protected override void ReadContentFrom(BinaryReader reader)
            // GPOS/GSUB Header
            // The GPOS/GSUB table begins with a header that contains a version number for the table. Two versions are defined.
            // Version 1.0 contains offsets to three tables: ScriptList, FeatureList, and LookupList.
            // Version 1.1 also includes an offset to a FeatureVariations table.
            // For descriptions of these tables, see the chapter, OpenType Layout Common Table Formats .
            // Example 1 at the end of this chapter shows a GPOS/GSUB Header table definition.
            // GPOS/GSUB Header, Version 1.0
            // Value     Type               Description
            // uint16    MajorVersion       Major version of the GPOS/GSUB table, = 1
            // uint16    MinorVersion       Minor version of the GPOS/GSUB table, = 0
            // Offset16  ScriptList         Offset to ScriptList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // Offset16  FeatureList        Offset to FeatureList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // Offset16  LookupList         Offset to LookupList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // GPOS/GSUB Header, Version 1.1
            // Value     Type               Description
            // uint16    MajorVersion       Major version of the GPOS/GSUB table, = 1
            // uint16    MinorVersion       Minor version of the GPOS/GSUB table, = 1
            // Offset16  ScriptList         Offset to ScriptList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // Offset16  FeatureList        Offset to FeatureList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // Offset16  LookupList         Offset to LookupList table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table
            // Offset32  FeatureVariations  Offset to FeatureVariations table, from beginning of GPOS/GSUB table (may be NULL)

            long tableStartAt = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            MajorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();
            MinorVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();

            ushort scriptListOffset  = reader.ReadUInt16();                           // from beginning of table
            ushort featureListOffset = reader.ReadUInt16();                           // from beginning of table
            ushort lookupListOffset  = reader.ReadUInt16();                           // from beginning of table
            uint   featureVariations = (MinorVersion == 1) ? reader.ReadUInt32() : 0; // from beginning of table

            //1. scriptlist
            ScriptList = ScriptList.CreateFrom(reader, tableStartAt + scriptListOffset);
            //2. feature list
            FeatureList = FeatureList.CreateFrom(reader, tableStartAt + featureListOffset);
            //3. lookup list
            ReadLookupListTable(reader, tableStartAt + lookupListOffset);

            //4. feature variations
            if (featureVariations > 0)
                ReadFeatureVariations(reader, tableStartAt + featureVariations);