Exemple #1
        internal PSBT(BitcoinStream stream, Network network)
            Network = network;
            Inputs  = new PSBTInputList();
            Outputs = new PSBTOutputList();
            var magicBytes = stream.Inner.ReadBytes(PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES.Length);

            if (!magicBytes.SequenceEqual(PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES))
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT magic bytes");

            // It will be reassigned in `ReadWriteAsVarString` so no worry to assign 0 length array here.
            byte[] k       = new byte[0];
            byte[] v       = new byte[0];
            var    txFound = false;

            stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            while (k.Length != 0)
                switch (k[0])
                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Contains illegal value in key global tx");
                    if (tx != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Duplicate Key, unsigned tx already provided");
                    tx = stream.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction();
                    uint size = 0;
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref size);
                    var pos = stream.Counter.ReadenBytes;
                    if (stream.Counter.ReadenBytes - pos != size)
                        throw new FormatException("Malformed global tx. Unexpected size.");
                    if (tx.Inputs.Any(txin => txin.ScriptSig != Script.Empty || txin.WitScript != WitScript.Empty))
                        throw new FormatException("Malformed global tx. It should not contain any scriptsig or witness by itself");
                    txFound = true;

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_GLOBAL_XPUB when XPubVersionBytes != null:
                    if (k.Length != 1 + XPubVersionBytes.Length + 74)
                        throw new FormatException("Malformed global xpub.");
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < XPubVersionBytes.Length; ii++)
                        if (k[1 + ii] != XPubVersionBytes[ii])
                            throw new FormatException("Malformed global xpub.");
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                    KeyPath path          = KeyPath.FromBytes(v.Skip(4).ToArray());
                    var     rootedKeyPath = new RootedKeyPath(new HDFingerprint(v.Take(4).ToArray()), path);
                    GlobalXPubs.Add(new ExtPubKey(k, 1 + XPubVersionBytes.Length, 74).GetWif(Network), rootedKeyPath);

                    if (unknown.ContainsKey(k))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput, duplicate key for unknown value");
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                    unknown.Add(k, v);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            if (!txFound)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. No global TX");

            int i = 0;

            while (stream.Inner.CanRead && i < tx.Inputs.Count)
                var psbtin = new PSBTInput(stream, this, (uint)i, tx.Inputs[i]);
            if (i != tx.Inputs.Count)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Number of input does not match to the global tx");

            i = 0;
            while (stream.Inner.CanRead && i < tx.Outputs.Count)
                var psbtout = new PSBTOutput(stream, this, (uint)i, tx.Outputs[i]);
            if (i != tx.Outputs.Count)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Number of outputs does not match to the global tx");
Exemple #2
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref this.blocks);
Exemple #3
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream s)
     s.ReadWrite(ref this.federationId);
        internal PSBT(BitcoinStream stream)
            Inputs  = new PSBTInputList();
            Outputs = new PSBTOutputList();
            var magicBytes = stream.Inner.ReadBytes(PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES.Length);

            if (!magicBytes.SequenceEqual(PSBT_MAGIC_BYTES))
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT magic bytes");

            // It will be reassigned in `ReadWriteAsVarString` so no worry to assign 0 length array here.
            byte[] k       = new byte[0];
            byte[] v       = new byte[0];
            var    txFound = false;

            stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            while (k.Length != 0)
                switch (k.First())
                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Contains illegal value in key global tx");
                    if (tx != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Duplicate Key, unsigned tx already provided");
                    tx = stream.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction();
                    uint size = 0;
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref size);
                    var pos = stream.Counter.ReadenBytes;
                    if (stream.Counter.ReadenBytes - pos != size)
                        throw new FormatException("Malformed global tx. Unexpected size.");
                    if (tx.Inputs.Any(txin => txin.ScriptSig != Script.Empty || txin.WitScript != WitScript.Empty))
                        throw new FormatException("Malformed global tx. It should not contain any scriptsig or witness by itself");
                    txFound = true;

                    if (unknown.ContainsKey(k))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput, duplicate key for unknown value");
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                    unknown.Add(k, v);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            if (!txFound)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. No global TX");

            int i = 0;

            while (stream.Inner.CanRead && i < tx.Inputs.Count)
                var psbtin = new PSBTInput(stream, this, (uint)i, tx.Inputs[i]);
            if (i != tx.Inputs.Count)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Number of input does not match to the global tx");

            i = 0;
            while (stream.Inner.CanRead && i < tx.Outputs.Count)
                var psbtout = new PSBTOutput(stream, this, (uint)i, tx.Outputs[i]);
            if (i != tx.Outputs.Count)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBT. Number of outputs does not match to the global tx");

Exemple #5
        public void Serialize(BitcoinStream stream)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            // Write the utxo
            // If there is a non-witness utxo, then don't serialize the witness one.
            if (witness_utxo != null)
                // key
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);

                // value
                var data = witness_utxo.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref data);

            if (non_witness_utxo != null)
                // key
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                // value
                byte[] data = non_witness_utxo.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref data);

            // Write the sighash type
            if (sighash_type > 0)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SIGHASH;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var tmp = Utils.ToBytes((uint)sighash_type, true);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref tmp);

            // Write the redeem script
            if (redeem_script != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var value = redeem_script.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // Write the witness script
            if (witness_script != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var value = witness_script.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // Write any partial signatures
            foreach (var sig_pair in partial_sigs)
                var key = new byte[] { PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG }.Concat(sig_pair.Key.ToBytes());
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref key);
                var sig = sig_pair.Value.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref sig);

            // Write any hd keypaths
            foreach (var pathPair in hd_keypaths)
                var key = new byte[] { PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION }.Concat(pathPair.Key.ToBytes());
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref key);
                var masterFingerPrint = pathPair.Value.MasterFingerprint;
                var path              = pathPair.Value.KeyPath.ToBytes();
                var pathInfo          = masterFingerPrint.ToBytes().Concat(path);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref pathInfo);

            // Write script sig
            if (final_script_sig != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                byte[] value = final_script_sig.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // write script witness
            if (final_script_witness != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var stack = final_script_witness.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref stack);

            // Write unknown things
            foreach (var entry in unknown)
                var k = entry.Key;
                var v = entry.Value;
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);

            var sep = PSBTConstants.PSBT_SEPARATOR;

            stream.ReadWrite(ref sep);
Exemple #6
        internal byte[] ReadData(Stream stream)
            uint          len       = 0;
            BitcoinStream bitStream = new BitcoinStream(stream, false);

            if (Code == 0)
                return(new byte[0]);

            if ((byte)OpcodeType.OP_1 <= (byte)Code && (byte)Code <= (byte)OpcodeType.OP_16)
                return(new byte[] { (byte)(Code - OpcodeType.OP_1 + 1) });

            if (Code == OpcodeType.OP_1NEGATE)
                return(new byte[] { 0x81 });

                if (0x01 <= (byte)Code && (byte)Code <= 0x4b)
                    len = (uint)Code;
                else if (Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA1)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((byte)0);
                else if (Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA2)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((ushort)0);
                else if (Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA4)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((uint)0);
                    IsInvalid = true;
                    return(new byte[0]);

                byte[] data = null;

                if (len <= MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) //Most of the time
                    data = new byte[len];
                    var readen = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
                    if (readen != data.Length)
                        IsInvalid = true;
                        return(new byte[0]);
                else //Mitigate against a big array allocation
                    List <byte> bytes = new List <byte>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                        var b = stream.ReadByte();
                        if (b < 0)
                            IsInvalid = true;
                            return(new byte[0]);
                    data = bytes.ToArray();
            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                IsInvalid = true;
                return(new byte[0]);
Exemple #7
        internal static byte[] ReadData(Op op, Stream stream, bool ignoreWrongPush = false)
            var           opcode    = op.Code;
            uint          len       = 0;
            BitcoinStream bitStream = new BitcoinStream(stream, false);

            if (opcode == 0)
                return(new byte[0]);

            if ((byte)OpcodeType.OP_1 <= (byte)opcode && (byte)opcode <= (byte)OpcodeType.OP_16)
                return(new byte[] { (byte)(opcode - OpcodeType.OP_1 + 1) });

            if (opcode == OpcodeType.OP_1NEGATE)
                return(new byte[] { 0x81 });

                if (0x01 <= (byte)opcode && (byte)opcode <= 0x4b)
                    len = (uint)opcode;
                else if (opcode == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA1)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((byte)0);
                else if (opcode == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA2)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((ushort)0);
                else if (opcode == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA4)
                    len = bitStream.ReadWrite((uint)0);
                    throw new FormatException("Invalid opcode for pushing data : " + opcode);
            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                if (!ignoreWrongPush)
                    throw new FormatException("Incomplete script");
                op.IncompleteData = true;
                return(new byte[0]);

            if (stream.CanSeek && stream.Length - stream.Position < len)
                len = (uint)(stream.Length - stream.Position);
                if (!ignoreWrongPush)
                    throw new FormatException("Not enough bytes pushed with " + opcode.ToString() + " expected " + len + " but got " + len);
                op.IncompleteData = true;
            byte[] data   = new byte[len];
            var    readen = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

            if (readen != data.Length && !ignoreWrongPush)
                throw new FormatException("Not enough bytes pushed with " + opcode.ToString() + " expected " + len + " but got " + readen);
            else if (readen != data.Length)
                op.IncompleteData = true;
                Array.Resize(ref data, readen);
 public void Load(BitcoinStream stream)
     Load(stream, null);
 public void WriteTo(BitcoinStream stream)
     WriteTo(stream, null);
Exemple #10

        public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
            stream.ReadWrite(ref hash);
            stream.ReadWrite(ref n);
Exemple #11
        public uint256 SignatureHash(Transaction txTo, int nIn, SigHash nHashType)
            if (nIn >= txTo.Inputs.Count)
                Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nIn=" + nIn + " out of range\n");

            // Check for invalid use of SIGHASH_SINGLE
            if (nHashType == SigHash.Single)
                if (nIn >= txTo.Outputs.Count)
                    Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nOut=" + nIn + " out of range\n");

            var scriptCopy = new Script(_Script);


            var txCopy = new Transaction(txTo.ToBytes());

            //Set all TxIn script to empty string
            foreach (var txin in txCopy.Inputs)
                txin.ScriptSig = new Script();
            //Copy subscript into the txin script you are checking
            txCopy.Inputs[nIn].ScriptSig = scriptCopy;

            var hashType = nHashType & (SigHash)31;

            if (hashType == SigHash.None)
                //The output of txCopy is set to a vector of zero size.

                //All other inputs aside from the current input in txCopy have their nSequence index set to zero
                foreach (var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn))
                    input.Sequence = 0;
            else if (hashType == SigHash.Single)
                //The output of txCopy is resized to the size of the current input index+1.
                txCopy.Outputs.RemoveRange(nIn + 1, txCopy.Outputs.Count - (nIn + 1));
                //All other txCopy outputs aside from the output that is the same as the current input index are set to a blank script and a value of (long) -1.
                for (var i = 0; i < txCopy.Outputs.Count; i++)
                    if (i == nIn)
                    txCopy.Outputs[i] = new TxOut();
                //All other txCopy inputs aside from the current input are set to have an nSequence index of zero.
                foreach (var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn))
                    input.Sequence = 0;

            if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) != 0)
                //The txCopy input vector is resized to a length of one.
                var script = txCopy.Inputs[nIn];
                //The subScript (lead in by its length as a var-integer encoded!) is set as the first and only member of this vector.
                txCopy.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = scriptCopy;

            //Serialize TxCopy, append 4 byte hashtypecode
            var ms            = new MemoryStream();
            var bitcoinStream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true);


            var hashed = ms.ToArray();

Exemple #12
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref value);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref publicKey);
     _MoneyValue = null;             //Might been updated
Exemple #13
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref prevout);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref scriptSig);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref nSequence);
Exemple #14
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref _Script);
        public static uint256 SignatureHash(Script scriptCode, Transaction txTo, int nIn, SigHash nHashType, Money amount, HashVersion sigversion, PrecomputedTransactionData precomputedTransactionData)
            if ((nHashType & SigHash.ForkId) != 0)
                nHashType = (SigHash)((int)nHashType & 0x1f);
                if (amount == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The amount of the output being signed must be provided", "amount");
                uint256 hashPrevouts = uint256.Zero;
                uint256 hashSequence = uint256.Zero;
                uint256 hashOutputs  = uint256.Zero;

                if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) == 0)
                    hashPrevouts = precomputedTransactionData == null?
                                   GetHashPrevouts(txTo) : precomputedTransactionData.HashPrevouts;

                if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) == 0 && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.Single && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.None)
                    hashSequence = precomputedTransactionData == null?
                                   GetHashSequence(txTo) : precomputedTransactionData.HashSequence;

                if (((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.Single && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.None)
                    hashOutputs = precomputedTransactionData == null?
                                  GetHashOutputs(txTo) : precomputedTransactionData.HashOutputs;
                else if (((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) == (uint)SigHash.Single && nIn < txTo.Outputs.Count)
                    BitcoinStream ss = CreateHashWriter(sigversion);
                    hashOutputs = GetHash(ss);

                BitcoinStream sss = CreateHashWriter(sigversion);
                // Version
                // Input prevouts/nSequence (none/all, depending on flags)
                // The input being signed (replacing the scriptSig with scriptCode + amount)
                // The prevout may already be contained in hashPrevout, and the nSequence
                // may already be contain in hashSequence.
                // Outputs (none/one/all, depending on flags)
                // Locktime
                // Sighash type
                sss.ReadWrite((uint)nHashType | (uint)SigHash.ForkId);


            if (nIn >= txTo.Inputs.Count)
                Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nIn=" + nIn + " out of range\n");

            // Check for invalid use of SIGHASH_SINGLE
            if (nHashType == SigHash.Single)
                if (nIn >= txTo.Outputs.Count)
                    Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nOut=" + nIn + " out of range\n");

            var scriptCopy = new Script(scriptCode._Script);


            var txCopy = new Transaction(txTo.ToBytes());

            //Set all TxIn script to empty string
            foreach (var txin in txCopy.Inputs)
                txin.ScriptSig = new Script();
            //Copy subscript into the txin script you are checking
            txCopy.Inputs[nIn].ScriptSig = scriptCopy;

            var hashType = nHashType & (SigHash)31;

            if (hashType == SigHash.None)
                //The output of txCopy is set to a vector of zero size.

                //All other inputs aside from the current input in txCopy have their nSequence index set to zero
                foreach (var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn))
                    input.Sequence = 0;
            else if (hashType == SigHash.Single)
                //The output of txCopy is resized to the size of the current input index+1.
                txCopy.Outputs.RemoveRange(nIn + 1, txCopy.Outputs.Count - (nIn + 1));
                //All other txCopy outputs aside from the output that is the same as the current input index are set to a blank script and a value of (long) -1.
                for (var i = 0; i < txCopy.Outputs.Count; i++)
                    if (i == nIn)
                    txCopy.Outputs[i] = new TxOut();
                //All other txCopy inputs aside from the current input are set to have an nSequence index of zero.
                foreach (var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn))
                    input.Sequence = 0;

            if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) != 0)
                //The txCopy input vector is resized to a length of one.
                var script = txCopy.Inputs[nIn];
                //The subScript (lead in by its length as a var-integer encoded!) is set as the first and only member of this vector.
                txCopy.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = scriptCopy;

            //Serialize TxCopy, append 4 byte hashtypecode
            var stream = CreateHashWriter(sigversion);

Exemple #16
        private static uint256 GetHash(BitcoinStream stream)
            var preimage = ((MemoryStream)stream.Inner).ToArrayEfficient();

Exemple #17
        internal PSBTOutput(BitcoinStream stream, PSBT parent, uint index, TxOut txOut) : base(parent)
            if (txOut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(txOut));
            if (parent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));

            TxOut = txOut;
            Index = index;

            byte[] k = new byte[0];
            byte[] v = new byte[0];
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput. Could not read key", e);
            while (k.Length != 0)
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                    throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput. Could not read value", e);
                switch (k.First())
                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_OUT_REDEEMSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput. Contains illegal value in key for redeem script");
                    if (redeem_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput, duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    redeem_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_OUT_WITNESSSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput. Contains illegal value in key for witness script");
                    if (witness_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput, duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    witness_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_OUT_BIP32_DERIVATION:
                    var pubkey2 = new PubKey(k.Skip(1).ToArray());
                    if (hd_keypaths.ContainsKey(pubkey2))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTOutput, duplicate key for hd_keypaths");
                    KeyPath path = KeyPath.FromBytes(v.Skip(4).ToArray());
                    hd_keypaths.Add(pubkey2, new RootedKeyPath(new HDFingerprint(v.Take(4).ToArray()), path));

                    if (unknown.ContainsKey(k))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput, duplicate key for unknown value");
                    unknown.Add(k, v);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
Exemple #18
 public void CopyParameters(BitcoinStream stream)
     ProtocolVersion = stream.ProtocolVersion;
     IsBigEndian     = stream.IsBigEndian;
     MaxArraySize    = stream.MaxArraySize;
Exemple #19
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref header);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref _PartialMerkleTree);
Exemple #20
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref vprevout);
Exemple #21
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref vHave);
Exemple #22
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref vtxundo);
Exemple #23
        internal PSBTInput(BitcoinStream stream, PSBT parent, uint index, TxIn input) : base(parent)
            TxIn              = input;
            Index             = index;
            originalScriptSig = TxIn.ScriptSig ?? Script.Empty;
            originalWitScript = TxIn.WitScript ?? WitScript.Empty;
            byte[] k = new byte[0];
            byte[] v = new byte[0];
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Failed to Parse key.", e);
            while (k.Length != 0)
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                    throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Failed to parse key.", e);
                switch (k.First())
                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for NonWitnessUTXO");
                    if (non_witness_utxo != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate non_witness_utxo");
                    non_witness_utxo = this.GetConsensusFactory().CreateTransaction();

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for WitnessUTXO");
                    if (witness_utxo != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate witness_utxo");
                    if (this.GetConsensusFactory().TryCreateNew <TxOut>(out var txout))
                        witness_utxo = txout;
                        witness_utxo = new TxOut();

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG:
                    var pubkey = new PubKey(k.Skip(1).ToArray());
                    if (partial_sigs.ContainsKey(pubkey))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for partial_sigs");
                    partial_sigs.Add(pubkey, new TransactionSignature(v));

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SIGHASH:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for SigHash type");
                    if (!(sighash_type is null))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for sighash_type");
                    if (v.Length != 4)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. SigHash Type is not 4 byte");
                    var value = Utils.ToUInt32(v, 0, true);
                    if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SigHash), value))
                        throw new FormatException($"Invalid PSBTInput Unknown SigHash Type {value}");
                    sighash_type = (SigHash)value;

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for redeem script");
                    if (redeem_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    redeem_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for witness script");
                    if (witness_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    witness_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION:
                    var pubkey2 = new PubKey(k.Skip(1).ToArray());
                    if (hd_keypaths.ContainsKey(pubkey2))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for hd_keypaths");
                    var     masterFingerPrint = new HDFingerprint(v.Take(4).ToArray());
                    KeyPath path = KeyPath.FromBytes(v.Skip(4).ToArray());
                    hd_keypaths.Add(pubkey2, new RootedKeyPath(masterFingerPrint, path));

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for final scriptsig");
                    if (final_script_sig != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for final_script_sig");
                    final_script_sig = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for final script witness");
                    if (final_script_witness != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for final_script_witness");
                    final_script_witness = new WitScript(v);

                    if (unknown.ContainsKey(k))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for unknown value");
                    unknown.Add(k, v);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
Exemple #24
 public virtual void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref this.header);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref this.transactions);
Exemple #25
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref header);
     stream.ReadWrite(ref vtx);
Exemple #26
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWrite(ref this._value);