Exemple #1
        public static ushort Crc16Ccitt(string str)
            byte[]       bytes = NRF24Helpers.GetBytesFromHexString(str);
            const ushort poly  = 4129;

            ushort[] table = new ushort[256];
            ushort   initialValue = 0xffff;
            ushort   temp, a;
            ushort   crc = initialValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; ++i)
                temp = 0;
                a    = (ushort)(i << 8);
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
                    if (((temp ^ a) & 0x8000) != 0)
                        temp = (ushort)((temp << 1) ^ poly);
                        temp <<= 1;
                    a <<= 1;
                table[i] = temp;
            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i)
                crc = (ushort)((crc << 8) ^ table[((crc >> 8) ^ (0xff & bytes[i]))]);
Exemple #2
        public static ushort TestCrc(string data, int test)
            var combinedBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetBitArrayFromHexString(data);

            ushort testCrc = 0xFFFF;

            for (var offsetFront = 0; offsetFront <= combinedBitArray.Length; offsetFront++)
                for (var i = combinedBitArray.Length - offsetFront; i >= 0; i--)
                    //backwards stripping
                    var subBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(combinedBitArray, offsetFront, i);
                    testCrc = NRF24Helpers.GetCrc16(subBitArray);

                    if (testCrc == 0xB4CC && test == 1)
                        var b = "a";
                    if (testCrc == 0x52F7 && test == 2)
                        var b = "a";
                    if (testCrc == 0x354E && test == 3)
                        var b = "a";

Exemple #3
        private void UploadConfiguration(SerialPort serialPort)
            var configuration = new byte[15];

            configuration[0] = 0x4E; //lenAndType
            configuration[1] = (byte)_generalSettings.RfChannel;
            configuration[2] = (byte)_generalSettings.DataRate;
            configuration[3] = (byte)_generalSettings.AddressLength;
            configuration[4] = 0x04; //addressPromiscLen

            var baseAddress = NRF24Helpers.GetBytesFromHexString(_generalSettings.BaseAddress);

            configuration[5]  = baseAddress[7];
            configuration[6]  = baseAddress[6];
            configuration[7]  = baseAddress[5];
            configuration[8]  = baseAddress[4];
            configuration[9]  = baseAddress[3];
            configuration[10] = baseAddress[2];
            configuration[11] = baseAddress[1];
            configuration[12] = baseAddress[0];

            configuration[13] = (byte)_generalSettings.CrcLength;
            configuration[14] = (byte)_generalSettings.MaximumPayloadSize;

            serialPort.BaseStream.Write(configuration, 0, configuration.Length);
Exemple #4
        public static string GetHexStringFromBitArray(BitArray bitArray)
            if (bitArray.Length != 8)

            var b = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(bitArray, 0);

Exemple #5
        private NRF24Data CreateNRF24Data(NRF24Structure nrf24Structure)
            if (nrf24Structure.NRF24Header == null || nrf24Structure.Data.Length < 5)

            // Set the NRF24 data part
            var nrf24Data = new NRF24Data
                NodeAddress = $"{nrf24Structure.NRF24Header.Address}{nrf24Structure.Data.Substring(0, 2)}"

            var controlFieldString   = nrf24Structure.Data.Substring(2, 4);
            var controlFieldBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetBitArrayFromHexString(controlFieldString);

            nrf24Data.PayloadLength = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(controlFieldBitArray, 0, 6);
            nrf24Data.Pid           = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(controlFieldBitArray, 6, 2);
            nrf24Data.NoAck         = controlFieldBitArray[9];

            nrf24Data.Payload = nrf24Structure.Data.Substring(4, nrf24Structure.Data.Length - 4);
            var payloadFieldBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetBitArrayFromHexString(nrf24Data.Payload);

            // For last byte only the MSbit has value; rest will be cleared
            payloadFieldBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(payloadFieldBitArray, 0, payloadFieldBitArray.Length - 7);

            // Get the packet crc (the crc is located in last two bytes of the packet)
            var crcOffset = payloadFieldBitArray.Length - 16;

            nrf24Data.PacketCrc = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(payloadFieldBitArray, crcOffset, 16);

            // Remove the crc bits from the bitarray before it is processed further
            nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(payloadFieldBitArray, 0, payloadFieldBitArray.Length - 16);

            //TODO what about the string payload??

            // ****
            // Calculate the crc ourselfs

            // Get the payload in bits, as the bitArray is already stripped of all unneeded stuff, the length is the amount of bits
            //var payloadLengthBits = payloadFieldBitArray.Length;
            //var packetLengthBits = 40 + 9 + payloadLengthBits;
            // As the crc is calculated over the address, packet control field and payload, attach the two fields
            //var combinedString = $"{this.NRF24Header.Address}{this.Data}";
            //var combinedString = $"{this.Data}";

            // Create the NRF24Mysensor part
            nrf24Data.NRF24Mysensor = CreateNRF24Mysensor(nrf24Data);

Exemple #6
        public static byte[] GetBytesFromBitArray(BitArray bitArray)
            if (bitArray.Length % 8 != 0)
                return(new byte[0]);

            var count = bitArray.Length / 8;
            var bytes = new byte[count];

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                bytes[i] = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(bitArray, i * 8);

Exemple #7
        public static ushort GetCrc16(BitArray bitArray)
            ushort crc = 0xFFFF;

            ushort data;
            byte   workingByte;
            int    shift;
            ushort bitoffs = 0;

            workingByte = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(bitArray, bitoffs >> 3);
            while (bitoffs < bitArray.Length)
                shift = bitoffs & 7;
                // Shift the active bit to the position of bit 15
                data = (ushort)(workingByte << (8 + shift));
                // Assure all other bits are 0
                data &= 0x8000;
                crc  ^= data;

                if ((crc & 0x8000) > 0)
                //if ((crc & 0x8000) != 0)
                //if ((crc & 0x8000) == 0)
                    crc = (ushort)((crc << 1) ^ 0x8408);  // 0x1021 = (1) 0001 0000 0010 0001 = x^16+x^12+x^5+1
                    crc = (ushort)(crc << 1);
                    //crc <<= 1;
                if (0 == (bitoffs & 7))
                    // Get a new byte for the next 8 bits.
                    workingByte = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(bitArray, bitoffs >> 3);

Exemple #8
        public static BitArray GetBitArrayFromHexString(string str)
            // Get a list of hex values from the input string
            var strings = NRF24Helpers.GetSplittedParts(str, 2);

            // Create a new bitarray
            var bitArray = new BitArray(strings.Count * 8);

            var count = 0;

            foreach (var chunk in strings)
                var byteValue = Convert.ToByte(chunk, 16);
                var array     = new BitArray(new byte[] { byteValue });
                for (var i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
                    bitArray[count++] = array[i];

Exemple #9
        public static string CalcCRC16(string strInput)
            ushort crc = 0xFFFF;

            byte[] data = NRF24Helpers.GetBytesFromHexString(strInput);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                crc ^= (ushort)(data[i] << 8);
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if ((crc & 0x8000) > 0)
                        crc = (ushort)((crc << 1) ^ 0x1021);
                        crc <<= 1;
Exemple #10
        private NRF24Mysensor CreateNRF24Mysensor(NRF24Data nrf24Data)
            // Check if the bitArray contains enough information to be processed
            if (nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray.Length < 57)

            // We should start at 1 as the string is not byte aligned
            var bitOffset = 1;

            // Set the MySensors data part
            var nrf24Mysensor = new NRF24Mysensor();

            nrf24Mysensor.Last = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset);
            bitOffset         += 8;

            nrf24Mysensor.Sender = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset);
            bitOffset           += 8;

            nrf24Mysensor.Destination = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray,
            bitOffset += 8;

            nrf24Mysensor.Length = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset, 5);
            bitOffset           += 5;

            nrf24Mysensor.Version = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset, 3);
            bitOffset            += 3;

            nrf24Mysensor.DataType = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset, 3);
            bitOffset += 3;

            nrf24Mysensor.IsAck = nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray[bitOffset];

            nrf24Mysensor.ReqAck = nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray[bitOffset];

            nrf24Mysensor.CommandType = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset, 3);
            bitOffset += 3;

            nrf24Mysensor.Type = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset);
            bitOffset         += 8;

            nrf24Mysensor.Sensor = NRF24Helpers.GetByteFromBitArray(nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray, bitOffset);
            bitOffset           += 8;

            nrf24Mysensor.PayloadBitArray = NRF24Helpers.GetPartOfBitArray(
                nrf24Data.PayloadBitArray.Length - bitOffset);

            // Find, is enabled, the VeraDevices corresponding to the package
            if (_generalSettings.LookupMysensorsNodeViaVera)
                // Check if it is the gateway that sends the message
                if (nrf24Mysensor.Sender == 0)
                    nrf24Mysensor.SenderVeraDevice = _veraSettings.VeraDevices
                                                     .SingleOrDefault(a_item => a_item.IsGateway);
                    nrf24Mysensor.SenderVeraDevice = _veraSettings.VeraDevices
                        a_item => a_item.VeraDeviceAltID != null &&
                        a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.NodeID == nrf24Mysensor.Sender &&
                        a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.ChildID == 255);

                // Check if it is the gateway that receives the message
                if (nrf24Mysensor.Destination == 0)
                    nrf24Mysensor.DestinationVeraDevice = _veraSettings.VeraDevices
                                                          .SingleOrDefault(a_item => a_item.IsGateway);
                    nrf24Mysensor.DestinationVeraDevice = _veraSettings.VeraDevices
                                                          .Where(a_item => a_item.VeraDeviceAltID != null)
                                                          .SingleOrDefault(a_item =>
                                                                           a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.NodeID == nrf24Mysensor.Destination &&
                                                                           a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.ChildID == 255);

                nrf24Mysensor.SensorVeraDevice = _veraSettings.VeraDevices
                                                 .Where(a_item => a_item.VeraDeviceAltID != null)
                    a_item => a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.NodeID == nrf24Mysensor.Sender &&
                    a_item.VeraDeviceAltID.ChildID == nrf24Mysensor.Sensor);
