private void AttachPageEvents(Element element)
            var viewCell = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingViewCell(element);

            if (viewCell != null)
                viewCell.PropertyChanged += (s, ev) =>
                    var propertyName = ev.PropertyName;

                    var test  = viewCell.BindingContext;
                    var test1 = Element.BindingContext;
                    var test2 = Control;

                    if (ev.PropertyName == "Renderer")
                        if (test == null || test1 == null)


                var listView = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingListView(element);
                if (listView != null)
                    listView.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                        if (e.PropertyName == "Renderer")
                            if (listView.Parent == null)

                page = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingPage(element);
                if (page == null)
                    var root = BaseUIHelper.GetRootElement(element);
                    root.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                        if (e.PropertyName == "Parent")

                navigPage = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingNavigationPage(page);
                if (navigPage != null)
                    navigPage.Popped += OnPagePopped;
        private void AttachPageEvents(Xamarin.Forms.Element element)
            var viewCell = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingViewCell(element);

            if (viewCell != null)
                viewCell.PropertyChanged += (s, ev) =>
                    var propertyName = ev.PropertyName;

                var listView = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingListView(element);
                if (listView != null)
                    listView.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                        if (e.PropertyName == "Renderer")
                            if (listView.Parent == null)

                page = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingPage(element);

                if (page != null)
                    page.Disappearing += (s, ev) =>
                        //if (imageLoader != null)

                if (page == null)
                    var root = BaseUIHelper.GetRootElement(element);
                    root.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                        if (e.PropertyName == "Parent")
                // As of Xamarin.Forms 1.4+, image will be reused when moving from tabs.
                // Uncomment this if using Xamarin.Forms < 1.4.
                //if (page.Parent is TabbedPage)
                //    page.Disappearing += PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;
                //    return;

                navigPage = BaseUIHelper.GetContainingNavigationPage(page);
                if (navigPage != null)
                    navigPage.Popped += OnPagePopped;

                    // As of Xamarin.Forms 1.4+, image will be reused when moving from tabs.
                    // Uncomment this if using Xamarin.Forms < 1.4.
                    //if (navigPage.Parent is TabbedPage)
                    //    navigPage.Disappearing += PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;
            // As of Xamarin.Forms 1.4+, image will be reused when moving from tabs.
            // Uncomment this if using Xamarin.Forms < 1.4.
            //else if ((page = GetContainingTabbedPage(element)) != null)
            //    page.Disappearing += PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;