Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double bias;
                    // The neighbor selection bias is given as command line argument
                    bias1 = double.Parse(args[0]);
                    bias2 = double.Parse(args[1]);
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: mono ./DemoSimulation.exe [initial_bias] [secondary_bias]");

            // The number of clusters (c) and the nodes within a cluster (Nc)
            int c = 20;
            int Nc = 20;

            // The number of desired edges
            int m = 6 * c * Nc;

            // In order to yield a connected network, at least ...
            double inter_thresh = 3d * ((c * Math.Log(c)) / 2d);
                // ... edges between communities are required

            // So the maximum number of edges within communities we s create is ...
            double intra_edges = m - inter_thresh;

            Console.WriteLine("Number of intra_edge pairs = " + c * Combinatorics.Combinations(Nc, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of inter_edge pairs = " + (Combinatorics.Combinations(c * Nc, 2) - (c * Combinatorics.Combinations(Nc, 2))));

            // Calculate the p_i necessary to yield the desired number of intra_edges
            double pi =  intra_edges / (c * Combinatorics.Combinations(Nc, 2));

            // From this we can compute p_e ...
            double p_e = (m - c * MathNet.Numerics.Combinatorics.Combinations(Nc, 2) * pi) / (Combinatorics.Combinations(c * Nc, 2) - c * MathNet.Numerics.Combinatorics.Combinations(Nc, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Generating cluster network with p_i = {0:0.0000}, p_e = {1:0.0000}", pi, p_e);

            // Create the network ...
            network = new NETGen.NetworkModels.Cluster.ClusterNetwork(c, Nc, pi, p_e);

            // ... and reduce it to the GCC

            Console.WriteLine("Created network has {0} vertices and {1} edges. Modularity = {2:0.00}", network.VertexCount, network.EdgeCount, network.NewmanModularity);

            // Run the OopenGL visualization
            NetworkColorizer colorizer = new NetworkColorizer();
            NetworkVisualizer.Start(network, new FruchtermanReingoldLayout(15), colorizer);

            currentBias = bias1;

            // Setup the synchronization simulation, passing the bias strategy as a lambda expression
            sync = new EpidemicSynchronization(
                v => {
                    Vertex neighbor = v.RandomNeighbor;
                    double r = network.NextRandomDouble();

                    // classify neighbors
                    List<Vertex> intraNeighbors = new List<Vertex>();
                    List<Vertex> interNeighbors = new List<Vertex>();
                    ClassifyNeighbors(network, v, intraNeighbors, interNeighbors);

                    neighbor = intraNeighbors.ElementAt(network.NextRandom(intraNeighbors.Count));

                    // biasing strategy ...
                    if (r <= currentBias && interNeighbors.Count > 0)
                        neighbor = interNeighbors.ElementAt(network.NextRandom(interNeighbors.Count));

                    return neighbor;

            Dictionary<int, double> _groupMus = new Dictionary<int, double>();
            Dictionary<int, double> _groupSigmas = new Dictionary<int, double>();

            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Normal avgs_normal = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Normal(300d, 50d);
            MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Normal devs_normal = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Normal(20d, 5d);

            for(int i=0; i<c; i++)
                double groupAvg = avgs_normal.Sample();
                double groupStdDev = devs_normal.Sample();

                foreach(Vertex v in network.GetNodesInCluster(i))
                    sync._MuPeriods[v] = groupAvg;
                    sync._SigmaPeriods[v] = groupStdDev;

            sync.OnStep+=new EpidemicSynchronization.StepHandler(collectLocalOrder);

            // Run the simulation synchronously


            // Collect and print the results
            SyncResults res = sync.Collect();
               	Console.WriteLine("Order {0:0.00} reached after {1} rounds", res.order, res.time);