper.Underscore + i.ToString() );
				parameters[ i ] = new Parameter( parameterName, sqlType );

			return parameters;
		/// <summary>
		/// Used to pull the Parameter[] and Number of Parameters out of the SqlString
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sqlString"></param>
		/// <param name="parameters"></param>
		/// <param name="numOfParameters"></param>
		protected void GetParameters(SqlString sqlString, ref Parameter[] parameters, ref int numOfParameters) 
			foreach(object part in sqlString.SqlParts) 
				if(part is Parameter) 
					parameters[numOfParameters] = (Parameter)part;
		public void CompactWithNoString() 
			Parameter p1 = new Parameter( "p1" );
			Parameter p2 = new Parameter( "p2" );
			SqlString sql = new SqlString( new object[] {p1, p2} );
			SqlString compacted = sql.Compact();

			Assert.AreEqual( 2, compacted.SqlParts.Length );
			Assert.AreEqual( ":p1:p2", compacted.ToString() );

		private void AddValueOrProjection(Parameter[] parameters, int paramIndex, ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters, SqlStringBuilder result)
			if (_projection == null)
				SqlString sql = _projection.ToSqlString(criteria, GetHashCode(), criteriaQuery, enabledFilters);
        void ISqlStringVisitor.Parameter(Parameter parameter)
            if (hasReturnParameter && !foundReturnParameter)
                foundReturnParameter = true;

            string name = formatter.GetParameterName(parameter.ParameterPosition ?? ++parameterIndex);

		protected void CompareSqlStrings(SqlString actualSqlString, string expectedString, Parameter[] expectedParameters) 
			Parameter[] actualParameters = new Parameter[expectedParameters.Length];
			int numOfParameters = 0;

			GetParameters(actualSqlString, ref actualParameters, ref numOfParameters);

			Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, actualSqlString.ToString(), "SqlString.ToString()");
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameters.Length, numOfParameters, "Num of Parameters");

			for(int i = 0; i < expectedParameters.Length; i++) 
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameters[i], actualParameters[i], "Parameter[" + i + "]");
		public void EqualsSameType()
			Parameter x = new Parameter( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter y = new Parameter( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter z = new Parameter( "name", "alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			Assert.IsTrue( x.Equals(y) );
			Assert.IsTrue( y.Equals(x) );
			Assert.IsTrue( y.Equals(z) );
			Assert.IsTrue( x.Equals(z) );
			Assert.IsFalse( x.Equals(null) );

			y = new Parameter( "name2", "alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );

			Assert.IsFalse( x.Equals(y) );
			Assert.IsFalse( y.Equals(x) );
		public void SelectStringSqlTest() 
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory( );

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor)factory;
			SqlSelectBuilder select = new SqlSelectBuilder(factoryImpl);
			select.SetSelectClause("column1, column2");
			select.SetFromClause("select_test", "select_test_alias");
			select.SetOuterJoins( new SqlString(" LEFT OUTER JOIN before ON select_test_alias.column1 = before.column1"), new SqlString(" LEFT OUTER JOIN after ON select_test_alias.column1 = after.column1") );
			select.SetOrderByClause("column1 DESC");

			select.SetWhereClause("select_test_alias", new string[] {"identity_column"}, NHibernateUtil.Int64);
			SqlString sqlString = select.ToSqlString();

			string expectedSql = new StringBuilder().Append("SELECT ")
				.Append("column1, column2 ")
				.Append("FROM select_test select_test_alias ")
				.Append("LEFT OUTER JOIN before ON select_test_alias.column1 = before.column1 ")
				.Append("WHERE select_test_alias.identity_column = :select_test_alias.identity_column ")
				.Append("LEFT OUTER JOIN after ON select_test_alias.column1 = after.column1 ")
				.Append("ORDER BY column1 DESC")

			int numOfParams = 0;
			Parameter expectedParam = null;

			foreach(object part in sqlString.SqlParts) 
				if(part is Parameter) 
					expectedParam = (Parameter)part;

			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql , sqlString.ToString(), "SQL String");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, numOfParams, "One parameter");

			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "identity_column", "select_test_alias", new SqlTypes.Int64SqlType() );
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.SqlType.DbType, expectedParam.SqlType.DbType, "First Parameter Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.Name, expectedParam.Name, "First Parameter Name");	
		public void NotSqlStringTest() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			NExpression.ICriterion notExpression = NExpression.Expression.Not(NExpression.Expression.Eq("Address", "12 Adress"));

			SqlString sqlString = notExpression.ToSqlString(factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );

			string expectedSql = dialect is Dialect.MySQLDialect ?
				"not (simple_alias.address = :simple_alias.address)" :
				"not simple_alias.address = :simple_alias.address";
			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "address", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.StringSqlType() );
			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, new Parameter[] {firstParam});
		public void InsertSqlStringTest() 
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory( );

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor)factory;
			SqlInsertBuilder insert = new SqlInsertBuilder(factoryImpl);

			insert.AddColumn(new string[] {"intColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int32);
			insert.AddColumn(new string[] {"longColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int64);
			insert.AddColumn("literalColumn", false, (Type.ILiteralType) NHibernateUtil.Boolean);
			insert.AddColumn("stringColumn", 5.ToString());
			SqlString sqlString = insert.ToSqlString();
			Parameter[] actualParams = new Parameter[2];
			int numOfParameters = 0;
			string expectedSql = "INSERT INTO test_insert_builder (intColumn, longColumn, literalColumn, stringColumn) VALUES (:intColumn, :longColumn, 0, 5)";
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql , sqlString.ToString(), "SQL String");
			foreach(object part in sqlString.SqlParts) 
				if(part is Parameter) 
					actualParams[numOfParameters] = (Parameter)part;

			Assert.AreEqual(2, numOfParameters, "Two parameters");

			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "intColumn", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter secondParam = new Parameter( "longColumn", new SqlTypes.Int64SqlType() );
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[0].SqlType.DbType, "First Parameter Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.Name, actualParams[0].Name, "First Parameter Name");

			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[1].SqlType.DbType, "Second Parameter Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.Name, actualParams[1].Name, "Second Parameter Name");
		public void SimpleDateExpression() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			NExpression.ICriterion andExpression = NExpression.Expression.Ge( "Date", DateTime.Now );

			SqlString sqlString = andExpression.ToSqlString( factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses  );

			string expectedSql = "simple_alias.date_ >= :simple_alias.date_";
			Parameter[] expectedParams = new Parameter[1];
			Parameter firstAndParam = new Parameter( "date_", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.DateTimeSqlType() );
			expectedParams[0] = firstAndParam;

			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams);

		public void DeleteSqlStringTest() {
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory( );

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor)factory;
			SqlDeleteBuilder delete = new SqlDeleteBuilder(factoryImpl);

			delete.SetIdentityColumn(new string[] {"decimalColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Decimal);
			delete.SetVersionColumn(new string[] {"versionColumn"}, (IVersionType)NHibernateUtil.Int32);

			SqlString sqlString = delete.ToSqlString();
			Parameter[] actualParams = new Parameter[2];
			int numOfParameters = 0;

			string expectedSql = "DELETE FROM test_delete_builder WHERE decimalColumn = :decimalColumn AND versionColumn = :versionColumn AND a=b";
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql , sqlString.ToString(), "SQL String");
			foreach(object part in sqlString.SqlParts) {
				if(part is Parameter) {
					actualParams[numOfParameters] = (Parameter)part;
			Assert.AreEqual(2, numOfParameters, "Two parameters");

			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "decimalColumn", new SqlTypes.DecimalSqlType() );
			Parameter secondParam = new Parameter( "versionColumn", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType());
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[0].SqlType.DbType, "firstParam Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.Name, actualParams[0].Name, "firstParam Name");

			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[1].SqlType.DbType, "secondParam Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.Name, actualParams[1].Name, "secondParam Name");

		public void CompactWithParams() 
			SqlStringBuilder builder = new SqlStringBuilder();
			Parameter param = new Parameter( "id", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );

			builder.Add("select from table ");
			builder.Add("where ");
			builder.Add("id = ");
			builder.Add(" and ");

			SqlString sql = builder.ToSqlString();
			sql = sql.Compact();

			Assert.AreEqual( 3, sql.SqlParts.Length );
			Assert.AreEqual( "select from table where id = :id and 'a'='a'", sql.ToString() );

		public void InSqlStringTest()
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();

			ICriterion inExpression = Expression.Expression.In( "Count", new int[ ] {3, 4, 5} );

			SqlString sqlString = inExpression.ToSqlString( factoryImpl, typeof( Simple ), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );

			string expectedSql = "simple_alias.count_ in (:simple_alias.count__0, :simple_alias.count__1, :simple_alias.count__2)";
			Parameter[ ] expectedParams = new Parameter[3];

			for( int i = 0; i < expectedParams.Length; i++ )
				Parameter param = new Parameter( "count_" + "_" + i, "simple_alias", new Int32SqlType() );
				expectedParams[ i ] = param;

			CompareSqlStrings( sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams );

		void ISqlStringVisitor.Parameter(Parameter parameter)
			if (hasReturnParameter && !foundReturnParameter)
				foundReturnParameter = true;

			// NH: even if using SqlType[] the final commad may have X parameters, with this line we will use Y parameters in the IDbCommand
			// for example the ParameterCollection may contains two parameters called @p0 and @p1 but the command contains just @p0.
			// In this way the same parameter can be used in different places in the query without create a problem to the dear SQL-server (see NH1981)
			// TODO: find a way to have exactly the same amount of parameters between the final IDbCommand and its IDataParameterCollection
			// A candidateplace is making DriverBase.SetCommandParameters a little bit more intelligent... perhaps SqlString aware (see also DriverBase.SetCommandText, DriverBase.GenerateCommand)
			string name = formatter.GetParameterName(parameter.ParameterPosition ?? parameterIndex);

		public void BetweenSqlStringTest() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			NExpression.ICriterion betweenExpression = NExpression.Expression.Between("Count", 5, 10);
			SqlString sqlString = betweenExpression.ToSqlString(factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );

			string expectedSql = "simple_alias.count_ between :simple_alias.count__lo and :simple_alias.count__hi";
			Parameter[] expectedParams = new Parameter[2];

			Parameter firstBetweenParam = new Parameter( "count__lo", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			expectedParams[0] = firstBetweenParam;
			Parameter secondBetweenParam = new Parameter( "count__hi", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			expectedParams[1] = secondBetweenParam;

			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams);


		public void SimpleSqlStringTest() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			NExpression.ICriterion andExpression = NExpression.Expression.Eq("Address", "12 Adress");

			SqlString sqlString = andExpression.ToSqlString(factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );

			string expectedSql = "simple_alias.address = :simple_alias.address";
			Parameter[] expectedParams = new Parameter[1];
			// even though a String parameter is a Size based Parameter it will not
			// be a ParameterLength unless in the mapping file it is defined as
			// type="String(200)" -> in the mapping file it is now defined as 
			// type="String" length="200"
			Parameter firstAndParam = new Parameter( "address", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.StringSqlType() );
			expectedParams[0] = firstAndParam;

			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams);

		public void SimpleSelectStringSqlTest()
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor) factory;
			SqlSimpleSelectBuilder select = new SqlSimpleSelectBuilder(factoryImpl.Dialect, factoryImpl);

			select.AddColumn("aliased_column", "aliased_column_alias");

			select.AddColumns(new string[] {"column1_no_alias", "column2_no_alias"});
			select.AddColumns(new string[] {"column1_with_alias", "column2_with_alias"}, new string[] {"c1_alias", "c2_alias"});

			select.SetIdentityColumn(new string[] {"identity_column"}, NHibernateUtil.Int64);
			select.SetVersionColumn(new string[] {"version_column"}, (IVersionType) NHibernateUtil.Int32);

			select.AddWhereFragment(new string[] {"where_frag_column"}, NHibernateUtil.Int32, " = ");

			SqlString sqlString = select.ToSqlString();
			Parameter[] actualParams = new Parameter[3];

			string expectedSql = new StringBuilder().Append("SELECT ")
				.Append("column_no_alias, ")
				.Append("aliased_column AS aliased_column_alias, ")
				.Append("column1_no_alias, ")
				.Append("column2_no_alias, ")
				.Append("column1_with_alias AS c1_alias, ")
				.Append("column2_with_alias AS c2_alias ")
				.Append("FROM test_simple_select_builder ")
				.Append("WHERE identity_column = ? AND version_column = ?")
				.Append(" AND where_frag_column = ?")

			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql, sqlString.ToString(), "SQL String");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, sqlString.GetParameterCount(), "3 parameters");
		public void WithParameterTest() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			SqlStringBuilder builder = new SqlStringBuilder();
			string expectedSql = "simple_alias.address = :address";
			Parameter[] expectedParams = new Parameter[1];
			Parameter firstAndParam = new Parameter( "address", new SqlTypes.StringSqlType() );
			expectedParams[0] = firstAndParam;

			builder.Add( "{alias}.address = " );
			builder.Add( firstAndParam );

			NExpression.ICriterion sqlExpression = NExpression.Expression.Sql(builder.ToSqlString(), "some address", NHibernateUtil.String );

			SqlString sqlString = sqlExpression.ToSqlString(factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );

			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams);

		public void InsentitiveLikeSqlStringTest() 
			ISession session = factory.OpenSession();
			NExpression.ICriterion expression = NExpression.Expression.InsensitiveLike("Address", "12 Adress");

			SqlString sqlString = expression.ToSqlString(factoryImpl, typeof(Simple), "simple_alias", BaseExpressionFixture.EmptyAliasClasses );
			string expectedSql = "lower(simple_alias.address) like :simple_alias.address";
			if ((factory as ISessionFactoryImplementor).Dialect is Dialect.PostgreSQLDialect)
				expectedSql = "simple_alias.address ilike :simple_alias.address";
			Parameter[] expectedParams = new Parameter[1];

			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "address", "simple_alias", new SqlTypes.StringSqlType() );
			expectedParams[0] = firstParam;

			CompareSqlStrings(sqlString, expectedSql, expectedParams);

		public SqlString GetSpatialFilterString(string tableAlias, string geometryColumnName, string primaryKeyColumnName, string tableName, Parameter parameter)
			return worker.GetSpatialFilterString(tableAlias, geometryColumnName, primaryKeyColumnName, tableName, parameter);
		public ConditionalFragment SetCondition(string[] lhs, Parameter[] rhs)
			this.lhs = lhs;
			this.rhs = rhs;
			return this;
Exemple #30
 public void PushParameter(Parameter parameter)