Exemple #1
        public ActionResult ViewThread(ThreadViewModel model)
            using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository())
                Forum_Thread Thread = db.GetThreadByID(model.Id);

                if (Thread == null)
                    return NotFoundView("Thread");

                if (model.Page < 1) return RedirectToAction("ViewThread", new { id = model.Id, page = 1}); // page less than 0 for existing thread equals redirect to valid page.


                Forum_User ThreadViewUser = GetCurrentUser(db);

                if (!db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Thread.Forum_Category, ThreadViewUser, P => P.AllowView))
                    return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model);

                model.AllowEditThread = db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Thread.Forum_Category, ThreadViewUser, P => (P.AllowDeleteOwnThread && Thread.Forum_Posts[0].PosterID == ThreadViewUser.UserID && Thread.Forum_Posts[0].PosterID != (int)BuildInUser.Guest) || P.AllowDeleteAllThread || P.AllowMoveThread || P.AllowLockThread);
                model.Locked = Thread.Locked;
                model.ThreadTitle = Thread.Title;

                int UserID = 0;
                Forum_User U = GetCurrentUser(db);
                if (U != null)
                    UserID = U.UserID;
                    db.SetLastPost(Thread, U, Math.Min(model.Page * POSTS_PER_PAGE, Thread.Posts));

                model.LastPage = (Thread.Posts - 1) / POSTS_PER_PAGE + 1;
                if (model.Page > model.LastPage) return RedirectToAction("ViewThread", new { id = model.Id, page = model.LastPage }); // page greater than what exists equals redirect to last page.
                IEnumerable<Forum_Post> Posts = Thread.Forum_Posts.Skip((model.Page - 1)* POSTS_PER_PAGE).Take(POSTS_PER_PAGE);

                int PostNumber = 0;

                foreach (Forum_Post Post in Posts)
                    PostViewModel PostModel = new PostViewModel();
                    PostModel.Locked = model.Locked;
                    PostModel.PostNumber = ++PostNumber;
                    PostModel.ThreadID = model.Id;
                    PostModel.PostText = PostParser.Parse(Post.PostText);
                    PostModel.PostTime = Post.TimeStamp;
                    PostModel.Poster = new UserViewModel();
                    PostModel.PostID = Post.PostID;
                    PostModel.Poster.Name = Post.Forum_User.Username;
                    PostModel.Poster.UserID = Post.PosterID;
                    PostModel.AllowDelete = (PostNumber > 1 || model.Page > 1) && db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Thread.Forum_Category, ThreadViewUser,
                        P => (P.AllowDeleteOwnPost && Post.PosterID == ThreadViewUser.UserID && Post.PosterID != (int)BuildInUser.Guest) || P.AllowDeleteAllPosts);
                    PostModel.AllowEdit = db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Thread.Forum_Category, ThreadViewUser, P => (P.AllowEditOwnPost && Post.PosterID == ThreadViewUser.UserID && Post.PosterID != (int)BuildInUser.Guest) || P.AllowEditAllPosts);
                return View(model);
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult NewThread(WritePostViewModel model, string button)
            using (ForumRespository db = new ForumRespository())
                Forum_Category Category = db.GetCategoryByID(model.id);
                if (Category == null) return NotFoundView("Category");

                model.AddNavigation("New thread");

                Forum_User Poster = GetCurrentUser(db);

                if (!db.CheckCategoryPermissions(Category, Poster, P => P.AllowNewThread))
                    return AuthenticationHelper.AccessDeniedView(model);

                if (String.Equals(button, "preview", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    model.ShowPost = true;
                    model.PostHtml = PostParser.Parse(model.PostText);
                if (IsHttpPost)
                    if (!AntiForgeryTokenValid)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("AntiForgery", "The antiforgery token was invalid.");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ThreadTitle))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("ThreadTitle", "A thread title is required.");
                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        Forum_Thread NewThread = new Forum_Thread();
                        NewThread.Title = model.ThreadTitle;

                        NewThread.PosterID = Poster.UserID;

                        Forum_Post InitialPost = new Forum_Post();
                        InitialPost.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
                        InitialPost.PosterID = NewThread.PosterID;
                        InitialPost.PostText = model.PostText;
                        NewThread.Posts = 1;
                        NewThread.LastPostTime = InitialPost.TimeStamp;
                        NewThread.CategoryID = model.id;
                        // Save and add thread to database
                        db.SetLastPost(NewThread, Poster, 1);
                        return RedirectToAction("ViewCategory", new { id = model.id });
                model.EditTitle = true;
                model.Title = "Post new Thread";
                return View("WritePost", model);