Exemple #1
        private CvLineSegmentPoint[] detectLinesFromCanny(CvMat roi)
            CvMat edgesMat = MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.U8C1);

            roi.Canny(edgesMat, 10, 200, ApertureSize.Size3); // Size5 also works good; 7 not; rest crash!
            // these values work fine with "box7.png"
            double rho       = 1;                             // 1
            double theta     = 1 * Cv.PI / 180;               // 1*Cv.PI/180
            int    threshold = 75;                            // 75 (quality)
            double minLength = 1;                             // 1
            double maxGap    = 10000;                         // 1000000, but not Infinity, for some dumb reason

            CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines = edgesMat.HoughLinesProbabilistic(rho, theta, threshold, minLength, maxGap);
            CvMat linesMat             = MatOps.CopySize(edgesMat, MatrixType.U8C3, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                linesMat.Line(lines[i].P1, lines[i].P2, Const.ScalarRandom(), 3, LineType.AntiAlias);

            //MatOps.NewWindowShow( edgesMat, "edgesMat Canny-Hough" );
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(linesMat, "linesMat");
            Console.WriteLine("lines=" + lines.Length);

Exemple #2
        private void resetBoxEstimation(CvMat input, ref CvMat hue, ref CvMat normalize)
            boxEstimationType = BoxEstimationType.NONE;
            // this logic is here (and not somewhere else) so that we don't have to calculate hue/normalize twice in a single frame
            // that's because hue/normalize are also needed at a later state of frame processing

            // this check right here sounds stupid, but I want to easily change priority between hue and normalize
            // in the end, one of the 2 will stay at 1st place and the check will be removed...
            if (boxEstimationType == BoxEstimationType.NONE)
                hue = MatOps.BGRtoHue(input);
                //MatOps.NewWindowShow( hue, "HUE-processed" );
                if (estimateBoxHint(hue, ref floodHueTolerance))
                    boxEstimationType = BoxEstimationType.HUE;

            if (boxEstimationType == BoxEstimationType.NONE)
                normalize = MatOps.MyNormalize(input);
                MatOps.NewWindowShow(normalize, "NORMALIZE-processed");
                if (estimateBoxHint(normalize, ref floodNormTolerance))
                    boxEstimationType = BoxEstimationType.NORMALIZE;
Exemple #3
        private CvLineSegmentPoint[] detectLinesFromFeatures(CvMat hue, CvMat roi)
            // IDEA 3 :
            // Extract features (actual box corners?!) from ROI with corner detection
            CvPoint2D32f[] corners;                // extracted features
            int            cornerCount;            // not exactly "count", but rather "maximum number of corners to return"
            double         qualityLevel    = 0.05; // this changes to 0.1 if NOT using ROI as mask!
            double         minimumDistance = 25;   // maybe this has to be a percentage of the input-size, rather than an absolute value?!?!?
            bool           useHarris       = false;
            int            blockSize       = 3;

            // NOTE : roi is not as good to check for features as the hue itself!!!
#if false
            cornerCount = 100;
                roi, MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack), MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack),
                out corners, ref cornerCount, qualityLevel, minimumDistance, null, blockSize, useHarris);
            CvMat roiClone = roi.Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
                // remove "isolated" features : gave back some good results, but it still wasn't as good as actual HUE feature discovery
                CvPoint2D32f feature = corners[i];
                if (checkFeatureArea(roiClone, feature))
                    roiClone.Circle(feature, 10, 127);
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(roiClone, "ROI!");
            Console.WriteLine("corners=" + cornerCount);

            // TODO : determine if it's a good idea to use ROI as a mask.
            // NOTE : Abandoning this idea for now. Good features are truly found, but they give worse lines than [IDEA 4]!
            cornerCount = 100;
                hue, MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack), MatOps.CopySize(roi, MatrixType.F32C1, Const.ScalarBlack),
                out corners, ref cornerCount, qualityLevel, minimumDistance, roi, blockSize, useHarris);
            //CvMat hueClone = hue.Clone();
            CvMat hueClone = MatOps.CopySize(hue, MatrixType.U8C1, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
                hueClone.Circle(corners[i], 10, 127, -1);
            CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines2 = hueClone.HoughLinesProbabilistic(1, 1 * Cv.PI / 180, 75, 1, 10000);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines2.Length; ++i)
                hueClone.Line(lines2[i].P1, lines2[i].P2, Const.ScalarRandom(), 3, LineType.AntiAlias);
            MatOps.NewWindowShow(hueClone, "Lines from Features");

            Console.WriteLine("corners=" + cornerCount);
            Console.WriteLine("lines=" + lines2.Length);

Exemple #4
        // => inputMat MUST be 24/32 bit
        private CvMat processFrame(CvMat inputMat)
            // return "inputMat" after lots. LOTS. Of processing

            width  = inputMat.Cols;
            height = inputMat.Rows;

            // taking out 4% of the input's edges: sounds wrong
#if false
            // I have no idea what on earth is the purpose of this:
            //CvMat temp2 = inputMat( new CvRect( inputMat.Cols / 25, inputMat.Cols / 25, inputMat.Cols - 2 * (inputMat.Cols / 25), inputMat.Rows - 2 * (inputMat.Rows / 25) ) );
            //resize( temp2, temp2, inputMat.size() );
            //temp2.copyTo( inputMat );
            int    borderX = inputMat.Cols / 25;          // 4% of original
            int    borderY = inputMat.Rows / 25;
            CvRect roi     = new CvRect(borderX, borderY, inputMat.Cols - 2 * borderX, inputMat.Rows - 2 * borderY);
            CvMat  temp2   = inputMat.GetSubRect(out temp2, roi);            // stupid to pass "out temp2"?
            inputMat = temp2;
            // =TODO : What? temp2.Copy( inputMat );
            // is it really required to remove 4% of the input image's edges?

            CvMat inputMat_grey;
                // TODO : looks like a waste to make two conversions from inputMat to _grey, instead of 1
                // since OpenCV doesn't support it, it could be made manually
                CvMat inputMat_grey8 = MatOps.ConvertChannels(inputMat);
                inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey8, MatrixType.F32C1, 1.0 / 255.0);

            // NOTE : IBO seems to give good contrast with certain images, but with bbox7, it is just disastrous.
            //MatOps.NewWindowShow( inputMat_grey );
            //inputMat_grey = Filters.IBO( inputMat_grey ); // inputMat_grey = 32f
            //MatOps.NewWindowShow( inputMat_grey );
            inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey, MatrixType.U8C1, 255);               // inputMat_grey = 8u
            // was: SLOW : Filters.ContrastEnhancement( inputMat_grey ); // NOTE : not needed AFTER IBO
            // NOTE : Contrast Enhancement2 may NOT be needed AT ALL, at this point at least, ANYWAY!!!
            Filters.ContrastEnhancement2(inputMat_grey);               // NOTE : certainly NOT needed AFTER IBO

            // mask passed originally in method below was all white, so I optimized it out. Passing the number of pixels was also dumb-o.
            double thresh = Filters.NeighborhoodValleyEmphasis(inputMat_grey);
            Cv.Threshold(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, thresh, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);

            IplConvKernel element = new IplConvKernel(3, 3, 1, 1, ElementShape.Cross);
            Cv.Erode(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, element);
            Cv.Dilate(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, element);

            // TODO : check if check is required
            if (inputMat_grey.ElemType != MatrixType.U8C1)
                inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey, MatrixType.U8C1, 255.0);

            // =======
            // is this just a test?
            CvPoint[] newPtV = Filters.DistillContours(inputMat_grey, 5, Const.PointZero);
            CvMat     imageDest;
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
                CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(newPtV, SeqType.Contour, storage);

                imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1);
                Cv.DrawContours(imageDest, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 16);
            // =======

            kawane(newPtV);               // updates thresholdDist, minMaskY, final4P

            //*******************************************set a greater contour for estimation of the missing points*******************************//

            // =======
            newPtV = Filters.DistillContours(inputMat_grey, 100, Const.PointZero);
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
                CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(newPtV, SeqType.Contour, storage);

                imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1);
                Cv.DrawContours(imageDest, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 1, LineType.AntiAlias);
            // =======

            CvMat mask1 = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1, 0);
            Cv.FillConvexPoly(mask1, newPtV, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 0);

            temp = MatOps.ConvertChannels(inputMat);
            temp.Copy(imageDest, mask1);
            Cv.Canny(imageDest, imageDest, 150, 300, ApertureSize.Size3);
            IplConvKernel element2 = new IplConvKernel(3, 3, 1, 1, ElementShape.Rect);
            Cv.Dilate(imageDest, imageDest, element2);
            Cv.Erode(imageDest, imageDest, element2);

            CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines = Cv2.HoughLinesP(new Mat(imageDest), 1, Cv.PI / 180 /*NOTE : 1 degree angle*/, 50, 50, 50); // TODO : those 50s..?
            extendLines(lines, 350);                                                                                                // TODO : This idea sounds arbitary? And why 350? At least some percentage?

            // draw extended lines
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                CvLineSegmentPoint l = lines[i];
                Cv.Line(imageDest, l.P1, l.P2, Const.ScalarWhite, 1, LineType.AntiAlias);

            Cv.Dilate(imageDest, imageDest, element2);               // TODO : FIX : Dilate again?!

            // another huge function here...


            //********************************************************************* replace estimate points with mask corners ********//
            if (oldPt.Count != 0)
                // BEWARE : great use of the English language following right below:
                // test for each and every one of the last slice delete each one of all the revisited of the above and estimate for only the best the off topic adapt
                List <int> positions = new List <int>(final4P.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < final4P.Count; ++i)
                    positions.Add(-1);                       // "initialize" positions[i]
                    double distmin = 10000;
                    for (int j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; ++j)
                        double distAB = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[j] - final4P[i]);
                        if (distAB < distmin)
                            distmin      = distAB;
                            positions[i] = j;
                int flagFrCounter = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < final4P.Count; ++i)
                    double distA = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[positions[i]] - final4P[i]);
                    //********************* threshold pou na orizei tin megisti perioxi gia anazitisi,alliws na krataei to proigoumeno simeio*******//

                    if (distA < thresholdDist)                     //if(distA<80)
                        oldPt[positions[i]] = final4P[i];
                if (reset)
                    numFrames = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i)
                Cv.Circle(temp, oldPt[i], 2, Const.ScalarRed, 3);
            //MatOps.ConvertChannels( temp, ColorConversion.GrayToBgr ).Copy( inputMat );
            //temp.Copy( inputMat );

            //******************************************************OVERLAY IMAGE***********************************************//////
            if (oldPt.Count == 0)
                return(inputMat);                // end of line
            CvMat black2;
            if (overlay != null)
                black2 = overlay.Clone();                                   //=imread("cubes.jpg");
                Cv.Resize(black2, inputMat, Interpolation.NearestNeighbor); // TODO : check if interpolation type is appropriate
                black2 = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C3);

            List <CvPoint> tempPoint = new List <CvPoint>(4);
            //vector<Point> tempPoint;
            int pp = 0;

            // BEWARE : the guy is copy/pasting needlessly?
            int mini = 1000000;
            for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i)
                if (oldPt[i].Y < mini)
                    mini = oldPt[i].Y;
                    pp   = i;
            mini = 1000000;
            for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i)
                if (oldPt[i].Y < mini && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[0])
                    mini = oldPt[i].Y;
                    pp   = i;
            mini = 1000000;
            for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i)
                int tempmini = Math.Abs(oldPt[i].X - tempPoint[1].X);
                if (tempmini < mini && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[0] && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[1])
                    mini = tempmini;
                    pp   = i;

            for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i)
                CvPoint pt    = oldPt[i];
                bool    found = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < tempPoint.Count; ++j)
                    if (tempPoint[j] == pt)
                        found = true; break;
                if (!found)

            // only keep up to 4 points
            List <CvPoint> co_ordinates = new List <CvPoint>(4);
                int maxIndex = Math.Min(4, tempPoint.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i)

            // lost me...
            if (outputQuad[0] == outputQuad[2])
                    int maxIndex = Math.Min(4, tempPoint.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i)
                        outputQuad[i] = tempPoint[i];
                CvPoint2D32f rr;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    List <double> dist = new List <double>(tempPoint.Count);
                    for (int j = 0; j < tempPoint.Count; ++j)
                        rr = tempPoint[j];
                        dist.Add(PointOps.Norm(outputQuad[i] - rr));

                    double minimumDist = dist.Min();
                    int    min_pos     = Utils.FindIndex(dist, minimumDist);
                    if (tempPoint.Count > 0)
                        outputQuad[i] = tempPoint[min_pos];

            // The 4 points where the mapping is to be done , from top-left in clockwise order
            inputQuad[0] = new CvPoint2D32f(0, 0);
            inputQuad[1] = new CvPoint2D32f(inputMat.Cols - 1, 0);
            inputQuad[2] = new CvPoint2D32f(inputMat.Cols - 1, inputMat.Rows - 1);
            inputQuad[3] = new CvPoint2D32f(0, inputMat.Rows - 1);
            //Input and Output Image;

            // Get the Perspective Transform Matrix i.e. lambda (2D warp transform)
            // Lambda Matrix
            CvMat lambda = Cv.GetPerspectiveTransform(inputQuad, outputQuad);
            // Apply this Perspective Transform to the src image
            // - get a "top-down" view of the supposedly box-y area
            Cv.WarpPerspective(black2, black2, lambda, Interpolation.Cubic, Const.ScalarBlack);
            // see nice explanation : http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2014/08/25/4-point-opencv-getperspective-transform-example/

            CvMat maskOV = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1, Const.ScalarBlack);
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
                CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(co_ordinates, SeqType.Contour, storage);

                imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1);
                Cv.DrawContours(maskOV, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 16);
                //drawContours( maskOV, co_ordinates, 0, Scalar( 255 ), CV_FILLED, 8 );

            double alpha = 0.8;
            double beta  = (1.0 - alpha);
            Cv.AddWeighted(black2, alpha, inputMat, beta, 0.0, black2);
            black2.Copy(inputMat, maskOV);
