Used to add info to associate with an SDL tag object
        private Dictionary <string, MtTag> GetSourceTagsDict()
            dict = new Dictionary <string, MtTag>(); //try this
            //build dict
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceSegment.Elements.Count; i++)
                System.Type elType = sourceSegment.Elements[i].GetType();

                if (elType.ToString() == "Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag") //if tag, add to dictionary
                    MtTag  theTag    = new MtTag((Tag)sourceSegment.Elements[i].Duplicate());
                    int    tagNumber = sourceSegment.Elements.IndexOf(theTag.SdlTag); //this is a number we will assign the tag
                    string tagText   = "<tg" + tagNumber.ToString() + ">";            //create our abbreviated tag to send to google
                    preparedSourceText += tagText;

                    //now we have to figure out whether this tag is preceded and/or followed by whitespace
                    if (i > 0 && !sourceSegment.Elements[i - 1].GetType().ToString().Equals("Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag"))
                        string prevText = sourceSegment.Elements[i - 1].ToString();
                        if (!prevText.Trim().Equals(""))//and not just whitespace
                            //get number of trailing spaces for that segment
                            int whitespace = prevText.Length - prevText.TrimEnd().Length;
                            //add that trailing space to our tag as leading space
                            theTag.padLeft = prevText.Substring(prevText.Length - whitespace);
                    if (i < sourceSegment.Elements.Count - 1 && !sourceSegment.Elements[i + 1].GetType().ToString().Equals("Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag"))
                        //here we don't care whether it is only whitespace
                        //get number of leading spaces for that segment
                        string nextText   = sourceSegment.Elements[i + 1].ToString();
                        int    whitespace = nextText.Length - nextText.TrimStart().Length;
                        //add that trailing space to our tag as leading space
                        theTag.padRight = nextText.Substring(0, whitespace);
                    dict.Add(tagText, theTag); //add our new tag code to the dict with the corresponding tag
                {                                                                              //if not a tag
                    string str = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceSegment.Elements[i].ToString()); //HtmlEncode our plain text to be better processed by google and add to string
                    preparedSourceText += str;

        private Dictionary<string, MtTag> GetSourceTagsDict()
            dict = new Dictionary<string, MtTag>(); //try this
            //build dict
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceSegment.Elements.Count; i++)
                System.Type elType = sourceSegment.Elements[i].GetType();

                if (elType.ToString() == "Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag") //if tag, add to dictionary
                    MtTag theTag = new MtTag((Tag)sourceSegment.Elements[i].Duplicate());
                    int tagNumber = sourceSegment.Elements.IndexOf(theTag.SdlTag);//this is a number we will assign the tag
                    string tagText = "<tg" + tagNumber.ToString() + ">"; //create our abbreviated tag to send to google
                    preparedSourceText += tagText;

                    //now we have to figure out whether this tag is preceded and/or followed by whitespace
                    if (i > 0 && !sourceSegment.Elements[i - 1].GetType().ToString().Equals("Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag"))
                        string prevText = sourceSegment.Elements[i - 1].ToString();
                        if (!prevText.Trim().Equals(""))//and not just whitespace
                            //get number of trailing spaces for that segment
                            int whitespace = prevText.Length - prevText.TrimEnd().Length;
                            //add that trailing space to our tag as leading space
                            theTag.padLeft = prevText.Substring(prevText.Length - whitespace);
                    if (i < sourceSegment.Elements.Count - 1 && !sourceSegment.Elements[i + 1].GetType().ToString().Equals("Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.Tag"))
                        //here we don't care whether it is only whitespace
                        //get number of leading spaces for that segment
                        string nextText = sourceSegment.Elements[i + 1].ToString();
                        int whitespace = nextText.Length - nextText.TrimStart().Length;
                        //add that trailing space to our tag as leading space
                        theTag.padRight = nextText.Substring(0, whitespace);
                    dict.Add(tagText, theTag); //add our new tag code to the dict with the corresponding tag
                {//if not a tag
                    string str = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceSegment.Elements[i].ToString()); //HtmlEncode our plain text to be better processed by google and add to string
                    preparedSourceText += str;

            return dict;