private void LoginSuccess(string user, string pass, bool succ, BaiduDisk disk)
     this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
         if (succ)
             Notification.Text += user + " 登录成功\r\n";
             logedins.Add(user, disk);
             RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(REGRoot);
             key.SetValue(user, Encrypt(pass));
             this.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
             Notification.Text += user + " 登录失败\r\n";
        private void Start1(object data)
            string[] par = data as string[];
            int      err = 0;

            Pfm.Api                   pfm    = null;
            Pfm.Mount                 mount  = null;
            Pfm.MountCreateParams     mcp    = new Pfm.MountCreateParams();
            Pfm.MarshallerServeParams msp    = new Pfm.MarshallerServeParams();
            BaiduDisk                 volume = new BaiduDisk(par[0], par[1]);

            LoginSuccess(par[0], par[1], volume.IsAviliable(), volume);
            if (!volume.IsAviliable())

            IntPtr invalidFd = new IntPtr(-1);

            msp.dispatch      = volume;
            msp.formatterName = "BaiduDisk";

            //if (args.Length != 1)
            //    Console.Write(
            //       "Sample file system application.\n" +
            //       "syntax: hellofs <mount name>\n");
            //    err = -1;
            if (err == 0)
                mcp.mountSourceName = par[0];
                DriveInfo[] dinfos = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
                string      tem    = "CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                char        dltter = tem.ToCharArray().First(c => !dinfos.Any(i => i.Name.StartsWith(c.ToString())));
                mcp.driveLetter = dltter;
                err             = Pfm.ApiFactory(out pfm);
                if (err != 0)
                    Console.Write("ERROR: {0} Unable to open PFM API.\n", err);
            if (err == 0)
                err = Pfm.MarshallerFactory(out volume.marshaller);
                if (err != 0)
                    Console.Write("ERROR: {0} Unable to create marshaller.\n", err);
            if (err == 0)
                // Communication between the driver and file system is done
                // over a pair of simple pipes. Application is responsible
                // for creating the pipes.
                err = Pfm.SystemCreatePipe(out msp.toFormatterRead, out mcp.toFormatterWrite);
                if (err == 0)
                    err = Pfm.SystemCreatePipe(out mcp.fromFormatterRead, out msp.fromFormatterWrite);
            if (err == 0)
                // Various mount options are available through mountFlags,
                // visibleProcessId, and ownerSid.
                err = pfm.MountCreate(mcp, out mount);
                if (err != 0)
                    Console.Write("ERROR: {0} Unable to create mount.\n", err);

            // Close driver end pipe handles now. Driver has duplicated what
            // it needs. If these handles are not closed then pipes will not
            // break if driver disconnects, leaving us stuck in the
            // marshaller.

            if (err == 0)
                // If tracemon is installed and running then diagnostic
                // messsages can be viewed in the "hellofs" channel.
                // Also send diagnostic messages to stdout. This can slow
                // things down quite a bit.
                IntPtr stdoutFd = invalidFd;
                Pfm.SystemGetStdout(out stdoutFd);

                // The marshaller uses alertable I/O, so process can be
                // exited via ctrl+c.
                Console.Write("Press CTRL+C to exit.\n");
                // The marshaller serve function will return at unmount or
                // if driver disconnects.

            if (pfm != null)
            if (mount != null)
            if (volume.marshaller != null)