public static void Define(TypeBuilder typeB, Interface iface) { foreach (Method declMethod in iface.Methods) { //MethodBuilder method_builder = typeB.DefineMethod (declMethod.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, declMethod.ReturnType, Mapper.GetTypes (ArgDirection.In, declMethod.GetParameters ())); List <Type> parms = new List <Type> (); if (declMethod.Arguments != null) { foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments) { if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@in) { parms.Add(new Signature(arg.Type).ToType()); } //if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out) // parms.Add (new Signature (arg.Type).ToType ().MakeByRefType ()); } } Signature outSig = Signature.Empty; //this just takes the last out arg and uses is as the return type if (declMethod.Arguments != null) { foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments) { if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out) { outSig = new Signature(arg.Type); } } } Type retType = outSig == Signature.Empty ? typeof(void) : outSig.ToType(); MethodBuilder method_builder = typeB.DefineMethod(declMethod.Name, ifaceMethAttr, retType, parms.ToArray()); //define the parameter attributes and names if (declMethod.Arguments != null) { int argNum = 0; foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments) { if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@in) { method_builder.DefineParameter(++argNum, ParameterAttributes.In, arg.Name); } //if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out) // method_builder.DefineParameter (++argNum, ParameterAttributes.Out, arg.Name); } } } if (iface.Properties != null) { foreach (NDesk.DBus.Introspection.Property prop in iface.Properties) { Type propType = new Signature(prop.Type).ToType(); PropertyBuilder prop_builder = typeB.DefineProperty(prop.Name, PropertyAttributes.None, propType, Type.EmptyTypes); if (prop.Access == || prop.Access == propertyAccess.readwrite) { prop_builder.SetGetMethod(typeB.DefineMethod("get_" + prop.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, propType, Type.EmptyTypes)); } if (prop.Access == propertyAccess.write || prop.Access == propertyAccess.readwrite) { prop_builder.SetSetMethod(typeB.DefineMethod("set_" + prop.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] { propType })); } } } if (iface.Signals != null) { foreach (NDesk.DBus.Introspection.Signal signal in iface.Signals) { //Type eventType = typeof (EventHandler); Type eventType = typeof(VoidHandler); EventBuilder event_builder = typeB.DefineEvent(signal.Name, EventAttributes.None, eventType); event_builder.SetAddOnMethod(typeB.DefineMethod("add_" + signal.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] { eventType })); event_builder.SetRemoveOnMethod(typeB.DefineMethod("remove_" + signal.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] { eventType })); } } //apply InterfaceAttribute ConstructorInfo interfaceAttributeCtor = typeof(InterfaceAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }); CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(interfaceAttributeCtor, new object[] { iface.Name }); typeB.SetCustomAttribute(cab); }
public void GetValue(Type type, out object val) { if (type == typeof(void)) { val = null; return; } if (type.IsArray) { Array valArr; GetValue(type, out valArr); val = valArr; } else if (type == typeof(ObjectPath)) { ObjectPath valOP; GetValue(out valOP); val = valOP; } else if (type == typeof(Signature)) { Signature valSig; GetValue(out valSig); val = valSig; } else if (type == typeof(object)) { GetValue(out val); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { string valStr; GetValue(out valStr); val = valStr; } else if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDictionary <,>)) { Type[] genArgs = type.GetGenericArguments(); //Type dictType = typeof (Dictionary<,>).MakeGenericType (genArgs); //workaround for Mono bug #81035 (memory leak) Type dictType = Mapper.GetGenericType(typeof(Dictionary <,>), genArgs); val = Activator.CreateInstance(dictType, new object[0]); System.Collections.IDictionary idict = (System.Collections.IDictionary)val; GetValueToDict(genArgs[0], genArgs[1], idict); } else if (Mapper.IsPublic(type)) { GetObject(type, out val); } else if (!type.IsPrimitive && !type.IsEnum) { GetValueStruct(type, out val); } else { DType dtype = Signature.TypeToDType(type); GetValue(dtype, out val); } if (type.IsEnum) { val = Enum.ToObject(type, val); } }
public void GetValue(Signature sig, out object val) { GetValue(sig.ToType(), out val); }
object ReadVariant(Signature sig) { return(ReadValue(sig.ToType())); }