public static void AddAlbumXml(HttpClient client) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/xml")); Console.WriteLine("Enter album title"); string title = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter album year"); int year = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter producer"); string producer = Console.ReadLine(); Album album = new Album { AlbumTitle = title, AlbumYear = year, Producer = producer }; HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsXmlAsync("api/albums", album).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine("Album added"); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", (int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase); } }
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]AlbumDataModel model) { if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.BadRequest(this.ModelState); } if ( == null) { return this.BadRequest(GlobalContants.ProducerNotFoundMessage); } var album = new Album { Title = model.Title, ProducerId = model.ProducerId, Year = model.Year }; if (AlbumControllerHelpers.AddArtistsToAlbum(model.ArtistIds, album, == null || AlbumControllerHelpers.AddSongsToAlbum(model.SongIds, album, == null) { return this.BadRequest(GlobalContants.SongOrArtistNotFoundMessage); };; return this.Created(this.Url.ToString(), album); }
public ActionResult Create(Album album) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Save album storeDB.AddToAlbums(album); storeDB.SaveChanges(); // adiciona o album à lista de albums da AnalisaMercados AnalisaMercadosServiceReference.Service1SoapClient analisaMercados = new AnalisaMercadosServiceReference.Service1SoapClient(); analisaMercados.CreateAlbum(album.Title, album.Artist.Name, album.Genre.Name, (float)album.Price); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } // Invalid - redisplay with errors var viewModel = new StoreManagerViewModel { Album = album, Genres = storeDB.Genres.ToList(), Artists = storeDB.Artists.ToList() }; return View(viewModel); }
// GET: /Store/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int id) { //return "Hello from Store.Details()"; //return "Store.Details, Id = " + id; var album = new Album {Title = "Album " + 5}; return View(album); }
public void AddToCart(Album album) { var cartItem = storeDB.Carts.SingleOrDefault( c => c.CartId == shoppingCartId && c.AlbumId == album.AlbumId); if (cartItem == null) { // Create a new cart item cartItem = new Cart { AlbumId = album.AlbumId, CartId = shoppingCartId, Count = 1, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; storeDB.AddToCarts(cartItem); } else { // Add one to the quantity cartItem.Count++; } // Save it storeDB.SaveChanges(); }
public void AddToCart(Album album) { // Get the matching cart and album instances var cartItem = _db.CartItems.SingleOrDefault( c => c.CartId == ShoppingCartId && c.AlbumId == album.AlbumId); if (cartItem == null) { // Create a new cart item if no cart item exists cartItem = new CartItem { AlbumId = album.AlbumId, CartId = ShoppingCartId, Count = 1, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; _db.CartItems.Add(cartItem); } else { // If the item does exist in the cart, then add one to the quantity cartItem.Count++; } }
public void AddToCart(Album album) { // Get the matching cart and album instances var cartItem = _db.CartItems.SingleOrDefault( c => c.CartId == ShoppingCartId && c.AlbumId == album.AlbumId); if (cartItem == null) { // TODO [EF] Swap to store generated key once we support identity pattern var nextCartItemId = _db.CartItems.Any() ? _db.CartItems.Max(c => c.CartItemId) + 1 : 1; // Create a new cart item if no cart item exists cartItem = new CartItem { CartItemId = nextCartItemId, AlbumId = album.AlbumId, CartId = ShoppingCartId, Count = 1, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; _db.CartItems.Add(cartItem); } else { // If the item does exist in the cart, then add one to the quantity cartItem.Count++; // TODO [EF] Remove this line once change detection is available _db.Update(cartItem); } }
public ActionResult Create(Album album) { repository.add(album); repository.saveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
protected AlbumApiModel(Album album) { if (album != null) { this.Id = album.Id; this.Title = album.Title; this.Year = album.Year; this.Producer = album.Producer; } }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Edit(Album album) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(album).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.ArtistId = new SelectList(db.Artists, "ArtistId", "Name", album.ArtistId); ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(db.Genre, "GenreId", "Name", album.GenreId); return View(album); }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Create(Album album) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Albums.Add(album); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.ArtistId = new SelectList(db.Artists, "ArtistId", "Name", album.ArtistId); ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(db.Genre, "GenreId", "Name", album.GenreId); return View(album); }
public static AlbumModel Convert(Album album) { AlbumModel model = new AlbumModel { AlbumId = album.AlbumId, AlbumTitle = album.AlbumTitle, AlbumYear = album.AlbumYear, Producer = album.Producer, ArtistsCount = album.Artists.Count, SongsCount = album.Songs.Count }; return model; }
public AlbumFullApi(Album album) : base(album) { if (album != null) { if (album.Artists != null) { this.Artists = album.Artists.Select(x => new ArtistApi(x)).ToList(); } if (album.Songs != null) { this.Songs = album.Songs.Select(x => new SongApi(x)).ToList(); } } }
public AlbumApi(Album album) : base(album) { if (album != null) { if (album.Artists != null) { this.Artists = album.Artists.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); } if (album.Songs != null) { this.Songs = album.Songs.Select(x => x.Title).ToList(); } } }
public static Album AddArtistsToAlbum(int[] artistIds, Album album, IMusicStoreData data) { album.Artists.Clear(); foreach (var artistId in artistIds) { var artistToAdd = data.Artists.Find(artistId); if (artistToAdd == null) { return null; } album.Artists.Add(artistToAdd); } return album; }
public static Album AddSongsToAlbum(int[] songIds, Album album, IMusicStoreData data) { album.Songs.Clear(); foreach (var songId in songIds) { var songToAdd = data.Songs.Find(songId); if (songToAdd == null) { return null; } album.Songs.Add(songToAdd); } return album; }
private static void AddAlbum(HttpClient client, Random rand, List<Artist> artists, List<Song> allSongs) { var album = new Album { Title = "Album" + GetRandomSuffix(rand), Artists = artists, Songs = allSongs }; var setting = new JsonSerializerSettings(); setting.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore; var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(album, setting); var content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var addAlbum = client.PostAsync("Albums", content).Result; }
public List<Album> GenerateAlbums(IRandomGenerator generator, int count) { var albums = new List<Album>(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var album = new Album() { Title = generator.GetRandomString(generator.GetRandomNumber(5, 20)), Year = generator.GetRandomNumber(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-50).Year, DateTime.Now.Year), Producer = generator.GetRandomString(generator.GetRandomNumber(5, 20)), Artists = new List<Artist>(), Songs = new List<Song>() }; albums.Add(album); } return albums; }
public IActionResult Create(Album album) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // TODO [EF] Swap to store generated identity key when supported var nextId = db.Albums.Any() ? db.Albums.Max(o => o.AlbumId) + 1 : 1; album.AlbumId = nextId; db.Albums.Add(album); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(db.Genres, "GenreId", "Name", album.GenreId); ViewBag.ArtistId = new SelectList(db.Artists, "ArtistId", "Name", album.ArtistId); return View(album); }
private static void PopulateData(MusicStoreContext context, string cartId, string albumTitle, int itemCount) { var album = new Album() { AlbumId = 1, Title = albumTitle, }; var cartItems = Enumerable.Range(1, itemCount).Select(n => new CartItem() { AlbumId = 1, Album = album, Count = 1, CartId = cartId, }).ToArray(); context.AddRange(cartItems); context.SaveChanges(); }
public static new AlbumFullModel Convert(Album album) { AlbumFullModel model = new AlbumFullModel { AlbumId = album.AlbumId, AlbumTitle = album.AlbumTitle, AlbumYear = album.AlbumYear, Producer = album.Producer, ArtistsCount = album.Artists.Count, SongsCount = album.Songs.Count, Songs = ( from song in album.Songs select SongModel.Convert(song)).ToList(), Artists = ( from artist in album.Artists select ArtistModel.Convert(artist)).ToList() }; return model; }
public async Task<IActionResult> Create(Album album, CancellationToken requestAborted) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { DbContext.Albums.Add(album); await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(requestAborted); var albumData = new AlbumData { Title = album.Title, Url = Url.Action("Details", "Store", new { id = album.AlbumId }) }; Cache.Remove("latestAlbum"); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(DbContext.Genres, "GenreId", "Name", album.GenreId); ViewBag.ArtistId = new SelectList(DbContext.Artists, "ArtistId", "Name", album.ArtistId); return View(album); }
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]AlbumRequestModel album) { if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.BadRequest(this.ModelState); } var newAlbum = new Album { Title = album.Title, Year = album.Year, Producer = album.Producer, Artists = album.Artists, Songs = album.Songs }; this.repository.Insert(newAlbum); this.repository.SaveChanges(); return this.Ok(newAlbum); }
public async Task<ActionResult> CreateAlbum() { var album = new Album(); //if (!await TryUpdateModelAsync(album, excludeProperties: new[] { "Genre", "Artist", "OrderDetails" })) if (!await TryUpdateModelAsync(album)) { // Return the model errors return new ApiResult(ModelState); } // Save the changes to the DB await _storeContext.Albums.AddAsync(album); await _storeContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // TODO: Handle missing record, key violations, concurrency issues, etc. return new ApiResult { Data = album.AlbumId, Message = "Album created successfully." }; }
public static Album GetOrCreateAlbum(Album album, MusicStoreDb musicStoreDbContext) { Album existingAlbum = null; if (album.Id != 0) { existingAlbum = musicStoreDbContext.Albums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == album.Id); } else if (album.Title != null) { existingAlbum = musicStoreDbContext.Albums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Title == album.Title); } if (existingAlbum != null) { return existingAlbum; } musicStoreDbContext.Albums.Add(album); musicStoreDbContext.SaveChanges(); return album; }
public static void UpdateAlbum(HttpClient client, int albumId, string title, int year, string producer) { var album = new Album() { Title = title, Year = year, Producer = producer }; var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(album)); content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue(ContentType); var response = client.PutAsync("api/albums/update/" + albumId, content).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine("Album updated successfully."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Album have not been updated."); } }
//public static async Task InitializeMusicStoreDatabaseAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, bool createUsers = true) //{ // using (var serviceScope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) // { // var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MusicStoreContext>(); // if (await db.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync()) // { // await InsertTestData(serviceProvider); // if (createUsers) // { // await CreateAdminUser(serviceProvider); // } // } // } //} //private static async Task InsertTestData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) //{ // var albums = GetAlbums(imgUrl, Genres, Artists); // await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, g => g.GenreId, Genres.Select(genre => genre.Value)); // await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, a => a.ArtistId, Artists.Select(artist => artist.Value)); // await AddOrUpdateAsync(serviceProvider, a => a.AlbumId, albums); //} // TODO [EF] This may be replaced by a first class mechanism in EF //private static async Task AddOrUpdateAsync<TEntity>( // IServiceProvider serviceProvider, // Func<TEntity, object> propertyToMatch, IEnumerable<TEntity> entities) // where TEntity : class //{ // // Query in a separate context so that we can attach existing entities as modified // List<TEntity> existingData; // using (var serviceScope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) // { // var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MusicStoreContext>(); // existingData = db.Set<TEntity>().ToList(); // } // using (var serviceScope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) // { // var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<MusicStoreContext>(); // foreach (var item in entities) // { // db.Entry(item).State = existingData.Any(g => propertyToMatch(g).Equals(propertyToMatch(item))) // ? EntityState.Modified // : EntityState.Added; // } // await db.SaveChangesAsync(); // } //} /// <summary> /// Creates a store manager user who can manage the inventory. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider"></param> /// <returns></returns> // private static async Task CreateAdminUser(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) // { // var appEnv = serviceProvider.GetService<IApplicationEnvironment>(); // var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() // .SetBasePath(appEnv.ApplicationBasePath) // .AddJsonFile("config.json") // .AddEnvironmentVariables(); // var configuration = builder.Build(); // //const string adminRole = "Administrator"; // var userManager = serviceProvider.GetService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>(); // // TODO: Identity SQL does not support roles yet // //var roleManager = serviceProvider.GetService<ApplicationRoleManager>(); // //if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(adminRole)) // //{ // // await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(adminRole)); // //} // var user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(configuration[defaultAdminUserName]); // if (user == null) // { // user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = configuration[defaultAdminUserName] }; // await userManager.CreateAsync(user, configuration[defaultAdminPassword]); // //await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, adminRole); // await userManager.AddClaimAsync(user, new Claim("ManageStore", "Allowed")); // } //#if TESTING // var envPerfLab = configuration["PERF_LAB"]; // if (envPerfLab == "true") // { // for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) // { // var email = string.Format("User{0:D3}", i); // var normalUser = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email); // if (normalUser == null) // { // await userManager.CreateAsync(new ApplicationUser { UserName = email, Email = email }, "Password~!1"); // } // } // } //#endif // } public static Album[] GetAlbums(string imgUrl, Dictionary<string, Genre> genres, Dictionary<string, Artist> artists) { var albums = new Album[] { new Album { Title = "The Best Of The Men At Work", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Men At Work"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "...And Justice For All", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "עד גבול האור", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["אריק אינשטיין"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Black Light Syndrome", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Terry Bozzio, Tony Levin & Steve Stevens"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "10,000 Days", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tool"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "11i", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Supreme Beings of Leisure"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "1960", Genre = genres["Indie"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Soul-Junk"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "4x4=12 ", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["deadmau5"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Copland Celebration, Vol. I", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["London Symphony Orchestra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Lively Mind", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paul Oakenfold"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Matter of Life and Death", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Real Dead One", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Real Live One", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Rush of Blood to the Head", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Coldplay"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Soprano Inspired", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Britten Sinfonia, Ivor Bolton & Lesley Garrett"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A Winter Symphony", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Abbey Road", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Beatles"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ace Of Spades", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Motörhead"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Achtung Baby", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Acústico MTV", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Os Paralamas Do Sucesso"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Adams, John: The Chairman Dances", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Edo de Waart & San Francisco Symphony"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Adrenaline", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deftones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ænima", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tool"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Afrociberdelia", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chico Science & Nação Zumbi"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "After the Goldrush", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Neil Young"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Airdrawn Dagger", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sasha"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Album Title Goes Here", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["deadmau5"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Alcohol Fueled Brewtality Live! [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Black Label Society"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Alcohol Fueled Brewtality Live! [Disc 2]", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Black Label Society"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Alive 2007", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Daft Punk"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "All I Ask of You", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Amen (So Be It)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paddy Casey"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Animal Vehicle", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Axis of Awesome"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ao Vivo [IMPORT]", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Zeca Pagodinho"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Apocalyptic Love", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Slash"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Appetite for Destruction", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Guns N' Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Are You Experienced?", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jimi Hendrix"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Arquivo II", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Os Paralamas Do Sucesso"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Arquivo Os Paralamas Do Sucesso", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Os Paralamas Do Sucesso"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "A-Sides", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Soundgarden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Audioslave", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Audioslave"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Automatic for the People", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["R.E.M."], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Axé Bahia 2001", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Various Artists"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Babel", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Mumford & Sons"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bach: Goldberg Variations", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Wilhelm Kempff"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Orchestra of The Age of Enlightenment"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bach: The Cello Suites", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Yo-Yo Ma"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bach: Toccata & Fugue in D Minor", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ton Koopman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bad Motorfinger", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Soundgarden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Balls to the Wall", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Accept"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Banadeek Ta'ala", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Amr Diab"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Barbie Girl", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Aqua"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bark at the Moon (Remastered)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bartok: Violin & Viola Concertos", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Yehudi Menuhin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Barulhinho Bom", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Marisa Monte"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "BBC Sessions [Disc 1] [Live]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "BBC Sessions [Disc 2] [Live]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Be Here Now", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Oasis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bedrock 11 Compiled & Mixed", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["John Digweed"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Michael Tilson Thomas"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Beyond Good And Evil", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Cult"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Big Bad Wolf ", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Armand Van Helden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Big Ones", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Aerosmith"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Black Album", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Black Sabbath Vol. 4 (Remaster)", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Black Sabbath"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Black Sabbath", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Black Sabbath"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Black", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Blackwater Park", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Opeth"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Blizzard of Ozz", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Blood", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["In This Moment"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Blue Moods", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Incognito"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Blue", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Weezer"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bongo Fury", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Frank Zappa & Captain Beefheart"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Boys & Girls", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alabama Shakes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Brave New World", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "B-Sides 1980-1990", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Bunkka", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paul Oakenfold"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "By The Way", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Red Hot Chili Peppers"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cake: B-Sides and Rarities", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cake"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Californication", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Red Hot Chili Peppers"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Carmina Burana", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Boston Symphony Orchestra & Seiji Ozawa"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Carried to Dust (Bonus Track Version)", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Calexico"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Carry On", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chris Cornell"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cássia Eller - Sem Limite [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cássia Eller"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chemical Wedding", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Bruce Dickinson"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chill: Brazil (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Marcos Valle"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chill: Brazil (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Antônio Carlos Jobim"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Limp Bizkit"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chronicle, Vol. 1", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Creedence Clearwater Revival"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Chronicle, Vol. 2", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Creedence Clearwater Revival"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ciao, Baby", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["TheStart"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cidade Negra - Hits", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cidade Negra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Classic Munkle: Turbo Edition", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Munkle"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Classics: The Best of Sarah Brightman", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Coda", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Come Away With Me", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Norah Jones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Come Taste The Band", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Comfort Eagle", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cake"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Common Reaction", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Uh Huh Her "], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Compositores", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["O Terço"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Contraband", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Velvet Revolver"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Core", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Stone Temple Pilots"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cornerstone", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Styx"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cosmicolor", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["M-Flo"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Cross", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Justice"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Culture of Fear", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Thievery Corporation"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Da Lama Ao Caos", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chico Science & Nação Zumbi"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Dakshina", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deva Premal"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Dark Side of the Moon", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pink Floyd"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Death Magnetic", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Deep End of Down", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Above the Fold"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Deep Purple In Rock", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Deixa Entrar", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Falamansa"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Deja Vu", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Di Korpu Ku Alma", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Lura"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Diary of a Madman (Remastered)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Diary of a Madman", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Dirt", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alice in Chains"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Diver Down", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Van Halen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Djavan Ao Vivo - Vol. 02", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Djavan"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Djavan Ao Vivo - Vol. 1", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Djavan"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Drum'n'bass for Papa", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Plug"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Duluth", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Trampled By Turtles"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Dummy", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Portishead"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Duos II", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Luciana Souza/Romero Lubambo"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Earl Scruggs and Friends", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Earl Scruggs"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Eden", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "El Camino", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Black Keys"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Elegant Gypsy", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Al di Meola"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Elements Of Life", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tiësto"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Elis Regina-Minha História", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Elis Regina"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Emergency On Planet Earth", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jamiroquai"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Emotion", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Papa Wemba"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "English Renaissance", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The King's Singers"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Every Kind of Light", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Posies"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Faceless", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Godsmack"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Facelift", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alice in Chains"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Fair Warning", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Van Halen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Fear of a Black Planet", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Public Enemy"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Fear Of The Dark", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Feels Like Home", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Norah Jones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Fireball", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Fly", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "For Those About To Rock We Salute You", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["AC/DC"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Four", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Blues Traveler"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Frank", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Amy Winehouse"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Further Down the Spiral", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nine Inch Nails"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Garage Inc. (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Garage Inc. (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Garbage", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Garbage"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Good News For People Who Love Bad News", Genre = genres["Indie"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Modest Mouse"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Gordon", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Barenaked Ladies"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Górecki: Symphony No. 3", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Adrian Leaper & Doreen de Feis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Hits I", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Queen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Hits II", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Queen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Hits", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Duck Sauce"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Hits", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Lenny Kravitz"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Hits", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Lenny Kravitz"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greatest Kiss", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Kiss"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Greetings from Michigan", Genre = genres["Indie"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sufjan Stevens"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Group Therapy", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Above & Beyond"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Handel: The Messiah (Highlights)", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Scholars Baroque Ensemble"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Haydn: Symphonies 99 - 104", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Royal Philharmonic Orchestra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Heart of the Night", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Spyro Gyra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Heart On", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Eagles of Death Metal"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Holy Diver", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dio"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Homework", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Daft Punk"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Hot Rocks, 1964-1971 (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Rolling Stones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Houses Of The Holy", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Human", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Projected"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Hunky Dory", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["David Bowie"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Hymns", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Projected"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Hysteria", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Def Leppard"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Absentia", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Porcupine Tree"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Between", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paul Van Dyk"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Rainbows", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Radiohead"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Step", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In the court of the Crimson King", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["King Crimson"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Through The Out Door", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Your Honor [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Foo Fighters"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "In Your Honor [Disc 2]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Foo Fighters"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Indestructible", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Rancid"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Infinity", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Journey"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Into The Light", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["David Coverdale"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Introspective", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pet Shop Boys"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Iron Maiden", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "ISAM", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Amon Tobin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "IV", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Jagged Little Pill", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alanis Morissette"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Jagged Little Pill", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alanis Morissette"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Jorge Ben Jor 25 Anos", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jorge Ben"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Jota Quest-1995", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jota Quest"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Kick", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["INXS"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Kill 'Em All", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Kind of Blue", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Miles Davis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "King For A Day Fool For A Lifetime", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Faith No More"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Kiss", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Carly Rae Jepsen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Last Call", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cayouche"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Le Freak", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chic"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Le Tigre", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Le Tigre"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Led Zeppelin I", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Led Zeppelin II", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Led Zeppelin III", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Let There Be Rock", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["AC/DC"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Little Earthquakes", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tori Amos"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Black Crowes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live [Disc 2]", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Black Crowes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live After Death", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live At Donington 1992 (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live At Donington 1992 (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live on Earth", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Cat Empire"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Live On Two Legs [Live]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pearl Jam"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Living After Midnight", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Judas Priest"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Living", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paddy Casey"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Load", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Love Changes Everything", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "MacArthur Park Suite", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Donna Summer"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Machine Head", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Magical Mystery Tour", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Beatles"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mais Do Mesmo", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Legião Urbana"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Maquinarama", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Skank"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Marasim", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jagjit Singh"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["James Levine"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Master of Puppets", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mechanics & Mathematics", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Venus Hum"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mental Jewelry", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Live"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Metallics", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "meteora", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Linkin Park"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Meus Momentos", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Gonzaguinha"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mezmerize", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["System Of A Down"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mezzanine", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Massive Attack"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Miles Ahead", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Miles Davis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Milton Nascimento Ao Vivo", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Milton Nascimento"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Minas", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Milton Nascimento"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Minha Historia", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chico Buarque"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Misplaced Childhood", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Marillion"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "MK III The Final Concerts [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Morning Dance", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Spyro Gyra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Motley Crue Greatest Hits", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Mötley Crüe"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Moving Pictures", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Rush"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mozart: Chamber Music", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nash Ensemble"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Mozart: Symphonies Nos. 40 & 41", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Berliner Philharmoniker"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Murder Ballads", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Music For The Jilted Generation", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Prodigy"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "My Generation - The Very Best Of The Who", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Who"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "My Name is Skrillex", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Skrillex"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Na Pista", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Cláudio Zoli"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Nevermind", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nirvana"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "New Adventures In Hi-Fi", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["R.E.M."], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "New Divide", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Linkin Park"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "New York Dolls", Genre = genres["Punk"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["New York Dolls"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "News Of The World", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Queen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Nielsen: The Six Symphonies", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Göteborgs Symfoniker & Neeme Järvi"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Night At The Opera", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Queen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Night Castle", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Trans-Siberian Orchestra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Nkolo", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Lokua Kanza"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "No More Tears (Remastered)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "No Prayer For The Dying", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "No Security", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Rolling Stones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Alison Krauss"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "O Samba Poconé", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Skank"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "O(+>", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Prince"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Oceania", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Smashing Pumpkins"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Off the Deep End", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Weird Al"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "OK Computer", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Radiohead"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Olodum", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Olodum"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "One Love", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["David Guetta"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Operation: Mindcrime", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Queensrÿche"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Opiate", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tool"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Outbreak", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dennis Chambers"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Pachelbel: Canon & Gigue", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["English Concert & Trevor Pinnock"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Paid in Full", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eric B. and Rakim"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Para Siempre", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Vicente Fernandez"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Pause", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Four Tet"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Peace Sells... but Who's Buying", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Megadeth"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Physical Graffiti [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Physical Graffiti [Disc 2]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Physical Graffiti", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Piece Of Mind", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Pinkerton", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Weezer"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Plays Metallica By Four Cellos", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Apocalyptica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Pop", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Powerslave", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Prenda Minha", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Caetano Veloso"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Presence", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Pretty Hate Machine", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nine Inch Nails"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Prisoner", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Jezabels"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Privateering", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Mark Knopfler"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Michael Tilson Thomas"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Prokofiev: Symphony No.1", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sergei Prokofiev & Yuri Temirkanov"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "PSY's Best 6th Part 1", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["PSY"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Purcell: The Fairy Queen", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["London Classical Players"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Purpendicular", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Purple", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Stone Temple Pilots"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Quanta Gente Veio Ver (Live)", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Gilberto Gil"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Quanta Gente Veio ver--Bônus De Carnaval", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Gilberto Gil"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Quiet Songs", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Aisha Duo"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Raices", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Los Tigres del Norte"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Raising Hell", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Run DMC"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Raoul and the Kings of Spain ", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tears For Fears"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rattle And Hum", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Raul Seixas", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Raul Seixas"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Recovery [Explicit]", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eminem"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Reign In Blood", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Slayer"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Relayed", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Yes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "ReLoad", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Respighi:Pines of Rome", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eugene Ormandy"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Restless and Wild", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Accept"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Retrospective I (1974-1980)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Rush"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Revelations", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Audioslave"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Revolver", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Beatles"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ride the Lighting ", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ride The Lightning", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ring My Bell", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Anita Ward"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Riot Act", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pearl Jam"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rise of the Phoenix", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Before the Dawn"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rock In Rio [CD1]", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rock In Rio [CD2]", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rock In Rio [CD2]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Roda De Funk", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Funk Como Le Gusta"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Room for Squares", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["John Mayer"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Root Down", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jimmy Smith"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rounds", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Four Tet"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rubber Factory", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Black Keys"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Rust in Peace", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Megadeth"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Sambas De Enredo 2001", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Various Artists"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Santana - As Years Go By", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Santana"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Santana Live", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Santana"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Saturday Night Fever", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Bee Gees"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Skrillex"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Scheherazade", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Fritz Reiner"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "SCRIABIN: Vers la flamme", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Christopher O'Riley"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Second Coming", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Stone Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Serie Sem Limite (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tim Maia"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Serie Sem Limite (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tim Maia"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Serious About Men", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Rubberbandits"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Short Bus", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Filter"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Sibelius: Finlandia", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Berliner Philharmoniker"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Singles Collection", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["David Bowie"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dream Theater"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Slave To The Empire", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["T&N"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Slaves And Masters", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Slouching Towards Bethlehem", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Robert James"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Smash", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Offspring"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Something Special", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dolly Parton"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Somewhere in Time", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Song(s) You Know By Heart", Genre = genres["Country"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Jimmy Buffett"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Sound of Music", Genre = genres["Punk"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Adicts"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "South American Getaway", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The 12 Cellists of The Berlin Philharmonic"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Sozinho Remix Ao Vivo", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Caetano Veloso"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Speak of the Devil", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Spiritual State", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nujabes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "St. Anger", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Metallica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Still Life", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Opeth"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Stop Making Sense", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Talking Heads"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Stormbringer", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Stranger than Fiction", Genre = genres["Punk"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Bad Religion"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Strauss: Waltzes", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eugene Ormandy"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Supermodified", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Amon Tobin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Supernatural", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Santana"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Surfing with the Alien (Remastered)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Joe Satriani"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Switched-On Bach", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Wendy Carlos"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Symphony", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Szymanowski: Piano Works, Vol. 1", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Martin Roscoe"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["London Symphony Orchestra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ted Nugent", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ted Nugent"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Teflon Don", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Rick Ross"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Tell Another Joke at the Ol' Choppin' Block", Genre = genres["Indie"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Danielson Famile"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Temple of the Dog", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Temple of the Dog"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Ten", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pearl Jam"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Texas Flood", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Stevie Ray Vaughan"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Battle Rages On", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Beast Live", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Paul D'Ianno"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best Of 1980-1990", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best of 1990–2000", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best of Beethoven", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best Of Billy Cobham", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Billy Cobham"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best of Ed Motta", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ed Motta"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Best Of Van Halen, Vol. I", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Van Halen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Bridge", Genre = genres["R&B"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Melanie Fiona"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Cage", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tygers of Pan Tang"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Chicago Transit Authority", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Chicago "], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Chronic", Genre = genres["Rap"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dr. Dre"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Colour And The Shape", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Foo Fighters"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Crane Wife", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Decemberists"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Cream Of Clapton", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eric Clapton"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Cure", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Cure"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Dark Side Of The Moon", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pink Floyd"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Divine Conspiracy", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Epica"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Doors", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Doors"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Dream of the Blue Turtles", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sting"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Essential Miles Davis [Disc 1]", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Miles Davis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Essential Miles Davis [Disc 2]", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Miles Davis"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Final Concerts (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deep Purple"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Final Frontier", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Head and the Heart", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Head and the Heart"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Joshua Tree", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Last Night of the Proms", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["BBC Concert Orchestra"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Lumineers", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Lumineers"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Number of The Beast", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Number of The Beast", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Police Greatest Hits", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Police"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Song Remains The Same (Disc 1)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Song Remains The Same (Disc 2)", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Black Crowes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Spade", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Butch Walker & The Black Widows"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Stone Roses", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Stone Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Suburbs", Genre = genres["Indie"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Arcade Fire"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Three Tenors Disc1/Disc2", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Carreras, Pavarotti, Domingo"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Trees They Grow So High", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The Wall", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pink Floyd"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "The X Factor", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Them Crooked Vultures", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Them Crooked Vultures"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "This Is Happening", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["LCD Soundsystem"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Thunder, Lightning, Strike", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Go! Team"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Time to Say Goodbye", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sarah Brightman"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Time, Love & Tenderness", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Michael Bolton"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Tomorrow Starts Today", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Mobile"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Tribute", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Ozzy Osbourne"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Tuesday Night Music Club", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sheryl Crow"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Umoja", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["BLØF"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Under the Pink", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tori Amos"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Undertow", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Tool"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Un-Led-Ed", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Dread Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Unplugged [Live]", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Kiss"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Unplugged", Genre = genres["Blues"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eric Clapton"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Unplugged", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Eric Clapton"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Untrue", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Burial"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Use Your Illusion I", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Guns N' Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Use Your Illusion II", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Guns N' Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Use Your Illusion II", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Guns N' Roses"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Van Halen III", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Van Halen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Van Halen", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Van Halen"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Version 2.0", Genre = genres["Alternative"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Garbage"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Vinicius De Moraes", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Vinícius De Moraes"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Virtual XI", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Iron Maiden"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Voodoo Lounge", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Rolling Stones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Vozes do MPB", Genre = genres["Latin"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Various Artists"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Vs.", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pearl Jam"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Wagner: Favourite Overtures", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sir Georg Solti & Wiener Philharmoniker"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Walking Into Clarksdale", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Page & Plant"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Wapi Yo", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Lokua Kanza"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "War", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Warner 25 Anos", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Antônio Carlos Jobim"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Wasteland R&Btheque", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Raunchy"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Watermark", Genre = genres["Electronic"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Enya"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "We Were Exploding Anyway", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["65daysofstatic"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins", Genre = genres["Classical"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Orchestre de l'Opéra de Lyon"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "White Pony", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Deftones"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Who's Next", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Who"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Wish You Were Here", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Pink Floyd"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "With Oden on Our Side", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Amon Amarth"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Worlds", Genre = genres["Jazz"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Aaron Goldberg"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Worship Music", Genre = genres["Metal"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Anthrax"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "X&Y", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Coldplay"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Xinti", Genre = genres["World"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Sara Tavares"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Yano", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Yano"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Yesterday Once More Disc 1/Disc 2", Genre = genres["Pop"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["The Carpenters"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Zooropa", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["U2"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, new Album { Title = "Zoso", Genre = genres["Rock"], Price = 8.99M, Artist = artists["Led Zeppelin"], AlbumArtUrl = imgUrl }, }; var id = 1; foreach (var album in albums) { album.ArtistId = album.Artist.ArtistId; album.GenreId = album.Genre.GenreId; album.AlbumId = id++; } return albums; }
public override void AddItem(Album album, int quantiy) { base.AddItem(album, quantiy); Session.SetJson("Cart", this); }
public IHttpActionResult Create(AlbumModel album) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } var newAlbum = new Album { Title = album.Title, Producer = album.Producer, Year = album.Year }; this.Data.Albums.Add(newAlbum); this.Data.SaveChanges(); album.Id = newAlbum.Id; return Ok(album); }
public void AddToCart(Album album) { // Get the matching cart and album instances shoppingComponet.AddToCart(album, ShoppingCartId); }
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(Album album, CancellationToken requestAborted) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { DbContext.Update(album); await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(requestAborted); //Invalidate the cache entry as it is modified Cache.Remove(GetCacheKey(album.AlbumId)); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } ViewBag.GenreId = new SelectList(DbContext.Genres, "GenreId", "Name", album.GenreId); ViewBag.ArtistId = new SelectList(DbContext.Artists, "ArtistId", "Name", album.ArtistId); return View(album); }
public void Delete(Album album) { storeDB.Albums.Remove(album); storeDB.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task<ActionResult> CreateAlbum([FromBody]AlbumChangeDto album) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // Return the model errors return BadRequest(ModelState); } // Save the changes to the DB var dbAlbum = new Album(); _storeContext.Albums.Add(Mapper.Map(album, dbAlbum)); await _storeContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // TODO: Handle missing record, key violations, concurrency issues, etc. return new ObjectResult(new { Data = dbAlbum.AlbumId, Message = "Album created successfully." }); }
public override void RemoveLine(Album album) { base.RemoveLine(album); Session.SetJson("Cart", this); }