//Delete document by id and file path public static bool Delete(int Id, string FilePath) { bool IsDeleted = false; try { DocumentDTO DocumentDTO = new DocumentDTO(); DocumentDTO = GetById(Id); GlobalSettings.LoggedInClientId = DocumentDTO.ClientId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInUserId = DocumentDTO.UserId; int PartnerId = ClientService.GetById(DocumentDTO.ClientId).PartnerId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInPartnerId = PartnerId; IsDeleted = CommonService.RemoveDocument(FilePath); //+ DocumentDTO.Path if (IsDeleted != false) { UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(); uow.DocumentRepo.Delete(Id); uow.SaveChanges(); } return IsDeleted; } catch { throw; } }
//Create document public static int Create(DocumentDTO DocumentDTO) { try { GlobalSettings.LoggedInClientId = DocumentDTO.ClientId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInUserId = DocumentDTO.UserId; int PartnerId = ClientService.GetById(DocumentDTO.ClientId).PartnerId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInPartnerId = PartnerId; var Document = new Document(); using (var uow = new UnitOfWork()) { Document = Transform.DocumentToDomain(DocumentDTO); uow.DocumentRepo.Insert(Document); uow.SaveChanges(); return (Document.Id); } } //catch (LoggedInUserException) //{ // throw new System.TimeoutException(); //} catch (Exception) { throw; } }
//Save contact document to the folder public static string SaveDocumentToFolder(HttpPostedFile file, string documentPath, int ClientId, int UserId, string FileName) { try { var b = new byte[file.ContentLength]; string result = ""; documentPath = documentPath + ClientId; //"\\" + ModuleName MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(b); // MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(file.ContentLength); bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(documentPath); if (IsExists == false) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(documentPath); } var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(documentPath, FileName); //file.FileName if (File.Exists(path)) { result = "File already Exists"; return result; } else { file.SaveAs(documentPath + "/" + FileName); //file.FileName ms.Close(); DocumentDTO DocumentDTO = new DocumentDTO(); DocumentDTO.ClientId = ClientId; DocumentDTO.CreatedOn = System.DateTime.Now; DocumentDTO.FileName = FileName;// file.FileName; DocumentDTO.Path = ClientId + "/" + FileName;// file.FileName; DocumentDTO.UserId = UserId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInClientId = ClientId; int PartnerId = ClientService.GetById(ClientId).PartnerId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInPartnerId = PartnerId; GlobalSettings.LoggedInUserId = UserId; DocumentService.Create(DocumentDTO); result = "File uploaded successfully"; return result; } } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.ToString(); } }
//Get document list by client id public static List<DocumentDTO> GetDocumentListByClientId(int ClientId) { List<DocumentDTO> DocumentDTOList = new List<DocumentDTO>(); try { using (var uow = new UnitOfWork()) { IEnumerable<Document> Document = uow.DocumentRepo.GetAll().Where(e => e.ClientId == ClientId); if (Document != null) { foreach (var item in Document) { DocumentDTO DocumentDTO = new DocumentDTO(); DocumentDTO = Transform.DocumentToDTO(item); UserDTO UserDTO = new UserDTO(); UserDTO = UserService.GetById(DocumentDTO.UserId); DocumentDTO.User = UserDTO.Name; ClientDTO ClientDTO = new ClientDTO(); ClientDTO = ClientService.GetById(DocumentDTO.ClientId); DocumentDTO.Client = ClientDTO.Company; DocumentDTOList.Add(DocumentDTO); } } } return DocumentDTOList; } //catch (LoggedInUserException) //{ // throw new System.TimeoutException(); //} catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static Document DocumentToDomain(DocumentDTO DocumentDTO) { if (DocumentDTO == null) return null; Mapper.CreateMap<DocumentDTO, Document>(); Document Document = Mapper.Map<Document>(DocumentDTO); return Document; }