partial void UpdatePulse(Pulse instance);
 partial void DeletePulse(Pulse instance);
 partial void InsertPulse(Pulse instance);
		private void detach_Pulses(Pulse entity)
			entity.Client = null;
		private void attach_Pulses(Pulse entity)
			entity.Client = this;
        public void SavePulse(Pulse pulse)
            // if its a new Pulse, insert it
            if (pulse.PulseID == 0)
            else if (_db.Pulses.GetOriginalEntityState(pulse) == null)
                // we are updating an existing Pulse, but it's not attached
                // to the data context, so attach it and detect changes

                _db.Pulses.Context.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, pulse);

 public void DeletePulse(Pulse pulse)