/// <summary>
        /// Escapes characters to make a MySQL readable query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The string to translate</param>
        /// <param name="conn">A valid, open connection</param>
        /// <returns>The quoted escaped string</returns>
        /// Modified by Chris Palowitch ([email protected])
        /// utilizing StringBuilder for acceptable performance with large data
        internal static string Escape(string str, MySQLConnection conn)
            byte[]        bytes  = conn.CharacterEncoding.GetBytes(str);
            StringBuilder to     = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2 + 1);
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2 + 1);

            conn.NativeConnection.mysql_real_escape_string(to, str, (uint)bytes.Length);
        public BindVarQueryStatement(MySQLConnection connection, bool closeConnection, string query, MySQLParameterCollection parameterCollection, uint?fetchSize, CursorType cursorType) : base(connection, query, parameterCollection, fetchSize, cursorType)
            _connection = connection;

            var fields = new List <MYSQL_FIELD>();

            using (var resultMetadata = new NativeResultMetadata(Stmt))
                for (var i = 0; i < resultMetadata.mysql_num_fields(); i++)
                    IntPtr fieldPtr = resultMetadata.mysql_fetch_field_direct((uint)i);
                    var    field    = Marshal.PtrToStructure <MYSQL_FIELD>(fieldPtr);

            if (Stmt.mysql_stmt_execute() != 0)
                throw new MySqlException(Stmt);
            _fields          = fields.ToArray();
            _closeConnection = closeConnection;

            IsClosed = false;

            _rowColumns = new MYSQL_BIND[_fields.Length];
            for (var index = 0; index < _fields.Length; index++)
                var fieldMetadata = _fields[index];
                _rowColumns[index] = new MYSQL_BIND();

                //else if (fieldMetadata.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL && parameters != null && parameters.Count > index)//Caso select distinct donde mysql_stmt_bind_param3 mapea erroneamente a NULL
                //    // TODO: case needs deep review
                //    fieldMetadata.Type = PreparedStatement.DbtoMysqlType(parameters[index].DbType);
                _rowColumns[index].InitForBind(fieldMetadata, Stmt._nativeConnection);

            sbyte code = Stmt.mysql_stmt_bind_result(_rowColumns);

            if (code != 0)
                throw new MySqlException(Stmt);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// A shortcut to make a simple select command with where and sorting part. (where and sorting would be null)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conn">Database connection</param>
 /// <param name="Tables">An array of table names as strings. Examples:
 /// <code>
 /// new string[]{"trash","users"}
 /// new string[]{"trash",users}
 /// new string[]{"trash"}
 /// null
 /// </code>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Fields">An array of field names (or expressions) as strings. Examples:
 /// <code>
 /// new string[]{"id","name"}
 /// new string[]{"id",name}
 /// new string[]{"id"}
 /// null
 /// </code>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="WhereParamFields">Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing). For example:
 /// <code>
 /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",myvalue},{"myfield2","&lt;&gt;",myvalue2}}
 /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",100}}
 /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",myvalue}}
 /// null
 /// </code>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="WhereNoparamFields">Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fields for joining) to match (null - nothing). For example:
 /// <code>
 /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=","myfield2"}}
 /// null
 /// </code>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="Sorting">Pairs of {field,sorttype} as an string array. For example:
 /// <code>
 /// new string[] {{"SettingID","ASC"},{"SettingValue","DESC"}}
 /// new string[] {{"SettingID","ASC"}}
 /// null
 /// </code></param>
 /// <example>Example looking for SettingValue by SettingID<code>
 /// using MySQLDriverCS;
 /// ...
 /// MySQLConnection DBConn;
 /// DBConn = new MySQLConnection( new MySQLConnectionString("myhost","mydatabase","mylogin","mypassword").AsString );
 /// DBConn.Open();
 /// ...
 /// DataTable dt = new MySQLSelectCommand(DBConn,
 ///		new string[] {"SettingID","SettingValue"},
 ///		new string[] {"Settings"},
 ///		new object[,] {{"SettingID","=",SettingID}},
 ///		null,
 ///		null
 ///	).Table;
 ///	string Value = null;
 ///	if(dt.Rows.Count!=0)
 ///	{
 ///		Value = dt.Rows[0]["SettingValue] as string;
 ///	}
 ///	else
 ///	{
 ///		// Value not found
 ///	}
 /// ...
 /// DBConn.Close();
 /// </code></example>
 public MySQLSelectCommand(
     MySQLConnection conn,         // Database connection
     string[] Fields,              // Fields to show (also admit expressions)
     string[] Tables,              // Tables
     object[,] WhereParamFields,   // Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing)
     string[,] WhereNoparamFields, // Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fileds for joining) to match (null - nothing)
     string[,] Sorting             // Pairs of sortings and its kind of sorting EJ: Priority, ASC (sorts ascending by priority)
         conn,               // Database connection
         Fields,             // Fields to show (also admit expressions)
         Tables,             // Tables
         WhereParamFields,   // Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing)
         WhereNoparamFields, // Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fileds for joining) to match (null - nothing)
         Sorting,            // Pairs of sortings and its kind of sorting EJ: Priority, ASC (sorts ascending by priority)
         false, 0, 0, false
Exemple #4
        internal MySQLTransaction(MySQLConnection connection, IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
            Connection = connection;
            var sql = "";

            switch (isolationLevel)
            case IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted:


            case IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted:


            case IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead:


            case IsolationLevel.Serializable:


            case IsolationLevel.Chaos:
                throw new MySqlException("MySQLDriverCS Error: Chaos isolation level is not implemented in MySQL.");

            IsolationLevel = isolationLevel;
            using (var cmd = new MySQLCommand(sql, connection))
            using (var cmd = new MySQLCommand("BEGIN", connection))
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Extended SELECT with all settings (Except INTO OUTFILE/DUMPFILE for security reasons)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">Database connection</param>
        /// <param name="FieldsAndAlias">fields like {{"f1"},{"f2"}} or {{"f1","aliasf1"},...}</param>
        /// <param name="FieldsTitles">If it's null they're retrieved from FieldsAndAlias. Useful for re-aliasing and required if you use AS or explicit index using.</param>
        /// <param name="Tables">Table list</param>
        /// <param name="WhereValues">Like {{field,op,value}...}</param>
        /// <param name="WhereExpressions">Like {{expr1,op,expr2}}</param>
        /// <param name="GroupBy">Like {{field}...} or {{field,ASC|DESC}...}</param>
        /// <param name="GroupByHavingValues">like {{field,op,value}...}</param>
        /// <param name="GroupByHavingExpressions">Like {expr1,expr2}</param>
        /// <param name="OrderBy">Like {{field}...} or {{field,ASC|DESC}...}</param>
        /// <param name="Limit">Like null, new int[]{}, new int{a number} (rows), or pair of numbers new int[]{offset,rows}</param>
        /// <param name="LastFlags">this includes PROCEDURE, FOR UPDATE and LOCK IN SHARE MODE</param>
        public MySQLSelectCommand(
            MySQLConnection conn,               // Database connection
            string PrevFlags,                   // select flags like SQL_CACHE or SQL_BUFFER_RESULT or DISTINCT
            string[,] FieldsAndAlias,           // fields like {{"f1"},{"f2"}} or {{"f1","aliasf1"},...}
            string[] FieldsTitles,
            string[] Tables,                    // Table list
            object[,] WhereValues,              // like {{field,op,value}...}
            string[,] WhereExpressions,         // Like {{expr1,op,expr2}}
            string[] GroupBy,                   // Like {"field "+"ASC"|"DESC"}...
            object[,] GroupByHavingValues,      // like {{field,op,value}...}
            string[,] GroupByHavingExpressions, // Like {{expr1,op,expr2}}
            string[] OrderBy,                   // Like {"field "+"ASC"|"DESC"}...
            int[] Limit,                        // Like null, empty, a number(rows), or pair of numbers(offset,rows)
            string LastFlags                    // this includes PROCEDURE, FOR UPDATE and LOCK IN SHARE MODE
            string query = PrevFlags; int n;

            string[] Fields;
            if (FieldsTitles != null)
                Fields = FieldsTitles;
                Fields = new string[FieldsAndAlias.GetLength(0)];
                for (n = 0; n < Fields.Length; n++)
                    Fields[n] = FieldsAndAlias[n, 0];
            // FieldsAndAlias
            if (true)
                for (int i = 0; i < FieldsAndAlias.GetLength(0); i++)
                    query += " " + FieldsAndAlias[i, 0];
                    if (FieldsAndAlias[i, 1] != null)
                        query += " AS " + FieldsAndAlias[i, 1];
            // Tables
            if (true)
                query += " FROM";
                for (n = 0; n < Tables.Length; n++)
                    query += " " + conn.Database + "." + Tables[n].ToString();
                    if (n != (Tables.Length - 1))
                        query += ",";
            // Where
            query += WhereQueryPart(WhereValues, WhereExpressions, "WHERE", conn);
            // Group by
            if (true)
                if (GroupBy != null)
                    for (n = 0; n < GroupBy.Length; n++)
                        query += " " + GroupBy[n].ToString();
                        if (n != (GroupBy.Length - 1))
                            query += ",";
                    // Having
                    query += WhereQueryPart(GroupByHavingValues, GroupByHavingExpressions, "HAVING", conn);
            // Order by
            if (OrderBy != null)
                for (n = 0; n < OrderBy.Length; n++)
                    query += " " + OrderBy[n].ToString();
                    if (n != (OrderBy.Length - 1))
                        query += ",";
            // Limit
            if (Limit != null)
                if (Limit.GetLength(0) == 1)
                    query += " LIMIT " + Limit[0];
                    query += " LIMIT " + Limit[0] + "," + Limit[1];
            query += " " + LastFlags;
            Exec(query, conn, Fields);
Exemple #6
        /// Modified by Claudia Murialdo (07/24/04) in order to support
        /// culture-independent format of numeric values in a stmt.
        internal static string WhereQueryPart(object[,] WhereParamFields, string[,] WhereNoparamFields, string prefix, MySQLConnection conn)
            string query = ""; int n;
            bool   Anything = false;

            if ((WhereParamFields != null) && (WhereParamFields.Length != 0))
                Anything = true;
                n        = WhereParamFields.GetLength(0);
                for (int m = 0; m < WhereParamFields.GetLength(0); m++)
                    string Field   = WhereParamFields[m, 0] as string;
                    string Operand = WhereParamFields[m, 1] as string;
                    object Value   = WhereParamFields[m, 2];
                    if (Value == null)
                        query += " " + Field + " " + Operand + " NULL ";
                    if ((Value.GetType() == typeof(int)) ||
                        (Value.GetType() == typeof(long)) ||
                        (Value.GetType() == typeof(short)) ||
                        (Value.GetType() == typeof(decimal)) ||
                        (Value.GetType() == typeof(float)) ||
                        (Value.GetType() == typeof(double)))
                        query += " " + Field + " " + Operand + " " + Convert.ToString(Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " ";
                        query += " " + Field + " " + Operand + " " + MySQLUtils.Escape(Value.ToString(), conn) + " ";
                    if (n != 0)
                        query += " AND ";
            if ((WhereNoparamFields != null) && (WhereNoparamFields.Length != 0))
                if (Anything)
                    query += " AND ";
                Anything = true;
                n        = WhereNoparamFields.GetLength(0);
                for (int m = 0; m < WhereNoparamFields.GetLength(0); m++)
                    string Field   = WhereNoparamFields[m, 0] as string;
                    string Operand = WhereNoparamFields[m, 1] as string;
                    object Value   = WhereNoparamFields[m, 2];
                    if (Value == null)
                        query += " " + Field + " " + Operand + " NULL ";
                        query += " " + Field + " " + Operand + " " + Value.ToString() + " ";
                    if (n != 0)
                        query += " AND ";
            if (Anything)
                query = " " + prefix + " " + query;
Exemple #7
        private void Exec(string query, MySQLConnection conn, string[] Fields)
            MySQLCommand command = new MySQLCommand(query, conn);

            //GDBUtils.WhereCommandPart(ref command,WhereParamFields);

            DataTable             table;
            BindVarQueryStatement reader = null;

            // Execute query ->
                reader = (BindVarQueryStatement)command.ExecuteReader(/*CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess*/);

                // Get results ->
                table = new DataTable(null);

                for (int n = 0; n < reader.FieldCount; n++)
                    System.Data.DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(reader.GetName(n));
                    String s = dc.ToString();
                    System.Data.DataColumn dcNew = new System.Data.DataColumn(s);

                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsClosed)
                        throw new MySqlException("Reader is closed.");
                    DataRow row = table.NewRow();
                    // Bugfixed by Yann Sénécheau 2002-10-28 ->
                    //					for(n=0;n<Fields.Length;n++)
                    for (int n = 0; n < reader.FieldCount; n++)
                    // <- Bugfixed by Yann Sénécheau 2002-10-28
                        if (n < reader.FieldCount)
                            if (reader.GetValue(n) == null)
                                row[n] = null;
                            if (reader.GetFieldType(n) == typeof(string))
                                row[n] = reader.GetString(n).Clone();
                                row[n] = reader.GetValue(n);
                // <- Get results
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MySqlException(e.Message + " in query '" + query + "'");
                if (reader != null)
            // <- Execute query
            Table = table;
Exemple #8
        internal void DoSelect(
            MySQLConnection conn,         // Database connection
            string[] Fields,              // Fields to show (also admit expressions)
            string[] Tables,              // Tables
            object[,] WhereParamFields,   // Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing)
            string[,] WhereNoparamFields, // Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fileds for joining) to match (null - nothing)
            string[,] Sorting,            // Pairs of sortings and its kind of sorting EJ: Priority, ASC (sorts ascending by priority)
            bool useLimits, int limitStartRow, int limitRows, bool Distinct
            string query = "SELECT ";
            int    n;

            // Text Building ->
            if (Distinct)
                query += "DISTINCT ";
            for (n = 0; n < Fields.Length; n++)
                query += " " + Fields[n].ToString();
                if (n != (Fields.Length - 1))
                    query += ",";

            if (Tables != null)
                query += " FROM ";
                Tables = new string[0];

            for (n = 0; n < Tables.Length; n++)
                query += " " + conn.Database + "." + Tables[n].ToString();
                if (n != (Tables.Length - 1))
                    query += ",";

            query += WhereQueryPart(WhereParamFields, WhereNoparamFields, "WHERE", conn);

            if ((Sorting != null) && (Sorting.Length != 0))
                query += " ORDER BY ";
                n      = Sorting.Length / 2;
                for (int m = 0; m < (Sorting.Length / 2); m++)
                    query += " " + Sorting[m, 0].ToString() + " " + Sorting[m, 1].ToString();
                    if (n != 0)
                        query += ",";
            if (useLimits)
                query += " LIMIT " + limitStartRow.ToString() + "," + limitRows.ToString();
            // <- Text Building
            Exec(query, conn, Fields);
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the MySQLCommand class with the text of the query and a MySQLConnection.</summary>
 /// <param name="cmdText"></param>
 /// <param name="connection"></param>
 public MySQLCommand(string cmdText, MySQLConnection connection)
     CommandText      = cmdText;
     this._connection = connection;
Exemple #10
 public InternalNativeTracer(MySQLConnection mySqlConnection)
     _mySqlConnection = mySqlConnection;
Exemple #11
        // Update by Omar del Valle Rodríguez ([email protected])
        // In order support CommandBehavior.CloseConnection
        internal LiteralQueryStatement(IntPtr resultPtr, MySQLConnection connection, bool closeConnection)
            _nativeResult = new NativeResult(resultPtr);
            // Add by Omar del Valle Rodríguez ([email protected])
            // Save if close connection after close MySQLDataReader
            m_CloseConnection = closeConnection;

            this._connection = connection;
            dt = new DataTable();
            uint  i; ulong j;
            uint  num_fields = _nativeResult.mysql_num_fields();
            ulong num_rows   = _nativeResult.mysql_num_rows();
            List <QueryFieldDescription> fields = new List <QueryFieldDescription>();

            for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
                var field = new MYSQL_FIELD();
                var ptr   = _nativeResult.mysql_fetch_field_direct(i);
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, field);


                //Type ftype = MySqlField.MysqltoNetType(field);
                var mySqlField = new QueryFieldDescription(field.Name, (enum_field_types)field.Type, field.MaxLength, field.Length, field.Flags);
                if (mySqlField.FieldType != null)
                    dt.Columns[field.Name].DataType = mySqlField.FieldType;
                    if (dt.Columns[field.Name].DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"))
                        dt.Columns[field.Name].ExtendedProperties.Add("max_length", (int)field.MaxLength);

            for (j = 0; j < num_rows; j++)
                IntPtr myrow = _nativeResult.mysql_fetch_row();
                if (myrow == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new MySqlException(connection.NativeConnection);
                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();

                /* for BLOB support
                 * "Christophe Ravier" <*****@*****.**> 2003-11-27*/
                var lengths = _nativeResult.mysql_fetch_lengths((int)num_fields);

                for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
                    QueryFieldDescription queryFieldDescription = fields[(int)i];

                    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(myrow, (int)i * Marshal.SizeOf <IntPtr>());

                    if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.DBNull;
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                        dr[(int)i] = GetValidString(ptr) != "0";
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(byte[]))
                        int length = (int)lengths[i];
                        var val    = new byte[length];
                        Marshal.Copy(ptr, val, 0, length);

                        dr[(int)i] = val;
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(short))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToInt16(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(ushort))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToUInt16(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(byte))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToByte(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(sbyte))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToSByte(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(decimal))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToDecimal(GetValidString(ptr), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(double))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToDouble(GetValidString(ptr), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(float))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToSingle(GetValidString(ptr), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(int))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToInt32(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(uint))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToUInt32(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(long))
                        dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToInt64(GetValidString(ptr));
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY)
                        // TODO: returns empty string
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        dr[(int)i] = val;
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(ulong))
                        if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT)
                                int byteCount;
                                if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 8)
                                    byteCount = 1;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 16)
                                    byteCount = 2;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 24)
                                    byteCount = 3;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 32)
                                    byteCount = 4;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 32 + 8)
                                    byteCount = 5;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 32 + 16)
                                    byteCount = 6;
                                else if (queryFieldDescription.Length <= 32 + 24)
                                    byteCount = 7;
                                    byteCount = 8;
                                var buffer = new byte[sizeof(long)];
                                for (int l = 0; l < byteCount; l++)
                                    buffer[l] = Marshal.ReadByte(ptr, l);

                                dr[(int)i] = BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0);
                            string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                            if (val == null)
                                dr[(int)i] = Convert.DBNull;
                                dr[(int)i] = Convert.ToUInt64(val);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE || queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE)
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME || queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2 ||
                             queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP ||
                             queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2)
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME || queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2)
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact("0001-01-01 " + val, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.Type == enum_field_types.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR)
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(DateTime))
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        if (val == null)
                            dr[(int)i] = Convert.DBNull;
                            DateTimeFormatInfo format = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
                            if (val.Length > 20)
                                dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                                if (val.Length > 10)
                                    dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                                    dr[(int)i] = DateTime.ParseExact(val, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat);
                    else if (queryFieldDescription.FieldType == typeof(string))
                        string val = GetValidString(ptr);
                        if (val == null)
                            dr[(int)i] = Convert.DBNull;
                            dr[(int)i] = val;
                        throw new Exception();
Exemple #12
        public BindVarStatement(MySQLConnection connection, string query, MySQLParameterCollection parameterCollection, uint?fetchSize, CursorType cursorType)
            Stmt = connection.NativeConnection.CreateStatement();

            if (fetchSize != null)
                var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(fetchSize.Value));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(fetchSize.Value, ptr, false);
                var code1 = Stmt.mysql_stmt_attr_set(StmtAttrTypes.STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, ptr);
                if (code1 != 0)
                    throw new MySqlException(Stmt);

            if (cursorType != CursorType.NoCursor)
                var value = (enum_cursor_type)cursorType;
                var ptr   = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(value));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(value, ptr, false);
                var code1 = Stmt.mysql_stmt_attr_set(StmtAttrTypes.STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, ptr);
                if (code1 != 0)
                    throw new MySqlException(Stmt);

            // execute prepare to call mysql_stmt_param_count
            if (Stmt.mysql_stmt_prepare(query, query.Length) != 0)
                throw new MySqlException(Stmt);

            // This function will not deliver a valid result until mysql_stmt_prepare() was called.
            var paramCount = (int)Stmt.mysql_stmt_param_count();

            if (paramCount != parameterCollection.Count)
                throw new MySqlException($"Invalid parameters, stmt parameters:{paramCount} parameters count:{parameterCollection.Count}");

            // alloc & set binds
            _bindParams = new MYSQL_BIND[parameterCollection.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < parameterCollection.Count; i++)
                _bindParams[i] = new MYSQL_BIND();

                var param = parameterCollection[i];

                var bindInput = param.GetBindInput();
                if (bindInput != null)
                    _bindParams[i].buffer_type = bindInput.BufferType;
                    if (bindInput.Buffer == null)

                    if (bindInput.IsNull.HasValue)
                    if (bindInput.Length.HasValue)
                    _bindParams[i].is_unsigned = (byte)(bindInput.IsUnsigned ? 1 : 0);
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            // link binds to stmt
            if (Stmt.mysql_stmt_bind_param(_bindParams) != 0)
                throw new MySqlException(Stmt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct and Run a simple insert command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">Database connection</param>
        /// <param name="FieldsAndValues">Pairs of Fields and values as an object array. Examples:
        /// <code>
        /// new object[,]{{"SettingID",SettingID},{"SettingValue",Value}}
        /// new object[,]{{"SettingID","times"},{"SettingValue",100}}
        /// null
        /// </code>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Table">Table name</param>
        /// <example>Example:
        /// <code>
        /// using MySQLDriverCS;
        /// ...
        /// MySQLConnection DBConn;
        /// DBConn = new MySQLConnection( new MySQLConnectionString("myhost","mydatabase","mylogin","mypassword").AsString );
        /// DBConn.Open();
        /// ...
        /// new MySQLInsertCommand(
        ///		DBConn,
        ///		new object[,] {
        ///			{"SettingID",SettingID},
        ///			{"SettingValue",Value}
        ///		},
        ///		"Settings"
        /// );
        /// ...
        /// DBConn.Close();
        /// </code></example>

        /// Modified by Claudia Murialdo (07/24/04) in order to support time
        /// component of the datetime values and culture-independent
        /// format of numeric values in a stmt.
        public MySQLInsertCommand(
            MySQLConnection conn,
            object[,] FieldsAndValues,
            string Table
            if (FieldsAndValues == null)
                throw new MySqlException("FieldsAndValues is null.");
            if (FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0) == 0)
                throw new MySqlException("FieldsAndValues is empty.");
            string query = "insert into " + Table + " ( ";
            int    m;

            for (m = 0; m < FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0); m++)
                string Field = FieldsAndValues[m, 0] as string;
                query += " " + Field.ToString() + " ";
                if (m != (FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0) - 1))
                    query += " , ";
            query += " ) VALUES ( ";

            for (m = 0; m < FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0); m++)
                string Field = FieldsAndValues[m, 0] as string;
                object Value = FieldsAndValues[m, 1];
                if (Value == null)
                    query += " NULL ";
                if ((Value.GetType() == typeof(int)) ||
                    (Value.GetType() == typeof(long)) ||
                    (Value.GetType() == typeof(short)) ||
                    (Value.GetType() == typeof(decimal)) ||
                    (Value.GetType() == typeof(float)) ||
                    (Value.GetType() == typeof(double)))
                    query += " " + Convert.ToString(Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " ";
                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(bool))
                    bool   bValue = (bool)Value;
                    string str    = (bValue)? "1" : "0";
                    query += " " + str + " ";
                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                    DateTime dt = (DateTime)Value;
                    query += " \"" + dt.Year.ToString("D4") + "-" + dt.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + dt.Day.ToString("D2") +
                             " " + dt.Hour + ":" + dt.Minute + ":" + dt.Second + ((dt.Millisecond > 0)? "." + dt.Millisecond.ToString("D3") : "") + "\" ";
                    query += " " + MySQLUtils.Escape(Value.ToString(), conn) + " ";
                if (m != (FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0) - 1))
                    query += " , ";
            query += ") ;";

            MySQLCommand command = new MySQLCommand(query, conn);

            // Execute query ->
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MySqlException(e.Message + " in query '" + query + "'");
            // <- Execute query
            Query    = query;
            bSuccess = true;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the MySQLCommand class with the text of the query, a MySQLConnection, and the IDbTransaction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmdText"></param>
 /// <param name="connection"></param>
 /// <param name="transaction"></param>
 public MySQLCommand(string cmdText, MySQLConnection connection, MySQLTransaction transaction) : this(cmdText, connection)
     _transaction = transaction;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor from MySQLCommand and MySQLConnection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="strCommand"></param>
 /// <param name="conn"></param>
 public MySQLDataAdapter(String strCommand, MySQLConnection conn)
     m_selectCommand = new MySQLCommand(strCommand, conn);
        /// <summary>
        ///  A shortcut to make a simple update command with where part. (where would be null)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">Database connection</param>
        /// <param name="FieldsAndValues">Pairs of Fields and values as an object array. Examples:
        /// <code>
        /// new object[,]{{"SettingID",SettingID},{"SettingValue",Value}}
        /// new object[,]{{"SettingID","times"},{"SettingValue",100}}
        /// null
        /// </code>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Table">Table name</param>
        /// <param name="WhereParamFields">Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing). For example:
        /// <code>
        /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",myvalue},{"myfield2","&lt;&gt;",myvalue2}}
        /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",100}}
        /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=",myvalue}}
        /// null
        /// </code>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="WhereNoparamFields">Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fields for joining) to match (null - nothing). For example:
        /// <code>
        /// new object[,]{{"myfield","=","myfield2"}}
        /// null
        /// </code>
        /// </param>
        /// <example>Example updating SettingValue by SettingID in Settings table<code>
        /// using MySQLDriverCS;
        /// ...
        /// MySQLConnection DBConn;
        /// DBConn = new MySQLConnection( new MySQLConnectionString("myhost","mydatabase","mylogin","mypassword").AsString );
        /// DBConn.Open();
        /// ...
        /// new MySQLUpdateCommand(DBConn,
        ///		new object[,] {{"SettingValue",Value}},
        ///		"Settings",
        ///		new object[,] {{"SettingID","=",SettingID}},
        ///		null
        /// );
        /// ...
        /// DBConn.Close();
        /// </code></example>
        /// Modified by Claudia Murialdo (07/24/04) in order to support time
        /// component of the datetime values.
        public MySQLUpdateCommand(
            MySQLConnection conn,        // Database connection
            object[,] FieldsAndValues,   // Pairs of Fields and values
            string Table,                // Table
            object[,] WhereParamFields,  // Tripplets of parameters, operand and its values to match (null - nothing)
            string[,] WhereNoparamFields // Tripplets of parameters, operand and expressions (or other fields for joining) to match (null - nothing)
            if (FieldsAndValues == null)
                throw new MySqlException("FieldsAndValues is null.");
            if (FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0) == 0)
                throw new MySqlException("FieldsAndValues is empty.");
            string    query     = "update " + conn.Database + "." + Table + " set ";
            ArrayList NewValues = new ArrayList();

            for (int m = 0; m < FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0); m++)
                string Field = FieldsAndValues[m, 0] as string;
                object Value = FieldsAndValues[m, 1];
                if (Value == null)
                    query += " " + Field + "=NULL ";
                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
                    DateTime dt = (DateTime)Value;
                    query += " " + Field + "=\"" + dt.Year.ToString("D4") + "-" + dt.Month.ToString("D2") + "-" + dt.Day.ToString("D2") +
                             " " + dt.Hour + ":" + dt.Minute + ":" + dt.Second + ((dt.Millisecond > 0) ? "." + dt.Millisecond.ToString("D3") : "") + "\" ";
                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(bool))
                    bool   bValue = (bool)Value;
                    string str    = (bValue)? "1" : "0";
                    query += " " + Field + "=" + str + " ";
                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    string str = Value as string;
                    query += " " + Field + "=" + MySQLUtils.Escape(str, conn) + " ";

                if (Value.GetType() == typeof(int))
                    query += " " + Field + "=" + ((int)Value).ToString() + " ";

                if (m != (FieldsAndValues.GetLength(0) - 1))
                    query += ", ";
            query += MySQLSelectCommand.WhereQueryPart(WhereParamFields, WhereNoparamFields, "WHERE", conn) + " ";

            MySQLCommand command = new MySQLCommand(query, conn);

            // Execute query ->
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MySqlException(e.Message + " in query '" + query + "'");
            // <- Execute query
            Query    = query;
            bSuccess = true;
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the MySQLCommand class with the text of the query, a MySQLConnection, and the IDbTransaction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmdText"></param>
 /// <param name="connection"></param>
 /// <param name="transaction"></param>
 /// <param name="usePreparedStatement"></param>
 public MySQLCommand(string cmdText, MySQLConnection connection, MySQLTransaction transaction, bool usePreparedStatement) : this(cmdText, connection, transaction)
     this.UsePreparedStatement = usePreparedStatement;