// FIXME : Determine a maximum to stop generation
		public void AddToDot (Digraph dot)
			Subgraph sg = new Subgraph ();
//			// some things don't go inside the cluster
//			StringBuilder noncluster = new StringBuilder ();

//			StringBuilder dot = new StringBuilder ();
//			dot.AppendFormat ("\tsubgraph cluster{0} {{{1}", Math.Abs (GetHashCode ()), Environment.NewLine);

			bool publicType = false;
			TypeDefinition type = (_type as TypeDefinition);
			if (type != null) {
				// much more interesting info in a definition
				if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Public) != 0) {
					publicType = true;
//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tcolor=blue");
					sg.Color = "blue";

			sg.Label = GetClassLabel ();
			sg.LabelLoc = "b";
			sg.LabelJust = "l";
			sg.FontName = "tahoma";
			sg.FontSize = 8;
//			dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tlabel = \"{0}\";{1}", GetClassLabel (), Environment.NewLine);
	//		dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tstyle=filled;{0}\t\tcolor=lightgrey;{0}", Environment.NewLine);
//			dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tfontname=tahoma;{0}\t\tfontsize=8;{0}", Environment.NewLine);
//			dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tlabelloc=b;{0}\t\tlabeljust=l;{0}", Environment.NewLine); 
	//		dot.AppendFormat ("\t\tnode [style=filled,color=white];{0}", Environment.NewLine);
	//		dot.AppendFormat ("fontname=tahoma;fontsize=8;,labelfontname=tahoma,labelfontsize=8];{0}", Environment.NewLine);

			// icalls
			if (HasInternalCall) {
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in _internalcalls) {
					string icall = Helper.GetMethodString (method);
					Node node = new Node (icall);
					node.Attributes ["shape"] = "box";
					node.Attributes ["peripheries"] = "2";
					DecorateNode (node, method);
					sg.Nodes.Add (node);
//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\t\"{0}\" [shape=box,peripheries=2];{1}", icall, Environment.NewLine);
//					noncluster.AppendFormat ("\t\"{0}\" -> \"runtime\" [label=\"icall\"{1}];{2}", icall, Helper.GetSecurity (method, null), Environment.NewLine);
					Edge edge = new Edge (icall, "runtime");
					edge.Attributes ["label"] = "icall" + Helper.GetSecurity (method, null);
					dot.Edges.Add (edge);
			// publics
			if (HasPublic) {
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in _publics) {
					string pub = Helper.GetMethodString (method);
					Node node = new Node (pub);
//					string url = Helper.Url (method);
//					string style = String.Empty;
					if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) == MethodAttributes.Static)
						node.Attributes ["style"] = "bold";

					if ((method.Attributes & (MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final)) == MethodAttributes.Virtual)
						node.Attributes ["style"] = "dashed";

//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\t\"{0}\" [shape=box,color=blue{1}{2}];{3}", pub, url, style, Environment.NewLine);
					node.Attributes ["shape"] = "box";
					node.Attributes ["color"] = "blue";

					string caller = "any code from\\n";
					if (publicType) {
						caller += "anywhere";
					} else {
						caller += GetScopeName (_type.Scope);

					DecorateNode (node, method);
					sg.Nodes.Add (node);
//					noncluster.AppendFormat ("\t\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\" [style=dotted{2}];{3}", caller, pub, Helper.GetSecurity (null, method), Environment.NewLine);
					Edge edge = new Edge (caller, pub);
					edge.Attributes ["style"] = "dotted";
					dot.Edges.Add (edge);
			// protected
			if (HasProtected) {
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in _protected) {
					string pub = Helper.GetMethodString (method);
					Node node = new Node (pub);
					node.Attributes ["shape"] = "box";
					node.Attributes ["color"] = "blueviolet";
					DecorateNode (node, method);
					sg.Nodes.Add (node);
//					string url = Helper.Url (method);
					if ((method.Attributes & (MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final)) == MethodAttributes.Virtual) {
						string style;
						if (node.Attributes.TryGetValue ("style", out style))
							node.Attributes ["style"] = style + ",dashed";
							node.Attributes ["style"] = "dashed";

//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\t\"{0}\" [shape=box,color=blueviolet{1}{2}];{3}", pub, style, url, Environment.NewLine);

					string caller = "any inherited class";
					if (!publicType) {
						caller += String.Concat (" from\\n", GetScopeName (_type.Scope));
//					noncluster.AppendFormat ("\t\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\" [style=dotted{2}];{3}", caller, pub, Helper.GetSecurity (null, method), Environment.NewLine);

					Edge edge = new Edge (caller, pub);
					edge.Attributes ["style"] = "dotted";
					dot.Edges.Add (edge);
			// specials (e.g. .cctor)
			if (HasSpecial)	{
				// no URL available for internal stuff
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in _specials) {
					string pub = Helper.GetMethodString (method);
					Node node = new Node (pub);
					node.Attributes ["shape"] = "box";
					node.Attributes ["color"] = "green";
					DecorateNode (node, method);
					sg.Nodes.Add (node);

//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\t\"{0}\" [shape=box,color=green];{1}", pub, Environment.NewLine);

//					noncluster.AppendFormat ("\t\"unknown caller\" -> \"{0}\" [style=dotted{1}];{2}", pub, Helper.GetSecurity (null, method), Environment.NewLine);

					Edge edge = new Edge ("unknown caller", pub);
					edge.Attributes ["style"] = "dotted";
					dot.Edges.Add (edge);
			// others
			if ((_others != null) && (_others.Count > 0)) {
				// no URL available for internal stuff
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in _others) {
					string pub = Helper.GetMethodString (method);
					Node node = new Node (pub);
					node.Attributes ["shape"] = "box";
					DecorateNode (node, method);
					sg.Nodes.Add (node);
//					dot.AppendFormat ("\t\t\"{0}\" [shape=box{1}];{2}", pub, Helper.GetSecurity (null, method), Environment.NewLine);
//			dot.AppendFormat ("\t}}{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine).Append (noncluster);
//			return dot.ToString ();

			dot.Subgraphs.Add (sg);
		private Digraph GetDotData (AssemblyDefinition assembly)
			if (assembly == null)
				return null;

			clusters.Clear ();
			partial_trust_callers.Clear ();
			trusted_callers.Clear ();

			Digraph dot = new Digraph ();
			dot.Name = "AssemblyDependencies";
			dot.AutoConcentrate = true;
			dot.Label = GetTitleName (assembly.Name);
			dot.LabelLoc = "t";
			dot.FontName = "tahoma";
			dot.FontSize = 10;

			RecurseAssembly (assembly, dot);

			// process clusters (by public key tokens)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string,List<AssemblyNameReference>> kpv in clusters) {
				Subgraph sg = new Subgraph ();
				sg.Label = kpv.Key;
				sg.LabelLoc = "b";
				dot.Subgraphs.Add (sg);

				foreach (AssemblyNameReference reference in kpv.Value) {
					Node n = new Node ();
					n.Label = GetFriendlyName (reference);
					n.Attributes["shape"] = "box";

					AssemblyDefinition ad = GetAssemblyFromReference (reference);
					if (ad != null) {
						// reference assembly is loaded in memory so we can do more analysis
						if (HasUnverifiableCode (ad)) {
							n.Attributes["color"] = "red";
					} else {
						// default if assembly isn't loaded
						n.Attributes["style"] = "dashed";
					sg.Nodes.Add (n);

			// process edges (i.e. callers)
			foreach (string s in partial_trust_callers) {
				Edge e = new Edge ("partially\\ntrusted\\ncallers\\n", s);
				e.Attributes["style"] = "dotted";
				dot.Edges.Add (e);
			foreach (string s in trusted_callers) {
				Edge e = new Edge ("trusted\\ncallers\\n", s);
				e.Attributes["style"] = "dotted";
				dot.Edges.Add (e);

			return dot;