public object Load(EntityInfo entityInfo)
            object maybeProxy = session.Get(entityInfo.Clazz, entityInfo.Id);
            // TODO: Initialize call and error trapping

            return maybeProxy;
 private EntityInfo Extract(Document document)
     EntityInfo entityInfo = new EntityInfo();
     entityInfo.Clazz = DocumentBuilder.GetDocumentClass(document);
     entityInfo.Id = DocumentBuilder.GetDocumentId(searchFactoryImplementor, entityInfo.Clazz, document);
     if (projection != null && projection.Length > 0)
         entityInfo.Projection = DocumentBuilder.GetDocumentFields(searchFactoryImplementor, entityInfo.Clazz,
                                                                   document, projection);
     return entityInfo;
 private void InitThisProjectionFlag(EntityInfo entityInfo)
     if (projectThis == null)
         projectThis = entityInfo.IndexesOfThis != null;
         if (projectThis == true)
             //TODO use QueryLoader when possible
             objectLoader = new ObjectLoader();
             objectLoader.Init(session, searchFactoryImplementor);
        public object Load(EntityInfo entityInfo)
            if (projectThis == true)
                foreach (int index in entityInfo.IndexesOfThis)
                    entityInfo.Projection[index] = objectLoader.Load(entityInfo);

            return transformer != null
                       ? transformer.TransformTuple(entityInfo.Projection, aliases)
                       : entityInfo.Projection;
        public object Load(EntityInfo entityInfo)
            object maybeProxy = session.Get(entityInfo.Clazz, entityInfo.Id);
            // TODO: Initialize call and error trapping
            catch (Exception e)
                if (LoaderHelper.IsObjectNotFoundException(e))
                    log.Debug("Object found in Search index but not in database: "
                              + entityInfo.Clazz + " wih id " + entityInfo.Id);
                    maybeProxy = null;

            return maybeProxy;