//Create a Dictionary name MIMETypesDictionary to recognize the content of the input file. // Create an Introduction Menu to prompt for user input on the menu options public static void getoption() { Console.Write("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"); Console.Write("\n"); Console.WriteLine("%%%%% " + "Please select an option." + " %%%%%%"); Console.Write("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"); Console.Write("\n"); Console.WriteLine("1.View all files in Image Folder"); Console.WriteLine("2.View all files in Text Folder"); Console.WriteLine("3.View ALL file"); Console.WriteLine("4.Perform sorting of files to image and text folders"); Console.WriteLine("5.Perform Check on abnormal content in Text file"); string readoption = Console.ReadLine(); option = System.Convert.ToInt32(readoption); if (readoption == "1") { List <string> Imagefile = MyAssistant.ViewImageFiles(); MyAssistant.output(Imagefile, null); } if (readoption == "2") { List <string> Textfile = MyAssistant.ViewTextFiles(); MyAssistant.output(Textfile, null); } if (readoption == "3") { var Allfiles = MyAssistant.ViewTextFiles().Concat(MyAssistant.ViewImageFiles()); MyAssistant.output(Allfiles.ToList(), null); } if (readoption == "4") { PerformSorting(); } if (readoption == "5") { PerformAbnormalCheck(@"..\..\..\..\text"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyAssistant.getoption(); }