public static void StartSession (string monoDevelopBinPath = null, string profilePath = null)
			Session = new AutoTestClientSession ();

			Session.StartApplication (file: monoDevelopBinPath, environment: new Dictionary<string,string> {
				{ "MONODEVELOP_TEST_PROFILE", profilePath ?? Util.CreateTmpDir ("profile") }

			Session.SetGlobalValue ("MonoDevelop.Core.Instrumentation.InstrumentationService.Enabled", true);
			Session.GlobalInvoke ("MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workbench.GrabDesktopFocus");
Exemple #2
		public static void StartSession ()
			Console.WriteLine ("Starting application");

			Session = new AutoTestClientSession ();

			//TODO: support for testing the installed app

			Session.StartApplication (environment: new Dictionary<string,string> {
				{ "MONODEVELOP_TEST_PROFILE", Util.CreateTmpDir ("profile") }

			Session.GlobalInvoke ("MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workbench.GrabDesktopFocus");
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			int pa = 0;
			bool attach = false;
			if (args [pa] == "-a") {
				attach = true;
			if (pa >= args.Length) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Test name not provided");
				return 1;
			string testName = args[pa];
			Type testType = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetTypes ().FirstOrDefault (t => t.FullName == testName);
			if (testType == null)
				testType = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetTypes ().FirstOrDefault (t => t.Name == testName);
			if (testType == null) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Test not found: " + args[0]);
				return 1;
			StressTest test = (StressTest) Activator.CreateInstance (testType);
			TestPlan plan = new TestPlan ();
			plan.Repeat = 1;
			if (pa < args.Length) {
				int rep;
				if (int.TryParse (args[pa], out rep)) {
					plan.Repeat = rep;
			while (pa < args.Length) {
				string arg = args [pa];
				int i = arg.IndexOf ('*');
				string tname = arg.Substring (0, i);
				string it = arg.Substring (i+1);
				int nit;
				if (!int.TryParse (it, out nit)) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Invalid number of iterations: " + it);
					return 1;
				if (tname.Length == 0)
					plan.Iterations = nit;
				else {
					if (!test.HasTest (tname)) {
						Console.Write ("Unknown test: " + tname);
						return 1;
					plan.SetIterationsForTest (tname, nit);
			AutoTestClientSession session = new AutoTestClientSession ();
			try {
				if (attach) {
					session.AttachApplication ();
				else {
					string app = typeof(AutoTestClientSession).Assembly.Location;
					app = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (app), "MonoDevelop.exe");
					session.StartApplication (app, "");
					Console.WriteLine ("Connected");
					session.WaitForEvent ("MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeInitialized");
				Console.WriteLine ("Initialized");
				TestService.Session = session;
				test.Run (plan);
			} finally {
				if (!attach) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Press Enter to stop the test process");
					Console.ReadLine ();
				session.Stop ();
			return 0;