/// <summary>
        /// Draws the document loop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loopData"></param>
        protected void _drawLoop(List <Hashtable> loopData)
            RowGroup rowGroup = PageDefinition.Loop;

            foreach (Hashtable data in loopData)
                DrawRowGroup(rowGroup, data, DocumentGroup.Loop);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the document header
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawHeader()
            RowGroup rowGroup = PageDefinition.Header.RowGroup;

            foreach (Row row in rowGroup.Rows)
                PdfDrawer.NextRow(row.Height, DocumentGroup.Header);
                DrawRow(row.DrawElements, headerData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw rowGroup to the Pdf, when goto nextPage, repeat the header!
        /// 201306060 :: mellorasinxelas to write absolute groups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="dGroup"></param>
        public void DrawRowGroup(RowGroup rowGroup, System.Collections.IDictionary data, DocumentGroup dGroup)
            bool absolute = false;

            if (rowGroup is Moon.PDFTemplate.FooterGroup)
                absolute = ((Moon.PDFTemplate.FooterGroup)rowGroup).Absolute;

            float oldY         = -1;
            bool  ignoreAddRow = false;

            if (absolute)
                oldY = PdfDrawer.CurrentY();
                PdfDrawer.SetY(PageDefinition.Margin_bottom + ((rowGroup.Y != -1.0F) ? rowGroup.Y : rowGroup.Height)); //20130610 :: Use sY if is stored, otherwise uses Height.
                ignoreAddRow = true;                                                                                   //position has been stored.

            foreach (Row row in rowGroup.Rows)
                if (!absolute)
                    if (PdfDrawer.isNoMoreY(row.Height, dGroup))

                if (ignoreAddRow)
                    ignoreAddRow = false;
                    PdfDrawer.NextRow(row.Height, dGroup);

                DrawRow(row.DrawElements, data);

            //returns to old Y value.
            if (absolute)
        /// <summary>
        /// draw row and table items inside body. 
        /// table items are treated as tables 
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawBody(Hashtable data, IPDFDraw drawer)
            if (bodyItems == null)

            XmlAttributeCollection font = pdfTemplate.DefaultFontAttrs;
            if (bodyNode.FirstChild.Name == "font")
                font = bodyNode.FirstChild.Attributes;

            foreach (XmlNode itemNode in bodyItems)
                if (!IsNodeVisible(itemNode, data))

                if (itemNode.Name == "row")
                    RowGroup rowGroup = new RowGroup
                        Y = Helper.GetFloatAttributeValue("y", bodyNode.Attributes, -1)
                    rowGroup.AddRow(pdfTemplate._buildRow(itemNode, font));
                    pdfTemplate.DrawRowGroup(rowGroup, data, DocumentGroup.Body);
                else if (itemNode.Name == "table")
                    var tableGenerator = new TableGenerator(pdfTemplate, itemNode);
                    if (itemNode.Attributes == null)
                    var keyAttribute = itemNode.Attributes["var"];
                    if (keyAttribute == null || !data.ContainsKey(keyAttribute.Value))
                    var tableParameters = data[keyAttribute.Value];
                    if (!(tableParameters is TableData))
                        throw new Exception("table parameter must be of type TableData");

                    tableGenerator.DrawTable((TableData) (tableParameters), drawer);
        //jaimelopez :: 20130606
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the document footer.
        /// </summary>
        protected void _drawFooter()
            RowGroup rowGroup = PageDefinition.Footer.RowGroup;

            //			if(rowGroup is FooterGroup){
            //				if( ((FooterGroup)rowGroup).Absolute) return; //print int NextPage operation.
            //			}

            if (!(rowGroup is FooterGroup) || !((FooterGroup)rowGroup).Absolute)
                if (rowGroup.Y != -1)
                    if (PdfDrawer.CurrentY() < rowGroup.Y)

            DrawRowGroup(rowGroup, footerData, DocumentGroup.Footer);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">node of xml header, body, footer, loop</param>
        /// <param name="footer">True if its a footer page element</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RowGroup _buildRowGroup(XmlNode node, bool footer)
            //20130606 :: jaimelopez
            RowGroup rowGroup = null;

            if (footer)
                rowGroup = new FooterGroup(XmlHelper.GetAttributeBoolean(FooterGroup.AbsoluteAttribute, node.Attributes, false));
                rowGroup = new RowGroup();


            rowGroup.Y = XmlHelper.GetFloatAttributeValue("y", node.Attributes, -1);

            XmlAttributeCollection _font = DefaultFontAttrs;

            if (node.FirstChild.Name == "font")
                _font = node.FirstChild.Attributes;

            XmlNodeList rowNodes = node.SelectNodes(".//row");

            foreach (XmlNode rowNode in rowNodes)
                if (rowNode.Name == "row")
                    rowGroup.AddRow(_buildRow(rowNode, _font));

        /// <summary>
        /// Draw rowGroup to the Pdf, when goto nextPage, repeat the header!
        /// 201306060 :: mellorasinxelas to write absolute groups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="dGroup"></param>
        public void DrawRowGroup(RowGroup rowGroup, System.Collections.IDictionary data, DocumentGroup dGroup)
            bool absolute = false;
            if (rowGroup is Moon.PDFTemplate.FooterGroup)
                absolute = ((Moon.PDFTemplate.FooterGroup)rowGroup).Absolute;

            float oldY = -1;
            bool ignoreAddRow = false;
            if (absolute)
                oldY = PdfDrawer.CurrentY();
                PdfDrawer.SetY(PageDefinition.Margin_bottom + ((rowGroup.Y != -1.0F) ? rowGroup.Y : rowGroup.Height));//20130610 :: Use sY if is stored, otherwise uses Height.
                ignoreAddRow = true; //position has been stored.

            foreach (Row row in rowGroup.Rows)
                if (!absolute)
                    if (PdfDrawer.isNoMoreY(row.Height, dGroup))

                if (ignoreAddRow)
                    ignoreAddRow = false;
                    PdfDrawer.NextRow(row.Height, dGroup);

                DrawRow(row.DrawElements, data);

            //returns to old Y value.
            if (absolute)
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">node of xml header, body, footer, loop</param>
        /// <param name="footer">True if its a footer page element</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RowGroup _buildRowGroup(XmlNode node, bool footer)
            //20130606 :: jaimelopez
            RowGroup rowGroup = null;

            if (footer)
                rowGroup = new FooterGroup(PDFDraw.Helper.GetAttributeBoolean(FooterGroup.AbsoluteAttribute, node.Attributes, false));
                rowGroup = new RowGroup();


            rowGroup.Y = PDFDraw.Helper.GetFloatAttributeValue("y", node.Attributes, -1);

            XmlAttributeCollection _font = DefaultFontAttrs;
            if (node.FirstChild.Name == "font")
                _font = node.FirstChild.Attributes;

            XmlNodeList rowNodes = node.SelectNodes(".//row");
            foreach (XmlNode rowNode in rowNodes)
                if(rowNode.Name == "row")
                    rowGroup.AddRow(_buildRow(rowNode, _font));

            return rowGroup;