public static void GenerateSdf_legacy(FloatBmp output, Shape shape, double range, Vector2 scale, Vector2 translate) { int w = output.Width; int h = output.Height; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int row = shape.InverseYAxis ? h - y - 1 : y; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { double dummy = 0; Vector2 p = (new Vector2(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5) * scale) - translate; SignedDistance minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE; //TODO: review here List <Contour> contours = shape.contours; int m = contours.Count; for (int n = 0; n < m; ++n) { Contour contour = contours[n]; List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int nn = edges.Count; for (int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[i]; SignedDistance distance = edge.edgeSegment.signedDistance(p, out dummy); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; } } } output.SetPixel(x, row, (float)(minDistance.distance / (range + 0.5f))); } } }
//siged distance field generator public static void GenerateSdf(FloatBmp output, Shape shape, double range, Vector2 scale, Vector2 translate) { List <Contour> contours = shape.contours; int contourCount = contours.Count; int w = output.Width, h = output.Height; List <int> windings = new List <int>(contourCount); for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { windings.Add(contours[i].winding()); } //# ifdef MSDFGEN_USE_OPENMP //#pragma omp parallel //#endif { //# ifdef MSDFGEN_USE_OPENMP //#pragma omp for //#endif double[] contourSD = new double[contourCount]; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int row = shape.InverseYAxis ? h - y - 1 : y; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { double dummy = 0; Vector2 p = (new Vector2(x + .5, y + .5) / scale) - translate; double negDist = -SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; double posDist = SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; int winding = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { Contour contour = contours[i]; SignedDistance minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE; List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int edgeCount = edges.Count; for (int ee = 0; ee < edgeCount; ++ee) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[ee]; SignedDistance distance = edge.edgeSegment.signedDistance(p, out dummy); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; } } contourSD[i] = minDistance.distance; if (windings[i] > 0 && minDistance.distance >= 0 && Math.Abs(minDistance.distance) < Math.Abs(posDist)) { posDist = minDistance.distance; } if (windings[i] < 0 && minDistance.distance <= 0 && Math.Abs(minDistance.distance) < Math.Abs(negDist)) { negDist = minDistance.distance; } } double sd = SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; if (posDist >= 0 && Math.Abs(posDist) <= Math.Abs(negDist)) { sd = posDist; winding = 1; for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] > 0 && contourSD[i] > sd && Math.Abs(contourSD[i]) < Math.Abs(negDist)) { sd = contourSD[i]; } } } else if (negDist <= 0 && Math.Abs(negDist) <= Math.Abs(posDist)) { sd = negDist; winding = -1; for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] < 0 && contourSD[i] < sd && Math.Abs(contourSD[i]) < Math.Abs(posDist)) { sd = contourSD[i]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] != winding && Math.Abs(contourSD[i]) < Math.Abs(sd)) { sd = contourSD[i]; } } output.SetPixel(x, row, (float)(sd / range + .5)); } } } }
public static void generateMSDF_legacy(FloatRGBBmp output, Shape shape, double range, Vector2 scale, Vector2 translate, double edgeThreshold) { int w = output.Width; int h = output.Height; //#ifdef MSDFGEN_USE_OPENMP // #pragma omp parallel for //#endif for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int row = shape.InverseYAxis ? h - y - 1 : y; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { Vector2 p = (new Vector2(x + .5, y + .5) / scale) - translate; EdgePoint r = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, g = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, b = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }; //r.nearEdge = g.nearEdge = b.nearEdge = null; //r.nearParam = g.nearParam = b.nearParam = 0; List <Contour> contours = shape.contours; int m = contours.Count; for (int n = 0; n < m; ++n) { Contour contour = contours[n]; List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int j = edges.Count; for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[i]; double param; SignedDistance distance = edge.edgeSegment.signedDistance(p, out param); if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.RED) && distance < r.minDistance) { r.minDistance = distance; r.nearEdge = edge; r.nearParam = param; } if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.GREEN) && distance < g.minDistance) { g.minDistance = distance; g.nearEdge = edge; g.nearParam = param; } if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.BLUE) && distance < b.minDistance) { b.minDistance = distance; b.nearEdge = edge; b.nearParam = param; } } if (r.nearEdge != null) { r.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref r.minDistance, p, r.nearParam); } if (g.nearEdge != null) { g.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref g.minDistance, p, g.nearParam); } if (b.nearEdge != null) { b.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref b.minDistance, p, b.nearParam); } output.SetPixel(x, row, new FloatRGB( (float)(r.minDistance.distance / range + .5), (float)(g.minDistance.distance / range + .5), (float)(b.minDistance.distance / range + .5) )); } } } if (edgeThreshold > 0) { msdfErrorCorrection(output, edgeThreshold / (scale * range)); } }
public static void generateMSDF(FloatRGBBmp output, Shape shape, double range, Vector2 scale, Vector2 translate, double edgeThreshold) { List <Contour> contours = shape.contours; int contourCount = contours.Count; int w = output.Width; int h = output.Height; List <int> windings = new List <int>(contourCount); for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { windings.Add(contours[i].winding()); } var contourSD = new MultiDistance[contourCount]; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int row = shape.InverseYAxis ? h - y - 1 : y; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { Vector2 p = (new Vector2(x + .5, y + .5) / scale) - translate; EdgePoint sr = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, sg = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, sb = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }; double d = Math.Abs(SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance); double negDist = -Math.Abs(SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance); double posDist = Math.Abs(SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance); int winding = 0; for (int n = 0; n < contourCount; ++n) { //for-each contour Contour contour = contours[n]; List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int edgeCount = edges.Count; EdgePoint r = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, g = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }, b = new EdgePoint { minDistance = SignedDistance.INFINITE }; for (int ee = 0; ee < edgeCount; ++ee) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[ee]; double param; SignedDistance distance = edge.edgeSegment.signedDistance(p, out param); if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.RED) && distance < r.minDistance) { r.minDistance = distance; r.nearEdge = edge; r.nearParam = param; } if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.GREEN) && distance < g.minDistance) { g.minDistance = distance; g.nearEdge = edge; g.nearParam = param; } if (edge.HasComponent(EdgeColor.BLUE) && distance < b.minDistance) { b.minDistance = distance; b.nearEdge = edge; b.nearParam = param; } } //---------------- if (r.minDistance < sr.minDistance) { sr = r; } if (g.minDistance < sg.minDistance) { sg = g; } if (b.minDistance < sb.minDistance) { sb = b; } //---------------- double medMinDistance = Math.Abs(median(r.minDistance.distance, g.minDistance.distance, b.minDistance.distance)); if (medMinDistance < d) { d = medMinDistance; winding = -windings[n]; } if (r.nearEdge != null) { r.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref r.minDistance, p, r.nearParam); } if (g.nearEdge != null) { g.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref g.minDistance, p, g.nearParam); } if (b.nearEdge != null) { b.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref b.minDistance, p, b.nearParam); } //-------------- medMinDistance = median(r.minDistance.distance, g.minDistance.distance, b.minDistance.distance); contourSD[n].r = r.minDistance.distance; contourSD[n].g = g.minDistance.distance; contourSD[n].b = b.minDistance.distance; contourSD[n].med = medMinDistance; if (windings[n] > 0 && medMinDistance >= 0 && Math.Abs(medMinDistance) < Math.Abs(posDist)) { posDist = medMinDistance; } if (windings[n] < 0 && medMinDistance <= 0 && Math.Abs(medMinDistance) < Math.Abs(negDist)) { negDist = medMinDistance; } } if (sr.nearEdge != null) { sr.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref sr.minDistance, p, sr.nearParam); } if (sg.nearEdge != null) { sg.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref sg.minDistance, p, sg.nearParam); } if (sb.nearEdge != null) { sb.nearEdge.edgeSegment.distanceToPseudoDistance(ref sb.minDistance, p, sb.nearParam); } MultiDistance msd; msd.r = msd.g = msd.b = = SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; if (posDist >= 0 && Math.Abs(posDist) <= Math.Abs(negDist)) { = SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; winding = 1; for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] > 0 && contourSD[i].med > && Math.Abs(contourSD[i].med) < Math.Abs(negDist)) { msd = contourSD[i]; } } } else if (negDist <= 0 && Math.Abs(negDist) <= Math.Abs(posDist)) { = -SignedDistance.INFINITE.distance; winding = -1; for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] < 0 && contourSD[i].med < && Math.Abs(contourSD[i].med) < Math.Abs(posDist)) { msd = contourSD[i]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; ++i) { if (windings[i] != winding && Math.Abs(contourSD[i].med) < Math.Abs( { msd = contourSD[i]; } } if (median(sr.minDistance.distance, sg.minDistance.distance, sb.minDistance.distance) == { msd.r = sr.minDistance.distance; msd.g = sg.minDistance.distance; msd.b = sb.minDistance.distance; } output.SetPixel(x, row, new FloatRGB( (float)(msd.r / range + .5), (float)(msd.g / range + .5), (float)(msd.b / range + .5) )); } } if (edgeThreshold > 0) { msdfErrorCorrection(output, edgeThreshold / (scale * range)); } }
public static void edgeColoringSimple(Shape shape, double angleThreshold) { double crossThreshold = Math.Sin(angleThreshold); List <int> corners = new List <int>(); // for (std::vector<Contour>::iterator contour = shape.contours.begin(); contour != shape.contours.end(); ++contour) foreach (Contour contour in shape.contours) { // Identify corners corners.Clear(); List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int edgeCount = edges.Count; if (edgeCount != 0) { Vector2 prevDirection = edges[edgeCount - 1].Direction(1);// (*(contour->edges.end() - 1))->direction(1); for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[i]; if (isCorner(prevDirection.normalize(), edge.Direction(0).normalize(), crossThreshold)) { corners.Add(i); } prevDirection = edge.Direction(1); } } // Smooth contour if (corners.Count == 0) //is empty { for (int i = edgeCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { edges[i].color = EdgeColor.WHITE; } } else if (corners.Count == 1) { // "Teardrop" case EdgeColor[] colors = { EdgeColor.MAGENTA, EdgeColor.WHITE, EdgeColor.YELLOW }; int corner = corners[0]; if (edgeCount >= 3) { int m = edgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { //TODO: review here contour.edges[(corner + i) % m].color = colors[((int)(3 + 2.875 * i / (m - 1) - 1.4375 + .5) - 3) + 1]; //(colors + 1)[int(3 + 2.875 * i / (m - 1) - 1.4375 + .5) - 3]; } } else if (edgeCount >= 1) { // Less than three edge segments for three colors => edges must be split EdgeSegment[] parts = new EdgeSegment[7]; //empty array edges[0].edgeSegment.splitInThirds( out parts[0 + 3 * corner], out parts[1 + 3 * corner], out parts[2 + 3 * corner]); if (edgeCount >= 2) { edges[1].edgeSegment.splitInThirds( out parts[3 - 3 * corner], out parts[4 - 3 * corner], out parts[5 - 3 * corner] ); parts[0].color = parts[1].color = colors[0]; parts[2].color = parts[3].color = colors[1]; parts[4].color = parts[5].color = colors[2]; } else { parts[0].color = colors[0]; parts[1].color = colors[1]; parts[2].color = colors[2]; } contour.edges.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { edges.Add(new EdgeHolder(parts[i])); } } } // Multiple corners else { int cornerCount = corners.Count; // CMYCMYCMYCMY / YMYCMYC if corner count % 3 == 1 EdgeColor[] colors = { cornerCount % 3 == 1 ? EdgeColor.YELLOW : EdgeColor.CYAN, EdgeColor.CYAN, EdgeColor.MAGENTA, EdgeColor.YELLOW }; int spline = 0; int start = corners[0]; int m = contour.edges.Count; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int index = (start + i) % m; if (cornerCount > spline + 1 && corners[spline + 1] == index) { ++spline; } int tmp = (spline % 3 - ((spline == 0) ? 1 : 0)); edges[index].color = colors[tmp + 1]; //contour->edges[index]->color = (colors + 1)[spline % 3 - !spline]; } } } }
public void AddEdge(EdgeSegment edge) { EdgeHolder holder = new EdgeHolder(edge); edges.Add(holder); }
public static void edgeColoringSimple(Shape shape, double angleThreshold, ulong seed = 0) { double crossThreshold = Math.Sin(angleThreshold); List <int> corners = new List <int>(); //TODO: review reusable list // for (std::vector<Contour>::iterator contour = shape.contours.begin(); contour != shape.contours.end(); ++contour) foreach (Contour contour in shape.contours) { // Identify corners corners.Clear(); List <EdgeHolder> edges = contour.edges; int edgeCount = edges.Count; if (edgeCount != 0) { Vector2 prevDirection = edges[edgeCount - 1].direction(1);// (*(contour->edges.end() - 1))->direction(1); for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i) { EdgeHolder edge = edges[i]; if (isCorner(prevDirection.normalize(), edge.direction(0).normalize(), crossThreshold)) { corners.Add(i); } prevDirection = edge.direction(1); } } // Smooth contour if (corners.Count == 0) //is empty { for (int i = edgeCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { edges[i].color = EdgeColor.WHITE; } } else if (corners.Count == 1) { // "Teardrop" case EdgeColor[] colors = { EdgeColor.WHITE, EdgeColor.WHITE, EdgeColor.BLACK }; switchColor(ref colors[0], ref seed); colors[2] = colors[0]; switchColor(ref colors[2], ref seed); int corner = corners[0]; if (edgeCount >= 3) { int m = edgeCount; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { //TODO: review here contour.edges[(corner + i) % m].color = colors[((int)(3 + 2.875 * i / (m - 1) - 1.4375 + .5) - 3) + 1]; //(colors + 1)[int(3 + 2.875 * i / (m - 1) - 1.4375 + .5) - 3]; } } else if (edgeCount >= 1) { // Less than three edge segments for three colors => edges must be split EdgeSegment[] parts = new EdgeSegment[7]; //empty array, TODO: review array alloc here edges[0].edgeSegment.splitInThirds( out parts[0 + 3 * corner], out parts[1 + 3 * corner], out parts[2 + 3 * corner]); if (edgeCount >= 2) { edges[1].edgeSegment.splitInThirds( out parts[3 - 3 * corner], out parts[4 - 3 * corner], out parts[5 - 3 * corner] ); parts[0].color = parts[1].color = colors[0]; parts[2].color = parts[3].color = colors[1]; parts[4].color = parts[5].color = colors[2]; } else { parts[0].color = colors[0]; parts[1].color = colors[1]; parts[2].color = colors[2]; } contour.edges.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { edges.Add(new EdgeHolder(parts[i])); } } } // Multiple corners else { int cornerCount = corners.Count; int spline = 0; int start = corners[0]; int m = contour.edges.Count; EdgeColor color = EdgeColor.WHITE; switchColor(ref color, ref seed); EdgeColor initialColor = color; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int index = (start + i) % m; if (spline + 1 < cornerCount && corners[spline + 1] == index) { ++spline; switchColor(ref color, ref seed, (EdgeColor)(((spline == cornerCount - 1) ? 1 : 0) * (int)initialColor)); } edges[index].color = color; } } } }