static void Main(string[] args)
            // C# has "property initializer" system
            var fido1 = new Dog();

            fido1.Id    = 1;
            fido1.Name  = "Fido";
            fido1.Breed = "German Shepherd";

            // Much nicer syntax for doing the same thing!!!
            var fido2 = new Dog
                Id    = 1,
                Name  = "Fido",
                Breed = "German Shepherd"


            // IAnimal is a parent type of Dog
            // Dog is a subtype of IAnimal
            IAnimal animal = fido1;
            // converting from dog variable to IAnimal variable is upcasting
            // upcasting is guaranteed to exceed so it is implicit

            //when the Dog object is contained in IAnimal Variable,
            // we cannot see the Dog-specific stuff anymore
            // animal.Breed // error

            // Converting from IAnimal to Dog is downcasting and is not guaranteed to succeed
            // must be explicit with () casting

            Dog dog2 = (Dog)animal;

            // not all casting is up/downcasting, e.g. int to double and back
            // double to int loses data and thus must be exclicit
            int integer = (int)3.4;

            // int to double cannot lose data however
            // thus can be done implicitly
            double num = integer;

            var animals = new IAnimal[2];

            animals[0] = fido1;
            animals[1] = new Eagle
                Id   = 3,
                Name = "Bob",

            foreach (IAnimal item in animals)
                item.GoTo("Park"); // here we can't see Eagle.GoTo when using new
                                   // works right when we properly override using virtual and override

            Eagle eagle1 = (Eagle)animals[1];


            // camel case for local variables and private fields
            //Titlecase for everything else