Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler();
            Console.WriteLine("Adding user");

            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            string s = String.Format("Hi, \n You can play the game at:\n{0}\n" +
                                    "Cheers,\nOnline Monopoly Team", guid);

            //rh.ShutdownService(); return;
            List<string> emails = new List<string>() { @"*****@*****.**", @"*****@*****.**"};
            Task t0 = rh.RegisterUserAsync(emails[0], true);
            Task t1 = rh.RegisterUserAsync(emails[1], true);
            Console.WriteLine("Users added");
            Console.WriteLine("Started creating game, waiting ...");
            int id = 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Game created with id " + id);
            rh.AcceptAsync(emails[0], id);
            Console.WriteLine("can start? " + rh.CanStart(id));
            rh.AcceptAsync(emails[1], id);
            Console.WriteLine("can start? " + rh.CanStart(id));
            Console.WriteLine("starting  ... " );
            List<Move> moves = rh.GetPossibilites(emails[0], id);
            Console.WriteLine("--- Moves");
            foreach (Move m in moves)

            Console.WriteLine("Making move .. {0}", moves[0].Type);
            rh.MakeMoveAsync(moves[0].Id, "");
            moves = rh.GetPossibilites(emails[0], id);
            Console.WriteLine("--- Moves");
            foreach (Move m in moves)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}",m.Description, m.Param);
            Console.WriteLine("Making move .. {0}", moves[0].Type);
            rh.MakeMoveAsync(moves[0].Id, "");
            moves = rh.GetPossibilites(emails[0], id);
            Console.WriteLine("--- Moves");
            foreach (Move m in moves)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", m.Description, m.Param);
            UIGame game = rh.GetUIGameState(emails[0], id);
            Console.WriteLine("Actmoney {0}", game.ActUserMoney);
            Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetName(typeof(UIGame.UIGameStatus), game.GameState));
 public ActionResult GameList(string UId = "")
     RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler();
     string userEmail = "";
     if (UId != "")
         userEmail = rh.VerifyUniqueID(UId);
         if (userEmail == null) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "The unique id is invalid" });
         if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "You are not logged in. Only registered users can view a list of their games" });
         userEmail = GetUserEmail(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);
     //RH.getgamelist, foreach game in gamelist getusers...
     List<GameModel> gameList = new List<GameModel>();
     List<int> gameIDs = rh.GetAllGamesForUser(userEmail);
     //List<int> gameIDs = gamesTask.Result;
     foreach (var item in gameIDs)
         UIGame game = rh.GetUIGameState(userEmail, item);
         GameModel gm = new GameModel();
         gm.GameID = item;
         gm.Status = game.GameState.ToString();
         gm.GameName = "Game #" + item.ToString();
         foreach (var innerItem in game.UIUserInfo)
             string Email = innerItem.UserEmail;
             string userName = GetUserName(Email);
             if (userName != "") gm.Users.Add(userName);
             else gm.Users.Add(Email);
     ViewBag.testList = gameList;
     return View();
 public ActionResult ViewStatus(int gameId = -1, string UId = "")
     string userMail = "";
     UIGame game = null;
     RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler();
     if (UId != "")
         userMail = rh.VerifyUniqueID(UId);
         if (userMail == null) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "The unique id is invalid" });
         //if (gameId != gi.GameId) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "There was an error while processing the request. The requested game does not match with the given UID." });
         //userMail = gi.ActUserEmail;
         game = rh.GetUIGameState(userMail, gameId);
     else if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "You have to be logged in or provide the UId to view the requested page" });
         userMail = GetUserEmail(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);
         game = rh.GetUIGameState(userMail, gameId);
     GameModel gm = new GameModel();
     gm.GameName = "Game #" + gameId.ToString();
     gm.GameID = gameId;
     gm.Status = game.GameState.ToString();
     ViewBag.CreatorName = GetUserName(game.CreatorEmail);
     foreach (var item in game.UIUserInfo)
         string userName = GetUserName(item.UserEmail);
         if (userName != "") gm.Users.Add(userName);
         else gm.Users.Add(item.UserEmail);
         if (userMail == item.UserEmail) ViewBag.PlayerStatus = item.State.ToString();
     bool showstartLink = true;
     if (game.CreatorEmail == userMail && rh.CanStart(gameId)) showstartLink = true;
     else showstartLink = false;
     ViewBag.UId = UId;
     ViewBag.ShowStartLink = showstartLink;
     ViewBag.GameId = gameId.ToString();
     ViewBag.Game = gm;
     return View();
 public ActionResult ViewGame(int gameId = -1, string UId = "")
     RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler();
     string userMail = "";
     UIGame game = null;
     if (UId != "")
         userMail = rh.VerifyUniqueID(UId);
         if (userMail == null) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "The unique id is invalid" });
         //userMail = gi.UserEmail;
         if (gameId != game.GameId) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "There was an error while processing the request. The requested game does not match with the given UID." });
         //game = rh.GetUIGameState(userMail,gameId);
         if (game.GameState == UIGame.UIGameStatus.PENDING) return RedirectToAction("ViewStatus", new { gameId = game.GameId, UId = UId }); //Or viewBoard regarding the status of the game
         return RedirectToAction("ViewBoard", new { gameId = game.GameId, UId = UId });
     if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "You have to be logged in or provide the UId to view the requested page" });
     userMail = GetUserEmail(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);
     game = rh.GetUIGameState(userMail, gameId);
     if(game.GameState == UIGame.UIGameStatus.PENDING) return RedirectToAction("ViewStatus", new { gameId = gameId}); //Or ViewBoard regarding the status of the game
     return RedirectToAction("ViewBoard", new { gameId = gameId});
        public ActionResult ViewBoard(int gameId = -1, string UId = "")
            RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler();
            string userEmail = "";
            if (UId != "")
                userEmail = rh.VerifyUniqueID(UId);
                if (userEmail == null) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "The unique id is invalid" });
                //if (gameId != gi.GameId) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "There was an error while processing the request. The requested game does not match with the given UID." });
                //userEmail = gi.ActUserEmail;
                if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", new { ErrorMessage = "You have to be logged in or provide the UId to view the requested page" });
                else userEmail = GetUserEmail(WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);
            UIGame game = rh.GetUIGameState(userEmail, gameId);
            ViewBag.gameId = gameId;
            ViewBag.UId = UId;

            ViewBag.UpperRow = this.UpperRow();
            ViewBag.LowerRow = this.LowerRow();
            ViewBag.InnerRows = this.InnerRows();

            List<string> userNames = new List<string>();
            List<string> userField = new List<string>();
            List<List<string>> userProperties = new List<List<string>>();
            foreach (var item in game.UIUserInfo)
                string uName = GetUserName(item.UserEmail);
                if (uName == "") userNames.Add(item.UserEmail);
                else userNames.Add(uName);
                if (item.ActPosition != null)
                    /*for (int i = 0; i< ViewBag.UpperRow.Count ; i++)
                        if (ViewBag.UpperRow[i].Contains(item.ActPosition.Name)) ViewBag.UpperRow[i] = (uName == "" ? item.UserEmail : uName) + "\n" + ViewBag.UpperRow[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ViewBag.LowerRow.Count; i++)
                        if (ViewBag.LowerRow[i].Contains(item.ActPosition.Name)) ViewBag.LowerRow[i] = (uName == "" ? item.UserEmail : uName) + "\n" + ViewBag.LowerRow[i];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ViewBag.InnerRows.Count; i++)
                        if (ViewBag.InnerRows[i].RightName.Contains(item.ActPosition.Name)) ViewBag.InnerRows[i].RightName = (uName == "" ? item.UserEmail : uName) + "\n" + ViewBag.InnerRows[i].RightName;
                        if (ViewBag.InnerRows[i].LeftName.Contains(item.ActPosition.Name)) ViewBag.InnerRows[i].LeftName = (uName == "" ? item.UserEmail : uName) + "\n" + ViewBag.InnerRows[i].LeftName;

                List<string> propstrings = new List<string>();
                if (item.UIFieldInfo != null && item.UIFieldInfo.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var inneritem in item.UIFieldInfo)
                        string propString = inneritem.Name + " - " + inneritem.Houses.ToString() + " houses and " + inneritem.Hotels + " hotels";
                        if (inneritem.IsMortgaged) propString += " (Mortgaged)";
                    propstrings.Add("No property yet");
            ViewBag.userField = userField;
            ViewBag.UserNames = userNames;
            ViewBag.userProperties = userProperties;

            ViewBag.currentPlayer = "Zoli";
            List<Move> possibilities = rh.GetPossibilites(userEmail, gameId);
            List<string> possibleMoves = new List<string>();
            possibleMoves.AddRange(possibilities.Where(x => x.Type != Move.MoveType.MSG).Select(x => x.Type.ToString()));
            ViewBag.message = possibilities.Where(x => x.Type.ToString() == "MSG").Select(x => x.Description).SingleOrDefault();
            ViewBag.playerMoney = game.ActUserMoney;
            ViewBag.possibleMoves = possibilities;
            string helpText = "";
            foreach (var item in possibilities)
                helpText += item.Help + "\n";
            ViewBag.HelpText = helpText;

            return View();