Exemple #1
 public InteractiveNPC(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position)
     : base(world, actorSNO, position)
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.NPC_Has_Interact_Options, 0] = true;
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.NPC_Is_Operatable] = true;
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Buff_Visual_Effect, 0x00FFFFF] = true;
Exemple #2
        public Projectile(PowerContext context, int actorSNO, Vector3D position)
            : base(context.World, actorSNO)
            this.Field2 = 0x8;
            this.Scale = 1.35f;
            // just use default? GBHandle.Projectile is 10, but most projectiles I see use 17
            //this.GBHandle.Type = (int)GBHandleType.Projectile; this.GBHandle.GBID = 1;
            this.Field7 = 0x00000001;
            // these no longer needed?
            //this.Field10 = 0x1;
            //this.Field11 = 0x1;
            //this.Field12 = 0x1;
            //this.Field13 = 0x1;
            //this.CollFlags = 0x4;
            this.Context = context;
            this.Position = new Vector3D(position);
            this.Timeout = new SecondsTickTimer(context.World.Game, 2f);  // 2 second default timeout for projectiles

            // copy in important effect params from user
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_A, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_A, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_B, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_B, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_C, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_C, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_D, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_D, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_E, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_E, context.PowerSNO];

            _arrivalTime = null;
            _lastUpdateTick = 0;
            _prevUpdatePosition = null;
            _onArrivalCalled = false;

            // offset position by mpq collision data
            this.Position.Z += this.ActorData.Cylinder.Ax1 - this.ActorData.Cylinder.Position.Z;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses AABB from given GameBitBuffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The GameBitBuffer to parse from.</param>
 public void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     Min = new Vector3D();
     Max = new Vector3D();
Exemple #4
        public Living(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position, Dictionary<int, TagMapEntry> tags)
            : base(world, world.NewActorID, position, tags )
            this.SNOId = actorSNO;
            // FIXME: This is hardcoded crap
            this.Field3 = 0x0;
            this.RotationAmount = (float)(RandomHelper.NextDouble() * 2.0f * Math.PI);
            this.RotationAxis.X = 0f; this.RotationAxis.Y = 0f; this.RotationAxis.Z = 1f;
            this.GBHandle.Type = -1; this.GBHandle.GBID = -1;
            this.Field7 = 0x00000001;
            this.Field8 = this.SNOId;
            this.Field10 = 0x0;
            this.Field11 = 0x0;
            this.Field12 = 0x0;
            this.Field13 = 0x0;
            this.AnimationSNO = 0x11150;
            this.CollFlags = 1;

            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Max_Total] = 4.546875f;
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Max] = 4.546875f;
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Total_From_Level] = 0f;
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Hitpoints_Cur] = 4.546875f;

            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Level] = 1;
Exemple #5
 public static Vector3D TranslateDirection2D(Vector3D source, Vector3D destination, Vector3D point, float amount)
     Vector3D norm = Normalize(new Vector3D(destination.X - source.X, destination.Y - source.Y, 0f));
     return new Vector3D(point.X + norm.X * amount,
                         point.Y + norm.Y * amount,
 public override void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     ActorId = buffer.ReadInt(32);
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         Position = new Vector3D();
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         Angle = buffer.ReadFloat32();
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         TurnImmediately = buffer.ReadBool();
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         Speed = buffer.ReadFloat32();
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         Field5 = buffer.ReadInt(25);
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         AnimationTag = buffer.ReadInt(21) + (-1);
     if (buffer.ReadBool())
         Field7 = buffer.ReadInt(32);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads PRTransform from given GameBitBuffer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The GameBitBuffer to parse from.</param>
 public void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     Quaternion = new Quaternion();
     Vector3D = new Vector3D();
Exemple #8
 public Vendor(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position, Dictionary<int, TagMapEntry> tags)
     : base(world, actorSNO, position, tags)
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.MinimapActive] = true;
     _vendorGrid = new InventoryGrid(this, 1, 20, (int) EquipmentSlotId.Vendor);
Exemple #9
        public bool RunPower(Actor user, PowerScript power, Actor target = null,
                             Vector3D targetPosition = null, TargetMessage targetMessage = null)
            // replace power with existing channel instance if one exists
            if (power is ChanneledSkill)
                var existingChannel = _FindChannelingSkill(user, power.PowerSNO);
                if (existingChannel != null)
                    power = existingChannel;
                else  // new channeled skill, add it to the list

            // copy in context params
            power.User = user;
            power.Target = target;
            power.World = user.World;
            power.TargetPosition = targetPosition;
            power.TargetMessage = targetMessage;

            return true;
Exemple #10
 protected void InFrontPostion() // spawn actor in front of user
     float userFacing = (float)Math.Acos(this.User.RotationW) * 2f;
     this.SpawnPosition = new Vector3D(User.Position.X + 8 * (float)Math.Cos(userFacing),
                                      User.Position.Y + 8 * (float)Math.Sin(userFacing),
Exemple #11
        private bool _spawned;  // using my own spawn flag cause Actor.Spawned isn't being used right now

        public Projectile(PowerContext context, int actorSNO, Vector3D position)
            : base(context.World, actorSNO)
            this.Field2 = 0x8;
            this.Field7 = 0x00000001;  // TODO: test if this is necessary

            if (this.Scale == 0f)
                this.Scale = 1.00f;

            this.Context = context;
            this.Position = new Vector3D(position);
            // offset position by mpq collision data
            this.Position.Z += this.ActorData.Cylinder.Ax1 - this.ActorData.Cylinder.Position.Z;
            // 2 second default timeout for projectiles
            this.Timeout = new SecondsTickTimer(context.World.Game, 2f);

            // copy in important effect params from user
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_A, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_A, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_B, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_B, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_C, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_C, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_D, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_D, context.PowerSNO];
            this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_E, context.PowerSNO] = context.User.Attributes[GameAttribute.Rune_E, context.PowerSNO];

            _prevUpdatePosition = null;
            _mover = new ActorMover(this);
            _spawned = false;
Exemple #12
        public static Actor Create(World world, int snoId, Vector3D position, TagMap tagMap)
            if (!MPQStorage.Data.Assets[SNOGroup.Actor].ContainsKey(snoId))
                return null;

            var actorAsset = MPQStorage.Data.Assets[SNOGroup.Actor][snoId];            
            var actorData = actorAsset.Data as Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor;
            if (actorData == null) return null;

            if (actorData.Type == ActorType.Invalid) 
                return null;

            // read tagMapEntries and put them into a dictionary
            var tags = tagMap.TagMapEntries.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Int1);

            // see if we have an implementation for actor.
            if (SNOHandlers.ContainsKey(snoId))
                return (Actor) Activator.CreateInstance(SNOHandlers[snoId], new object[] {world, snoId, position, tags});
            switch (actorData.Type)
                case ActorType.Monster:
                    return new Monster(world, snoId, position, tags);
                case ActorType.Gizmo:
                    return CreateGizmo(world, snoId, position, tags);


            return null;
Exemple #13
        private static Actor CreateGizmo(World world, int snoId, Vector3D position, Dictionary<int,TagMapEntry> tags)
            if (tags.ContainsKey((int)MarkerTagTypes.DestinationWorld))
                return new Portal(world, snoId, position, tags);

            return new Gizmo(world, snoId, position, tags);
Exemple #14
        public void Spawn(float facingAngle = 0)
            FacingAngle = (float)Math.Cos(facingAngle / 2f);
            RotationAxis = new Vector3D(0, 0, (float)Math.Sin(facingAngle / 2f));

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns 2D angle to face the target position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookerPosition">The looker.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition">The target.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float GetFacingAngle(Vector3D lookerPosition, Vector3D targetPosition)
            if ((lookerPosition == null) || (targetPosition == null))
                return 0f;

            return (float) Math.Atan2((targetPosition.Y - lookerPosition.Y), (targetPosition.X - lookerPosition.X));
Exemple #16
        public static Vector3D GetMovementPosition(Vector3D position, float speed, float facingAngle, int ticks = 6)
            var xDelta = (speed * ticks) * (float)Math.Cos(facingAngle);
            var yDelta = (speed * ticks) * (float)Math.Sin(facingAngle);

            return new Vector3D(position.X + xDelta, position.Y + yDelta, position.Z);
Exemple #17
 protected WorldObject(World world, uint dynamicID)
     : base(dynamicID)
     this._world = world; // Specifically avoid calling the potentially overridden setter for this.World /komiga.
     this._rotationAxis = new Vector3D();
     this._position = new Vector3D();
        public MoveToPointWithPathfindAction(Actor owner, Vector3D heading)
            : base(owner)
            // Sending a request for a Path to the Pathing thread.
            _pathRequestTask = owner.World.Game.Pathfinder.GetPath(owner, owner.Position, heading);
            this.Heading = heading;

 public override void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     Field0 = buffer.ReadInt(32);
     Field1 = new Vector3D();
     Field2 = new Vector3D();
Exemple #20
 //This submits a request for a path to the pathfinder thread. This is the main point of entry for usage. - DarkLotus
 public PathRequestTask GetPath(Actor owner, Vector3D vector3D, Vector3D heading)
     if (aipather == null)
         aipather = new Pathfinder();
     var pathRequestTask = new PathRequestTask(aipather, owner, owner.Position, heading);
     _queuedPathTasks.TryAdd(owner.DynamicID, pathRequestTask);
     return pathRequestTask;
Exemple #21
 public bool IsWithin(Vector3D v)
     if (v >= this.Min &&
         v <= this.Max)
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #22
 public Gizmo(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position, Dictionary<int, TagMapEntry> tags)
     : base(world, world.NewActorID, position, tags)
     this.SNOId = actorSNO;
     this.Field2 = 16;
     this.Field3 = 0x0;
     this.Field7 = 0x00000001;
     this.Field8 = this.SNOId;
 public override void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     Field0 = buffer.ReadInt(32);
     Field1 = new Vector3D();
     Field2 = buffer.ReadFloat32();
     Field3 = buffer.ReadBool();
     Field4 = buffer.ReadInt(25);
Exemple #24
 public static Vector3D ProjectAndTranslate2D(Vector3D a, Vector3D b, Vector3D position, float amount)
     Vector3D r = new Vector3D(position);
     Vector3D ab_norm = Normalize(new Vector3D(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y, 0/*b.Z - a.Z*/)); // 2D
     r.X += ab_norm.X * amount;
     r.Y += ab_norm.Y * amount;
     //r.Z += ab_norm.Z * amount;
     return r;
Exemple #25
 public NPC(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position, Dictionary<int, TagMapEntry> tags)
     : base(world, actorSNO, position, tags)
     this.Field2 = 0x9;
     this.Field7 = 1;
     this.Field8 = actorSNO; //TODO check if this is not true for every actor / living? /fasbat
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.TeamID] = 1;
     this.Attributes[GameAttribute.Is_NPC] = true;
Exemple #26
        public static Vector3D VectorRotateZ(Vector3D v, float radians)
            float cosRad = (float)Math.Cos(radians);
            float sinRad = (float)Math.Sin(radians);

            return new Vector3D(v.X * cosRad - v.Y * sinRad,
                                v.X * sinRad + v.Y * cosRad,
Exemple #27
        public PowerProjectile(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position, Vector3D aimPosition, float speed,
                               float timetolive, float scale = 1.35f, float collisionError = 3f,
                               float heightOffset = 0, float distanceOffset = 0, bool handleTranslation = false)
            : base(world, actorSNO)
            this.startingPosition = new Vector3D(position);
            this.startingPosition.Z += heightOffset;
            this.speed = speed;
            this.timetolive = timetolive;
            this.collisionError = collisionError + heightOffset;

            //Timeout = new TickSecondsTimer(this.World.Game, timetolive / 1000f);

            //Save projectile creation tick
            this.creationTick = this.World.Game.TickCounter;

            // FIXME: This is hardcoded crap
            this.Field2 = 0x8;
            this.Field3 = 0x0;
            this.Scale = 1f;
            this.GBHandle.Type = (int)GBHandleType.Monster; this.GBHandle.GBID = 1;
            this.Field7 = 0x00000001;
            //this.Field8 = this.SNOId;
            this.Field10 = 0x1;
            this.Field11 = 0x1;
            this.Field12 = 0x1;
            this.Field13 = 0x1;
            this.CollFlags = 0x4;

            //Calculate Quaternion info
            this.radianAngle = PowerMath.AngleLookAt(startingPosition, aimPosition);

            //Assign quaternion info
            this.RotationAmount = (float)Math.Cos(this.radianAngle / 2);
            this.RotationAxis.X = 0f;
            this.RotationAxis.Y = 0f;
            this.RotationAxis.Z = (float)Math.Sin(this.radianAngle / 2);

            //Normalize position / aimPosition Vector
            Vector3D vel_normal = PowerMath.Normalize(new Vector3D(aimPosition.X - startingPosition.X,
                                                                   aimPosition.Y - startingPosition.Y,
            this.velocity = new Vector3D(vel_normal.X * speed, vel_normal.Y * speed, vel_normal.Z * speed);

            //Adjust projectile distance from player
            this.startingPosition.X += this.velocity.X * distanceOffset;
            this.startingPosition.Y += this.velocity.Y * distanceOffset;

            this.Position = this.startingPosition;
            this.World.Enter(this); // Enter only once all fields have been initialized to prevent a run condition

            //If the creator dont specify he want to manipulate the projectil itself, launch it
            if (!handleTranslation)
Exemple #28
        public override IEnumerable<TickTimer> Run()

            // cast effect
            User.PlayEffectGroup(RuneSelect(71141, 71141, 71141, 92222, 217377, 217461));

            // HACK: mooege's 100ms update rate is a little to slow for the impact to appear right on time so
            // an 100ms is shaved off the wait time
            TickTimer waitForImpact = WaitSeconds(ScriptFormula(4) - 0.1f);  

            List<Vector3D> impactPositions = new List<Vector3D>();
            int meteorCount = Rune_B > 0 ? (int)ScriptFormula(9) : 1;

            // pending effect + meteor
            for (int n = 0; n < meteorCount; ++n)
                Vector3D impactPos;
                if (meteorCount > 1)
                    impactPos = new Vector3D(TargetPosition.X + ((float)Rand.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 25,
                                             TargetPosition.Y + ((float)Rand.NextDouble() - 0.5f) * 25,
                    impactPos = TargetPosition;

                SpawnEffect(RuneSelect(86790, 215853, 91440, 92030, 217142, 217457), impactPos, 0, WaitSeconds(5f));

                if (meteorCount > 1)
                    yield return WaitSeconds(0.1f);

            // wait for meteor impact(s)
            yield return waitForImpact;

            // impact effects
            foreach (var impactPos in impactPositions)
                // impact
                SpawnEffect(RuneSelect(86769, 215809, 91441, 92031, 217139, 217458), impactPos);

                WeaponDamage(GetEnemiesInRadius(impactPos, ScriptFormula(3)), ScriptFormula(0),
                    RuneSelect(DamageType.Fire, DamageType.Fire, DamageType.Fire, DamageType.Cold, DamageType.Arcane, DamageType.Fire));

                // pool effect
                if (Rune_B == 0)
                    SpawnEffect(RuneSelect(90364, 90364, -1, 92032, 217307, 217459), impactPos, 0,

                if (meteorCount > 1)
                    yield return WaitSeconds(0.1f);
Exemple #29
 public Environment(World world, int actorSNO, Vector3D position)
     : base(world, world.NewActorID)
     this.ActorSNO = actorSNO;
     this.Field2 = 16;
     this.Field3 = 0x0;
     this.Field7 = 0x00000001;
     this.Field8 = this.ActorSNO;
     this.Scale = 1.35f;
Exemple #30
        public override IEnumerable<TickTimer> Main()

            // fire projectile normally, or find targets in arc if RuneB
            Vector3D[] targetDirs;
            if (Rune_B > 0)
                targetDirs = new Vector3D[(int)ScriptFormula(24)];

                int takenPos = 0;
                foreach (Actor actor in GetEnemiesInArcDirection(User.Position, TargetPosition, 75f, ScriptFormula(12)).Actors)
                    targetDirs[takenPos] = actor.Position;
                    if (takenPos >= targetDirs.Length)

                // generate any extra positions using generic spread
                if (takenPos < targetDirs.Length)
                    PowerMath.GenerateSpreadPositions(User.Position, TargetPosition, 10f, targetDirs.Length - takenPos)
                             .CopyTo(targetDirs, takenPos);
                targetDirs = new Vector3D[] { TargetPosition };

            foreach (Vector3D position in targetDirs)
                var proj = new Projectile(this, RuneSelect(77569, 153864, 153865, 153866, 153867, 153868), User.Position);
                proj.Position.Z += 5f;  // fix height
                proj.OnCollision = (hit) =>
                    // hit effect
                    hit.PlayEffectGroup(RuneSelect(77577, 153870, 153872, 153873, 153871, 153869));

                    if (Rune_B > 0)
                        WeaponDamage(hit, ScriptFormula(9), DamageType.Poison);
                        AddBuff(hit, new ExplosionBuff());

                proj.Launch(position, ScriptFormula(2));

                if (Rune_B > 0)
                    yield return WaitSeconds(ScriptFormula(13));