public UMCClusterTreeViewModel(UMCClusterLightMatched matchedCluster, TreeItemViewModel parent)
            m_items = new ObservableCollection<TreeItemViewModel>();
            m_parent = parent;
            m_cluster = matchedCluster;
            var features = new UMCCollectionTreeViewModel(matchedCluster.Cluster);
            features.FeatureSelected += feature_FeatureSelected;
            features.Name = "Features";

            // Cluster level statistics
            var cluster = matchedCluster.Cluster;
            AddStatistics("Mass", cluster.MassMonoisotopic);

            var item = new StringTreeViewItem(


            if (cluster.DriftTime > 0)
                AddStatistics("Drift Time", cluster.DriftTime);
            AddStatistics("Datasets", cluster.DatasetMemberCount);
            AddStatistics("Total", cluster.MemberCount);

            AddStatistics("Total MS/MS", cluster.MsMsCount);
            AddStatistics("Total Identifications", cluster.IdentifiedSpectraCount);

            var allIdentifications = new GenericCollectionTreeViewModel();
            allIdentifications.Name = "Identifications";

            // Items to display the base childen.
            var identifications = new PeptideCollectionTreeViewModel(cluster);
            identifications.Name = "Search Results";
            identifications.FeatureSelected += feature_FeatureSelected;

            var spectra = new MsMsCollectionTreeViewModel(cluster);
            spectra.Name = "MS/MS";
            m_spectra = spectra;
            spectra.SpectrumSelected += spectra_SpectrumSelected;
            spectra.FeatureSelected += feature_FeatureSelected;

            var matches = new MassTagCollectionMatchTreeViewModel(matchedCluster.ClusterMatches);
            matches.Name = "AMT Tags";

            m_allIdentifications = allIdentifications;

        private void LoadCluster(UMCClusterLightMatched cluster)
            m_selectedCluster = cluster;


            var peptides = cluster.Cluster.FindPeptides();
            peptides.ForEach(x => DatabaseResults.Add(new PeptideViewModel(x)));
            cluster.ClusterMatches.ForEach(x => MassTagResults.Add(new MassTagMatchedViewModel(x)));
 public UMCClusterTreeViewModel(UMCClusterLightMatched cluster)
     : this(cluster, null)
        private void LoadCluster(UMCClusterLightMatched cluster)

            if (cluster == null)

            //TODO: Make this a task!!!

            var spectra = cluster.Cluster.GetLoadedSpectra();
            m_maxMz = 0.0;
            m_maxIntensity = 0.0;
            foreach (var spectrum in spectra)
                spectrum.Peaks = SpectraLoader.LoadSpectrum(spectrum);
                if (spectrum.Peaks.Count > 0)
                    m_maxMz = Math.Max(m_maxMz, spectrum.Peaks.Max(x => x.X));
                    m_maxIntensity = Math.Max(m_maxIntensity, spectrum.Peaks.Max(x => x.Y));

                var msSpectrum = new MsSpectraViewModel(spectrum);

            foreach (var model in Spectra)
                model.SetMax(m_maxMz, m_maxIntensity);

            if (spectra.Count > 0)
                SelectedSpectra = Spectra[0];
        /// <summary>
        ///     Reconstructs the mass tags and clusters joining tabled data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clusters"></param>
        /// <param name="matches"></param>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tuple<List<UMCClusterLightMatched>, List<MassTagToCluster>> MapMassTagsToClusters(
            this List<UMCClusterLight> clusters,
            List<ClusterToMassTagMap> matches,
            MassTagDatabase database)
            var matchedClusters = new List<UMCClusterLightMatched>();
            var matchedTags = new List<MassTagToCluster>();

            // Maps a cluster ID to a cluster that was matched (or not in which case it will have zero matches).
            var clusterMap = new Dictionary<int, UMCClusterLightMatched>();

            // Maps the mass tags to clusters, the second dictionary is for the conformations.
            var massTagMap =
                new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, MassTagToCluster>>();

            // Index the clusters.
            foreach (var cluster in clusters)
                if (!clusterMap.ContainsKey(cluster.Id))
                    var matchedCluster = new UMCClusterLightMatched();
                    matchedCluster.Cluster = cluster;
                    clusterMap.Add(cluster.Id, matchedCluster);

            if (database != null)
                // Index the mass tags.
                foreach (var tag in database.MassTags)
                    if (!massTagMap.ContainsKey(tag.Id))
                        massTagMap.Add(tag.Id, new Dictionary<int, MassTagToCluster>());
                    if (!massTagMap[tag.Id].ContainsKey(tag.ConformationId))
                        var matchedTag = new MassTagToCluster();
                        matchedTag.MassTag = tag;
                        massTagMap[tag.Id].Add(tag.ConformationId, matchedTag);

                // Keeps track of all the proteins that we have mapped so far.
                var proteinList = new Dictionary<int, ProteinToMassTags>();

                // Link up the protein data
                foreach (var massTagId in massTagMap.Keys)
                    foreach (var conformationID in massTagMap[massTagId].Keys)
                        var clusterTag = massTagMap[massTagId][conformationID];

                        // Here we make sure we link up the protein data too
                        if (database.Proteins.ContainsKey(massTagId))
                            // Get a list of the proteins this tag mapped to.
                            var proteins = database.Proteins[massTagId];

                            // Then for each protein, wrap it with a proteintomasstag map, then
                            //    mapping the tag to the protein
                            //    and mapping the protein to the tags.
                            foreach (var p in proteins)
                                if (!proteinList.ContainsKey(p.ProteinId))
                                    var tempProtein = new ProteinToMassTags();
                                    tempProtein.Protein = p;
                                    proteinList.Add(p.ProteinId, tempProtein);

                                var protein = proteinList[p.ProteinId];

                                // Double link the data so we can go back and forth

            // Index and align matches
            foreach (var match in matches)
                // Find the cluster map
                if (clusterMap.ContainsKey(match.ClusterId))
                    var cluster = clusterMap[match.ClusterId];

                    MassTagToCluster tag = null;
                    if (massTagMap.ContainsKey(match.MassTagId))
                        tag = massTagMap[match.MassTagId][match.ConformerId];
                        match.MassTag = tag;

            foreach (var clusterId in clusterMap.Keys)

            foreach (var tagId in massTagMap.Keys)
                foreach (var conformerId in massTagMap[tagId].Keys)

            var tuple =
                new Tuple<List<UMCClusterLightMatched>, List<MassTagToCluster>>(matchedClusters, matchedTags);

            return tuple;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates the plots with data stored in the cache.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdatePlotsWithClusterData(UMCClusterLightMatched matchedCluster)
            //TODO: Make this select mass!
            ClusterMassPlot = ScatterPlotFactory.CreateFeatureMassScatterPlot(matchedCluster.Cluster.Features);

            //TODO: Make this select drift time!
            ClusterDriftPlot = ScatterPlotFactory.CreateFeatureDriftTimeScatterPlot(matchedCluster.Cluster.Features);

            var cluster = matchedCluster.Cluster;

            // Then we find all the nearby clusters
            var massPpm = ClusterTolerances.Mass;
            var net = ClusterTolerances.Net;

            //TODO: Add other clusters back
            // var minMass = FeatureLight.ComputeDaDifferenceFromPPM(cluster.MassMonoisotopic, massPpm);
            //var maxMass = FeatureLight.ComputeDaDifferenceFromPPM(cluster.MassMonoisotopic, -massPpm);
            //var minNet = cluster.Net - net;
            //var maxNet = cluster.Net + net;

            //var otherClusters
            //    = SingletonDataProviders.Providers.ClusterCache.FindNearby(minMass, maxMass, minNet, maxNet);

            //// Remove self from the list
            //var index = otherClusters.FindIndex(x => x.Id == cluster.Id);

            //if (index > -1)
            //    otherClusters.RemoveAt(index);

            //// Then find the matching clusters and map them back to previously matched (to mass tag data)
            //var otherClusterMatches = new List<UMCClusterLightMatched>();
            //otherClusters.ForEach(x => otherClusterMatches.Add(FeatureCacheManager<UMCClusterLightMatched>.FindById(x.Id)));

            //foreach (var matchedOtherCluster in otherClusterMatches)
            //    matchedOtherCluster.Cluster.Features.Clear();
            //    matchedOtherCluster.Cluster.ReconstructUMCCluster(SingletonDataProviders.Providers, false, false);

            // Map out the MS/MS spectra.
            var msmsFeatures = new List<MSFeatureMsMs>();
            foreach (var feature in cluster.Features)
                foreach (var msFeature in feature.MsFeatures)
                    msmsFeatures.AddRange(msFeature.MSnSpectra.Select(spectrum => new MSFeatureMsMs
                        FeatureID = msFeature.Id,
                        FeatureGroupID = msFeature.GroupId,
                        Mz = msFeature.Mz,
                        PrecursorMZ = spectrum.PrecursorMz,
                        FeatureScan = msFeature.Scan,
                        MsMsScan = spectrum.Scan,
                        MassMonoisotopicAligned = msFeature.MassMonoisotopicAligned,
                        ChargeState = msFeature.ChargeState,
                        Sequence = "",
                        PeptideSequence = ""

            var features = new List<UMCLight>();

            features.ForEach(x => Features.Add(new UMCTreeViewModel(x)));
            SelectedFeature = Features[0];
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Grabs the data from the provider cache and shoves into UI where needed.  This is done
        ///     here like this to prevent holding large amounts of data in memory.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetCluster(UMCClusterLightMatched cluster)
            // Grab the data from the cache

            ChargeHistogramModel = new UmcClusterChargeHistogram(cluster.Cluster, "Charge State Histogram");