Exemple #1
        // Updates the logic of the game state each frame, checking for collision, gathering input, etc.
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; // Get time elapsed since last Update iteration

            KeyboardHandler();                                                // Handle keyboard input

            // Stop all movement when the game ends
            if (gameOver)
                dino.dX     = 0;
                dino.dY     = 0;
                broccoli.dX = 0;
                broccoli.dY = 0;
                broccoli.dA = 0;

            // Update animated SpriteClass objects based on their current rates of change

            // Accelerate the dino downward each frame to simulate gravity.
            dino.dY += gravitySpeed;

            // Set game floor
            if (dino.y > screenHeight * SKYRATIO)
                dino.dY = 0;
                dino.y  = screenHeight * SKYRATIO;

            // Set right edge
            if (dino.x > screenWidth - dino.texture.Width / 2)
                dino.x  = screenWidth - dino.texture.Width / 2;
                dino.dX = 0;

            // Set left edge
            if (dino.x < 0 + dino.texture.Width / 2)
                dino.x  = 0 + dino.texture.Width / 2;
                dino.dX = 0;

            // If the broccoli goes offscreen, spawn a new one and iterate the score
            if (broccoli.y > screenHeight + 100 || broccoli.y < -100 || broccoli.x > screenWidth + 100 || broccoli.x < -100)

            if (dino.RectangleCollision(broccoli))
                gameOver = true;                                    // End game if the dino collides with the broccoli
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
        /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // TODO: Add your update logic here

            float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            KeyboardHandler(); // Handle keyboard input

            if (gameOver)
                dino.dX     = 0;
                dino.dY     = 0;
                broccoli.dX = 0;
                broccoli.dY = 0;
                broccoli.dA = 0;

            // Update animated SpriteClass objects based on their current rates of change

            // Accelerate the dino downward each frame to simulate gravity.
            dino.dY += gravitySpeed;

            // Set game floor so the player does not fall through it
            if (dino.y > screenHeight * SKYRATIO)
                dino.dY = 0;
                dino.y  = screenHeight * SKYRATIO;

            // Set game edges to prevent the player from moving offscreen
            if (dino.x > screenWidth - dino.texture.Width / 2)
                dino.x  = screenWidth - dino.texture.Width / 2;
                dino.dX = 0;
            if (dino.x < 0 + dino.texture.Width / 2)
                dino.x  = 0 + dino.texture.Width / 2;
                dino.dX = 0;

            // If the broccoli goes offscreen, spawn a new one and iterate the score
            if (broccoli.y > screenHeight + 100 || broccoli.y < -100 || broccoli.x > screenWidth + 100 || broccoli.x < -100)

            if (dino.RectangleCollision(broccoli))
                gameOver = true;
