Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Mutates a genome by breaking a connection up into two separate connections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genome">The genome to be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="innovationsSeen">A list of previously seen innovations.</param>
        /// <param name="rando">A random number generator.</param>
        public static void MutateAddNode(Genome genome, InnovationPool innovationsSeen, Random rando)
            List <Gene> possibleConnections = new List <Gene>(genome.Genes);

            possibleConnections.RemoveAll(x => x.Frozen || NodePool.FindById(x.link.InNode).Type == NodeType.BIAS);

            if (possibleConnections.Count == 0)

            //TODO: Note in original algorithm saying uniform distribution is not optimal here.
            Gene geneToSplit = possibleConnections[rando.Next(possibleConnections.Count)];

            geneToSplit.Frozen = true;

            ActivationStyle       style      = ActivationFunctions.ChooseActivationStyle(rando);
            InnovationInformation innovation = new InnovationInformation(geneToSplit.link, style);

            int firstConId  = -1;
            int secondConId = -1;

            int registeredInnovationId = innovationsSeen.FindByInnovation(innovation);

            if (registeredInnovationId == -1)
                int newNodeId = NodePool.Add(new NodeInformation(NodeType.HIDDEN, style));

                ConnectionInformation firstConnect = new ConnectionInformation(geneToSplit.link.InNode, newNodeId);
                firstConId = ConnectionPool.Add(firstConnect);

                ConnectionInformation secondConnect = new ConnectionInformation(newNodeId, geneToSplit.link.OutNode);
                secondConId = ConnectionPool.Add(secondConnect);

                innovation.NewNodeDetails.NewNodeId          = newNodeId;
                innovation.NewNodeDetails.FirstConnectionId  = firstConId;
                innovation.NewNodeDetails.SecondConnectionId = secondConId;
                InnovationInformation registeredInnovation = innovationsSeen.FindById(registeredInnovationId);
                firstConId  = registeredInnovation.NewNodeDetails.FirstConnectionId;
                secondConId = registeredInnovation.NewNodeDetails.SecondConnectionId;

            genome.Genes.Add(new Gene(ConnectionPool.FindById(firstConId), firstConId, 1.0, false));
            genome.Genes.Add(new Gene(ConnectionPool.FindById(secondConId), secondConId, geneToSplit.Weight, false));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Mutates a given genome by adding a connection.
        /// Connection is guaranteed to not be 'into' a sensor or bias.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genome">The genome to be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="innovationsSeen">A list of previously seen innovations.</param>
        /// <param name="rando">A random number generator.</param>
        public static void MutateAddConnection(Genome genome, InnovationPool innovationsSeen, Random rando)
            //TODO: I'm getting the node information, but I only need that to construct allNodesNotInput...

            Dictionary <int, NodeInformation> allNodes         = genome.GetAllNodeInformation(true);
            Dictionary <int, NodeInformation> allNodesNotInput = new Dictionary <int, NodeInformation>(allNodes);

            //TODO: Witnessed a bug where allNodes.Count == 0.
            //      Could be a node where there are only frozen links connecting.

            foreach (var id in allNodesNotInput.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsInput()).ToList())

            //TODO: Gotta be a better way than a tryCount...
            int tryCount   = 0;
            int nodeFromId = -1;
            int nodeToId   = -1;

            while (tryCount < 20)
                nodeFromId = allNodes.Keys.ToList()[rando.Next(allNodes.Count)];
                nodeToId   = allNodesNotInput.Keys.ToList()[rando.Next(allNodesNotInput.Count)];

                if (!genome.ContainsConnection(nodeFromId, nodeToId))


            if (tryCount == 20)

            ConnectionInformation connectInfo = new ConnectionInformation(nodeFromId, nodeToId);
            InnovationInformation innovation  = new InnovationInformation(connectInfo);

            int connectId = -1;
            //TODO: Pull inital weight setting out of here.
            double weight = rando.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;

            int registeredInnovationId = innovationsSeen.FindByInnovation(innovation);

            if (registeredInnovationId == -1)
                connectId = ConnectionPool.Add(connectInfo);

                innovation.NewConnectionDetails.ConnectionId = connectId;
                connectId = innovationsSeen.FindById(registeredInnovationId).NewConnectionDetails.ConnectionId;

            genome.Genes.Add(new Gene(ConnectionPool.FindById(connectId), connectId, weight, false));