Sections contain individual Element instances that are rendered by MonoTouch.Dialog
Sections are used to group elements in the screen and they are the only valid direct child of the RootElement. Sections can contain any of the standard elements, including new RootElements. RootElements embedded in a section are used to navigate to a new deeper level. You can assign a header and a footer either as strings (Header and Footer) properties, or as UIViews to be shown (HeaderView and FooterView). Internally this uses the same storage, so you can only show one or the other.
Inheritance: Element, IEnumerable
Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Invoked when it comes time to set the root so the child classes can create their own menus
		/// </summary>
		private void OnCreateMenu(RootElement root)
            var addGistSection = new Section();
            addGistSection.Add(new MenuElement("New Gist", () => {
                var gistController = new CreateGistController();
                gistController.Created = (id) => {
                    NavigationController.PushViewController(new GistInfoController(id), true);
                var navController = new UINavigationController(gistController);
                PresentViewController(navController, true, null);
            }, Images.Buttons.NewGist));

            var gistMenuSection = new Section() { HeaderView = new MenuSectionView("Gists") };
            gistMenuSection.Add(new MenuElement("My Gists", () => NavigationController.PushViewController(new MyGistsController(), true), Images.Buttons.MyGists));
            gistMenuSection.Add(new MenuElement("Starred", () => NavigationController.PushViewController(new StarredGistsController(), true), Images.Buttons.Star2));
            gistMenuSection.Add(new MenuElement("Public", () => NavigationController.PushViewController(new PublicGistsController(), true), Images.Buttons.Public));

//            var labelSection = new Section() { HeaderView = new MenuSectionView("Tags") };
//            root.Add(labelSection);
//            labelSection.Add(new MenuElement("Add New Tag", () => { }, null));

            var moreSection = new Section() { HeaderView = new MenuSectionView("Info") };
            moreSection.Add(new MenuElement("About", () => NavigationController.PushViewController(new AboutController(), true), Images.Buttons.Info));
            moreSection.Add(new MenuElement("Feedback & Support", () => { 
                var config = UserVoice.UVConfig.Create("", "lYY6AwnzrNKjHIkiiYbbqA", "9iLse96r8yki4ZKknfHKBlWcbZAH9g8yQWb9fuG4");
                UserVoice.UserVoice.PresentUserVoiceInterface(this, config);
            }, Images.Buttons.Feedback));
            moreSection.Add(new MenuElement("Logout", Logout, Images.Buttons.Logout));
        private void LoadTable()
            var imageCount = Data.Database.Main.Table<ProjectImage>().Count();
            var allPatternsButton = new StyledElement("All UI Images", imageCount.ToString(), UITableViewCellStyle.Value1);
            if (imageCount > 0)
                allPatternsButton.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator;
                allPatternsButton.Tapped += () => NavigationController.PushViewController(new LocalViewPatternsViewController() { Title = "All" }, true);

            var section = new Section("Albums");
            var projects = Data.Database.Main.Table<Project>();
            foreach (var p in projects)
                var project = p;
                var element = new ProjectElement(project);
                if (Data.Database.Main.Table<ProjectImage>().Where(a => a.ProjectId == project.Id).Count() > 0)
                    element.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator;
                    element.Tapped += () => {
                        NavigationController.PushViewController(new LocalViewPatternsViewController(project.Id) { Title = project.Name }, true);

            var root = new RootElement(Title) { new Section() { allPatternsButton }, section };
            Root = root;
        public void buildReport()
            Root = new RootElement ("");
            var v = new UIView ();
            v.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 600, 10);
            var dummy = new Section (v);
            Root.Add (dummy);
            var headerLabel = new UILabel (new RectangleF (10, 10, 800, 48)) {
                Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (18),
                BackgroundColor = ColorHelper.GetGPPurple (),
                TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
                TextColor = UIColor.White,
                Text = "Branch Matter Analysis"
            var view = new UIViewBordered ();
            view.Frame = new RectangleF (10, 20, 800, 48);
            view.Add (headerLabel);
            Root.Add (new Section (view));
            for (int i = 0; i < report.branches.Count; i++) {
                Branch branch = report.branches [i];

                Section s = new Section ( + " Branch Totals");
                Root.Add (s);
                if (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity != null) {
                    var matterActivitySection = new Section ();
                    var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Activity");
                    matterActivitySection.Add (mTitle);
                    matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (, "Active Matters: "));
                    matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (
                        "Deactivated Matters: "
                    matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.newWork, "New Work: "));
                    matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.workedOn, "Worked On: "));

                    matterActivitySection.Add (new NumberElement (branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.noActivity, "No Activity: "));
                    matterActivitySection.Add (new StringElement ("No Activity Duration: " + branch.branchTotals.matterActivity.noActivityDuration));
                    Root.Add (matterActivitySection);
                if (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances != null) {
                    var matterBalancesSection = new Section ();
                    var mTitle = new TitleElement ("Matter Balances");
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (mTitle);
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.BUSINESS) + ": "));
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (, S.GetText (S.TRUST_BALANCE) + ": "));
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.investment, S.GetText (S.INVESTMENTS) + ": "));
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.unbilled, "Unbilled: "));
                    matterBalancesSection.Add (getElement (branch.branchTotals.matterBalances.pendingDisbursements, "Pending Disb.: "));
                    Root.Add (matterBalancesSection);


            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                Root.Add (new Section (" "));
        public ProvisioningDialog()
            : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null)
            Root = new RootElement ("GhostPractice Mobile");
            var topSec = new Section ("Welcome");
            topSec.Add (new StringElement ("Please enter activation code"));
            activation = new EntryElement ("Code", "Activation Code", "999998-zcrdbrkqwogh");
            topSec.Add (activation);
            var submit = new StringElement ("Send Code");
            submit.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

            submit.Tapped += delegate {
                if (activation.Value == null || activation.Value == string.Empty) {
                    new UIAlertView ("Device Activation", "Please enter activation code", null, "OK", null).Show ();
                if (!isBusy) {
                    getAsyncAppAndPlatform ();
                } else {
                    Wait ();

            topSec.Add (submit);
            Root.Add (topSec);

            UIImage img = UIImage.FromFile ("Images/launch_small.png");
            UIImageView v = new UIImageView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 600));
            v.Image = img;
            Root.Add (new Section (v));
		public void DemoHeadersFooters () 
			var section = new Section () { 
				HeaderView = new UIImageView (UIImage.FromFile ("caltemplate.png")),
#if !__TVOS__
				FooterView = new UISwitch (new RectangleF (0, 0, 80, 30)),
#endif // !__TVOS__
			// Fill in some data 
			var linqRoot = new RootElement ("LINQ source"){
				from x in new string [] { "one", "two", "three" }
					select new Section (x) {
						from y in "Hello:World".Split (':')
							select (Element) new StringElement (y)

			section.Add (new RootElement ("Desert", new RadioGroup ("desert", 0)){
				new Section () {
					new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
					new RadioElement ("Milkshake", "desert"),
					new RadioElement ("Chocolate Cake", "desert")
			var root = new RootElement ("Headers and Footers") {
				new Section () { linqRoot }
			var dvc = new DialogViewController (root, true);
			navigation.PushViewController (dvc, true);
		// Load the list of lists and setup their events
		private Task RefreshAsync()

			return this.db.Table<List>().ToListAsync().ContinueWith (t => {
				if (t.Exception != null) {
					BeginInvokeOnMainThread (ReloadComplete);
					ShowError (t.Exception.Flatten().InnerException);

				Section section = new Section();
				section.AddAll (t.Result.Select (l =>
					new StringElement (l.Name, () => {
						var tasks = new TasksViewController (this.db, l);
						NavigationController.PushViewController (tasks, true);

				InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
					Root.Add (section);


Exemple #7
        public void EchoDicomServer()
            RootElement root = null;
            Section resultSection = null;

            var hostEntry = new EntryElement("Host", "Host name of the DICOM server", "server");
            var portEntry = new EntryElement("Port", "Port number", "104");
            var calledAetEntry = new EntryElement("Called AET", "Called application AET", "ANYSCP");
            var callingAetEntry = new EntryElement("Calling AET", "Calling application AET", "ECHOSCU");

            var echoButton = new StyledStringElement("Click to test",
            delegate {
                if (resultSection != null) root.Remove(resultSection);
                string message;
                var echoFlag = DoEcho(hostEntry.Value, Int32.Parse(portEntry.Value), calledAetEntry.Value, callingAetEntry.Value, out message);
                var echoImage = new ImageStringElement(String.Empty, echoFlag ? new UIImage("yes-icon.png") : new UIImage("no-icon.png"));
                var echoMessage = new StringElement(message);
                resultSection = new Section(String.Empty, "C-ECHO result") { echoImage, echoMessage };
            { Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue, TextColor = UIColor.White };

            root = new RootElement("Echo DICOM server") {
                new Section { hostEntry, portEntry, calledAetEntry, callingAetEntry},
                new Section { echoButton },


            var dvc = new DialogViewController (root, true) { Autorotate = true };
            navigation.PushViewController (dvc, true);
Exemple #8
        public EnumChoiceElement <T> CreateEnumElement <T>(string title, T value) where T : struct, IConvertible
            var element = new EnumChoiceElement <T>(title, value);

            element.Tapped += () =>
                var ctrl = new DialogViewController(new RootElement(title), true);
                ctrl.Title = title;
                ctrl.Style = MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableViewStyle.Grouped;

                var sec = new MonoTouch.Dialog.Section();
                foreach (var x in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast <System.Enum>())
                    sec.Add(new MonoTouch.Dialog.StyledStringElement(x.Description(), () => {
                        element.Value = (T)Enum.ToObject(typeof(T), x);
                        Accessory = object.Equals(x, element.Value) ?
                                    MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.Checkmark : MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.None
                ctrl.Root = new MonoTouch.Dialog.RootElement(title)
                NavigationController.PushViewController(ctrl, true);

Exemple #9
        public OrderView(IntPtr handle)
            : base(handle)
            Pushing = true;

            var deliveryLocationList = new Section();
            deliveryLocationList.AddAll(from i in ViewModel.DeliveryLocationList select new RadioElement(i));

            var titleList = new Section();
            titleList.AddAll(from i in ViewModel.TitleList select new RadioElement(i));

            var m = ViewModel;
            Root = new RootElement("Order") {
                new Section() {
                    new RootElement("Deliver", new RadioGroup(0)) {
                        deliveryLocationList }                    .Bind(bp, () => m.DeliveryLocation, listProperty: () => m.DeliveryLocationList)
                new Section() {
                    new RootElement("Title", new RadioGroup(0)) {
                        titleList }                               .Bind(bp, () => m.Title, listProperty: () => m.TitleList),
                    new EntryElement("Name"   , "First name", "") .Bind(bp, () => m.FirstName), // Note that you MUST specify "" for the initial element value; any other value will update the viewmodel property in a 2-way binding.
                    new EntryElement(null     , "Middle name", "").Bind(bp, () => m.MiddleName),
                    new EntryElement(null     , "Last name", "")  .Bind(bp, () => m.LastName),
                    new EntryElement("Address", "Street", "")     .Bind(bp, () => m.Street),
                    new EntryElement(null     , "Zip", "")        .Bind(bp, () => m.Zip),
                    new EntryElement(null     , "City", "")       .Bind(bp, () => m.City),
                    new EntryElement(null     , "Country", "")    .Bind(bp, () => m.Country),
                    new EntryElement("Email"  , "", "")           .Bind(bp, () => m.Email),
                    new EntryElement("Mobile" , "", "")           .Bind(bp, () => m.Mobile),
                    new EntryElement("Phone"  , "", "")           .Bind(bp, () => m.Phone)
        private void FoundResults(ParseObject[] array, NSError error)
            var easySection = new Section("Easy");
            var mediumSection = new Section("Medium");
            var hardSection = new Section("Hard");

            var objects = array.Select(x=> x.ToObject<GameScore>()).OrderByDescending(x=> x.Score).ToList();

            foreach(var score in objects)
                var element = new StringElement(score.Player,score.Score.ToString("#,###"));
                case GameDificulty.Easy:
                case GameDificulty.Medium:
                case GameDificulty.Hard:
                    hardSection.Add (element);
            Root = new RootElement("High Scores")
		public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
			window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

			var what = new EntryElement ("What ?", "e.g. pizza", String.Empty);
			var where = new EntryElement ("Where ?", "here", String.Empty);

			var section = new Section ();
			if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled) {
				lm = new CLLocationManager ();
				lm.LocationsUpdated += delegate (object sender, CLLocationsUpdatedEventArgs e) {
					lm.StopUpdatingLocation ();
					here = e.Locations [e.Locations.Length - 1];
					var coord = here.Coordinate;
					where.Value = String.Format ("{0:F4}, {1:F4}", coord.Longitude, coord.Latitude);
				section.Add (new StringElement ("Get Current Location", delegate {
					lm.StartUpdatingLocation ();

			section.Add (new StringElement ("Search...", async delegate {
				await SearchAsync (what.Value, where.Value);

			var root = new RootElement ("MapKit Search Sample") {
				new Section ("MapKit Search Sample") { what, where },
			window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController (new DialogViewController (root, true));
			window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
			return true;
Exemple #12
        public SelectBin(int startBin)
            : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null)
            this.Pushing = true;

            Root = new RootElement ("Bin "+startBin+" - "+(startBin+14)) {};

            //var bins = DBConnection.getBins(startBin);
            var section = new Section () { };
            for(int i=0;i<15;i++){
                var newBinID=startBin+i;
                var theBinElem=new StringElement("Bin "+newBinID,()=>{
                    Console.WriteLine("BinID is"+ newBinID);
                    var theBin=new ModifyBin(newBinID);

            foreach(Bin bin in bins){
                var newBinID=bin.binID;
                var theBinElem=new StringElement("Bin "+newBinID,()=>{
                    Console.WriteLine("BinID is"+ newBinID);
                    var theBin=new ModifyBin(newBinID);
        public RepMaxView(Exercise exerciseToShow)
            : base("RepMaxView", null)
            this._exercise = exerciseToShow;
            this._share = new RMShare(this);

            largestRMValue = 0.0;

            string dbname = "onerm.db";
            string documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // This goes to the documents directory for your app
            string dbPath = Path.Combine (documents, dbname);

            db = new SQLiteConnection (dbPath);


            this._logRoot = new RootElement ("Records");
            this._dvc = new DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle.Plain, this._logRoot, false);

            // load data from list
            this._logSect = new Section ();
            foreach (RmLog rm in this._rms) {
                StringElement recordString = new StringElement (rm.Weight.ToString(), rm.DateLogged.ToShortDateString());

Exemple #14
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            exampleInfoList = ExampleLibrary.Examples.GetList();

            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            navigation = new UINavigationController();

            var root = new RootElement ("OxyPlot Example Browser");
            var section = new Section ();
            section.AddAll (exampleInfoList
                .GroupBy (e => e.Category)
                .OrderBy (g => g.Key)
                .Select (g =>
                    (Element)new StyledStringElement (g.Key, delegate {
                        DisplayCategory (g.Key);
                    }) { Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator }));
            root.Add (section);

            var dvc = new DialogViewController (root, true);

            navigation.PushViewController(dvc, true);

            window.RootViewController = navigation;

            // make the window visible
            window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

            return true;
        RootElement GenerateRoot()
            var favs = AppDelegate.UserData.GetFavoriteCodes();
            var root = 	new RootElement ("Favorites".GetText()) {
                from s in MonkeySpace.Core.ConferenceManager.Sessions.Values.ToList () //AppDelegate.ConferenceData.Sessions
                            where favs.Contains(s.Code )
                            group s by s.Start.Ticks into g
                            orderby g.Key
                            select new Section (HomeViewController.MakeCaption ("", new DateTime (g.Key))) {
                            from hs in g
                               select (Element) new SessionElement (hs)

            if(favs.Count == 0)

                 * var logoView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromFile("100x100_icon.png"));
                logoView.Alpha = .5f;
                logoView.Frame = new RectangleF(0,42,320,100);

                var section = new Section("Whoops, Star a few sessions first!".GetText());

            return root;
		public RootElement BuildRootWithLoop()
			bankSelection = new RadioGroup (0);

			Section section = null;
			string lastLetter = "";
			RootElement root = new RootElement("Pick your bank", bankSelection);

			foreach(var name in data)
				string currentFirstLetter = name.Substring(0,1);
				if (currentFirstLetter != lastLetter)
					if (section != null && section.Count > 0) root.Add (section);

					lastLetter = currentFirstLetter;
					section = new Section(currentFirstLetter);

				section.Add (new RadioElement(name));


			if (section != null && section.Count > 0) root.Add (section);

			return root;

        public ParentListPickerElement(string caption, Item list)
            : base(caption, new RadioGroup(null, 0))
            lists = new List<Item>();
            foreach (var f in App.ViewModel.Folders.OrderBy(f => f.SortOrder))
                lists.Add(new Item() { Name = f.Name, FolderID = f.ID, ID = Guid.Empty });
                var s = new Section() { new RadioElement(f.Name, f.Name) };
                // get all the lists in this folder except for the current list (if passed in)
                var folderlists = f.Items.
                    Where(li => li.IsList == true && li.ItemTypeID != SystemItemTypes.Reference && (list == null || li.ID != list.ID)).
                    OrderBy(li => li.Name).ToList();
                foreach (var l in folderlists)
                var radioButtons = folderlists.Select(li => (Element) new RadioElement("        " + li.Name, f.Name)).ToList();

            Item thisList = null;
            Guid listID = list != null && list.ParentID != null ? (Guid) list.ParentID : Guid.Empty;
            if (list != null && lists.Any(li => li.FolderID == list.FolderID && li.ID == listID))
                thisList = lists.First(li => li.FolderID == list.FolderID && li.ID == listID);

            this.RadioSelected = thisList != null ? Math.Max(lists.IndexOf(thisList, 0), 0) : 0;
        public void RefreshCustomers()

            this.Root.Add(new Section("") {
                new StringElement("Refresh", RefreshCustomers)

            var json = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.StringForKey("customers");
            if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json) == false) {
                Customers = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<IEnumerable<Customer>>(json).ToList();

            if(Customers.Any()) {
                var section = new Section("Customers");

                foreach(var customer in Customers) {
                    var desc = string.Format("Customer Name: {0} -- Address: {1}", customer.Name, customer.Address);
                    section.Add(new StringElement(desc));


            using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool()) {
Exemple #19
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded its UI and its ready to run
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            string[] s;
            mainMenu = new Section("Blogs", "Click for a new Account");
            for(int i = 0; i < titles.Count; i++){
                s = titles.ElementAt(i);
                var a = new Account( s[0], s[1], s[2] );
                accounts.Add( a );
                mainMenu.Add( a.GetRoot() );
            var nb = new StringElement("new Account", NewBlog);
            nb.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
            mainMenu.Add( nb );

            var dv = new ExtDialogViewController ( new RootElement("Blogs"){ mainMenu } ) {
                Autorotate = true,
                DisableUpsideDown = true

            window.AddSubview (navigation.View);
            navigation.PushViewController (dv, true);
            window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

            return true;
        public async override void ViewDidLoad ()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            // Open the folder for reading
            await Folder.OpenAsync (FolderAccess.ReadOnly);

            // Get the message summaries
            var summaries = await Folder.FetchAsync (0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.Envelope | MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate);

            var sectionMessages = new Section ();

            // Loop through all the message summaries
            foreach (var s in summaries) {
                // Add an item to the UI section/list
                sectionMessages.Add (new MessageElement (async (viewController, tableView, indexPath) => {
                    // When a message is selected, fetch the actual message by UID
                    var msg = await Folder.GetMessageAsync (summaries [indexPath.Row].UniqueId.Value);

                    // Show the message details view controller
                    viewMessageViewController = new MessageViewController (msg);
                    NavigationController.PushViewController (viewMessageViewController, true);
                }) {
                    Sender = s.Envelope.Sender.ToString (),
                    Subject = s.Envelope.Subject,
                    Body = "",
                    Date = s.Envelope.Date.Value.LocalDateTime,
                    NewFlag = false,
                    MessageCount = 0,                   

            Root.Clear ();
            Root.Add (sectionMessages);
        private void displayGenrePicker()
            Section section = new Section();

              foreach(string g in mCacheGenres)
            section.Add(new CheckboxElement(g, true));
              var viewController = new DialogViewController (
            new RootElement ("Select genres", new  RadioGroup (0)){
              }, true);

              viewController.OnSelection += (NSIndexPath obj) => {
            string value = mCacheGenres[obj.Item];

            if(mSelectedGenres.Contains(value)) {
            else {

            if(mSelectedGenres.Count == 0 || mSelectedGenres.Count == mCacheGenres.Count) {
              ButtonGenre.SetTitle("All", UIControlState.Normal);
            else {
              ButtonGenre.SetTitle(mSelectedGenres.Count+" selected", UIControlState.Normal);
              NavigationController.PushViewController (viewController, true);
		public override void LoadView()
			Utility = new XMUtilities();
			Utility.SetCallback (new XMUtilityCallback (OurCallback));
			var operandSection = new Section("Operands") {
				new EntryElement("Name: ", "", ""),
				new EntryElement("Operand One: ", "", ""),
				new EntryElement("Operand Two: ", "", ""),
			var operationSection = new Section("Operations") {
				new StringElement("Add", Handle_AddOperation),
				new StringElement("Multiply", Handle_MultiplyOperation),
				new StringElement("Hello", Handle_HelloOperation),
				new StringElement("Invoke Callback", Handle_InvokeCallback),
			var resultSection = new Section("Result") {
				new StringElement(@"")
			var customViewSection = new Section("More Bindings") {
				new StringElement("Go to CustomView!", () => { 
					var c = new CustomViewController();
					this.NavigationController.PushViewController(c, true);
			this.Root.Add(new Section[] { operandSection, operationSection, resultSection, customViewSection });
		public override void LoadView()
			_CustomView = new XMCustomView();
			// This is the custom event we bound. 
			// This is sometimes preferable to specifying a delegate.
			_CustomView.ViewWasTouched += Handle_CustomViewViewWasTouched;
			// The XMCustomViewDelegate we bound
			// If we specify this it will OVERRIDE the event handler we specified
//			_CustomView.Delegate = new CustomViewDelegate();
			// The XMCustomView Name Property
			_CustomView.Name = @"Anuj";
			// The instance method uses a frame calculation.
			_CustomView.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 25, 200, 200);
			// The instance method we bound.
			_CustomView.CustomizeViewWithText(string.Format(@"Yo {0}, I hurd you like bindings! MonoTouch makes it super easy with BTOUCH. Try it out!", 
			                                                _CustomView.Name ?? "Dawg"));
			var section = new Section("Custom View") {
				new CustomViewElement(_CustomView),
Exemple #24
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            Forms.Init ();

            Window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            rootElement = new RootElement("View.iOS - NetAtmo");

            textSection = new Section();

            buttonSection = new Section()
                new StringElement("Refresh", () =>



            var rootVC = new DialogViewController(rootElement);
            var nav = new UINavigationController(rootVC);
            Window.RootViewController = nav;

            return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Populates the page with sessions, grouped by time slot
		/// that are marked as 'favorite'
		/// </summary>
		protected override void PopulateTable()
			// get the sessions from the database
			var sessions = BL.Managers.SessionManager.GetSessions ();
			var favs = BL.Managers.FavoritesManager.GetFavorites();
			// extract IDs from Favorites query
			List<string> favoriteIDs = new List<string>();
			foreach (var f in favs) favoriteIDs.Add (f.SessionKey);

			// build list, matching the Favorite.SessionKey with actual
			// Session.Key rows - which might have moved if the data changed
			var root = 	new RootElement ("Favorites") {
						from s in sessions
							where favoriteIDs.Contains(s.Key)
							group s by s.Start.Ticks into g
							orderby g.Key
							select new Section (new DateTime (g.Key).ToString ("dddd HH:mm")) {
							from hs in g
							   select (Element) new SessionElement (hs)
			if(root.Count == 0) {
				var section = new Section("No favorites") {
					new StyledStringElement("Touch the star to favorite a session") 
			Root = root;
		// Creates the dynamic content from the twitter results
		RootElement CreateDynamicContent (XDocument doc)
			var users = doc.XPathSelectElements ("./statuses/status/user").ToArray ();
			var texts = doc.XPathSelectElements ("./statuses/status/text").Select (x=>x.Value).ToArray ();
			var people = doc.XPathSelectElements ("./statuses/status/user/name").Select (x=>x.Value).ToArray ();
			var section = new Section ();
			var root = new RootElement ("Tweets") { section };
			for (int i = 0; i < people.Length; i++){
				var line = new RootElement (people [i]) { 
					new Section ("Profile"){
						new StringElement ("Screen name", users [i].XPathSelectElement ("./screen_name").Value),
						new StringElement ("Name", people [i]),
						new StringElement ("oFllowers:", users [i].XPathSelectElement ("./followers_count").Value)
					new Section ("Tweet"){
						new StringElement (texts [i])
				section.Add (line);
			return root;
      public override void ViewDidLoad()
           RootElement root = Root;
         root.UnevenRows = true;
            UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView(View.Frame);
            //StringElement messageElement = new StringElement("");
         Section imageSection = new Section() {imageView};
            root.Add(new Section()
                 { new StyledStringElement("Process", delegate {

            using (Mat resized = DrawSubdivision.Draw(Math.Min( (int) View.Frame.Width, (int) View.Frame.Height) , 20))
            //using (Image<Bgr, Byte> resized = result.Resize((int)View.Frame.Width, (int)View.Frame.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_NN, true))
               imageView.Frame = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, resized.Size);
               imageView.Image = resized.ToUIImage();
            //messageElement.Value = String.Format("Detection Time: {0} milliseconds.", processingTime);
            //messageElement.GetImmediateRootElement().Reload(messageElement, UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic);

            //root.Add(new Section() {messageElement});

        public TankMix_History_Fill(List<Fill> Fills,int F)
            : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null)
            this.Pushing = true;
            Root = new RootElement ("Fills");
            var Section = new Section ();

            for(int i=1; i<=F; i++)
                var btn = new StringElement ("Fill "+i, string.Empty);
                btn.Tapped += () => {
                    //this.NavigationController.PushViewController(new TankMix_CalculationCreateFill (Convert.ToInt32(btn.Caption.Split(' ')[1]),Fills,F),true);
                    var index = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Caption.Split(' ')[1])-1;
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(new TankMix_CalculationCreateNewFill(Fills[index],index+1),true);

                        new UIAlertView ("Error", "This fill has no data !", null, "Continue").Show ();
                Section.Add (btn);

            Root.Add (Section);
		private void Initialize()
			var loginWithWidgetBtn = new StyledStringElement ("Login with Widget", this.LoginWithWidgetButtonClick) {
				Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center

			var loginWithConnectionBtn = new StyledStringElement ("Login with Google", this.LoginWithConnectionButtonClick) {
				Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center

			var loginBtn = new StyledStringElement ("Login", this.LoginWithUsernamePassword) {
				Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center

			this.resultElement = new StyledMultilineElement (string.Empty, string.Empty, UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle);

			var login1 = new Section ("Login");
			login1.Add (loginWithWidgetBtn);
			login1.Add (loginWithConnectionBtn);

			var login2 = new Section ("Login with user/password");
			login2.Add (this.userNameElement = new EntryElement ("User", string.Empty, string.Empty));
			login2.Add (this.passwordElement = new EntryElement ("Password", string.Empty, string.Empty, true));
			login2.Add (loginBtn);

			var result = new Section ("Result");

			this.Root.Add (new Section[] { login1, login2, result });
		public override void LoadView ()
			base.LoadView ();

			var root = new RootElement ("TARP Banks");

			var section = new Section ()
				(usOnlyToggle = new BooleanElement("Show only US banks", false))
			root.Add (section);

			//make a section from the banks. Keep a reference to it
			root.Add ((bankListSection = BuildBankSection (usOnlyToggle.Value)));

			//if the toggle changes, reload the items
			usOnlyToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => {
				var newListSection = BuildBankSection(usOnlyToggle.Value);

				root.Remove(bankListSection, UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade);
				root.Insert(1, UITableViewRowAnimation.Fade, newListSection);
				bankListSection = newListSection;


			Root = root;
        public override void ViewDidLoad() {
            _MainSection = new Section() {
                new ActivityElement()
            Root = new RootElement("Markers") {

            // Simple demo of a progress HUD. Doesn't actually do anything useful.
            // Added after question from audience.
            MTMBProgressHUD progress = new MTMBProgressHUD() {
                DimBackground = true,
                LabelText = "Doing something.",
            progress.Show(animated: true);
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    progress.Hide(animated: true);

            mapController = new MapViewController();
            mapController.NewMarkerCreated += (object sender, MarkerAddedEventArgs e) => {
                InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
Exemple #32
        protected override void AddElementsInCaseOfEmptyList(MonoTouch.Dialog.Section items)
            if (!supplier.CredentialsStorage.IsLoggedIn)

            var createTemplateSuggestion = new MultilineElement("Sources was't found. Tap to create source spreadsheet at your Google Drive ");

            createTemplateSuggestion.Tapped += () => {
                                  () => {
                    var dialod = new UIAlertView("Done", "Spreadsheet with name MemorizeIt was created at your Google Drive", null, "I got it!", null);

Exemple #33
        void Populate(object callbacks, object o, RootElement root)
            MemberInfo last_radio_index = null;
            var        members          = o.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public |
                                                                 BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Section section = null;

            foreach (var mi in members)
                Type mType = GetTypeForMember(mi);

                if (mType == null)

                string    caption = null;
                object [] attrs   = mi.GetCustomAttributes(false);
                bool      skip    = false;
                foreach (var attr in attrs)
                    if (attr is SkipAttribute || attr is System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute)
                        skip = true;
                    else if (attr is CaptionAttribute)
                        caption = ((CaptionAttribute)attr).Caption;
                    else if (attr is SectionAttribute)
                        if (section != null)
                        var sa = attr as SectionAttribute;
                        section = new Section(sa.Caption, sa.Footer);
                if (skip)

                if (caption == null)
                    caption = MakeCaption(mi.Name);

                if (section == null)
                    section = new Section();

                Element element = null;
                if (mType == typeof(string))
                    PasswordAttribute  pa     = null;
                    AlignmentAttribute align  = null;
                    EntryAttribute     ea     = null;
                    object             html   = null;
                    NSAction           invoke = null;
                    bool multi = false;

                    foreach (object attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is PasswordAttribute)
                            pa = attr as PasswordAttribute;
                        else if (attr is EntryAttribute)
                            ea = attr as EntryAttribute;
                        else if (attr is MultilineAttribute)
                            multi = true;
                        else if (attr is HtmlAttribute)
                            html = attr;
                        else if (attr is AlignmentAttribute)
                            align = attr as AlignmentAttribute;

                        if (attr is OnTapAttribute)
                            string mname = ((OnTapAttribute)attr).Method;

                            if (callbacks == null)
                                throw new Exception("Your class contains [OnTap] attributes, but you passed a null object for `context' in the constructor");

                            var method = callbacks.GetType().GetMethod(mname);
                            if (method == null)
                                throw new Exception("Did not find method " + mname);
                            invoke = delegate {
                                method.Invoke(method.IsStatic ? null : callbacks, new object [0]);

                    string value = (string)GetValue(mi, o);
                    if (pa != null)
                        element = new EntryElement(caption, pa.Placeholder, value, true);
                    else if (ea != null)
                        element = new EntryElement(caption, ea.Placeholder, value)
                            KeyboardType = ea.KeyboardType, AutocapitalizationType = ea.AutocapitalizationType, AutocorrectionType = ea.AutocorrectionType, ClearButtonMode = ea.ClearButtonMode
                    else if (multi)
                        element = new MultilineElement(caption, value);
                    else if (html != null)
                        element = new HtmlElement(caption, value);
                        var selement = new StringElement(caption, value);
                        element = selement;

                        if (align != null)
                            selement.Alignment = align.Alignment;

                    if (invoke != null)
                        ((StringElement)element).Tapped += invoke;
                else if (mType == typeof(float))
                    var floatElement = new FloatElement(null, null, (float)GetValue(mi, o));
                    floatElement.Caption = caption;
                    element = floatElement;

                    foreach (object attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is RangeAttribute)
                            var ra = attr as RangeAttribute;
                            floatElement.MinValue    = ra.Low;
                            floatElement.MaxValue    = ra.High;
                            floatElement.ShowCaption = ra.ShowCaption;
                else if (mType == typeof(bool))
                    bool checkbox = false;
                    foreach (object attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is CheckboxAttribute)
                            checkbox = true;

                    if (checkbox)
                        element = new CheckboxElement(caption, (bool)GetValue(mi, o));
                        element = new BooleanElement(caption, (bool)GetValue(mi, o));
                else if (mType == typeof(DateTime))
                    var  dateTime = (DateTime)GetValue(mi, o);
                    bool asDate = false, asTime = false;

                    foreach (object attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is DateAttribute)
                            asDate = true;
                        else if (attr is TimeAttribute)
                            asTime = true;

                    if (asDate)
                        element = new DateElement(caption, dateTime);
                    else if (asTime)
                        element = new TimeElement(caption, dateTime);
                        element = new DateTimeElement(caption, dateTime);
                else if (mType.IsEnum)
                    var   csection = new Section();
                    ulong evalue   = Convert.ToUInt64(GetValue(mi, o), null);
                    int   idx      = 0;
                    int   selected = 0;

                    foreach (var fi in mType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
                        ulong v = Convert.ToUInt64(GetValue(fi, null));

                        if (v == evalue)
                            selected = idx;

                        CaptionAttribute ca = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(fi, typeof(CaptionAttribute)) as CaptionAttribute;
                        csection.Add(new RadioElement(ca != null ? ca.Caption : MakeCaption(fi.Name)));

                    element = new RootElement(caption, new RadioGroup(null, selected))
                else if (mType == typeof(UIImage))
                    element = new ImageElement((UIImage)GetValue(mi, o));
                else if (typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(mType))
                    var csection = new Section();
                    int count    = 0;

                    if (last_radio_index == null)
                        throw new Exception("IEnumerable found, but no previous int found");
                    foreach (var e in (IEnumerable)GetValue(mi, o))
                        csection.Add(new RadioElement(e.ToString()));
                    int selected = (int)GetValue(last_radio_index, o);
                    if (selected >= count || selected < 0)
                        selected = 0;
                    element = new RootElement(caption, new MemberRadioGroup(null, selected, last_radio_index))
                    last_radio_index = null;
                else if (typeof(int) == mType)
                    foreach (object attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is RadioSelectionAttribute)
                            last_radio_index = mi;
                    var nested = GetValue(mi, o);
                    if (nested != null)
                        var newRoot = new RootElement(caption);
                        Populate(callbacks, nested, newRoot);
                        element = newRoot;

                if (element == null)
                mappings [element] = new MemberAndInstance(mi, o);
Exemple #34
        void LoadSectionElements(Section section, JsonArray array, object data)
            if (array == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                Element element = null;

                try {
                    var json = array [i] as JsonObject;
                    if (json == null)

                    var type = GetString(json, "type");
                    switch (type)
                    case "bool":
                    case "boolean":
                        element = LoadBoolean(json);

                    case "entry":
                    case "password":
                        element = LoadEntry(json, type == "password");

                    case "string":
                        element = LoadString(json, data);

                    case "root":
                        element = FromJson(this, json, data);

                    case "radio":
                        element = LoadRadio(json, data);

                    case "checkbox":
                        element = LoadCheckbox(json, data);

                    case "datetime":
                    case "date":
                    case "time":
                        element = LoadDateTime(json, type);

                    case "html":
                        element = LoadHtmlElement(json);

                        Error("json element at {0} contain an unknown type `{1}', json {2}", i, type, json);

                    if (element != null)
                        var id = GetString(json, "id");
                        if (id != null)
                            AddMapping(id, element);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Error processing Json {0}, exception {1}", array, e);
                if (element != null)