public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive Expires In", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Start publishing the messages, don't wait for them to finish, simulating an outside producer.
                    JsUtils.PublishInBackground(js, helper.Subject, "fetch-message", helper.Count);

                    // Build our consumer configuration and subscription options.
                    // make sure the ack wait is sufficient to handle the reading and processing of the batch.
                    // Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // subscribe
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);

                    int red = 0;
                    while (red < helper.Count)
                        IList <Msg> list = sub.Fetch(10, 1000);
                        foreach (Msg m in list)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{++red}. Message: {m}");

                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("JetStream Publish Vs Core Publish", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // create a JetStream context
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Regular Nats publish is straightforward
                    c.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("regular-message"));

                    // A JetStream publish allows you to set publish options
                    // that a regular publish does not.
                    // A JetStream publish returns an ack of the publish. There
                    // is no ack in a regular message.
                    Msg msg = new Msg(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("js-message"));

                    PublishAck pa = js.Publish(msg);

                    // set up the subscription
                    IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(helper.Subject);
                    c.Flush(500); // flush outgoing communication with/to the server

                    // Both messages appear in the stream as JetStream messages
                    msg = sub.NextMessage(500);
                    Console.WriteLine("Received Data: '" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Data) + "'\n         Meta: " + msg.MetaData);

                    msg = sub.NextMessage(500);
                    Console.WriteLine("Received Data: '" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Data) + "'\n         Meta: " + msg.MetaData);

                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("NATS JetStream Push Subscribe Queue Durable", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();


                    // create the consumer ahead of time
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                    jsm.AddOrUpdateConsumer(helper.Stream, cc);

                    // we will just bind to that consumer
                    PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.BindTo(helper.Stream, helper.Durable);

                    InterlockedLong           allReceived = new InterlockedLong();
                    IList <JsQueueSubscriber> subscribers = new List <JsQueueSubscriber>();
                    IList <Thread>            subThreads  = new List <Thread>();
                    for (int id = 1; id <= helper.SubsCount; id++)
                        // setup the subscription
                        IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(helper.Subject, helper.Queue, pso);

                        // create and track the runnable
                        JsQueueSubscriber qs = new JsQueueSubscriber(id, 100, js, sub, allReceived);

                        // create, track and start the thread
                        Thread t = new Thread(qs.Run);
                    c.Flush(500); // flush outgoing communication with/to the server

                    // create and start the publishing
                    Thread pubThread = new Thread(() =>
                        for (int x = 1; x <= helper.Count; x++)
                            js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Data # " + x));

                    // wait for all threads to finish
                    foreach (Thread t in subThreads)

                    foreach (JsQueueSubscriber qs in subscribers)


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive Expires In", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Build our consumer configuration and subscription options.
                    // make sure the ack wait is sufficient to handle the reading and processing of the batch.
                    // Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // 0.1 Initialize. subscription
                    // 0.2 Flush outgoing communication with/to the server, useful when app is both JsUtils.Publishing and subscribing.
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n0. Initialize the subscription and pull.");
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);

                    // 1. Fetch, but there are no messages yet.
                    // -  Read the messages, get them all (0)
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n1. There are no messages yet");
                    IList <Msg> messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 0 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 2. Publish 10 messages
                    // -  Fetch messages, get 10
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n2. Publish 10 which satisfies the batch");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "A", 10);
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 3. Publish 20 messages
                    // -  Fetch messages, only get 10
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n3. Publish 20 which is larger than the batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "B", 20);
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 4. There are still messages left from the last
                    // -  Fetch messages, get 10
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n4. Get the rest of the JsUtils.Publish.");
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 5. Publish 5 messages
                    // -  Fetch messages, get 5
                    // -  Since there are less than batch size we only get what the server has.
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n5. Publish 5 which is less than batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "C", 5);
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 5 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 6. Publish 15 messages
                    // -  Fetch messages, only get 10
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n6. Publish 15 which is more than the batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "D", 15);
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 7. There are 5 messages left
                    // -  Fetch messages, only get 5
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n7. There are 5 messages left.");
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 5 messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 8. Read but don't ack.
                    // -  Fetch messages, get 10, but either take too long to ack them or don't ack them
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n8. Fetch but don't ack.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "E", 10);
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 message, we received: " + messages.Count);
                    Thread.Sleep(3000); // longer than the ackWait

                    // 9. Fetch messages,
                    // -  get the 10 messages we didn't ack
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n9. Fetch, get the messages we did not ack.");
                    messages = sub.Fetch(10, 3000);
                    foreach (Msg m in messages)
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 message, we received: " + messages.Count);


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("NATS JetStream Push Subscribe Bind Durable", args, Usage)

            string subjectWild = helper.Subject + ".*";
            string subjectA    = helper.Subject + ".A";
            string subjectB    = helper.Subject + ".B";

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, subjectWild);

                    // Create our JetStream context to publish and receive JetStream messages.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectA, 1);
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectB, 1);
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectA, 1);
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectB, 1);

                    // 1. create a subscription that subscribes to the wildcard subject
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                                               .WithAckPolicy(AckPolicy.None) // don't want to worry about acking messages.

                    PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()

                    IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(subjectWild, pso);

                    Msg m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n1A1. Message should be from '" + subjectA + "', Sequence #1. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("1B2. Message should be from '" + subjectB + "', Sequence #2. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("1A3. Message should be from '" + subjectA + "', Sequence #3. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("1B4. Message should be from '" + subjectB + "', Sequence #4. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    // 2. create a subscription that subscribes only to the A subject
                    cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                         .WithAckPolicy(AckPolicy.None)    // don't want to worry about acking messages.

                    pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()

                    sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(subjectWild, pso);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n2A1. Message should be from '" + subjectA + "', Sequence #1. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("2A3. Message should be from '" + subjectA + "', Sequence #3. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                        Console.WriteLine("2x. NOPE! Should not have gotten here");
                    catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                        Console.WriteLine("2x. There was no message available.");

                    // 3. create a subscription that subscribes only to the A subject
                    cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                         .WithAckPolicy(AckPolicy.None)    // don't want to worry about acking messages.

                    pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()

                    sub = js.PushSubscribeSync(subjectWild, pso);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n3A2. Message should be from '" + subjectB + "', Sequence #2. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                    m = sub.NextMessage(1000);
                    Console.WriteLine("3A4. Message should be from '" + subjectB + "', Sequence #4. " +
                                      "It was: '" + m.Subject + "', Seq #" + m.MetaData.StreamSequence);

                        Console.WriteLine("3x. NOPE! Should not have gotten here");
                    catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                        Console.WriteLine("3x. There was no message available.");


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive Expires In, Use Cases", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Build our subscription options. Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // 0.1 Initialize. subscription
                    // 0.2 Flush outgoing communication with/to the server, useful when app is both JsUtils.Publishing and subscribing.
                    // 0.3 Start the pull, you don't have to call this again because AckMode.NEXT
                    // -  When we ack a batch message the server starts preparing or adding to the next batch.
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n0. Initialize the subscription and pull.");
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);

                    // 1. Publish some that is less than the batch size.
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n1. Publish some amount of messages, but not entire batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "A", 6);
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    IList <Msg> messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 6 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 2. Publish some more covering our pull size...
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n2. Publish more than the batch size.");
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "B", 14);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 3. There are still 4 messages from B, but the batch was finished
                    // -  won't get any messages until a pull is issued.
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n3. Read without issuing a pull.");
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 0 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 4. re-issue the pull to get the last 4
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n4. Issue the pull to get the last 4.");
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 4 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 5. publish a lot of messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n5. Publish a lot of messages. The last pull was under the batch size.");
                    Console.WriteLine("   Issue another pull with batch size less than number of messages.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "C", 25);
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 6. there are still more messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n6. Still more messages. Issue another pull with batch size less than number of messages.");
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 7. there are still more messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n7. Still more messages. Issue another pull with batch size more than number of messages.");
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 5 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 8. we got them all
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n8. No messages left.");
                    sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1200);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub, timeout: 2000);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 0 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive No Wait, Use Cases", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Build our subscription options. Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // 0.1 Initialize. subscription
                    // 0.2 DO NOT start the pull, no wait works differently than regular pull.
                    //     With no wait, we have to start the pull the first time and every time the
                    //     batch size is exhausted or no waits out.
                    // 0.3 Flush outgoing communication with/to the server, useful when app is both publishing and subscribing.
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n0. Initialize the subscription and pull.");
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);

                    // 1. Start the pull, but there are no messages yet.
                    // -  Read the messages
                    // -  Since there are less than the batch size, we get them all (0)
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n1. There are no messages yet");
                    IList <Msg> messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 0 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 2. Publish 10 messages
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    // -  Since there are exactly the batch size we get them all
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n2. Publish 10 which satisfies the batch");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "A", 10);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 3. Publish 20 messages
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n3. Publish 20 which is larger than the batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "B", 20);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 4. There are still messages left from the last
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n4. Get the rest of the publish.");
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 5. Publish 5 messages
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n5. Publish 5 which is less than batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "C", 5);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 5 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 6. Publish 14 messages
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    // -  we do NOT get a nowait status message if there are more or equals messages than the batch
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n6. Publish 14 which is more than the batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "D", 14);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 10 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 7. There are 4 messages left
                    // -  Start the pull
                    // -  Read the messages
                    // -  Since there are less than batch size the last message we get will be a status 404 message.
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n7. There are 4 messages left, which is less than the batch size.");
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 4 messages, we received: " + messages.Count);


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive Expires In", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Start publishing the messages, don't wait for them to finish, simulating an outside producer.
                    JsUtils.PublishInBackground(js, helper.Subject, "expires-in-message", helper.Count);

                    // Build our subscription options. Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // subscribe
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);

                    bool keepGoing = true;
                    int  red       = 0;
                    while (keepGoing && red < helper.Count)
                        sub.PullExpiresIn(10, 1000);
                        int round = 0;
                        while (keepGoing && round < 10)
                                Msg m = sub.NextMessage(1000); // first message
                                Console.WriteLine($"{++red}. Message: {m}");
                            catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                                keepGoing = false;

                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("JetStream Publish With Options Use Cases", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // get a regular context
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    PublishOptions.PublishOptionsBuilder builder = PublishOptions.Builder()

                    PublishAck pa = js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("message1"), builder.Build());
                    Console.WriteLine("Published message on subject {0}, stream {1}, seqno {2}.",
                                      helper.Subject, pa.Stream, pa.Seq);

                    // IMPORTANT!
                    // You can reuse the builder in 2 ways.
                    // 1. Manually set a field to null or to DefaultLastSequence if you want to clear it out.
                    // 2. Use the clearExpected method to clear the expectedLastId, expectedLastSequence and messageId fields

                    // Manual re-use 1. Clearing some fields
                    pa = js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("message2"), builder.Build());
                    Console.WriteLine("Published message on subject {0}, stream {1}, seqno {2}.",
                                      helper.Subject, pa.Stream, pa.Seq);

                    // Manual re-use 2. Setting all the expected fields again
                    pa = js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("message3"), builder.Build());
                    Console.WriteLine("Published message on subject {0}, stream {1}, seqno {2}.",
                                      helper.Subject, pa.Stream, pa.Seq);

                    // reuse() method clears all the fields, then we set some fields.
                    pa = js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("message4"), builder.Build());
                    Console.WriteLine("Published message on subject {0}, stream {1}, seqno {2}.",
                                      helper.Subject, pa.Stream, pa.Seq);

                    // exception when the expected stream does not match [10060]
                        PublishOptions errOpts = PublishOptions.Builder().WithExpectedStream("wrongStream").Build();
                        js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ex1"), errOpts);
                    catch (NATSJetStreamException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception was: '{e.ErrorDescription}'");

                    // exception with wrong last msg ID [10070]
                        PublishOptions errOpts = PublishOptions.Builder().WithExpectedLastMsgId("wrongId").Build();
                        js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ex2"), errOpts);
                    catch (NATSJetStreamException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception was: '{e.ErrorDescription}'");

                    // exception with wrong last sequence wrong last sequence: 4 [10071]
                        PublishOptions errOpts = PublishOptions.Builder().WithExpectedLastSequence(999).Build();
                        js.Publish(helper.Subject, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ex3"), errOpts);
                    catch (NATSJetStreamException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception was: '{e.ErrorDescription}'");

                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("JetStream Manage Consumers", args, Usage)

                string durable1 = helper.Durable + "1";
                string durable2 = helper.Durable + "2";

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // 1. Add Consumers
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n1. Configure And Add Consumers");
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                                               .WithDurable(durable1) // durable name is required when creating consumers
                    ConsumerInfo ci = jsm.AddOrUpdateConsumer(helper.Stream, cc);

                    cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()
                    ci = jsm.AddOrUpdateConsumer(helper.Stream, cc);

                    // 2. get a list of ConsumerInfo's for all consumers
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n2. getConsumers");
                    IList <ConsumerInfo> consumers = jsm.GetConsumers(helper.Stream);

                    // 3. get a list of all consumers
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n3. getConsumerNames");
                    IList <string> consumerNames = jsm.GetConsumerNames(helper.Stream);
                    Console.WriteLine("Consumer Names: " + String.Join(",", consumerNames));

                    // 4. Delete a consumer, then list them again
                    // Subsequent calls to deleteStream will throw a
                    // NATSJetStreamException [10014]
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n4. Delete a consumer");
                    jsm.DeleteConsumer(helper.Stream, durable1);
                    consumerNames = jsm.GetConsumerNames(helper.Stream);
                    Console.WriteLine("Consumer Names: " + String.Join(",", consumerNames));

                    // 5. Try to delete the consumer again and get the exception
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n5. Delete consumer again");
                        jsm.DeleteConsumer(helper.Stream, durable1);
                    catch (NATSJetStreamException e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Exception was: '{e.ErrorDescription}'");


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #11
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("NATS JetStream Push Subscribe Bind Durable", args, Usage)

            string subjectNoAck = helper.Subject + "noack";
            string subjectAck   = helper.Subject + "ack";
            string deliverNoAck = helper.DeliverSubject + "noack";
            string deliverAck   = helper.DeliverSubject + "ack";

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, subjectNoAck, subjectAck);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // The server uses the delivery subject as both an inbox for a JetStream subscription
                    // and as a core nats messages subject.
                    // ADHERE TO THE ACK POLICY

                    // NoAck 1. Set up the noAck consumer / deliver subject configuration
                    ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()

                    PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()

                    // NoAck 2. Set up the JetStream and core subscriptions
                    //          Notice the JetStream subscribes to the real subject
                    //          and the core subscribes to the delivery subject
                    //          Order matters, you must do the JetStream subscribe first
                    //          But you also must make sure the core sub is made
                    //          before messages are published
                    IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription jsSub = js.PushSubscribeSync(subjectNoAck, pso);
                    ISyncSubscription coreSub = c.SubscribeSync(deliverNoAck);

                    // NoAck 3. JsUtils.Publish to the real subject
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectNoAck, "A", 1);

                    // NoAck 4. Read the message with the js no ack subscription. No need to ack
                    Msg msg = jsSub.NextMessage(1000);
                    PrintMessage("\nNoAck 4. Read w/JetStream sub", msg);

                    // NoAck 5. Read the message with the core subscription on the
                    //          no ack deliver subject. Since this message is a JetStream
                    //          message we could ack. But we don't have to since the consumer
                    //          was setup as AckPolicy None
                    msg = coreSub.NextMessage(1000);
                    PrintMessage("NoAck 5. Read w/core sub", msg);

                    // NoAck 6. Thread.Sleep longer than the ack wait period to check and make sure the
                    //     message is not replayed

                        Console.WriteLine("NoAck 6. NOPE! Should not have gotten here");
                    catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                        Console.WriteLine("NoAck 6. Read w/core sub.\nAck Policy is none so no replay even though message was not Ack'd.\nThere was no message available.");

                    // Ack 1. Set up the Ack consumer / deliver subject configuration
                    cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder()

                    pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder()

                    // Ack 2. Set up the JetStream and core subscriptions
                    jsSub = js.PushSubscribeSync(subjectAck, pso);
                    coreSub = c.SubscribeSync(deliverAck);

                    // Ack 3. JsUtils.Publish to the real subject
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, subjectAck, "B", 1);

                    // Ack 4. Read the message with the js no ack subscription. No need to ack
                    msg = jsSub.NextMessage(1000);
                    PrintMessage("\nAck 4. Read w/JetStream sub", msg);

                    // Ack 5. Read the message with the core subscription on the
                    //        ack deliver subject.
                    //        Even though it is read on a core subscription
                    //        it still is a JetStream message. Don't ack this time
                    msg = coreSub.NextMessage(1000);
                    PrintMessage("Ack 5. Read w/core sub", msg);

                    // Ack 6. Thread.Sleep longer than the ack wait period to check and
                    //        see that the message is re-delivered. Ack this time.
                    msg = coreSub.NextMessage(1000);
                    PrintMessage("Ack 6. Read w/core sub.\nWasn't Ack'd after step 'Ack 5.' so message was replayed.", msg);

                    // Ack 7. Thread.Sleep longer than the ack wait period. The message
                    //        is not re-delivered this time

                        Console.WriteLine("Ack 7. NOPE! Should not have gotten here");
                    catch (NATSTimeoutException) // timeout means there are no messages available
                        Console.WriteLine("Ack 7. Read w/core sub.\nMessage received by core sub in step 'Ack 6.' was JetStream so it was Ack'd and therefore not replayed.\nThere was no message available.", msg);

                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ArgumentHelper helper = new ArgumentHelperBuilder("Pull Subscription using primitive Batch Size, Use Cases", args, Usage)

                using (IConnection c = new ConnectionFactory().CreateConnection(helper.MakeOptions()))
                    // Create a JetStreamManagement context.
                    IJetStreamManagement jsm = c.CreateJetStreamManagementContext();

                    // Use the utility to create a stream stored in memory.
                    JsUtils.CreateStreamExitWhenExists(jsm, helper.Stream, helper.Subject);

                    // Create our JetStream context.
                    IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                    // Build our subscription options. Durable is REQUIRED for pull based subscriptions
                    PullSubscribeOptions pullOptions = PullSubscribeOptions.Builder()
                                                       .WithDurable(helper.Durable) // required

                    // 0.1 Initialize. subscription
                    // 0.2 Flush outgoing communication with/to the server, useful when app is both JsUtils.Publishing and subscribing.
                    // 0.3 Start the pull, you don't have to call this again because AckMode.NEXT
                    // -  When we ack a batch message the server starts preparing or adding to the next batch.
                    Console.WriteLine("\n----------\n0. Initialize the subscription and pull.");
                    IJetStreamPullSubscription sub = js.PullSubscribe(helper.Subject, pullOptions);


                    // 1. JsUtils.Publish some that is less than the batch size.
                    // -  Do this first as data will typically be published first.
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n1. JsUtils.Publish some amount of messages, but not entire batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "A", 4);
                    IList <Msg> messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 4 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 2. JsUtils.Publish some more covering our pull size...
                    // -  Read what is available, expect only 6 b/c 4 + 6 = 10
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n2. JsUtils.Publish more than the remaining batch size.");
                    JsUtils.Publish(js, helper.Subject, "B", 10);
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 6 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 3. There are still 4 messages from B, but the batch was finished
                    // -  won't get any messages until a pull is issued.
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n3. Read without re-issue.");
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 0 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);

                    // 4. re-issue the pull to get the last 4
                    Console.WriteLine("----------\n4. Re-issue to get the last 4.");
                    messages = JsUtils.ReadMessagesAck(sub);
                    Console.WriteLine("We should have received 4 total messages, we received: " + messages.Count);


                    // delete the stream since we are done with it.
            catch (Exception ex)