Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a random network
            SimpleNetwork net = SimpleNetwork.ReadFromEdgeList("demo.edges");

            // We use a custom coloring
            NetworkColorizer colors = new NetworkColorizer();

            colors.DefaultBackgroundColor = Color.Black;
            colors.DefaultEdgeColor       = Color.WhiteSmoke;
            colors.DefaultVertexColor     = Color.SteelBlue;

            // Let's use curved edges instead of the default straight ones
            Renderer.CurvedEdges = true;

            // Fire up the visualizer window
            Renderer.Start(net, new NETVisualizer.Layouts.FruchtermanReingold.FRLayout(10), colors);

            // Trigger the layout

            // The rendering and layouting is done asynchronously in parallel,
            // so you can modify the network while the visualization and the layout continues
            Console.Write("Press ANY KEY to add another edge");
            net.AddEdge("a", "b");
            net.AddEdge("b", "c");

            // Trigger the layout again. Only changed nodes will be relayouted ...

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for rendering window to be closed ...");