public void TablesUniquelyNamedOnlyWithinThread() { var uniqueIntegerList = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag<int>(); var method = new ThreadStart(() => { Table tbl1 = new Table(); Table tbl2 = new Table(); // Store these values for later comparison uniqueIntegerList.Add(tbl1.UniqueInteger); uniqueIntegerList.Add(tbl2.UniqueInteger); // Ensure that within a thread we have unique integers Assert.AreEqual(tbl1.UniqueInteger + 1, tbl2.UniqueInteger); }); var thread1 = new CrossThreadTestRunner(method); var thread2 = new CrossThreadTestRunner(method); thread1.Start(); thread2.Start(); thread1.Join(); thread2.Join(); // There should in total be 4 tables, but only two distinct identifiers. Assert.AreEqual(4, uniqueIntegerList.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, uniqueIntegerList.Distinct().Count()); }
public AuditTable(Table dataTable, INamingStrategy namingStrategy, IAuditColumnSource auditColumnSource) { _auditTable = BuildAuditTable(dataTable, namingStrategy, auditColumnSource); }
public void TablesUniquelyNamed() { Table tbl1 = new Table(); Table tbl2 = new Table(); Assert.AreEqual(tbl1.UniqueInteger + 1, tbl2.UniqueInteger); }
public static string BuildSqlDropIndexString(Dialect.Dialect dialect, Table table, string name, string defaultCatalog, string defaultSchema) { string ifExists = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraint(table, name); string drop = string.Format("drop index {0}", StringHelper.Qualify(table.GetQualifiedName(dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema), name)); string end = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraintEnd(table, name); return ifExists + Environment.NewLine + drop + Environment.NewLine + end; }
internal IndexInfo(Table table, Index index) { _name = MakeName("IX_", table.Name, index.ColumnIterator); _columns = CollectionUtils.Map<Column, string>( index.ColumnIterator, delegate(Column column) { return column.Name; }); }
public void QuotedTableNameWithoutSchemaWithSqlLite() { Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.Name = "`name`"; Assert.AreEqual("\"name\"", tbl.GetQualifiedName(dialect)); }
public AuditTable(Table dataTable, INamingStrategy namingStrategy, IAuditColumnSource auditColumnSource) { this.auditColumnSource = auditColumnSource; auditTable = BuildAuditTable(dataTable, namingStrategy); }
public void QuotedTableNameWithSqlLite() { Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.Name = "`Group`"; Assert.AreEqual("\"Group\"", tbl.GetQualifiedName(dialect)); }
public void BindId(HbmId idSchema, PersistentClass rootClass, Table table) { if (idSchema != null) { var id = new SimpleValue(table); new TypeBinder(id, Mappings).Bind(idSchema.Type); rootClass.Identifier = id; Func<HbmColumn> defaultColumn = () => new HbmColumn { name = ?? RootClass.DefaultIdentifierColumnName, length = idSchema.length }; new ColumnsBinder(id, Mappings).Bind(idSchema.Columns, false, defaultColumn); CreateIdentifierProperty(idSchema, rootClass, id); VerifiyIdTypeIsValid(id.Type, rootClass.EntityName); new IdGeneratorBinder(Mappings).BindGenerator(id, GetIdGenerator(idSchema)); id.Table.SetIdentifierValue(id); BindUnsavedValue(idSchema, id); } }
private void BindTimestamp(HbmTimestamp timestampSchema, PersistentClass rootClass, Table table) { if (timestampSchema == null) return; string propertyName =; SimpleValue simpleValue = new SimpleValue(table); BindColumns(timestampSchema, simpleValue, propertyName); if (!simpleValue.IsTypeSpecified) simpleValue.TypeName = NHibernateUtil.Timestamp.Name; Mapping.Property property = new Mapping.Property(simpleValue); BindProperty(timestampSchema, property); // for version properties marked as being generated, make sure they are "always" // generated; "insert" is invalid. This is dis-allowed by the schema, but just to make // sure... if (property.Generation == PropertyGeneration.Insert) throw new MappingException("'generated' attribute cannot be 'insert' for versioning property"); simpleValue.NullValue = timestampSchema.unsavedvalue; rootClass.Version = property; rootClass.AddProperty(property); }
public IEnumerable<AuditColumn> GetAuditColumns(Table dataTable) { var userStamp = new AuditColumn() { Name = "AuditUser", SqlType = "sysname", Length = 50, IsNullable = false, IncludeInPrimaryKey = true, ValueFunction = delegate(TriggerActions action) { return "system_user"; } }; var timeStamp = new AuditColumn() { Name = "AuditTimestamp", Value = new SimpleValue() { TypeName = NHibernateUtil.DateTime.Name }, IsNullable = false, IncludeInPrimaryKey = true, ValueFunction = delegate(TriggerActions action) { return "getdate()"; } }; var operation = new AuditColumn() { Name = "AuditOperation", Value = new SimpleValue() { TypeName = NHibernateUtil.AnsiChar.Name }, Length = 1, IsNullable = false, IncludeInPrimaryKey = false, ValueFunction = delegate(TriggerActions action) { switch (action) { case TriggerActions.INSERT: return "'I'"; case TriggerActions.UPDATE: return "'U'"; case TriggerActions.DELETE: return "'D'"; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("action"); } } }; return new AuditColumn[] { userStamp, timeStamp, operation }; }
public void UnmatchingColumns() { Table primaryTable = new Table(); primaryTable.Name = "pktable"; primaryTable.PrimaryKey = new PrimaryKey(); Column pkColumn = new Column( NHibernateUtil.Int16, 0 ); pkColumn.Name = "pk_column"; primaryTable.PrimaryKey.AddColumn( pkColumn ); Table fkTable = new Table(); fkTable.Name = "fktable"; ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey(); Column fkColumn1 = new Column( NHibernateUtil.Int16, 0 ); fkColumn1.Name = "col1"; Column fkColumn2 = new Column( NHibernateUtil.Int16, 0 ); fkColumn2.Name = "col2"; fk.AddColumn( fkColumn1 ); fk.AddColumn( fkColumn2 ); fk.Table = fkTable; fk.ReferencedTable = primaryTable; }
public void UnmatchingColumns() { Table primaryTable = new Table("pktable"); primaryTable.PrimaryKey = new PrimaryKey(); SimpleValue sv = new SimpleValue(); sv.TypeName = NHibernateUtil.Int16.Name; Column pkColumn = new Column("pk_column"); pkColumn.Value = sv; primaryTable.PrimaryKey.AddColumn(pkColumn); Table fkTable = new Table("fktable"); ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey(); sv = new SimpleValue(); sv.TypeName = NHibernateUtil.Int16.Name; Column fkColumn1 = new Column("col1"); fkColumn1.Value = sv; sv = new SimpleValue(); sv.TypeName = NHibernateUtil.Int16.Name; Column fkColumn2 = new Column("col2"); fkColumn2.Value = sv; fk.AddColumn(fkColumn1); fk.AddColumn(fkColumn2); fk.Table = fkTable; fk.ReferencedTable = primaryTable; Assert.Throws<FKUnmatchingColumnsException>(() => fk.AlignColumns()); }
private static void BindIndex(string indexAttribute, Table table, Column column) { if (indexAttribute != null && table != null) { var tokens = indexAttribute.Split(','); System.Array.ForEach(tokens, t => table.GetOrCreateIndex(t.Trim()).AddColumn(column)); } }
private static SimpleValue CreateIdentifier(HbmId idSchema, PersistentClass rootClass, Table table) { SimpleValue iv = new SimpleValue(table); iv.TypeName = idSchema.type; rootClass.Identifier = iv; return iv; }
protected void CreateIndex(Table table, IEnumerable<Column> columns) { string indexName = string.Format("IX_{0}{1}", table.Name, StringUtilities.Combine(columns, "", delegate(Column c) { return c.Name; })); CollectionUtils.ForEach(columns, delegate(Column c) { table.GetOrCreateIndex(indexName).AddColumn(c); }); }
private static void BindUniqueKey(string uniqueKeyAttribute, Table table, Column column) { if (uniqueKeyAttribute != null && table != null) { var tokens = uniqueKeyAttribute.Split(','); System.Array.ForEach(tokens, t => table.GetOrCreateUniqueKey(t.Trim()).AddColumn(column)); } }
public void QuotedSchemaNameWithUnqoutedTableInSqlLite() { Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.Schema = "`schema`"; tbl.Name = "name"; Assert.AreEqual("\"schema_name\"", tbl.GetQualifiedName(dialect)); Assert.AreEqual("\"schema_table\"", dialect.Qualify("", "\"schema\"", "table")); }
public IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass(Table table, string indexName, string[] columns, ExtendedMappings mappings) { this.table = table; this.indexName = indexName; this.columns = columns; this.mappings = mappings; column = null; unique = false; }
public static Table FillTable(string schema, string catalog, string realTableName, string logicalName, bool? isAbstract, IList<string[]> uniqueConstraints, string constraints, Table denormalizedSuperTable, ExtendedMappings mappings) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected static void BindIndex(string indexAttribute, Table table, Column column) { if (indexAttribute != null && table != null) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(indexAttribute, ", "); foreach (string token in tokens) table.GetOrCreateIndex(token).AddColumn(column); } }
protected virtual Table BuildAuditTable(Table dataTable, INamingStrategy namingStrategy) { var auditTableName = namingStrategy.GetAuditTableName(dataTable); var auditTable = new Table(auditTableName); CopyColumns(dataTable, auditTable); CopyPrimaryKey(dataTable, auditTable); return auditTable; }
public void SchemaNameQuoted() { Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.Schema = "`schema`"; tbl.Name = "name"; Dialect.Dialect dialect = new Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect(); Assert.AreEqual( "[schema].name", tbl.GetQualifiedName( dialect ) ); }
public void Bug() { Table table1 = new Table("ATABLE"); Column table1ITestManyA = new Column("itestmanyaid"); Column table1ITestManyB = new Column("itestmanybid"); string t1Fk = table1.UniqueColumnString(new object[] { table1ITestManyA }, "BluewireTechnologies.Core.Framework.DynamicTypes2.Albatross.ITestManyA"); string t2Fk = table1.UniqueColumnString(new object[] { table1ITestManyB }, "BluewireTechnologies.Core.Framework.DynamicTypes2.Albatross.ITestManyB"); Assert.AreNotEqual(t1Fk, t2Fk, "Different columns in differents tables create the same FK name."); }
public SimpleValue Make() { Validate(); log.DebugFormat("building SimpleValue for {0}", propertyName); if (table == null) { table = columns[0].Table; } return FillSimpleValue(new SimpleValue(table)); }
public void QuotedCatalogSchemaNameWithSqlLite() { Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.Catalog = "dbo"; tbl.Schema = "`schema`"; tbl.Name = "`name`"; Assert.AreEqual("\"dbo_schema_name\"", tbl.GetQualifiedName(dialect)); Assert.AreEqual("\"dbo_schema_table\"", dialect.Qualify("dbo", "\"schema\"", "\"table\"")); }
private void BindKey(JoinedSubclass subclass, HbmKey keyMapping, Table mytable) { // TODO : property-ref ?? SimpleValue key = new DependantValue(mytable, subclass.Identifier); subclass.Key = key; key.IsCascadeDeleteEnabled = keyMapping.ondelete == HbmOndelete.Cascade; key.ForeignKeyName = keyMapping.foreignkey; new ValuePropertyBinder(key, Mappings).BindSimpleValue(keyMapping, subclass.EntityName, false); }
protected virtual void AddAuditColumns(Table auditTable, IEnumerable<AuditColumn> auditColumns) { foreach (var column in auditColumns) { auditTable.AddColumn(column); if (column.IncludeInPrimaryKey) auditTable.PrimaryKey.AddColumn(column); } }
internal ForeignKeyInfo(Table table, ForeignKey fk, Configuration config) : base("FK_", table.Name, fk.ColumnIterator, null) { //note: the fk object has a ReferencedTable property, but it doesn't always seem to be set //the reference class property is always set, so we use it instead to get the referenced table Table referencedTable = config.GetClassMapping(fk.ReferencedEntityName).Table; _referencedTable = referencedTable.Name; _referencedColumns = CollectionUtils.Map<Column, string>( referencedTable.PrimaryKey.ColumnIterator, delegate(Column column) { return column.Name; }); }
private void UpdateForeignKeyReferences(PersistentClass classMapping, Table table) { foreach (ForeignKey key in table.ForeignKeyIterator) { if (key.ReferencedEntityName != typeof(IUser).FullName) continue; key.ReferencedEntityName = userType.FullName; key.ReferencedTable = classMapping.Table; } }
public IIdentifierGenerator CreateIdentifierGenerator(Dialect.Dialect dialect, string defaultCatalog, string defaultSchema, RootClass rootClass) { var @params = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //if the hibernate-mapping did not specify a schema/catalog, use the defaults //specified by properties - but note that if the schema/catalog were specified //in hibernate-mapping, or as params, they will already be initialized and //will override the values set here (they are in identifierGeneratorProperties) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultSchema)) { @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Schema] = defaultSchema; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultCatalog)) { @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Catalog] = defaultCatalog; } //pass the entity-name, if not a collection-id if (rootClass != null) { @params[IdGeneratorParmsNames.EntityName] = rootClass.EntityName; } //init the table here instead of earlier, so that we can get a quoted table name //TODO: would it be better to simply pass the qualified table name, instead of // splitting it up into schema/catalog/table names string tableName = Table.GetQuotedName(dialect); @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Table] = tableName; //pass the column name (a generated id almost always has a single column and is not a formula) string columnName = ((Column)ColumnIterator.First()).GetQuotedName(dialect); @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.PK] = columnName; if (rootClass != null) { StringBuilder tables = new StringBuilder(); bool commaNeeded = false; foreach (Table identityTable in rootClass.IdentityTables) { if (commaNeeded) { tables.Append(StringHelper.CommaSpace); } commaNeeded = true; tables.Append(identityTable.GetQuotedName(dialect)); } @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Tables] = tables.ToString(); } else { @params[PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Tables] = tableName; } if (identifierGeneratorProperties != null) { ArrayHelper.AddAll(@params, identifierGeneratorProperties); } return(IdentifierGeneratorFactory.Create(identifierGeneratorStrategy, Type, @params, dialect)); }
public virtual bool IsClassOrSuperclassTable(Table closureTable) { return(Table == closureTable); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a <see cref="Table"/> that a subclass is stored in. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">The <see cref="Table"/> the subclass is stored in.</param> public virtual void AddSubclassTable(Table table) { subclassTables.Add(table); }
public SimpleValue(Table table) { this.table = table; }